Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 745: The first secret and the final plan

What is going on all this?

Standing in the empty midnight court, Lu Xin and his family did not speak for a long time.

Above his head, the man in the judge's robes was hanged in the hall, shaking gently with the wind coming in from outside.

There was silence all around, and there was a sneaky feeling in many dark invisible corners.

It seemed that someone was hiding in those corners, looking at himself secretly.

But if you mobilize your attention to observe, you will find that this is just your own illusion, and the entire court is empty.

The sword bearer is one of the thirteen ultimates.

Ultimately, it already represents the highest level of creatures and the top of the food chain in human cognition of spiritual power. .

But, as the ultimate, he had been killed in his spiritual palace long ago, and his body was controlled by others?

If the ultimate is already dead.

So, the midnight court scene has almost affected the pollution of the entire world. What is going on?

What will be controlling the sword-holder to attack Qinggang just now?

Lu Xin thought about these complicated issues, and suddenly realized:

The performance of the sword bearer is very similar to that of the lunatic, or demented person, who spread all over the world thirty years ago.

They all have a complete appearance and body just like human beings, and they have the ability to run and walk.

However, their inner core has disappeared, they are human in appearance, but in fact they are just walking corpses...

The swordsman just now, isn't he a walking dead at the ultimate level?

For the first time, when Lu Xin was with his family, he actually felt fear faintly.


After a while, someone sighed slightly, it was mother.

She seemed to have adjusted her mood, and slowly turned around in the midnight court, deliberately or unintentionally swept through all the arrangements here, and then gently walked outside the gate, looking up into the sky, the pair in the sky The eyes have disappeared.

One eye was shattered by Qinggang, and the other disappeared with a satisfied expression.

There was only one red moon in the sky, and the stars hidden in the red moonlight.

"It's really weird."

The mother turned her head and greeted her father and sister who also looked curious.

Smiling slightly, she whispered: "Now, I don't understand what's going on. Some things are beyond my cognition."

"However, this is more interesting, isn't it?"

She smiled lightly and nodded, seeming to reassure her family: "Just find the answer slowly."


Lu Xin couldn't bear this depressed feeling, and nodded lightly, and said, "Are there any clues now?"


Mom glanced at the sky, where the eyes disappeared, and whispered softly: "At first, I thought that those eyes were my good sister code-named the Black Queen who stayed there to spy on your secrets. But now, I can still be sure that those eyes are for peeking into your secrets, but I can't guarantee whether it is really my sister left in the sky..."

"These things seem to be beyond her ability."

"But it is certain that this must be related to her mirror, so she must know something."

"Go to her and ask, don't you know?"


Mother said it was very relaxed, but Lu Xin suddenly raised her head to look at her mother, and said seriously:

"You don't want to go by yourself."

Although not sure what this is, judging from the fate of the sword-bearer, there is a very likely force involved in it.

This kind of power can even kill the ultimate and turn the ultimate into a demented person.

Therefore, Lu Xin was also very worried that his mother, who used to like to leave at every turn, accidentally got into trouble.

The last time she left, she was injured. This time if she ventured to explore those powers again, who knows if she will face...

...Something more terrible?

Mom was slightly surprised when she understood Lu Xin's thoughts, then smiled and nodded.

"Then go together..."

The family members slowly nodded, and this matter was considered to have reached a preliminary consensus, and Lu Xin was also relieved.

Then he turned his head and looked at the wilderness that seemed to have been bombed by an unknown quantity, and completely surpassed the wilderness, and this sitting on the wilderness, seemed to be real, and seemed to be illusory, blending with the night under the red moon. In the midnight courtroom, he whispered softly:

"In any case, the threat this time has been resolved, so what we need to consider now is..."

After a pause, he looked at the Midnight Court: " should I move it back to Qinggang?"

Although I drove a truck over, it seems that the truck still can't hold such a big thing...

It's a bit difficult to handle.

After all, this is also a murder scene, so it's not good to stay in the wilderness like this.

It was also when Lu Xin and his family were discussing how to deal with the sword bearer, which was a few hundred miles away from Qinggang.

On the flat wilderness, under the red moon.

The old dean and number seven next to the jeep were looking curiously at the man who had walked out of the grass.

Similarly, the person's eyes under the wide brim of the hat are looking at the old dean with some scrutiny and curiosity.

"How did you recognize me?"

With the gun in his hand, the man still pointed straight at the old dean's face, and asked a little curiously.

"The watch on your hand."

The old dean was pointed at by the gun, his expression was quite relaxed, and he smiled: "That is the first batch of special pollution armor made by the research institute."

"I once saw the drawing introduction in the research institute."

"Later, because all kinds of special pollution protection gear has been updated, no one has worn this old thing for a long time."



The man glanced sideways, glanced at his black wristwatch, then smiled and nodded, and said, "Yes."

"This thing is actually of no practical use anymore, it's more of a commemorative meaning."

"But I'm very curious. Are you not surprised to see me appear?"


"It's kind of unexpected, but it doesn't make me show it on my face."

The old dean looked into his eyes and said calmly: "In fact, I have been waiting for you to show up."

"The Red Moon incident that year occurred and the collective disappearance of the first generation of researchers in the research institute is incomprehensible in itself."

"Some people say that you died in the chaos at the beginning of the red moon. This explanation is reasonable."

"After all, the chaos in the early days of the red moon, because no one was prepared, many people were indeed dead."

"Everyone is equal in the chaos, let alone the researcher closest to the pollution?"

"It's just that I took the information you left behind for research. The more I study, the more incredible..."

"Although most of the key information has been destroyed by you, some clues can still be found occasionally..."


He spoke slowly, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and his voice increased.

"You guys, have long expected the red moon to come, or say..."

"The arrival of the red moon is yours controlled?"



The number seven next to him, listening to the conversation between the two of them, suddenly felt a little sinking in his heart.

She raised her head in amazement, without making any sound, but in her mind, it seemed as if thunder rang out in an instant.

How did the Red Moon event happen and what was the original source...

Everyone has thought about this kind of problem.

But now she heard it suddenly, and the two men really talked about it, and couldn't help but fear in their hearts.

Obviously oneself is capable.

But in front of these two people, she always has a sense of powerlessness that cannot control her destiny.

On the other side, the person who pointed the gun at the old dean, after a long silence, said slowly:

"From now on, especially in the eyes of you second-generation researchers, this is actually not a secret."

"As you can see, it's normal."

"The kid who jumped down from the stairs back then probably discovered this too, so he made this choice..."

"It's just a pity, he is really good..."



Listening to the other party's admission, the pupils of the old dean also shrank slightly.

Some strange emotions seem to be surging under his somewhat staid face, and many questions have to be blurted out.

But his strong will made him hold back this kind of unnecessary mood swings, and he quickly combed for a few seconds in his heart, found a few issues that he should be most concerned about, and slowly said: "Yes. Are you the one who conducted the experiment?"

The man with the gun did not answer.

After a few seconds, he said softly: "We will indeed make some arrangements and adjustments on some key people."

The old dean's expression became extremely cold, and he suddenly said, "For what?"

Even if he had deliberately controlled his emotions, when he asked this question, his tone was still faintly heavy.


The other party slowly raised his head, calmly looked at the old dean, and said, "It was for the original plan..."

The old dean couldn't help but move his body, and the number seven next to him suddenly became slightly nervous.

The person holding the gun immediately squeezed the handle of the gun harder, and it seemed that since the head was opened, there was no longer any concealment to say: "Whether it is you, the current research institute, or other Researchers, they should have discovered some problems."

"There are indeed reasons for many things."

"The red moon won't appear in the sky suddenly, and spiritual pollution won't suddenly hit the world."

"Everything, there will always be a source..."


Having said that, he paused slightly, and then whispered softly: "What I can tell you is that it is indeed the case."

"The first secret and the final plan do exist."

"Your guesses are not wrong..."



Listening to his calm words, the old dean suddenly raised his head and looked at him, his pupils shrinking slightly.

On the wilderness, the lonely wind blew over, whimpering from between them.

The old dean seemed to want to say something, but he held back, just looking at the black hole of the opponent's muzzle, frowning tightly.

"That's why I came to find you."

Looking at the corners of the old dean’s eyes that twitched slightly, the gunman paused slightly and said in a low voice: "After we left, many researchers in the world who have lost their **** are trying their own ideas madly. However, There are not many people who have achieved results. The kid who jumped upstairs is an unexpected person, and you are also an unexpected person."

"Especially now, you have reached the point where we would pose a threat to our plan if we didn't come to visit you."

"So, I came to ask you if you are interested in going to talk to us?"

When he said this, his arm seemed to tremble slightly because he had been lifting it for too long, and he sighed slightly:

"It's actually bad to threaten people with a gun, and I'm tired holding the gun all the time."

"But if you decline my invitation, I can only..."


His fingers, UU reading hooked on the cock, seeming to use force at any time.

The old dean had a long and gloomy face, and he just stood there silently, as if he was a great threat.

No. 7 was silent, turned his head slightly, and looked at the old dean.

Even if some words just heard from the old dean made her feel unusually uncomfortable, she would still listen to the old dean.

Even, she was expecting in her heart that the old dean would suddenly issue an order to herself.

It would be even better if you brought a little request.

Even if this person feels dangerous to herself, she will not hesitate to shoot at him to help the old dean out of trouble.

But what I didn't expect is that after the old dean was silent for a long time, he suddenly nodded and smiled:


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