Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 701: Individual level

Professor Bai said a lot about an apple that suddenly disappeared in the laboratory.

The key is that after the talk, the expressions of Minister Shen and Mr. Su are still a little confused.

Regarding the high and low positions, the different effects of a spiritual power on different levels, and the different restraints of this spiritual power in different situations, they all feel vaguely that they understand, it seems that it is indeed the case.

But if I really wanted them to say something, I found that I still had a lot of things I didn't understand.

For example, it seems that just stealing the ability of an apple in the air, how much harm can it cause in reality?

However, Professor Bai used a learning tyrant to deal with learning scum. After explaining to them what he thought was the most complete principle, he asked Chen Jing to play the second video tape, which was recorded here by a single soldier. Ability codenamed "father".

The detection location is not on the sea, but on land.

In the picture, a single soldier is facing a knight group with dozens of people. .

Professor Bai flipped through the records and explained softly: "This is on an island more than 200 kilometers away from Qinggang. We discovered this island when we helped the maritime nation to reach Qinggang before. This is a place. The lair of the Knight Order. They usually take the ferry to the shore and looting the gathering spots. Then the noise gets louder, so they hide on the island and wait for the wind to pass..."

"Because they have a lot of manpower, strong firepower, and even capable people, they have not been able to send anyone to clean it up."

"This experiment was placed on this island."

"At that time, there was only a single soldier who landed on the island. He faced more than 30 armed men on the other side, as well as various thermal weapons."


After Professor Bai explained softly, Chen Jing played the scene, and then she saw Lu Xin walking forward alone.

The person on the other side seemed to shout something loudly and waved the gun in his hand.

But Lu Xin didn't say anything, just walked towards them.

The closer the distance is, the more panic the other party will raise their guns.

Lu Xin still didn't say anything, as he continued to approach, his back was extremely thin and his speed was not fast.

When the two were close, almost less than 50 meters, the other side launched a vicious attack and suddenly opened fire at the same time.

But also at this moment, Lu Xin stopped and looked up at them.

Even if it's so far away, the photography scene suddenly becomes consuming.

It's not particularly clear, but it's not as messy as it was when shooting Pale Hand, and the content in the picture can be vaguely distinguished.

Lu Xin raised his hand and pressed forward slightly at a distance of more than fifty meters.

The air around him seemed to become chaotic and distorted suddenly, as if endless ripples were pouring out.

The next moment, all the armed personnel squatted on the ground, holding their heads in their hands, tears and noses streaming together...

"This is…"

Minister Shen was slightly curious.

On the surface, this picture seems to be far less shocking than the previous pale hand.

Because of the same effect, not only Lu Xin can do it, but the watchdog seems to be able to do it too.

The distance may not be as far as a single soldier.

"The power of fear."

Professor Bai looked at the corresponding information and said softly: "The individual soldier recorded in our information is a spider-type ability person, but in fact, he has already possessed and demonstrated this extremely terrible pollution characteristic ability, that is fear. ."

"When the S-class capable personnel of the maritime nation launched an attack on Qinggang, the process of individual soldiers cleaning up pollution was recorded in several different ways."

"I studied it carefully later, and I can be sure that the individual soldier has such a powerful mental power."

"Perhaps just judging from this test screen, I don't think there is anything."

"But if you analyze it carefully, you can find that his ability is terrible."

"Through the previous inspection of the watchdog, we have already learned that the most terrifying thing about the fear of pollution is not what it can cause. It is that its pollution logic is often direct and rapid, and the effect is the most obvious..."

"As far as the pollution method is concerned, it only needs to look at you, or you look at it, or nothing is needed, just because you are close in distance, or just because he suddenly thought of it at some point. You can cause pollution..."

"The result of the pollution is also very direct."

"Working on perception is to make you see some illusions that you least want to see."

"Affecting emotions is a kind of unspeakable fear that suddenly arises, disturbing your thinking and reason."

"When acting on desire, it is possible to form some incredible-sounding effects. For example, let people take the initiative to jump from upstairs and embrace death, such as self-harm and self-harm regardless of all consequences, such as being unable to control oneself and obeying others. …"

"In addition, memory, cognition, and instinct can all produce a variety of different reactions."

"But without exception, these reactions are direct and strong, making it difficult for people to resist."


"So, which one do the individual soldiers have mastered?"

Mr. Su frowned and asked quickly.

"From various records and previous performances of individual soldiers, it is very likely that he does not have any of them..."

Professor Bai whispered: "I suspect that from the beginning, he controlled the highest level of fear power."

"In other words, close to the highest level."


As he said, he rummaged in the drawer for a while, took out another piece of information, gently placed it on the table, and pushed it in front of Mr. Su and Minister Shen, and said: "This is what I have collected before. Information on the pollution incident of the'Fear of the Great Devil' in Numa City."

"As you can see, everyone who died because of the fear of the Great Demon King’s appearance, each method of death is different..."

After a pause, he said: "It's simply a big exhibition of death caused by fear of pollution..."

"Why is there such a hugely different form of contamination?"

"There is only one explanation. This kind of pollution is originally pollution from seven levels."

"Although it is the same power, it shows different ways of pollution because of different pollution levels."



"This this this..."

Mr. Su couldn't help being a little frightened, and said: "The thing about Black Swamp City, it's not... you didn't say before..."

At that time, the support team of Lu Xin and Han Bing had just returned from Black Marsh City.

In other words, before they came back, the Fear of the Great Devil had already happened and had a great impact.

The personnel that Qinggang followed up with in the past also saw the changes that had taken place in Black Marsh City because of the fear of the existence of the Great Demon King.

As a senior in Qinggang, it is naturally impossible without guesswork.

However, even if they all guessed that it was related to individual soldiers, no one admitted.

One is because the single soldier said that it has nothing to do with him.

Second, Professor Bai said before that any secret investigation of individual soldiers must be stopped...

…The co-author did not let us investigate, but did you collect the information yourself?

"You are not allowed to investigate because of unknowingly serious temptations and secret excavations, which may cause a catastrophe."

Facing their entangled and questioning expressions, Professor Bai said lightly: "But as a researcher, it is impossible for me to be indifferent to the occurrence of these mysterious events. Besides, I did not even arrange for the investigation by myself, but directly bought the information... "

Having said that, he paused slightly and looked at Mr. Su: "I haven't had time to get the reimbursement, please look back."

Mr. Su was taken aback for a moment, then waved his hand unluckily: "When did I still say this..."

Minister Shen also said, "What do you mean by letting us read this information?"

"Let you understand the real level of individual soldiers."

Professor Bai sighed softly and said: "Now our Qinggang Heavenly Kingdom Project has been steadily advancing."

"We already have the most stable and complete spiritual lord."

"This is our luck, and it is tantamount to proclaiming to the world:"

"For the level of capable people, Qinggang has always been at the forefront of the High Wall City."


He paused, and said, "You can see the difference between individual soldiers and dolls from the test data and this information."

"The spiritual lord actively pollutes a certain number of people, so that the spiritual power of all people is formed as a whole, so that the entire city can be turned into a strong and stable spiritual level, which can be used to combat other pollution. ."

"But in the same way, there is also tremendous pressure on the spiritual lord himself."

"It's like a baby. She carries the spiritual power of the entire Qinggang City residents, and it's already a little struggling..."

"The individual soldiers are different."

"The Great Fear Demon has appeared in Black Marsh City. This is undoubtedly a manifestation of the spiritual lord level."

"But he doesn't need to maintain this kind of stability from time to time like a doll, and become a detectable spiritual lord on the bright side, but only reveals its effect at certain specific times. At other times, Kuronuma City seems to have no spirit at all. The lord exists."

"Especially, the individual soldiers have already returned, but the spiritual power is still playing a role..."


Listening to what Mr. Su and Professor Bai said, their expressions became slightly horrified: "So..."

"So, after we have studied for so long and spent so much effort to do things, we can do it alone."

Professor Bai whispered: "We thought we were at the forefront."

"But in fact, the level of individual soldiers must be higher than the planned goals set by our Qinggang from the beginning."



Suddenly there was extreme silence in the office.

There was no sound, it seemed that each other could hear the heartbeat faintly.

Can’t say whether it’s frustration or despair, or rather, it’s a kind of surprise and unspeakable panic...

The level of individual soldiers is higher than Qinggang's preset heaven plan?

What does this mean?

What does Qinggang's efforts for so many years represent?

"Don't be too desperate."

After a while, Professor Bai sighed softly, "Perhaps what Qinggang is doing is not useless."

"At least in terms of the spiritual lord level, we have achieved a leading and comprehensive level."

"There may be some people in this world who are born to be able to achieve the level that we can barely achieve with exhaustion."

"But in our research, UU reading has the most critical role."

Although Professor Bai's words faintly lifted his breath, he still couldn't make Mr. Su and Minister Shen feel much better.

The blow of this inspection is really terrible.

It took a long time for Minister Shen to raise his head suddenly, and said to Professor Bai: "So, what level of ability is a single soldier?"

"Perhaps, the fourth stage is born."

"Perhaps, it is the incomplete fifth stage."

Professor Bai said slowly: "Or maybe, he is not a capable person..."

If you are not a capable person, what is it?

Professor Bai did not say the last words, but both Mr. Su and Minister Shen already understood...

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