Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 751: Baby Tyrant (4000 words)

The tone of the old security guard telling these things should be as calm as possible.

He also seems to be deliberately stripping away his feelings to make his statement more objective.

But I don’t know why. When he said that he saw the "tyrant" for the second time, the content of the narration still made people feel a little trembling. No. 8 was a little unbelievable. Turning his head to look at Lu Xin, he found Lu Xin. Xin also lowered his head silently at this time.

The old security guard talked about these things, which seemed familiar.

But Lu Xin really didn't remember, these contents, and the contents of the following three years, are blank.

Occasionally some fragments appeared, and it was very chaotic.



"Until now, I can't describe it. I was shocked when I heard this sentence..."

The old security guard also remained silent for a long time before slowly continuing, "I suddenly found out that I couldn't attack him anymore."

"It's not because what I see is a'tyrant' who can easily destroy the three-story building of an orphanage and the security measures designed by the dean himself, but because what is in front of me is just a painful, and some Helpless child..."

"At that time, I made a decision that I won't regret in my life."

"I didn't immediately report your appearance and your current state to the dean, otherwise he might come back immediately."

"I just took you back, trying to..."

After a pause, he said unspeakably: "Trying to counsel you personally."

It was obvious that he was embarrassed in his words at this time.

It seems that he does not regret his decision to take back the "tyrant", but until now, he remembered that he tried to provide psychological counseling to the "tyrant" at his level at the time, and he would feel a little uncomfortable. Capacity...

"However, it is difficult..."

The old security guard himself shook his head gently. It seemed that because of the emotional fluctuations, he felt thirsty. He took another glass of wine and drank it in one sip. Then he said: "Although you did have a mood change that was not at all before, but Your mental state has been chaotically chaotic, and all the time, it is possible to trigger various influences of strong mental power on reality..."

"When you have a nightmare, you will shake the entire building with huge cracks."

"When your mood fluctuates occasionally, the vase on the table will suddenly become a poisonous snake..."

"When you walk in the crowd, the people around you have nightmares of body and mind. They knelt down in front of you, shivering, as if they were meeting the king, but when they woke up, they were completely I don't remember such a thing..."

"You can erase people's memories at will, and even make all the surveillance cameras fail..."


Following the old security guard's words, there was also a faint look of fear in his eyes.

Not only him, but even the eighth also showed an unbelievable expression.

He knew what level of power the scene described by the old security guard represented.

And the silent Lu Xin also sat quietly, thinking silently: "Is the original tyrant so powerful?"



"I finally realized that you are not something I can take care of..."

The old security guard slowly raised his head to look at Lu Xin, his eyes weak, and he even looked a little bit self-deprecating:

"After all, something that even the dean can't grasp at all, how can I turn the tide at my level at the time?"

"So, I'm still ready to ask for help."

"It's just that I didn't report to the old dean because I have seen him go crazy in order to achieve the experiment."

"Therefore, I chose to report to the research institute..."


Having said this, his voice fainted, but Lu Xin and No. 8 were a little surprised.

In this matter, the research institute also participated?

"People from the research institute rushed over immediately..."

The old security guard said in a low voice: "Even from the time I reported to their people, it took less than an hour."

"I also spent many years as the dean of an internship in the academy. I determined that every move of these people was the behavior of the academy. So, I promised them to pick you up and told them that I didn’t want to. Follow the old dean again, I want to follow it back."

"Even after I go back, I will go to jail because of the escaped laboratory incident, and I don't want to stay here anymore."

"Unexpectedly, they rejected me, saying only that they still need to be responsible for what they have done..."

"It wasn't until then that I realized that they didn't seem to be from the research institute."

"How can the people in the research institute not bring back people related to the escaped laboratory?"

"They show that they don't even care about the laboratory where they escaped."


When it came to this, the old security guard gradually showed a look of fear on his face: "At the time, I realized something was wrong."

"Trying to resist them, but I didn't expect that they easily subdued me. In front of them, I was like a wooden man, but they didn't hurt me. Instead, they smiled and explained to me that they were indeed from the Institute. people."

"They told me not to panic, saying they would never hurt you..."

"Because his brain is a prison with the most horrible things in it, no one would be stupid enough to break this prison."

"Their purpose is to better preserve the contents, not to destroy the world!"



Whether it's the old security who said these two words, or heard the number eight of these two words.

There was a great touch on their faces.

His body seemed to tremble slightly, and then he looked at Lu Xin at the same time.

The people told by the old security guard originally had a mysterious and weird color.

In their words, Lu Xin is... a prison?

How can a person be a prison?

But in their eyes, Lu Xin just sat calmly, his brows frowned slightly, it seemed that he had no impression.



In the depressed atmosphere, No. 8 couldn't help but interject: "Did you misheard, or..."

"I heard it right..."

The old security guard listened, but sighed softly, and said: "They laughed at me, or laughed at the old dean. They didn't know how serious they were. They actually dared to experiment with the tyrant in this way. However, this was also their negligence. It is said that the most terrifying thing in the world is held in this prison. They had already sealed most of the power of that thing and thought it was safe."

"But looking at it now, this only occasionally leaked is still something the world can't bear."

"So they plan to take him back, and then find a way to seal up more of his power in order to see the after-effects."


"And this is not even the most terrifying..."

The old security guard frowned and his expression became a little weird: "At the time, I didn't know the identity of these researchers, I didn't know if I should believe them, and I wasn't sure if they should be allowed to take the'tyrant' away. In other words, when I'm not sure if the'tyrant' is unwilling to leave with them, which will cause some kind of out-of-control consequences, I saw..."

He raised his head slightly and looked at Lu Xin: "You seem to know them..."



Speaking of this, even Lu Xin frowned slightly and looked up at the old security guard.

On the eighth, there is a look that thinks the old security guard is lying.

"At the time, you talked to them with a smile, that's an expression I have never seen before..."

The old security guard shook his head vigorously, seeming to be using this method to ensure that his memory is not a problem: "I clearly remember that you were in the research institute when you were very young, and then we received it from Qinggang, so small. Age, never had contact with outsiders, but after you met those people, you smiled and communicated with them, and even asked them why they didn’t come until then..."

"You guys at the time were like old friends..."


His Adam's apple couldn't help but move, and a shadow seemed to be cast over his face: "The tone of your speech..."

He even tried a few times before he said: "It's terrifying..."

"I don't know how to describe it, but that tone is not you at all, but something... even more terrifying."

"I just heard a few syllables, and then I had a long nightmare..."


Hearing that the old security guard seemed to have changed his tone, even the eighth suddenly turned his head and looked at Lu Xin.

He seemed to want to say something, but he always had no confidence to send the voice out.


I don't know if it was because of too hard thinking, Lu Xin's head started to faintly hurt again.

He was silent and punched his forehead hard.

It was empty and there was no trace at all. I really didn't have any memories of this.

What's going on in prison?

Is there really something else in my head?




The old security guard has also been working hard to look at Lu Xin's expression, and it took a while before he withdrew his gaze in disappointment.

He didn't see the answer he wanted from Lu Xin's face.

"What happened later became very simple."

He sighed in a low voice, and he whispered: "I don't know where they took you, but you were indeed taken away, and I have never had enough motivation to look for you. Perhaps, at that time, I still have a strong fear of you..."

"Even if I know that you have changed at that time, and you are no longer a simple tyrant, but I still fear..."

"However, afterwards, I also recalled this incident countless times."

"I really didn't have a clue at the beginning, it was just full of bizarre and absurdity."

"Until later, when I recalled this incident countless times, I gradually thought of the identities of those people and their behavior was completely the style of the institute. They were familiar with everything about the institute, but they didn't care about what happened in the institute at all. matter……"

"So, besides the first generation of researchers, who else will it be?"


Smiled slightly: "Even at this time, I remembered that the IDs they wore were very old."

"And the name above is not'Lunar Eclipse', but'Red Moon."

"However, all of this is meaningless. I didn't want to touch these things at all at that time."

"I didn't return to the research institute, and cut off contact with the old dean."

"I picked up the deer from the hospital, took her to hide in another place, thinking, maybe one day, the old dean will show up and give me punishment, but as a result, the old deer never looked for me again. , It passed so quietly for a long time."

"At that time, I had no other motivation to do anything, just take care of the deer with a broken leg."

"Even if later, Xiaolu proposed to rebuild the orphanage on the site of the orphanage, and build a real orphanage, so that the children who wander on the street can have a place to shelter, I just work hard. He’s helping her, and sometimes even fantasizes in my heart, maybe doing this can help me redeem some of my past sins to some extent..."

"For many years, I have been unable to distinguish my thinking..."

"I once entered the Lunar Eclipse Institute as the best researcher and worked hard to heal the world."

"I followed Professor Wang again and did that cruel thing..."

"I saw the most desperate look, and I saw the most miserable picture, I saw the most terrifying power..."



At this point, he was emotionally disturbed, and suddenly couldn't help but look at the eighth, and said:

"When you first came back, I didn't like what you said."

"What grades are not graded. In this world, is grades so important?"

"Growing up safely and being an honest person is the world after the red moon, the best kind of life, isn't it?"

"After all, our world is originally cursed by knowledge..."


No. 8 was suddenly said, her expression was a little surprised, her lips moved, and she didn't say anything after all.

When the old security guard said this, he was already very relaxed.

He even smiled, picked a small piece of egg yolk and put it in his mouth, and took a sip of wine.

Then he said to Lu Xin: "After that, after another three years, Xiaolu suddenly met you."

"You followed her back to the I didn't know how scared I was at the time, and thought that the retribution was finally coming back..."

"But also at that time, I discovered that your state really changed."

"In your body, the power that makes people feel depressed all the time is gone."

"In other words, by hiding deeper, you become quiet, kind, and even a little dumb."

"You always send money to the rebuilt elementary school over and over again. It looks like very rich. But then I found out that you were only saving money. Even in the winter, you were still wearing a single coat and it was so cold. The nose kept running out..."


Lu Xin listened silently, seldom interrupting.

It wasn't until I heard this that I moved my body slightly unnaturally, and slowly rubbed my face.

He shook his head softly and said, "You don't need to talk about this."

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