Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 730: They just invaded (4000 words)


"That is, that is the real monster..."

"Unseen evil..."

When the old building appeared loomingly behind Lu Xin, all the executives trembled slightly.

Some kind of intuition about evil and weird made them aware of those Lu Xin, or...the evil of the monsters hiding in the building, without doubt, that is what they most want to judge.

There is no one, and there is no room.

At the same time, my sister was so frightened that she tried to hide behind her mother, as if she wanted her to cover herself completely.

She peeked at the different shapes and expressions of Lu Xin, as if she had countless terrible memories.

Even the mother's face was tense at this time, looking seriously at the old building behind Lu Xin.

As for the father, he tried to shrink his body even more, hiding in the shadow of Lu Xin, without saying a word. .


They suddenly rushed forward, and at the same time everyone put their hands in their arms.

Just now, countless people’s swords of judgment were melted by Lu Xin, but there were still a large number of executors. They took out their swords neatly, and then looked up at Lu Xin one by one at the same time, unable to hide what they saw. Excited and eager to try.

In the sky, the red moon and those eyes seemed to be brighter.

The entire city, or the entire satellite city of No.2, was bathed in scarlet light.

It can be seen that the entire No. 2 Satellite City is densely packed with countless executors gathered from all directions.

If the angle of view is raised higher, you can see that the entire wilderness is full of executors.

They are like a large army encircling the Qinggang-2 satellite city, coming in mighty from all directions in this world.

Countless swords of judgment were held in their hands, and the silver sword light was reflecting the magical light.

As far as I can see, the whole world seems to be trembling, and the invisible ripples are trembling.



"If you want to be judged, then I will give you a trial..."

"Just to judge others, sometimes there is a price to pay, so..."

Facing the almost endless executor with no end in sight, Lu Xin in front of the old building had only indifferent eyes.

If you have to describe it, it is indifference, with a little excitement and expectation hidden, and uncontrollable madness. He watched the group of executives approaching and saw the bright trial in their hands. Sword, and then gently raised his hand.

"Kill them all..."


The moment he said these words, the door of the old building suddenly opened violently.

The next moment, the old building swelled violently, which was like rubber, obviously being stretched a lot.

At the same time as it stretched, it showed a certain kind of huge pressure.

When this pressure condensed to the extreme, countless "Lu Xin"s poured out from inside the doors, windows, and corridors.

With various expressions, they rushed to the executor army at the same time.


Suddenly, two completely different mental powers collided together.

The nightmare appeared in the reality of Qinggang.

The turbulent flow of mental power made Qinggang at this time almost become fireworks everywhere. Everyone’s ears were filled with weird laughter, the sound of torn flesh and blood, and the screams made when the soul was tortured. , And the cry of ghosts.

"Cover your ears, hurry up, cover your ears..."

"Don't... don't look out..."

In the room on the east side of the Red Moon Elementary School, the old security guard was yelling desperately to remind the scared children.

It seemed that the whole world was shaking, as if an infinite monster roared underground.

But this room is always stable and stable, and has never been moved.



"The spiritual palace, it turned out to be a spiritual palace..."

At the same time, the old dean outside Qinggang City was also a little excited because he discovered a certain secret.

Although he is hundreds of kilometers away from Lu Xin, he seems to be able to see Lu Xin directly.

Everything that happened to Lu Xin surprised him.

The depressed No. 7 looked up at Qinggang, so far away, she could also feel the horror of the spiritual power in the direction of Qinggang.

But at this time, she almost lost the ability to inquire.

The old dean happily explained to her, it seems that he also needs someone to share his excitement:

"The trial was successful..."

"He found what he wanted to do, and he affirmed his identity as a human being..."

"And the success of the trial will inevitably lead to the secret in him, the secret that made him a human..."

"Because of this secret, my experiment was able to go on..."


As if he were speaking, he opened his hands and said excitedly to Number Seven:

"I found that old building a long time ago, but I have never dared to enter it."

"Because I don't know its nature and what logic it follows."

"I know he must be related to the weird scene that happened on the nine, but I don't know what the specific relationship is."

"Now I understand, it turned out to be a spiritual palace..."

"Ha ha……"

He laughed happily, like a kid who found candy: "Who can think of it?"

"The spiritual palace is something that only the fantasy king on the fifth step can have."

"That represents his heart and a stable spiritual framework."

"The spiritual palace is supported by the inner core of man, and contains all the good and evil thoughts of man, freely released, imprisoned, and imprisoned."

"I was very curious very early on who it was and what methods were used to keep him stable back then. He was clearly burdened with such terrible things and bears such a lot of pressure, but he was always in front of outsiders. The performance is so stable."

"Now I still don't know who planned all this, but I already understand his method."

"It turns out that at that time, someone built a spiritual palace for him."

"It's amazing. This is a spiritual palace that has appeared in reality very early and almost perfectly fits reality."


"Then what?"

In the gratified laugh of the old dean, No.7 said weakly: "Even this terrible thing, do you have to hold it in your hands?"


The old dean turned his head to look at No. 7, and said with a smile: "This is the truth..."

"The truth is not terrible, the unknown is terrible..."

"Moreover, I am not greedy for this secret. I only feel gratified. It is always possible to face the unknown if there is such a potential. Only with such an experimental body can we truly succeed and fight against the coming. Something..."


"It turns out that the executor will also be afraid..."

In front of the Red Moon Elementary School, Lu Xin clearly grasped his life and released his own malice for the first time.

‘After all, these executors, the most annoying thing is these malice, isn’t it?

However, judging from the results, they were excited and excited when they first saw their own malice.

However, when they really came into contact with their own malice, there seemed to be some gaps between their performance and their imagination...

Some of them collapsed the first time they came into contact with their own malice.

Others gradually showed a frightened expression.

Yes, they are already on their knees...

The power of judgment is completely useless in the face of real malice.

It's like people can never judge beasts.

In the final analysis, there are only two types of pollution logic in the Midnight Court.

One is through others' inner self-blame, causing people to be guilty and passively contaminated.

One is to force pollution through powerful spiritual power.

Now, the first kind of pollution logic is completely ineffective to oneself when oneself is reconciled with the past.

the reason is simple.

It's okay to admit that there is some malice in yourself.

It is greater to be able to shut down one's own malice and not to hurt others, isn't it?

Of course, malice sometimes needs to be released, otherwise they really think they don't know how to do evil.




When thinking about this question, Lu Xin looked into the distance, the end of the executors, farther than the end.

He is not very interested in these executors. Now, he wants to know where the sword-holder is.

"The executor can't be killed..."

A voice rang softly. It was mother. She came to Lu Xin lightly and said slowly:

"And it's not him who is most dangerous."


As she spoke, she looked up at the eyes in the sky.

After the appearance of the old building, the eyes in the sky are getting closer and closer to Qinggang.

At first glance, those eyes seemed to be close to Qinggang.

To describe it more accurately, those eyes focused on the old building, reflecting the shadow of the old building.

Little by little, reflecting in the slightest detail.

Behind those eyes, other organs were faintly exposed, such as the bridge of the nose, such as the mouth.

After the appearance of these organs, a person's appearance was also vaguely sketched.

Lu Xin.

That face actually looked like Lu Xin.

"It's the Black Queen."

Mom explained softly: "She is trying to steal your secret."

"I should have guessed that when your secret started to surface, she was the first one who couldn't help it."

"She should have been making arrangements when the Heavenly Kingdom Project officially started to advance."

"She placed the mirror on the sky of Qinggang and kept staring at you."

"Every time you use your abilities, she steals some of your secrets. Now, it's finally the most critical time."

"She should be very happy, if you completely release your power, she will steal all the secrets."

"But if you don't try your best to release, then you still can't protect the little girl with a broken leg from trial..."

"So, what do you do?"


As her mother said these words, she gently stretched out her hand and held Lu Xin's palm.

At this moment, Lu Xin's vision also changed.

Soon he saw more things, he saw the eyes in the sky, or the mirror.

In the mirror, his face was reflected.

But it is not the real face of oneself, but the projection of some kind of spiritual power.

The more details, the clearer the projection of mental power, and certain changes in one's spiritual level will be mastered by the other party.

Looking at the mirror, especially the eyes in the mirror, a cold smile gradually appeared on his face.


At the same time, the mirror noticed Lu Xin's gaze.

If it had contact with Lu Xin's eyes before, it would disappear immediately.

It was like a guy who was secretly observing others, and when the other party noticed, he immediately looked away.

But this time, maybe it feels that the critical time has come. It did not dodge, but the mirror surface suddenly flickered and rippled, and then in that mirror, my face, or the face very similar to me, slowly Opened his mouth...


At the next moment, suddenly a bloated mental monster came out of its mouth.

Like a little giant, it fell heavily on the ground, outside the high wall of Qinggang, and looked at the high wall faintly.

This was only the first one, followed by countless spiritual monsters that fell from that mouth.

One after another, I can't count how many...

Like an infinite army of spiritual monsters, it surrounded the cities of Qinggang and launched a fierce attack in an instant.

At the same time, it has poured into Qinggang City, and even among the executives who have shown more and more fears under the torn of countless "self" with evil thoughts, there is gradually a distorted mental turbulence. , Despair triggered some changes.

In the wilderness outside Qinggang City, a tall shadow appeared faintly, like a statue in armor, with a huge sword in both hands. The eyes under the armor were slowly opening, and the gray eyes burst out with light enough to see through people's hearts.


On the other side, in the path in the wilderness, seven knights attacked from all directions.

Each of them is riding a modified off-road motorcycle, wearing a dirty leather jacket that people who wander in the wilderness all the year round will wear. You can see the back of the jacket, which has been half submerged by dust. Spades pattern.

They did not dare to approach Qinggang City, this spiritual meat grinder-like battlefield, but stopped far away.

"The investigation plan is officially launched..."

After a short cordless communication, they uniformly pressed a small silver box on the front of the motorcycle.


With the light scattered in the box, black chains appeared in front of them out of thin air.


These black chains are like giant pythons, suddenly penetrating the void, like penetrating layers of glass walls.

It appeared directly in the various satellite cities of Qinggang, entangled in those capable of maintaining order.



Feeling the pressure from all directions, Lu Xin also appeared silent for a moment.

Then he shook his head slightly and said, "This is not a trial..."

"This is just an invasion."

"In the face of such a spiritual monster invasion, I don't need to think about what to do..."

"Kill them all, it's all right, isn't it?"

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