Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 795: The curse of pre-civilization

"God's recovery?"

Suddenly, when Dr. Ann was telling the story of the pre-civilization era, he suddenly heard such a word.

He suddenly frowned slightly, somewhat incomprehensible.

"It's hard to understand, isn't it?"

Dr. An looked at Lu Xin and smiled bitterly: "I, and many people at the time, I am afraid it is difficult to understand."

"But the person who proposed this theory at the time was very firm."

"They said that this kind of symptom has already run through human history. When you read the history books carefully, you will find many strange descriptions of mental states, such as what the Queen Mother of the West has arranged for crowd funding, what is the Strasbourg dance plague incident, what The Scarecrow of Massachusetts, the Red-eye Spider of Tokyo, etc., they tried to prove to the public that this type of event is not unique in history."

"It just appears more and more frequently in reality, and its scope is getting wider and wider."

"They firmly believe in the theory of reincarnation of civilizations. They believe that in the pre-civilization era, it is no longer known to be the first generations of civilizations on the earth. The previous civilizations, each generation will develop to a certain level, like fireworks that burned to the extreme, suddenly disappeared. not see."

"Is it the invasion of alien civilization? Or is the earth's climate change? Or is it the extinction of ethnic groups caused by disease or war?"



Her voice was slightly heavy, and said: "They think this is caused by the shadow of God projected into the human heart."

"Of course, in order to avoid feudal superstition and the acceptance of others, they changed the description of God."

"That is, high-dimensional life!"


Lu Xin listened carefully, feeling even more bizarre.

Dr. An sighed lightly and said: "It may sound outrageous, but many people believed them at the time, and they were also enthusiastic about conducting research, and even planned a series of pioneering experiments to try to prove the existence of this high-dimensional life. ..."


Lu Xin suddenly had a certain conjecture: "It was their experiment that led to the occurrence of the Red Moon incident?"


"I have no idea."

Dr. An shook his head and said: "First, these things were told by the old dean before I left, otherwise I have no impression of them at all; second, this research group, in the research institute at the time, was actually a little bit It's not very noticeable. The Institute had many research projects at the time, and they would launch some new ones from time to time, or end some old ones, they were nothing..."

"And I only know that the core of the Red Moon Research Institute is not a high-dimensional life, but a creation hard drive."

"All research revolves around the creation hard drive."

"Including our investigation mission this time, it is also focused on the creation hard drive."


"Creation Hard Drive..."

After going around, Lu Xin felt as if he had come back again.

He was silent for a long time.

I can feel the sound of my heart thumping and beating.

What is the creation hard drive of the Red Moon Research Institute?

What is that high-dimensional life research project?

Who is the culprit responsible for the Red Moon incident?

The most important thing is, what does Lu Tianming in this high-dimensional life research project have to do with himself?



The night is getting deeper, and the darkness seems to be shrouded in a depression that makes people breathless. .

Only occasionally take off and the "buzzing" of electronic flies that enter the institute to supplement the number of detectors.

And after telling Lu Xin all the things he knew in one breath, Dr. An also straightened up slowly, gently pressed his palm on Lu Xin's shoulder, and whispered: "I know, in your heart There will definitely be a lot of doubts, and I have too."

"But, go in and take a look, maybe our doubts will be solved..."


As she spoke, she gently raised her head and looked inside the ruins of the research institute.

Lu Xin also stood up straight with her, trying to suppress the panic and anxiety that was constantly surging in her heart.

In a low voice: "Can you go in?"

"For the terrain scan of the internal structure of the building in Area A, it is almost done."

Master Li held the manipulator and answered earnestly: "Although the electronic fly seemed to have been disturbed a little during the period."

"But they have not reached the level of short-circuiting the electronic flies and warning them."

"So, it looks safe inside, but...this is the former research institute after all."

"So you should understand."


Dr. An did not respond directly to his words, but lightly nodded and said, "Then you, A Zhen and Si Si will stay here and continue to scan and inspect the terrain in other areas of the Institute. Part of the electronic flies will follow me at any time. To exchange information..."

"If there is an accident, both parties will tell each other as soon as possible, but please remember that our goal..."

"Bring the results of the investigation back."


What she said was the same as when she was joking before.

But this time, it didn't sound like a joke.



The two Dr. Lu Xin, Dr. An, sister, Sisi, Zhang, and Wang quietly prepared to enter the academy.

Zhang Wang, two doctors, seems to want to stay with Master Li.

But because both of them wanted to stay, no one simply said it.

Everyone took out the vise, cut open the rusty iron lock at the entrance of the institute, pushed the door open with a "creak", then turned on the flashlight, step by step, stepped on the thick dead leaves, and began to walk slowly. Walked into this dusty building for a long time.

They went straight to Area A.

Because most of the other buildings are not secret to the research institute, only Area A is extremely mysterious.

Moreover, the map scanned just now is also Area A.

Therefore, they tensed their bodies slightly, and walked towards the building on the left to the rear. He opened a small door leading to here, and under the gaze of a tall tree canopy, he slowly entered the building that looked inconspicuous from the outside, but seemed a little lonely and desolate. Standing at the door, quietly looking into the long dark corridor.

"That's it..."

Dr. An sighed lowly and said, "Even me, this is the first time I have come to this building..."


At this time, Lu Xin suddenly hesitated and said: "It seems that I am not here for the first time..."

"I even feel that I have worked here for a long time..."


"Working here for a long time?"

Lu Xin's words made an incredible flash of Dr. An's face.

She turned her head and glanced, and did not speak immediately, but winked at everyone and walked forward slowly.

The miniature flashlight in his hand is an invention of the research institute.

Although it is small, the light is very bright, enough to illuminate the places they walked clearly.

So Lu Xin stepped forward and gradually saw this old and silent corridor, and the air was full of dust.

The walls are white, and there is a one-person-high green wall below, but time is mottled and the original vividness is lost.

The sound of their footsteps in this corridor seemed very dull.

Everyone subconsciously eased their steps, seeming to be worried about something that was disturbed.

Even my sister seemed to have been affected by this research institute, and she was a lot more honest, lying on Lu Xin's back obediently.

Occasionally showing half of his face, I went to see Sisi.



In this silent atmosphere, Lu Xin became more and more silent.

Following the crowd, he walked towards the depths of the corridor step by step, feeling a strange atmosphere that always enveloped him.

Gradually, his vision began to blur.

This corridor can still be seen.

However, everything in the corridor seems to be no longer the same.

He saw that the surrounding walls became clean, the ground became tidy, and people in white coats walked past him hurriedly holding documents. He saw the guards in neat uniforms, with live ammunition, standing around the corner.

I also saw a beautiful woman in a white nurse's outfit in the office on the left, lying on her desk and talking on the phone.

The back is alluring.


The close talk and laughter came from the far end of time and entered his mind at this time.

Scenes flashed in front of his eyes, making him feel more and more real, and his impression became deeper and deeper.


He stopped suddenly, turned his head and looked at a room with a hidden door next to him.

Looking inside in a daze, a layer of cold sweat broke out on his body unknowingly.

"What's wrong?"

Dr. An and several others also stopped hurriedly, turned their heads, and looked at him strangely.


Lu Xin paused, and for a while, he didn't know how to answer.

"Do you still feel familiar?"

Dr. An frowned slightly and said in a low voice: "But it shouldn't be like this..."

Seeing that there was a layer of cold sweat on Lu Xin's forehead, she paused slightly and explained to Lu Xin with some caution:

"In terms of time, you did come to the research institute and stayed here for a while."

"But you shouldn't be familiar with this building."

"Because before, all the experimental subjects were held in Area D, and Area A will definitely not let you in easily."

"Here, only one generation of researchers could enter."


While talking her eyes were fixed on Lu Xin.


Dr. Wang next to him couldn't help but say: "Because the environment here is similar, it has a sense of sight?"

"Or, it was once transported here..."


He spoke carefully, giving a reasonable explanation as much as possible.

"Perhaps, what you said is correct..."

Lu Xin murmured, suddenly moved slightly, pushed open the concealed door, and whispered:

"But if it's just like that, how would I know that there should be a box of magic playing cards?"


While talking, he walked into this dark room.

When the light source was chaotic and the office layout could not be clearly illuminated, he went straight to the table against the wall.

There was a slight silence, and he stretched out his hand.

Without hesitation, he pulled away the bottom layer and flexed, then fumbled a bit from the inside, and took out something.

It was a deck of playing cards that was so old that it had bulged up.

Lu Xin's palm trembled slightly, opened the deck of cards, and showed them to everyone.

Inside, it's all ace of spades and ace of hearts.

Obviously, this is a deck of cards dedicated to magicians.


The sudden scene caused Dr. Ann and the others to suddenly shut their mouths.

A cold air rose from the soles of the feet.


Dr. Wang was slightly nervous, and asked in surprise: "How did you know? Back then, you put it here?"

"The key question is here..."

Lu Xin stroked his forehead slightly in confusion, and said, "I don't know..."

I like to start with the red moon, please collect it: () The fastest update from the red moon.

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