Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 699: Individual medical report

The researchers with a look of excitement assured Lu Xin that they would never cut him open, and their tone of voice was like coaxing a child.

But Lu Xin was still not at ease. He carefully read the physical examination plan they customized for himself several times, and saw that it roughly included four major items: physical function, mental level, mental ability analysis, and mental health. Evaluation and so on.

Once again confirmed that he didn't need to be cut open, even if the blood was drawn only a little bit, Lu Xin had the courage to sign.

And when they got the confirmation letter signed by Lu Xin personally, a group of researchers suddenly got an excited commotion.

Holding this confirmation letter, it was almost like looking at his university notice.

Some people even couldn't help but red eyes: "For the researcher, what is the most uncomfortable thing?"

"It's not that I'm troubled by problems, or I'm not even going in the wrong direction on the road of research..."

"It is clear that there is a living body sample in front of him. Through him, many answers can be solved and the research process can be promoted."

"However, there is no chance to start at all..."

"What happens to the eighty-year old bachelor who sees the lover of his dream?"

"Now in our eyes, he is such a dream lover..."


Facing the excited group of people, Lu Xin couldn't help but feel a chill again. .

I don't know why, it's obviously requested by me, but I feel like I'm in a pit.

However, thinking of his mother's reminder to himself, he was still ready to accept the inspection safely.

Only when you understand yourself can you know how to improve yourself.

In all, this should be one of the most efficient events since Qinggang was founded.

The other few have almost the same efficiency, and they are basically doll-related events.

However, although the Qinggang researchers knew that Lu Xin had the idea of ​​asking them to do an inspection for themselves, they immediately passed the confirmation unanimously, and when Chen Jing represented the Ministry of Special Qing Dynasty to pick up Lu Xin from Satellite City No. 2 Make all preparations for testing.

But now they still have to wait patiently...

…After all, Lu Xin drank alcohol, which would affect the test results.

I don’t know how many researchers gritted their teeth: "Who told him to drink in broad daylight?"

"Do you know this is delaying the development process of the entire world?"

"Such a person deserves to be thrown into the D team and cut into pieces little by little..."


Manager Liu, who is now calling Vice President Xiao in the company to report, never knows that he has been hated by such a group of people.

After waiting for almost twenty-four hours, the test officially started.

Taking into account Lu Xin's special situation and the records of relevant data, Qinggang researcher formulated a detailed plan for him.

The first item is routine physical examination.

Including physical health, whether there are abnormal indicators, etc.

This project went smoothly. Lu Xin only needed to lie there still, taking CT scans, drawing blood, listening to the heartbeat, and got into a large round copper. The red light shines back and forth on my body...

It's still a bit embarrassing.

Soon the first test result was out.

Under the gaze of a group of expectant and excited people, the medical expert Pi Siwen carefully checked each of Lu Xin's indicators, then rubbed his chin, and said with a tangled expression of his own evaluation of Lu Xin's physical condition: " Standard sub-health status."


In exchange for a puzzled look.

"It's the kind of state that is common in cities, not very healthy, but not sick..."

Dr. Pisven explained seriously: "This is a test given to him without his ability to perform. On the surface, this is an ordinary human body, a normal mess, not even a particularly strong one. People...Of course, it needs to eliminate the abnormalities that appeared in the previous test, such as the affected CT and the turbulent magnetic field..."

"Also, his brain can't be seen clearly by CT, and the pictures are just chaotic and weird shadows."

"When he uses the spider abilities, there should be a big change in value."

"But this one is already in the category of capability testing."


"This makes us even more curious..."

The researchers, unanimously approved, are preparing to conduct other tests on Lu Xin.

They are estimation of mental level, ability analysis, and mental state assessment.

The mental level detection uses Professor Bai's three-point inference algorithm.

Every capable person, after exerting his mental power to the extreme, will cause great pressure to his brain, his reason and emotion itself, and even lose control. Therefore, except for lunatics, no one dares to force the capable person’s mental level. To the extreme.

A simple method was used to detect Lu Xin.

That is, in a room where the surrounding walls are wrapped in strengthened glass, aiming at an instrument to release a mental shock.

And let Lu Xin make a long psychological preparation and self-analysis in advance.

Only release about one-third.

Lu Xin made serious preparations and released a small mental shock without disturbing the black particles.

When the air in the special glass laboratory began to be violently distorted, the red light of the instrument turned on.

Three times in a row, stop.

The researchers quickly obtained the data, and there was someone to analyze it.

"About three thousand..."

The researchers estimated the general data, all of them rubbing their teeth with weird expressions.

Someone was surprised: "Too high?"

"No, it's too low..."

The relevant researcher whispered: "It stands to reason that this is already a very high mental level for ordinary people. If only one-third of the mental power can reach the level of three thousand, then his own spirit The magnitude can reach at least ten thousand, and the value of ten thousand is already a terrible value that we can't imagine...close to the value of the monster category."

"There have been studies, people, in the case of maintaining the state of human form, absolutely can not bear the mental magnitude of more than 10,000."

"This is also the reason why many mysterious creatures in the restricted area have undergone tremendous changes in form."

"But for a single soldier, he seems to maintain an unusual standard on the line of 10,000, never exceeding or lower than."


"So, this data is reasonable?"

"Very reasonable."

"But, considering the things he did before, tsk tsk..."



A group of researchers were still reluctant and sealed the data in a file bag.

Whether it is a physical fitness test or a test for Lu Xin's mental level, it is actually just an appetizer. It is considered to provide basic data for the most important test, so the test process is very fast, basically within a few hours. The inside has ended, and an analysis has been made. All the researchers can't help but look forward to the start of the third test...

Ability testing.

This is the most important data of all researchers, and it can be regarded as a real test.

Analogous to the first day of the Chinese New Year.

In Lu Xin's semi-public file, it was written that he was a standard spider ability, and he barely wrote the second stage.

The ability assessment is only "B" level.

But this information doesn't even believe the little policewoman who has been eating more and more recently in the No. 2 Security Agency.

Whose B-level ability has been dispatched so many times.

Besides, I go out every time I have something big, and I come back on time every time. I don’t lack arms or legs. I have a good appetite...

Therefore, to see what kind of ability Lu Xin has is the issue that Qinggang researchers are most concerned about.

Taking into account the destructiveness of Lu Xin's previous missions, this inspection was arranged directly at sea.

Qinggang dispatched its own small fleet and isolated a wide area at sea, which was used as a capability testing base for Lu Xin. Then Lu Xin and a group of important researchers went to the sea by ship for three days. return.

During this period, the entire Qinggang Special Clearance Department staff were waiting eagerly.

Some people even took this opportunity to come over to mobilize geckos:

"Look at it, your captains have all started asking for testing, don't you take advantage of this opportunity to advance to the second stage?"

"is that useful?"

Gecko refused without hesitation: "After the second stage of promotion, didn't you follow him and shout 666?"

"Does the 666 in the second stage shout louder than the first stage?"

The mobilizer choked.

I have to admit that what Gecko said is quite reasonable...

Three days later, the secret ship returned to Qinggang in secret.

And ten minutes later, there was a complete test report, which was placed on Professor Bai's desk.

The entire office was emptied. Only Mr. Su and Minister Shen sat across from his desk with serious expressions, even looking nervously. Next to him was Chen Jing in uniform, holding a notebook, and acting as a secretary. While recording.

"According to Qinggang's S-level secret protection agreement, only the three of us can see this complete report."

Professor Bai pressed the remote control once, and the surrounding curtains began to fall automatically, covering the entire room.

He put down the remote control and whispered, "Even Chen Jing, because she is the direct leader of a single soldier at work, and will have a lot of cooperation and cooperation with the individual soldier in the future, so she is allowed to make an exception. I listened here."

"So, are you ready to really read the information about individual soldiers?"


"What if I'm not ready?"

Minister Shen snorted and said: "This world has never allowed us to prepare. UU Reading"

As he said, he raised his head unnaturally and glanced at the sky, then tapped the table top and said, "Let's get started!"

Mr. Su also nodded, his round face was confident and calm at any time.

Professor Bai sighed softly and pulled out the information in the folder. What greeted his eyes was a summary report:

Ability category:

Fear: Codenamed Father. Possess the strongest known pollution capacity. Strength level: spiritual lord.

Distortion: Codenamed Sister. Possess the spider system ability. Strength level: spiritual lord.

Steal: Codename Pale Hand. Possess the ability to fetch objects from the air. Strength level: unknown

Unknown mysterious ability: destruction. Destroy all spiritual powers that come into contact, even real objects

Attachment: It is suspected that the individual soldier has a certain mysterious ability and has not been tested

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