Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 800: He took the bride away


Just a second ago, Lu Xin's right hand passed through different spaces and caught the girl in the wedding dress who had tipped into the fountain. He immediately retracted his right hand, and immediately felt that there was something in his hand. Looking down, he was suddenly surprised.

What I was holding in my hand was not a beautiful girl holding a drawing board, but a weird plastic doll.

In the arms of this plastic doll, it is not a drawing board, but a playing card with a strange pattern.


"The bride gave it back to me..."


At the same moment, Lu Xin didn't even have time to take a closer look at the objects in his hand, and a sharp noise suddenly sounded around.

It's like a noisy child crying wildly.

The sharp sound trembled the entire forest, as if it was all such crying, and the entire forest formed a sea of ​​irritability.

In the entire forest, all the trees suddenly trembled violently at this moment, and found a dull creak. The next moment, the soil in all directions suddenly rolled and swelled, as if there was a giant underground, swimming from a distance in an instant. Come here.

"Puff", "Puff", "Puff", "Puff"

Suddenly, the soil exploded one by one, and black vines were drilled out of it.


At the end of the vine, there was a bulging black pouch, which split open like a flower bud.

The only difference is that the buds are beautiful and clean.

The black pouch at the end of the vine was rancid, with sticky threads.

Like a catcher of a man-eating tree, it opened to the extreme, and half of the body of the man inside came out.

There are such thick vines on all sides, and on all sides, there are this kind of dark half of the body.

Sticking out of the bag at the top of the vine, he came over to grab the plastic doll in Lu Xin's hand.

A sense of chaos that filled all the spaces around the body appeared.

Lu Xin seemed to be surrounded by children clamoring for candy.

"younger sister…"

He yelled subconsciously and stretched out his palm at the same time.

But the next moment, he found that his palm was empty, and he couldn't help but stay for a while.

"Eh, where's my sister?"


Slightly surprised, she turned around, only to find that her sister had actually picked up the thread that had fallen from the air. .

His expression was a little surprised at once, and immediately his mood became better.

My sister is not disobedient, she just learned to care about others.

But without the help of my sister, my flexibility has been greatly reduced.

As a result, he also changed his mind for the first time, and he moved slightly slower when he was about to pounce.

The next moment, the surrounding air suddenly became distorted, and the mental force field was released instantly.

A trace of densely packed spiritual power suddenly collided with the black vines in all directions.

All the black vines were bombed out for the first time, crookedly.

Lu Xin didn't hold back, and took a step forward violently, grabbing down with his left hand to the front.


Five fingers inserted into the python body, and the rancid juice splashed randomly.

"Look at what you are..."

He pulled the vine toward him, and at the same time, his eyes were cold, and he looked intently.

But he did not expect that at the moment he grasped it, this vine quickly withered, and his fingertips could even feel that tough and powerful vine was rapidly losing its vitality and turned into a light and rot. Withered...

The spiritual power inside escaped, leaving only a dry wooden body.

"he he he he he…"

At the same time, in all directions of the forest, that kind of ridiculous and painful laughter suddenly sounded.

"The bride pays me back..."

"The bride pays me back..."


This call is dense and complex, time is near and far, drifting in the entire forest, reluctant, crying and screaming and laughing.

It seemed that I would never give up without taking this thing back.

"At this level, do you still refuse to escape?"

Lu Xin took a deep breath in this unusually irritable voice.

Talking to himself, an undisguised sneer appeared on his face.

At the next moment, he suddenly raised his black left hand and touched the ubiquitous spiritual radiation in this forest.

Then, he grabbed the mental radiation so suddenly, and pulled it down fiercely.


The entire forest was suddenly filled with dull and violent sounds of trees collapsing.

The entire dense forest seemed to be shrouded in a large net, and then pulled in the middle by invisible force, bowing to the location of Lu Xin.

It's like bowing to the court.


In the chaos, a panic scream suddenly rang.

The thing that sneered just now was also in this big net. Originally, it was in this net, and it felt very relaxed.

Because this is its net, it can appear anywhere on this net and control the power of this net arbitrarily. It has absolute control over everything in this network. But it did not expect that someone did not follow the rules.

Lu Xin pulled this net off directly.

So it, who was in the net, couldn't help but quickly approached Lu Xin.

"Ha ha…"

Lu Xin was still slightly excited.

From entering this dense forest, I wanted to do this.

As a tyrant... No, the tyrant is just a nickname given to himself because he was ignorant when he was a child.

But no matter what, possessing the power of this black particle makes him have a terrible ability to destroy almost all spiritual power. However, he has also been subject to a serious limitation, that is, black particles have no pollution ability.

So when fighting pollution, he often fell into a sense of powerlessness by clicking on the face.

In the past, with his father by his side, he could also use his father's powerful pollution ability to spread the breath of black particles.

Although the effect will be greatly reduced, but it is useful after all.

Now my father has regained his authority and is wandering the world, restoring his own power.

He lost a powerful leaning stick.

Especially when facing this kind of mental pollution that seems to be everywhere, like the tide.

no way.

By clicking on the surface, no matter how powerful this point is, it is very troublesome to eliminate this surface.

Fortunately, he is now on the fifth step.

In addition to possessing the power of "fantasy", the understanding of black particles seems to have deepened a lot.

He had always had a very subtle feeling when he walked in this dense area before. This ubiquitous spiritual radiation seemed to be substantial on some levels. He could touch them lightly, as if, it could be Catch them...

Now, I just grabbed them, and then pulled hard.

Sure enough, there was an unexpected effect.

"Shit la la la..."

Lu Xin immediately released the power of "fantasy" when the spiritual radiation of this piece of film was pulled in front of him.

In fact, he has always had a big weakness.

Other abilities, or spiritual creatures, if they reach the fifth stage, they can use their own "field" or pollution logic to release the power of "fantasy". But Lu Xin’s black particles have no pollution power, so the power he releases "fantasy" can only rely on the "field" of others, or with the twisted field of force released by himself...

If the force field is distorted, the range will be limited.

After all, his mental magnitude is only a pitiful ten thousand.

Full release can also cover a range of about one or two hundred meters in diameter at most.

Usually enough, when encountering major events, it will inevitably be insufficient. Therefore, Lu Xin used the pollution logic reached between Teacher Xiaolu and the executor to release the impact when he was fighting against the swordsman in Qinggang. The fantasy of the entire Satellite City II.

This time, Lu Xin directly borrowed this "field" that he had pulled in front of him.

The moment his fist clenched and the fantasy released, the spiritual power covering the entire forest fluctuated violently in an instant.

There is some kind of high-level influence, spreading rapidly.

Sisi wanted to control the entire field before, so she needed to suppress and compete step by step.

Lu Xin is different.

He is the king, so he can directly control all the initiative in this field.

Even if this is a forest.

Dr. An has already said that trees will also have spiritual power.

Then, as long as you have spiritual power, you have to admit that I am your king.


It was the sound of slender and soft bones covered by fantasy power and gently pinched into various shapes.

Countless complex and detailed voices are intertwined together, like overlapping nightmares.

With the rapid expansion of Lu Xin's fantasy power, I don't know how many weird existences exist in this dense forest. They all felt a strong panic and yelled desperately to flee. But the next moment, the action he was fleeing was frozen, and he felt the power of fantasy drowning his body. Turning to, starting from the lowest level of spiritual traits, it became gentle and kind...


Also in the process of endless expansion of the power of fantasy, a clear tearing sound of cloth suddenly sounded.

There is a certain existence in this spiritual radiation, feeling the panic, and actively tearing apart this spiritual field.

As if the tensioned silk thread was instantly broken.

All the trees that were almost bent into a bow shape became straight at this moment and still trembling slightly.

"Or escaped?"

Lu Xin looked down at his palm, frowning slightly.

At the same time, the radiated spiritual power of collapse and tearing suddenly stabilized.

The entire dense forest, the chaos that revolves around the world, is also quickly reversed as if there is no intermediate process.

All the illusions, the subtle chattering and wind noise of UU reading, disappeared completely in such a moment.


Dr. Ann and the others, who were in extreme panic, suddenly panted violently after a long time.

Then their eyes floated a little, and they looked at Lu Xin who was standing not far away.

"Hey eh..."

On the edge of the distant forest, a faint cry suddenly sounded: "Bride..."

"He... he took the bride away..."

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