Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 747: Retrieve the memories of those 3 years

Because of the confrontation just now, the entire wilderness looked bumpy, and the road was knocked away several layers.

Judging from the road conditions and traces, this is really like the traces that two high-tech and high-powered troops are fighting to leave.

It's just hard for anyone to think that this place has indeed been ravaged by two warring forces.

It was just one of them, and only one capable person code-named "Single Soldier" was produced.

Of course, the code name belongs to the code name. It should be reasonable for one person to represent an army, right?

For example, the deputy captain of Gecko naturally accepted this setting of the Lu Xin family.

Not only drove the truck smoothly on the bumpy road, but also talked and laughed with Lu Xin's family.

The atmosphere is unusually harmonious. .

The rapport was reached. When he was chatting very hotly with his invisible family, he drove the truck under the old building of Lu Xin's house without changing his face and heartbeat. When he was about to leave, the family was a little reluctant, thinking. Ask him to sit upstairs.

However, the gecko still took the bear child away on the grounds of not disturbing the rest of Lu Xin's family.

"Go slowly..."

The Lu Xin family stood in front of the old building, watching the gecko disappear behind the corner.


The gecko, who had just turned the corner, took a breath and almost collapsed on the ground.

"Brother Tiger, what's wrong with you?"

The bear child looked at the gecko with admiration and helped him up.

"Too scary..."

The gecko patted his chest lightly, his face turned gray, and said: "The captain's strength is getting more and more terrifying. I used to sit in a car with him. I always felt that there were actually several people in the car. Some people looked at you with a smile. It seems to be calculating what you can be a cannon fodder, how someone thinks you are upset, always thinking about chopping you into several pieces, the most excessive thing is that some people want to treat you as a toy..."

"Can you understand the feeling of sitting in the car but wanting to escape at any time?"


The bear child felt the state of sitting in the car pocket just now, but it was hard to empathize.

Curiously asked: "What about now?"

"I'm feeling better now…"

Gecko said: "I know now that I can't escape."

"After acknowledging fate, I became more calm..."

The bear child watched carefully, although he didn't understand, but he was greatly shocked.

"Brother Tiger, you are really amazing. No wonder people in the Special Purity Department are saying that Qinggang’s most important position is Professor Bai, the chief of the Special Pollution Cleanup Department, and Minister Shen, the head of the Urban Defense Department. It's the deputy captain of the individual squad."


"so far so good…"

The gecko held his hands in a reserved manner, and said, "Every job needs someone to do it."

"Furthermore, after so long of hard work, I will soon become a special talent at Qinggang Level 6..."

He couldn't help but crawled to her face with a smile: "Linda is finally going to marry me..."


"My horse has gone up to three levels, so I don't have to go to class?"

The bear child is also a surprise on his face.

"What's more?"

Gecko patted him on the shoulder and smiled: "If you count this mission, you can go straight to level 4, and you can be a principal..."

"Brother Tiger, you are awesome..."

"Don't worry, mix well in our individual squad, you can also..."


The more they talked, the happier they were, and under the red moon, they clapped happily and celebrated.

But the two of them didn't know that beside them, there was actually a little monster with a few tentacles growing.

The gecko and the bear child celebrated happily, and it was also very happy, waving and dancing with its tentacles.

But when the gecko and the bear kid began to discuss how the two of them prepared to take the credit for this time, the little monster suddenly realized what, and stood for a long while, and the waving tentacles fell weakly, and it was frustrated. It is wronged again.

"Next time you must be more enthusiastic and let him come and sit at home..."

When Lu Xin walked into the old building with his family, they were all laughing and discussing, expressing satisfaction with the gecko.

But after walking into the old building, the smile on Lu Xin's face slowly disappeared, and he glanced back silently.

Outside the old building, the red moon still hangs over the city, the street lights on the streets are dim, and the surrounding tall and low buildings are mostly unlit. The world is still quiet and lonely, but it seems more mysterious and more mysterious than before. The breath of danger.

"This time, the feeling of completing the task is somewhat different..."

Lu Xin stopped and stood in the corridor on the first floor. He was silent for a while before speaking lightly.

"Is it because of those peeping eyes, or is it because of the death of the sword bearer?"

Mother seemed to understand his feelings, and after walking into the old building gently, she turned around slowly and asked softly.

"All right..."

Lu Xin thought about it seriously, and whispered: "The death of the sword-bearer and the prying eyes of those eyes seem to be two different things, but there is a certain connection. And if you say, what makes me feel most uncomfortable is, I always feel that during this process, some of the secrets that I have forgotten were seen by those eyes. The secrets that I don’t understand myself have been stolen by others..."

The atmosphere in the old building has become slightly depressed.

From judging oneself, to reconciling oneself, to destroying the sword bearer, it attracted the eyes of the throne...

Lu Xin felt like a secret was seen through.

The most annoying thing is that these secrets are not even understood by myself.

But just now, in the wilderness, outside, I couldn't even discuss these issues with my family.

Only by returning to the old building can we be sure to talk about these issues without being prying eyes.

"I do feel that way."

Mother nodded lightly and smiled: "But don't worry, they hide in the dark, it means they are afraid."

"And since we can detect it in advance, we can naturally make some arrangements."


Lu Xin nodded, and said with a smile, "What is your next plan?"

"Be prepared to visit my good sister's house."

Mother smiled and said: "Of course, relatives met, it is inevitable to compare."

"So we have to prepare something more. It's not good to go empty-handed..."


Lu Xin listened silently, then smiled and nodded.

He likes the feeling of cooperation with his mother just by making eye contact.

"And you?"

Seeing that Lu Xin didn't mean to go upstairs, mother asked curiously.

"I decided to get back the memories of the previous three years."

Lu Xin smiled and said, "This time, it should also be the trial of the old dean, right?"

"I'm a little curious, why after this trial, he didn't send the report card again."

"However, just like what he usually does, every time the trial is over, he will always give me some rewards. This time is no exception. When I judged myself, I walked back to the memory of the past and I did see it. Some shadows that I didn't pay attention to before."

"So, I thought, I should try to get back the memories I lost."


Mother smiled and nodded, and walked upstairs slowly.

Lu Xin also sighed softly, exited the old building again, boarded the truck, and drove slowly towards the orphanage.

Some things should be closed, and some things should be asked to understand.

"Lu Xin, are you okay?"

The truck had just drove into Red Moon Elementary School, and before it had stopped exactly to the wall, Mr. Deer greeted him.

With concern and tension on her face, she was relieved when she saw Lu Xin get off the car.

Under the light of the crimson moon, her expression looked a little mysterious, but if you look closely, it is again a face of sunshine.

This look is very much like what Lu Xin remembered when they met three years later.

Strong, enthusiastic, and cheerful.

However, Lu Xin understood what was going on with her current state of mind.

After all, the spirit of all people in her and the entire Qinggang is like this.

The power of the fantasy king makes the entire satellite city of No. 2 now a kind and gentle.

However, this mental state will quickly disappear and return to its original state.

Teacher Xiaolu is no exception.

At this time, she couldn't remember that when she was in the orphanage, she was guilty for a lifetime because of the child's bravery.

I only knew that it was the eighth who came to Qinggang and caused a terrible pollution. Then, in order to protect himself and the children in the orphanage, Lu Xin went out of the city alone. Now he has just solved the terrible monster. The wilderness rushed back...

She will slowly remember the past and the details of this incident.

Perhaps guilt will still come out of her heart, but this time the pollution has escaped.

Strong guilt will envelope a person's heart, and other emotions are the same.

When this kind of emotion is strong, it can even make people do terrible things.

But as long as you survive this first, then even if it will be affected in the future, it will not be so serious.

"I'm fine..."

Lu Xin was as polite to Teacher Xiaolu as before.

While answering, letting Teacher Xiaolu rest assured, he raised his head and cast his gaze on No. 8 on the steps of the teaching building. Most of No. 8’s body was hidden in the darkness of the teaching building, but it could be felt from him. Some depression and confusion.

"I'm hungry, do you want to go out and eat something with me?"

Lu Xin looked at Number 8, and after a pause, he looked at another place: "You go too."


In response to Lu Xin's gaze, behind a certain window on the east side of the first floor of the teaching building, the old security guard holding a shotgun was slightly surprised.

Behind the glass window under the night light, a flash of fear seemed to flash through his eyes in surprise.


Lu Xin smiled at him and said, "There are some things, it's time to talk about it."

The old security guard was silent for a while. UU Read walked out of the teaching building. He first went back to the security booth and locked the shotgun.

Then put on his coat and a peaked cap, silently following Lu Xin.

Although it can be clearly seen that his body is trembling slightly, the footsteps that are coming out are still very firm.

Lu Xin just looked at him quietly, then put both hands in his pockets and walked out first.

This night has been very long, but if these problems are not solved, I can't always go back and rest at ease.

At the same time, in the main city of Qinggang, the doll was still sitting on the top of the building, with his chin in his hand, smiling and looking at the direction of No.2 City.

Waiting for Lu Xin to finish her work, come to find herself.

Recommend the new book "Mirror Authority" by the platinum **** who swept the world. It is also a weird start, and the quality is very good. It is worth seeing.

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