Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 806: The feeling of destruction

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Lu Xin thought.

He walked in this wilderness, looking at the weird ones with an expression of fear.

He felt his own evil thoughts, coming in and out of the old building, devouring one powerful spirit monster after another.

Only a powerful spiritual monster is qualified enough to be swallowed.

The weak ones don't need it.

The weak spirit monsters will be destroyed as soon as their distorted force field spreads over.

Free and unrestrained.

This was the first time he felt freedom. It was a feeling of reaching the limit and rising again.

He had never felt this way before.

Because at that time, he still didn't know what was right from wrong, so he had to learn from others anxiously in everything.

I am afraid of doing something wrong, and I am worried that everything may lead to unnecessary consequences.

At that time, he was not even sure whether he should leave work earlier, worried about causing bad things, and even if sending a little less money to the orphanage, he didn't know if it would cause serious consequences, and how dare to use it arbitrarily. Violence?

But now it's different.

Now that he has found the spiritual core, he dares to use violence instead.

The destruction of the wrong and the endurance of the right are as simple as that.

Besides, this is an empty wilderness with no personal shadows, so how about letting go?

My sister is also very happy.

She was carrying a small gray bag, holding a pen in her hand, and drew it in the air from time to time, looking at everything around her happily.

Lu Xin saw her holding a pen in a non-standard posture, and suddenly had an idea.

Can my sister write?

Do you want to take advantage of her to like this pen now, let her study more and learn to write?

Of course, it may be useless to consider the actual meaning, but it makes me happy to think of her distressed look...

At the same time, she was even more curious about the backpack she was carrying.

This small backpack was already there when she took her to find the fire thief.

The pen was stolen from a fire thief. .

So, what did she stuff in her bag before?


Just thinking about it, my sister suddenly noticed his eyes and immediately held the backpack in her arms, as if she suspected that he was going to grab it.


Lu Xin was a little embarrassed: "I don't want yours either..."

"But, can you tell me what's in it?"



The younger sister obviously thought about it seriously, and felt that Lu Xin had a good attitude, so she reluctantly said: "There are toys."

"It's a toy that will make me a queen in the future."

With that, he straightened his chest and said proudly: "I will be a queen in the future."


Lu Xin was a little speechless: Why do you think of being a queen?

After thinking about it seriously, seeing my sister refused to say anything, I had to say: "Being a queen, you have to study..."

The younger sister rolled her eyes in contempt, "Who dares to let the queen study?"

Dr. An and others were equally surprised and delighted.

They speeded up their pace, entered Lu Xin's distorted force field, and moved forward quickly amidst strange screams.

It seems that even her insights did not expect it to go so smoothly.

Seeing so many weird rushes before, using "Sisi" as the unit of strength, she immediately determined that she could not escape. Even if she knew some secrets of Lu Xin, she felt that she would definitely not be able to escape, so that's why. With the previous idea.

But she also didn't expect that when she really started to charge outward, she would be so relaxed.

In her estimation, there should be a lot of weirdness close to Lu Xin and even at the same level as him around the ruins of the research institute.

However, when Lu Xin's power unfolded, he realized that none of those weirdness could get close to him.

Under the protection of his twisting force field, they only need to shoot a few madmen who rushed in.

Moreover, Lu Xin's distorted force field could not directly obliterate the lunatic as clean as weird.

But these lunatics were obviously greatly affected in his field of force.

It's almost like a living target.

In addition to the surprise, Dr. An really gave birth to a hope of escape.

Suddenly shouted to Dr. Wang: "The diameter is two hundred meters... now it has expanded to a distortion field of about three hundred meters."

"How long can a person of normal ability perform at the level of 10,000 spirits?"


Dr. Wang stayed for a while, looked up, and instantly calculated it mentally.

"If you don't pollute others, that is, without mental power to supplement, you can probably support..."

"...Three seconds."



Dr. An couldn't help but stayed for a while, surprised: "Are normal people so short?"

Dr. Wang just wanted to nod his head, and suddenly realized something was wrong...

Dr. Zhang next to him has already glanced sideways at him.

The huge mental force field opened, and as Lu Xin moved, it was like a transparent, huge umbrella.

After borrowing his sister's ability, Lu Xin quickly wandered through the wilderness and weirdness.

Wherever he went, his hands gently brushed the air, and the black particles slightly drew arcs of black marks.

It seems that there is a kind of black particles that can't leave his body at all, can be slightly far away from his fingertips, with a deep and desperate aura, setting each of them in the air only by the twisted force field. Weird obliteration.

This has become a hunting game.

Wherever the distortion force is located, all the weirdness is covered in it, most of which are distorted and collapsed.

Some of them were powerful. In the old building behind him, countless strange Lu Xin appeared, preying on the strangeness of the Spirit Lord.

Others, no matter what method was used, survived within the distortion field, and in an instant, they were rushed to the front by Lu Xin. The right hand covered with black particles did not need to analyze what monster the opponent was. destroy.

Turning around from time to time, Wan Bai's left hand pierced through the void, grabbed the old building, and moved a distance to the premises.

Where it was located, a large number of demented people were immediately wiped out.

This rude but extremely effective way of breaking through, almost instantly reversed everyone's view of this battlefield.

Even looking from a distance, it seems that within a range of more than ten kilometers, there is no knowing how many weird things are coming.

They all have an idea that they can break out in a short time.

Even in this, Lu Xin saw the thick vines burrowing up and down from the ground from a distance, and there was a crying sound.

Judging from the sound, I suddenly realized that it was the spiritual monster that had escaped in the forest before.

He hesitated slightly, and didn't directly rush to kill it.

After all, he knew in his heart that his most important task now was to take people away from this place first.

Although, with the surging of black particles, the tendency to destroy something in his heart has become stronger and stronger. This kind of abnormal spiritual power always seems to be accompanied by emotions of destruction and anger. The more you use it, the longer the time, the stronger the impulse.

However, with the spiritual core, he can control this impulse as much as possible.


But also in this fast forward charge, Lu Xin suddenly heard a strange sound.

It seemed that a bug was passing through the gravel, and it seemed that a small saw was cutting across the pages of the book.

This kind of voice appeared extremely abrupt, as if silently, it suddenly appeared in front of him.

Other weird sounds are also constantly making all kinds of chaotic noises.

But Lu Xin rushed forward so directly, and the twisting force field was everywhere, and all the weirdness basically became quiet all at once.

In other words, within a radius of two hundred meters covered by the twisting force field he was in, it shocked everything.

I would never find this kind of weird sound beyond my control.

But now, suddenly there is.

Not only did he have it, but he even quickly approached himself.


At this moment, Lu Xin suddenly became vigilant, and quickly grabbed his sister, and withdrew back flexibly.

Because within his own distortion field, his actions were blessed by his own spiritual power, and his actions were also unusually magical and vigorous. One overturned backward, he instantly jumped more than ten meters away, hanging upside down. On the walls of its own old building.

Then he suddenly raised his head and looked forward.

Seeing where I was standing, the soil suddenly broke open, and a dark red fleshy monster broke through the ground.


The soil kept being rolled up, and the fleshy monster kept rising up.

Actually rushed to a height of 100 meters, and the upward trend only slowed down.

Immediately, the huge body began to shrink rapidly, and the skin was wrinkled together in circles, forming layers of rings.

It wasn't until its body was shortened to a height of about thirty or forty meters that it became quieter.

At this time, Lu Xin finally saw what it looked like.


It was a worm with no facial features, only a worm with barbed fangs.

The dark red fleshy, constantly squirming, chewed up the weird ones that were accidentally swallowed in the mouth, and swallowed them down.

But when its mouth is wide open, it will find that it has no facial features, but deep in the mouth full of barbed fangs, there is a cold face in the position of the throat. As its mouth shrinks, it is looming. , Looked at Lu Xin gloomily at this time.


The infinite weird surroundings suddenly retreated far away like a tide.

Looking at the worm, they seemed to see hell.


At the same time, the strangeness in the distance has also retreated to both sides.

In the air, it seemed that a dark red door suddenly opened, and inside the door, two other worms swam out.

When they got closer, Lu Xin discovered that the three worms had only one body.

This is a three-piece worm.

At the same moment when the two worms approached, Lu Xin's pupils shrank slightly.

His body suddenly turned over, like a huge gecko, his body swayed slightly, and he quickly climbed up the wall of the old building.

Turned over and jumped on the roof, turned and looked over again, his pupils contracted again.

He saw the worm with its thick and weird head swaying constantly facing him at this time, working hard to unfold his body, as if it was hiding something.

With its body as the center, the air ripples visible to the naked eye are swaying layer by layer, which is subconsciously, using its own mental force field to form an absolutely safe field to protect the space below.

And under its body, there was a strong and tall jeep slowly approaching.

The huge ferocious worm, and the jeep that steadily drove on the ground below, intertwined into a strange scene.


The jeep drove up to Lu Xin’s old building. Com was about seventy or eighty meters away, and stopped steadily.

Then the left and right rear doors were pushed open at the same time, and two people walked out of the car and stood on both sides of the car.

The one on the left is an old man wearing a style that looks a bit like a priest’s robe, but with a mighty pen, with weird and cumbersome patterns everywhere on it. His five official figures are like a knife, axe, and axe, with something that people don’t dare to look at directly. Mysterious temperament, cold eyes.

The other is an old man in a white coat.

He was leaning on a silver cane in his hand, and his head was bare in the middle, but there was a circle of white hair around it, which looked a little funny.

They appeared calmly among the countless weirdness, but their faces remained unchanged.

As if the countless weird things that make people feel uncomfortable after a glance, they are just ordinary backgrounds.

The old man in the black robe on the right raised his head slightly, his eyes swept around, and finally looked at Lu Xin.

Suddenly he said coldly: "The only consciousness is not what you should have, hand it over!"

Lu Xin looked at them quietly, guessing their identities, and at the same time feeling their level of strength.

After a while, he suddenly spoke, "How much do you give?"

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