Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 721: 1 poor performance

Seeing Teacher Xiaolu, Lu Xin and No.8, who woke up without knowing when they looked upset, suddenly fell silent.

They saw the guilt and inner torment of Teacher Xiaolu.

But they stood from two different angles and neither understood nor understood.

The children in the orphanage are divided into three types:

One is the ones who died and were rescued, just like on the eighth. They all maintained different attitudes and feelings towards Lu Xin who had killed them in the first place. The other kind is people who have died. They have lost consciousness, but there are still people who feel sorry for them.

There is another kind, which is the little deer...

She survived, but she became disabled. The person who ran so fast could no longer run.

It should be said that she is the most painful one...

That's why she found her on the eighth, because she is the most suitable person for litigation. .

However, she now believes that she is the sinner.

Moreover, this sentiment is true?


Teacher Xiaolu also opened his mouth with difficulty, plucked up the courage, and looked at Lu Xin.

She seemed to have difficulty looking directly into Lu Xin's eyes.

Moreover, Lu Xin saw only a little fear in her eyes, but more guilt and sadness.

"I actually knew it all along..."

She whispered, but she didn't say what she knew.

As if trying to sort out my chaotic thoughts, I slowly raised my head and looked at Number 8 and said, "You said that it is right to seek justice for the children in the orphanage. They really shouldn't be forgotten like this. But, you shouldn't find Lu Xin..."

"Really, because of the escape plan at the time, I originally proposed it..."

She replied somewhat difficultly: "If it weren't for me, how could I fail to escape, and how could something like this happen?"


Listening to her words, Lu Xin and No. 8 both fell into deep silence.

They were not surprised by this answer.

They naturally know who proposed the escape plan back then, because they were all involved.

However, in the face of Teacher Xiaolu’s deep self-blame, even on the eighth, he could not show an attitude of approval. When Teacher Xiaolu said these words, he could not help shaking his head, although he did not think of how to refute these for a while. Words, but he does not approve it at all.

The escape plan failed, so is the person who proposed the escape plan guilty?

Of course this is wrong.

No matter who it is, there is no way to question such a person...

"No, there are many things you don't know..."

When both Lu Xin and No. 8 showed subconscious denial, Teacher Xiaolu shook his head vigorously, preventing the two of them from speaking, and whispered: "Things are not as simple as you thought, and all this should really be. I'm in charge…"

"At that time, I was just a person stealing food everywhere in a chaotic city..."

"I don't know when I will starve to death."

"Um, that orphanage that is like a nightmare to you, to me, it's like heaven."

"Only when I am there, I can eat my full meal. I can even eat chocolate that is so sweet, I can’t even think of it before. I can even sit in the classroom, study and write, just like the children of the rich. Put on clean clothes..."


In what Xiaolu teacher said, both Lu Xin and No. 8 remained silent.

Her words seemed to bring memories of that period of time to the front, making people involuntarily immersed in it.

"You said, such a good life, what was there to dissatisfied with at that time..."

Teacher Xiaolu spoke slowly, her voice trembling slightly: "I don't know why I said that at the beginning. I...I am with you. I know that this is the best life, but I always I deliberately tell you about the outside life. I seem to be showing off, telling you how big and free the outside world is..."

At this point, she couldn't help her voice sinking slightly.

After a long time, she said in a low voice: "I didn't know at the time what it meant to show off meaninglessly in the eyes of the children who were clean on the surface but were subjected to various experiments almost every day. Such a desire..."

"Later, the escape plan appeared..."

"The one who accurately proposed this escape plan is me."

As she said, she couldn't help but shook her head subconsciously: "But in fact, it's not me who really wants to escape."

"I didn't need to experiment, so why would I just want to escape?"

"Long before I brought it up, or long before I started to use lies to show off meaninglessly, there were already many older children in the orphanage who thought about it. I just discovered their ideas and first It's just one..."

"I even saw the pinholes and stab wounds on your body, and I felt like taking you to escape like a little hero."


Lu Xin and No. 8 also showed confused expressions on their faces as they listened to her narration.

Even they almost forgot what happened before the escape plan was actually realized.

At that time, everything seemed to be natural and logical.

Too many children feel pain because of the torture of endless experiments.

And they grew up day by day, and gradually realized their own strength.

Although they were young, they had not yet given birth to the idea of ​​really rebelling against those adults.

But the idea of ​​running away became clearer in my heart.

They want to leave this orphanage to escape this eternal torture and experiment.

All this happened, as if it was destined.

Who will remember how exactly this idea was born at that time, and how it was determined...

Teacher Xiaolu will remember...

She actually remembered it so clearly, as if she hadn't forgotten a bit.

Perhaps, because of the subtle competiveness of the children, she used a lie to describe the beauty of the outside world to them. Perhaps, she did feel like a hero because she could save these painful children and escape this sea of ​​suffering...

But can these be regarded as errors?

"Later, the escape plan was confirmed among a group of children."

Teacher Xiaolu seemed to gasp for a long time before speaking slowly: "But at first it was not so many people who wanted to escape. It was the older children. They decided to escape, and they didn't want to take those few with them. Children who are still young. Because they are young and ignorant, with them, it is almost impossible to escape from the heavily guarded orphanage..."


Her voice trembled, and she continued with difficulty: "But I stopped them."

"I am very capable, I am really capable, I really think that I was the smartest among you at that time..."

"I want them to take everyone and run away, so that they can be like heroes."

"In addition to these little kids, I even insisted on taking Lu Xin... with the number nine."


This was the first time she called Lu Xin the "No. 9".

When she said these two words, she gently raised her head, her eyes filled with indescribable self-blame and fear.

"Those older kids actually didn't plan to take you with you, because they are afraid of you..."

Teacher Xiaolu explained to Lu Xin with some difficulty: "In the eyes of many people, you are more fearful than the orphanage..."

Lu Xin listened to these words in silence, then nodded gently.

He naturally remembered what happened in the orphanage at that time. The more sensible people and older people are, the more afraid of themselves.

Therefore, on the contrary, ordinary people like Teacher Xiaolu, and children like Sanxiao, will get close to him.

And myself... I don't seem to be close to anyone.

In the world at that time, in my own eyes, there was originally only curiosity and estrangement.

"But I insist that they bring you."

Teacher Xiaolu spoke slowly, eyes full of guilt.

"But it's not because of nobleness, really..."

She seemed to have the most courage to say these words: "I must take you with me at the time, because I know that the older children are afraid of you, and I have a good relationship with you, so I took you. Those older kids will listen to me, I..."

"I even asked them in front of them if you would really take us away and if you would listen to me..."

"When you agree with a smile, but the older kids are afraid to answer, I don't know how happy I am..."

"They finally didn't dare to leave us behind. They didn't even dare to say if they wanted to give up their escape plan..."


Number eight's eyes gradually became confused.

Teacher Xiaolu's words seemed to be only telling something they had known for a long time.

However, what she said now, as a client, he became more confused as he listened to it...

Lu Xin also fell silent. He sat quietly in the dim office, the state of the whole person was very strange.

"What happened later, you all know..."

Teacher Xiaolu stroked her face lightly and whispered, "No one blamed me."

"Everyone looked at me with apology and sympathy, as if I was the one who suffered the most..."


There was a cry in her voice: "I am sorry everyone..."

"All of this originated because of me, your pain was caused by me, and the deaths of all children were also caused by me. Everything you carried was caused by me, releasing the monster in your heart. It’s me, and it’s me who messed up everything."

"For so many years, the person who has not dared to tell you the truth is still me..."


She looked at Lu Xin with tears on her face, and the countdown quickly rolled back to zero: "Sorry, number nine..."

"Actually, I always know what you look like..."

"For so many years, I have known for a long time, but I have never dared to admit it..."

"Because as long as I admit it, it means that what happened back then was really messed up by me..."

"So I have never wanted to admit it, and have always stubbornly thought that you in the orphanage back then were a gentle child..."

"But now, I can't deceive myself anymore..."


"Is that right?"

Lu Xin listened to Teacher Xiaolu's words, and there was endless confusion in his heart.

An unusually complex emotion suddenly appeared in his heart, and he felt very sad and painful.

Some things that I have been insisting on all the time seem to be broken instantly.

I have been working hard, living my life desperately, and working hard to convey my normality and improvement to others.

He thought he acted very well and deceived everyone. The point is, he deceived her.

It was in order to lie to her that UU read so that he didn't want to say it when he knew she had misunderstood.

Only then will she admit that something is wrong with her and try to cure herself.

But only then did he understand.

It turns out that my own efforts are useless, I have been performing a clumsy and ridiculous performance.


Also at this moment, there was a sudden violent tremor outside the teaching school. The whole city seemed to be shaking. The next moment, a crowd screamed in the distance. Everyone looked up in horror and saw a pair appearing in the sky. The eyes are red, with **** eyes, those eyes are so close to Qinggang, they are so hanging in the sky, looking at Qinggang City in a gloomy manner.

Hanging in the sky with the red moon, it looks like three red moons have appeared.

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