Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 803: Plan B of the investigation team

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"This is…"

After such a small episode, it helped Lu Xin and the others to make sure that what they saw before them was not the dummy weaved out of fantasy, but the real ones they came down to greet them.

After all, in such a place where weird and fantasy are intertwined, it is difficult to see the truth. Any acquaintance who appears in front of oneself should not be taken lightly. It may be the product of fantasy...

…Lu Xin comforted himself so much.

Slightly raised his head, looked at them, and said, "Why are you down?"

"The things we encountered in the forest before, and there are more and more strange things, all rushed over..."

The sudden change just now made Master Li a little surprised. After confirming that there were no other problems, he quickly greeted him and said anxiously: "Sisi has dealt with one of them, but cannot solve so many pollutions at the same time. Come down to find you."

"Some kind of power in this research institute seems to make them fearful. They surrounded them for the first time, so they didn't dare to come in for the time being..."


When he said this, he was suddenly taken aback and looked behind Lu Xin: "What are you doing?"

Following his gaze, everyone found that Dr. Zhang and Wang were holding hands.


The two doctors were taken aback, and hurriedly let go of each other's hands.

"Sure enough, there are a lot of things coveted here..."

After listening to Master Li's words, Dr. An also took a deep breath.

His expression was heavy, he didn't seem to feel the surprise, and he whispered: "We're all right, let's go up and talk later."

"Being stuck here is the most troublesome thing.


With that said, she took the lead to pass the crowd, quickly followed the fire stairs, and returned to the first floor of the research institute.

Facing the dark, dusty and sandy window, she frowned slightly, holding up the miniature submachine gun and sweeping it.

I saw the electric light raging everywhere, a window shattered instantly, the glass fell, and the field of vision suddenly widened.

When they looked out, they suddenly felt an indescribable mental pressure.

The entrance of the academy was completely blocked by a dark shadow...

In the distance, there is a towering black giant tree, waving its teeth and claws.

It gives people the feeling that the entire forest has come alive and is moving towards the research institute little by little.

On the east side, you can hear the clear sound of water.

It seems that in the lake next to the research institute, I don't know what has appeared, it is frantically stirring the lake.

And inside the research institute, there is a huge stone headless Buddha statue lying on the ground, twitching little by little.

The mental radiation detector on everyone's wrist flashed crazily in red.

However, the values ​​are no longer available for reference, and they have long been messed up.

Master Li, what they said was right, the entire academy was already surrounded by all sorts of weirdness.

Even at the spiritual level, Lu Xin could feel that there was more chaos and weirdness in the distance. He climbed layer by layer, gradually accumulating the chaotic cordon around the research institute. Thick, then slowly squeezed forward. .

The enormous spiritual power has even formed a long fence outside.

Under the light of the red moon, it was like a dark red tide, squeezing towards the research institute little by little.


Even his heart couldn't help but beat.

He has cleaned up a lot of pollution, but this is the first time he has encountered such a big scene.

He is not afraid of any one, but this terrifying quantity and variety makes him a little bit embarrassed.

And more importantly, in those distorted phantoms that seem to be true and imaginary, you can see countless heads of people moving.

They crawled on the ground like beasts, craned their necks from time to time to sniff.

Under the light of the red moon, you can clearly see their pale and rotting skin, as well as their mutilated heads.

And in the open mouth, the shreds of meat hanging from those sharp teeth.


There are actually a large number of demented people coming with these pollution.

This is even more worrying for everyone. After all, the attacks of dementias are not only on the spiritual level, but on the physical level.

"Sure enough..."

But when Lu Xindu felt a slight pressure in his heart, Dr. An let out a low sigh.

She slowly turned around, looked at Lu Xin, and said, "There is reason to suspect that this is the arrangement of a generation of researchers. They are probably also waiting for you to accept this information, and then take you away. These weird things may be just for procrastination. Just live in your footsteps..."

"Possibly, when we arrived, they were ready."

"This only...this information has been buried here for so many years, how could they have never thought of taking it away?"

"But they can't do it, so they must have made a lot of attempts. Maybe they have already set their sights on you and are waiting for you to come. And we have no other choice. We will definitely come, we will definitely come. Into their trap."

"This is in line with the working style of a generation of researchers, who will always hide in the dark, and will accurately calculate every step."


Lu Xin was silent for a while, and he subconsciously agreed with her words.

Judging from what I know now, those generations of researchers have more than just set their sights on themselves?

As early as many years ago, they had already set their sights on themselves.

I don't understand why they let themselves accept this message after so many years.

But undoubtedly, this must be in their calculations.

Maybe they have already been impatient in waiting, looking forward to this day day and night.

"Then rush out together?"

Lu Xin took a deep breath and looked at the strange and trembling chaotic mental power outside.

The most terrifying thing now is undoubtedly the fantasy covering power of the creation hard drive.

However, my sister, a thief... the good habit of picking up things anytime, anywhere, did help me a lot.

The pen of truth has a very good restraint effect on fantasy.

Then, no matter how many other weird things are, I am actually not particularly afraid of it.


His gaze couldn't help but swept over Dr. Ann and others.

Black particles are better at destroying them. In such chaos, it is difficult to ensure that they can be protected.

Especially when the mother and father are not there, and only the sister is around.

"To rush out is to rush out."

Dr. An nodded lightly and said calmly: "But you need to be prepared."

With that, she turned her head and glanced at Lu Xin, and said:

"I know your power is very powerful, that is a high-level power from the beginning."

"However, in the face of such a scene, you must also be careful."

"Now it is because in this research institute, the power of taboo has not completely disappeared. It still suppresses the weirdness below it to a certain extent, and can also deter the weirdness outside. Even the power of fantasy can't be here. Play to the strongest."

"However, these taboo powers disappear very quickly, and if we rush out, we won't be able to get its help at all."

"Not to mention anything else, just the fantasy power of the creation hard drive is not something we can fight against..."


When Lu Xin listened, he couldn't help but look faintly: "What do you mean?"

"Ha ha…"

Dr. An chuckled in a low voice, and said, "We can think as hard as possible with the methods of a generation of researchers."


She paused slightly with a sneer on her face, and said, "We have already thought of these before we set off."

"Although, at that time, we didn't know that the information here contained such an important thing..."



Lu Xin was slightly curious when her accent was different.

She didn't seem to be as flustered as she thought.

"I will help you leave."

Dr. An's voice was slightly low, he sighed lightly, and suddenly looked at Ah Zhen next to him, and said, "Adjust to the sprint mode."


Listening to her words, Ah Zhen suddenly straightened up slowly, and threw all the luggage on the shelf behind him on the ground. Inside his body, there was a faint sound of mechanical turning, and even the deep part of his pale eyes were bright. There was a faint red light.

"Let it carry you away."

Dr. An turned around and said to Lu Xin: "A Zhen is a semi-mechanized person, with a high degree of immunity to mental pollution."

"It has already set a destination in its program, and it can take you directly out of this area and go to the edge of the taboo line a hundred kilometers away. There, there are already a whole group of negative zero troops waiting for you, they I will **** you back to Qinggang as soon as possible."

"As for walking through..."

After a slight pause, she smiled: "You shouldn't be afraid of those weirdness?"

"For you, as long as you protect yourself and ignore any changes in the surrounding environment, you can definitely leave."

"This is the plan B that we arranged before we set off."



Listening to her calm, even indifferent voice, Lu Xin followed her thoughts and found it feasible.

No matter how strong the power of fantasy is, it will not affect a cyborg.

The most important thing is that I really know it in my heart. If I want to leave, there are really very few strange things that can hurt me.

Even the fantasies of creating hard disks change their perceptions at most.

If you close your eyes and ignore it, the power of these fantasies can hardly affect you.

What's more, there is still a pen of truth?

However, when thinking about these issues, he also realized another thing.

His expression gradually became surprised, and he looked straight at Dr. An and others, and said, "What do you do?"

Dr. An shook his head slightly and smiled: "Isn't it already said?"

"Sending the news is the main purpose. The others, including us, are not important..."


She raised her head to look at Lu Xin, her blood-stained face was a bit radiant:

"Get ready to go!"

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