Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 749: Lu Xin's spiritual core

Perhaps when Lu Xin said these words, his attitude was too firm.

As a result, the qi became suppressed in the entire small restaurant.

Lu Xin didn't deliberately threaten or suppress it through mental power, but the number 8 opposite him started to tremble in his hands and feet.

It can be seen that the eighth seems to be trying his best to stabilize himself, but his eyes have already begun to drift.

The firmness and pride that passed through his heart before, at this moment, turned into a hollow sense of powerlessness...

"ask you?"

Under this pressure, the eighth endured indescribable torture.

When this kind of pressure was about to crush him, it seemed that there was a deep emotion of despair that finally broke out at this moment. He suddenly slapped the table hard, stood up straight, and his eyes were full of Bloodshot, staring at Lu Xin firmly:

"Nine, you have all the initiative, so are you here to give alms to your kindness?"

"You just showed the power that makes the world afraid, so you think I dare not look for you?"


While he was talking loudly, he couldn't control his own tremor, and his voice became undulating, but he still said hard: "I am really messy now, I don't know how to distinguish right from wrong accurately, but, but some It doesn’t need to be clear, I also know what’s right and what’s wrong. No. Nine, your strength makes me scared, I am really, I am really scared..."

"But, should I really give up because I am afraid of you?"


He spoke loudly and fiercely, with an unusually fierce attitude, but his eyes were full of despair and powerlessness.

The atmosphere in the small restaurant suddenly became extremely depressing. .

The old security guard next to him also became a little nervous and worried, looking at the two of them, but didn't know what to say.

"Oh yo yo..."

At this moment, in the kitchen behind, the cooking boss held out his head: "Eat well, don't fight..."

"My brother, what can't you say well?"

"You have to pay if you break something..."



After the boss' interruption, the atmosphere seemed to soften slightly, and the arm of No. 8 supporting the table was also trembling slightly.

He seemed to have been taken away from his body, and suddenly he changed from anger to frustration.

"Number Nine..."

There was a slight tremor in the voice of No. 8: "I have left the orphanage for many years, and I still remember your expressionless look at that time. I have nightmares again and again, and dreams of you at that time, too. I dreamed of those of our children who died in the orphanage at that time. In fact, I also know that the source was not you, but you at that time were really terrible..."

"So I always wanted to ask, always wanted to come back and ask you, you..."

"...Have you regretted it?"



When he got angry on the eighth, Lu Xin just sat there quietly, without speaking.

He could see the fear and confusion of the eighth, so the anger of the eighth did not irritate him, but made him feel faintly sad, until the eighth asked the last question, and looked at himself in despair. After coming over, he sighed lowly.


He hung his head and slowly replied, "Because I didn't have that emotion at the time."


After a while, he slowly raised his head, looked at Number 8, and whispered: "But when I have emotions..."

"...No. 8, I'm all the time, I'm no longer regretting it!"



Regret all the time.

When Lu Xin said these words, he didn't feel too strong, even to the extreme.

It seems to be describing a fact very calmly.

On the 8th, there were 10,000 reasons to believe that Lu Xin was just playing himself, but he was suddenly hit by these words.

Because in Qinggang, perhaps only he understands some of the secrets of the Midnight Court best.

Only he understood better that, while sheltering the entire Qinggang with his own power, he killed one of the ultimate sword bearers in the wilderness, and he returned to the city in a stable mood, looking for himself. How terrible is Lu Xin eating supper.

There is no need for people at this level to lie.

He has more ways to solve some places where he needs to lie.

Even for him, telling a lie to someone, it actually represents his respect for someone.

"Number eight, I want to ask you to do something for me."

And Lu Xin, after uttering these words, suddenly felt an unprecedented ease.

Seeing the number eight who fell silent and fell into deep confusion and pain, he sighed softly and said slowly.

"beg me?"

Number 8 slowly raised her head, with something incredible in her eyes.


Lu Xin slowly said: "I want to beg you to help me find the children in the orphanage. I know that some people have survived, and that some people will die forever. Walking along the way, I have already met. When it’s Teacher Xiaolu, Xiao Nineteen, Seventh, Two, and you, and Xiao Seventeen who has been with me all the time, but I still remember other people, all the time..."

"You used to be with the old dean, so you should know more about them..."

"I hope you can find them..."



On the eighth, he never expected that Lu Xin would make this request.

There was an unusually complicated change in his expression, he wanted to question, but he didn't know where to start.

The whole person was in chaos. After a long time, he said, "Why?"


Lu Xin spoke, but his speed slowed down again. It seemed that he was also considering what to say.

Confession, remedy, atonement, maybe everything...

But in the end, he just said softly: "Because I promised to save them..."

No. 8's expression suddenly froze.

He looked at Lu Xin in disbelief, his eyes filled with confusion and complicated feelings.

After a long time, he whispered: "No. 9, you really have changed a lot..."



As if he knew what he wanted to ask, Lu Xin looked at him and said with a smile: "I found what I want to do..."

"Of course, you can also understand it as the spiritual core."


No. 8's eyes changed, and he subconsciously said, "What?"

Even the old security guard on one side suddenly raised his head, seeming to be very concerned about this issue.

Lu Xin was a little embarrassed at first, but facing his old classmates and those who apologize for himself, he still mustered the courage and said slowly: "The first half is that I want to help the world and build a response. There are rules and order..."

When No. 8 listened, she couldn't help but be stunned: "What about the second half?"

Lu Xin was even more embarrassed. After a while, he said, "In such a world, be a decent rich man."


The eighth is really stunned.

Even the old security guard on one side suddenly coughed, as if choked by alcohol.


The sadness and frustration of No. 8 were all diluted by these words. After a long time, he said in disbelief:

"You have reached the fantasy level, actually..."


Lu Xin has the right to say this, and seriously said: "You can imagine everything else, is money okay?"

The eighth was choked suddenly.

"My wish is to help this world establish rules and order, and then become a rich man in this world."

Anyway, he had already said it, Lu Xin was calm, and said with emotion:

"No. 8, when I first came back from Tinder City to see you, I envied you very much."

"Because I feel you are firm and pure."

"Although, judging from this time, your purity seems to be easily used by others, but I still envy you."

"Because you know what you want to do, and you really dare to do it..."

"I don't think I can make you so pure."

He shook his head slightly, and sighed: "Originally, I thought about whether I could become a pure person, but when I questioned myself, I found that I was really just an ordinary person. I wanted to live a stable life. I like the feeling of making money..."

"Money is a really good thing..."

"You don't need to snatch, deceive, or even coerce. You can take what you want from others with an open mind."

"Money can make others respect oneself, and it can also bring oneself... a sense of security!"

"Although it is often said that money cannot solve all the problems in the world."

"But isn't the money that can solve the most problems already the best thing in the world?"

"So, I want to understand, it doesn't have to be so pure, just make life better like this..."


After expressing a feeling of emotion, Lu Xin re-looked at Number 8 and said softly: "If you recognize yourself, you will become firm, and you will know the direction. Therefore, I also have something about the orphanage. It’s my own judgment. Just like what you are pursuing may be absolute fairness and fairness to your previous companions, but all I want to do is fulfill my original promise..."

"So, number eight, I ask you to help me."


Hearing these words, the eighth's expression became confused.


He wanted to speak, then stopped, and slowly showed a wry smile: "Nine, it's really hard to imagine that you would say these things..."

"Where did I learn it..."


Listening to what he said, Lu Xin couldn't help but laugh slowly: "Read more, you can too."

"Since leaving the orphanage, I have been studying."

"On the eighth, when we first met, you said that my previous grades were not good, but in fact I already have a college degree..."


Although No. 8 has not directly agreed, he can see that his attitude has loosened.

It was only then that Lu Xin finally felt relieved.

Compared with the sword bearer, the attitude of No. 8 is what he cares more about.

Finally, his attitude was unified with that of the eighth.

At this moment, I can finally face the eighth at this moment like I really faced my former classmates.

While Lu Xin was talking with No.8, the old security guard had been drinking silently beside him.

He used a toothpick, UU Reading, carefully picking the egg whites of the salted duck eggs into the wine, taking small bites and eating very carefully.

Only people who have had a long and hard life will get used to this way of drinking.

As for the dialogue between Lu Xin and No.8, he didn't care at all, except for occasionally looking at them. For more time, he just drank silently by himself, until the surrounding quieted down, he noticed Lu. Xin looked at her gaze.

He slowly put down the wine glass, took the rag, wiped his hand, and met Lu Xin's gaze.

"It's me, isn't it?"


Lu Xin looked at the old security guard quietly, and a familiar image gradually emerged in his mind.

"Yes, Teacher Sun."

He nodded slightly and said: "One of the two most trusted assistants of the old dean at the time, Sun Zhong, and Sun Teacher."

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