Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 783: Mother's insight

When I strode back to the church with my mother, I saw my father beating the old man.

Throughout the church, endless spiritual forces are intertwined and collided, forming scenes of illusory scenes.

These spiritual forces, which are fighting and devouring each other, permeated the church.

Every trace that affects the human brain will form a scene under the physiological mechanism of the brain that can be understood as a human individual.

Therefore, when this huge and complex spiritual power burst out, Lu Xin saw that inside this church, there seemed to be countless overlapping spaces, and countless different worlds formed a complex complex.

In some spatial images, the father is riding on the old man, punching him in the face with an angry fist.

In some of the pictures, the old man was fixed on an iron shelf, and his father used the same torture instrument to torture him.

In some scenes, the old man was lying on the bed, and his father suddenly crawled in through the window, covered his head and cut at him.

Some fathers stood on the tall buildings, held the old man, let go and threw him down.

Some of the fathers sat under the high throne, kneeling down below desperate old people, bearing the emperor’s anger...

There are countless kinds of images of fear. Even if a person tries his best to unfold the imagination, he can't imagine all the types and images of fear, but there is only one essence of fear, which is used to an infinite degree by his father.

But in the face of his father's crazy offensive, the old man still showed surprising calmness and calmness.

Among the countless radiating mental fluctuations and the pictures that can be captured at any time in the air, half of the father is torturing the old man in terror, but the other half, or even more than half, are completely different scenes.

Among them, some of them were in the classroom, where the elderly stood in the lecture hall, explaining the complicated subjects and theoretical knowledge to the father in a serious manner.

Some are in the research room where the two are doing some kind of research experiment together.

Among them, the father is the role being studied.

Others were on the lawn in the sunset, where the old man sat with his father, talking and discussing quietly.

In the father-dominated picture, under the torture of the father, some old people succumbed, and more are tortured to death. Those who succumb to become the power of the father, and the tormented ones dissipate and become pure Aftermath of mental power.

But correspondingly, the old man seems to transform his father's power more.

In the collision of two completely different mental powers, the old man's mental power seemed to restrain his father.

Have the truth, no longer fear?

If you think about it carefully, just from the confrontation of these two spiritual forces, you can extend a lot of thinking.

But Lu Xin shook his head and concentrated.

Now is not the time to think about this, he clenched his fist and prepared to step forward to help.

"Do not worry…"

My mother stopped Lu Xin and looked forward with certainty, and said:

"In his field, every time we are defrauded, we lose a part of our strength."

"So, seize the opportunity before making a move."


Listening to her words, Lu Xin could only nod his head.

I saw my mother took a deep breath, stepped forward slowly, and whispered: "Teacher, I'm going to be serious."


This name immediately made Lu Xin feel slightly surprised.

The mother's face appeared calm, and she explained softly: "My trait is insight, and his trait is truth."

"Insight and truth are originally the relationship between students and teachers."

"So, he has always been my teacher."



In the mother's explanation, the old man's low sigh also sounded: "We were born allies."

"But you finally chose to be accompanied by violence and fear."


From the old man's calm and low voice, it seemed that he could hear his helplessness and sigh.

"Maybe, it's just because I've seen the end of forgetting the fear..."

Mother answered the old man's words in a low voice, and at the same time, her palms were gently lifted to the sides.

Huh huh...

Lu Xin suddenly felt that the entire spiritual world was shaking violently.

My own memories and emotions, desires and instincts all seem to have come alive at this moment and looked clean.

But in the next second, because he was seen by others, he shrank quickly.

It looked like a little beast that didn't want to be seen or looked at. It curled up deeply.

Even his own black particles are no exception.

Although it was not as fearful as other emotions and spiritual forces, it also showed a certain degree of disgust.

Dislike the mental power of my mother.


In the abyss world, the lurkers were also knocked down by a huge tremor at the same time.

They crawled on the ground, backed a few meters, and hugged each other shiveringly. The lurker with the red pointed hat was surrounded in the middle. All the ugly faces were lifted up, staring blankly. The direction of the dark town ahead.

In the countless mists, they saw a touch of blood.

Like the sun.

But when the "sun" rose from the mist, they discovered that it was not the sun.

It is a huge eye, with vertical pupils, covered with bloodshot eyes.

Rising like the sun, condescendingly, looked towards the mist.


After Lu Xin's mother's power unfolded, he saw countless eyes.

They are densely packed, hovering in various positions like balloons floating in the air.

The big one is like a window, and the small one is like dust.

These countless blood-red eyes appeared inside and outside the church.

Each one carries an icy breath, and it seems to coincide with a mysterious trajectory, moving slowly.

Observing this battle between the old man and his father from various angles.

Observing this small town, and also observing Lu Xin, the younger sister who is hiding in the corner of the church with a small backpack...

...Even, some eyes appeared in a strange picture constructed by the interweaving of the spiritual power of the father and the old man.

Lu Xin couldn't describe the feeling of having so many eyes appearing beside him at the same time.

He even took a step back subconsciously, his hairs exploded.

I have seen this ability...

It was a monster in the **** group, a hidden former colleague, in the fight against the black table in Central City.

That is a person with the ability to observe eyes, which caused a lot of trouble to himself at that time.

But it wasn't until this time that Lu Xin understood that it turned out that his mother's ability was actually the high-ranking person of that eye.

The eye of insight.

Observe all the laws and trajectories, and capture all the weaknesses and key points.

When so many eyes of mother appeared, even the old man was suddenly stressed.

The flames behind him suddenly began to dim, the candles were clearly still so long, but the flames began to shrink.

In the dilapidated church, the light became dark for a few minutes.

And the power of the father took advantage of the situation, and roared once again to attack the old man...

Insight can not only discover the rules and trajectories of the opponent, but also weaken the opponent.

After all, when anything is completely seen by others, it will lose a certain degree of deterrence.

"Hey, what kind of reason is enough to make you hurt your origin again and again?"

The mother's power of insight also seems to have a great impact on the elderly.

Amidst the turbulent flow of all sorts of almost frozen mental powers, a vague sigh sounded.

Immediately, in the illusory and overlapping scenes, all the old people, whether they were being tortured by their father, or standing in front of the experimental platform, turned around at the same time. Quietly looked out of the screen.

There is a kind of horror in this scene.

It's like picking up a kaleidoscope and discovering that in the kaleidoscope, countless people are looking at me at the same time.

But in this weird and dazzling picture, there is only an old man whose actions are slightly different from those of others. He turns his head slightly, and a book with a sheepskin cover that is half a person appears next to him, and at the same time he holds it in his right hand. A pen came out.

He turned around quickly, as if he was going to write something on the book.

"It's there..."

The mother's voice suddenly appeared in Lu Xin's ear.

"younger sister…"

At the same time, Lu Xin had already yelled out. Without his mother's reminder, he knew that this was the critical time.

While shouting out loud, he already threw forward.

The younger sister who hid in the corner of the church also promised to rush out at the same time.

The moment he held his sister's palm, Lu Xin's body suddenly became extremely precise and fast.

In that instant, he rushed into countless mental turbulence.

In the dazzling scene of UU Reading, the scene was also overlapped. The old man who was about to write was accurately found, and then his left hand was covered with black particles, shaking violently. Below, he grabbed into the picture fiercely.


There was a sound of shattering extremely thin and brittle glass, and Lu Xin grabbed into the picture with one hand.

He grabbed the old man's neck, as if pulling a world in front of him.

"The most important thing is this moment..."

Lu Xin reminded himself, gritted his teeth, and looked at the old man deeply.

Facing the senior abilities of the old man, he found that no matter what abilities he used, he might be blocked, cheated, or misled. This was the most rare opportunity, so he didn’t hesitate to use it. The power of a tyrant.

He had used this method before to directly crush the sword bearer.

But this time, he didn't want to really crush the old man to death, so he just tried to influence.

When he was thinking about this question, the spiritual power around him began to change rapidly, and it seemed to be intertwined into a weird picture. Lu Xin's shadow was rapidly stretching, extending toward his past, until it reached a certain black palace. Among.

Inside the palace, there was a black shadow sitting crookedly.

When the shadow looked forward with a little joking, Lu Xin's eyes instantly became deep.

Indifferent, noble, and overbearing, it doesn't seem to be his eyes.


Lu Xin suddenly spoke, and his voice seemed to overlap with two voices, one calm and the other violent:

"Otherwise, destroy you..."

I like to start with the red moon, please collect it: () The fastest update from the red moon.

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