Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 812: Lunar Eclipse Institute

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At the same time, the members of the minus zero unit who jumped down from the helicopter guarded Lu Xin in the middle.

There was a roar of engines all around.

I saw that the off-road vehicles that had been modified and could crash and drive in the dense forest rushed out of the dense forest.

In each off-road vehicle, there are five members of the negative zero unit. They are vigorous and fierce. When the off-road vehicle roars and rushes into the dense chaotic mental turbulence, it rushes forward fiercely. , They have already stuck out their bodies and fired.

And in this piece of off-road vehicles, there is another most special one.

It was a thin and short figure, riding on a motorcycle, protruding from the group of off-road vehicles.

With a sudden mention of the handlebar, he rushed straight into the endless weirdness.

After the incident, pieces of weirdness were lifted off.

This is a very counterintuitive phenomenon.

When you look closely, you will find that there are circles of spiritual vortexes gathered next to the motorcycle.

Only in a specific way can you see that it is a group of lurkers running fast around the motorcycle.

It's crackling.

Although the individual is not strong, but the number is extremely large, and there is a lot of spiritual power.

One by one weird, they were all knocked out.

The most conspicuous one is wearing a red hat with two horns growing on it.

This motorcycle rushed through a group of strangers in an extremely arrogant manner.

Then, with almost no deceleration, or even accelerating all the time, he rushed straight to the position where Dr. An is now.

When it was twenty or thirty meters away, the handlebar was violently turned, and the body was almost lifted up, the tires wiped the ground, and a piece of desolate weeds and gravel were lifted off. The body was once level with the ground. Angle, and then lifted up again with a sense of beauty.


The body stopped steadily, and the whole process was extremely smooth and enjoyable.

It's just that a lot of actions help.

For example, when the car body almost overturned just now, it was lifted by the lurkers, or it was a choking fall. .

"Hello, teacher..."

The passengers in the car took off their helmets after they stopped.

Under the helmet, there was actually a thin old man with a gray beard, and even a pair of reading glasses on his face.

He smiled and raised his head to say hello to the black bishop, then tapped his earphone gently.

He raised his chin slightly, pointed towards Dr. An, and said, "Although the signal is a bit messy, I seem to have heard..."

"You said my students are not real researchers?"


The black bishop looked at him indifferently and said: "You are not a real researcher in my eyes."


The old man riding on a motorcycle, or in other words, the current dean of the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute, Xue Jia, shook his head in disdain.

Then he said: "I don't think you are really researchers."

"You are a bunch of lunatics."

"A group of lunatics who claim to be extremely sane, but are actually extremely crazy!"


While talking, he stepped off the motorcycle, bowed slightly to the black bishop, and said, "And now."

"I've had enough to clean up the mess for you, so, teacher..."

"I want to stop you."



"Stop us?"

"Do you know how serious the situation is now?"

"Do you know what the consequences will be if our plan is broken?"


Unexpectedly, after hearing the words of Xue Jia from the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute, normal people would only regard this as a provocation.

Treated as an opening remark that started to completely tear up the position and prepare to start the battle.

Therefore, more people may choose to sneer or sneer.

Or in other words, it directly crushed the opponent with more powerful force to seize the opportunity of the battle.

However, the black-robed bishop's choice was actually angry.

This anger was mixed with a question that couldn't help but refuted Xue Jia's words loudly.

Even the palm of the hand of black playing cards was exposed.

"do not know…"

While he questioned himself loudly, Dean Xue had put on the motorcycle helmet again and replied loudly:

"You hid all the secrets, how do we know?"

"We can only investigate and make our own decisions..."


While talking, he also quickly reached out his arms and took out a yellowed note from inside.

"You don't have enough wisdom to make a decision."

The black bishop strode forward, still appearing very firm.

Beside him, the Abyss Worm, which had just been hit hard, raised its head high.

The huge body shook, and the mouths opened at the same time. It was densely packed with a grunt similar to abnormal hunger. Then he stretched his body layer by layer, and swallowed it straight in the direction of the head of the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute.

The huge fluctuation of spiritual power instantly covered a radius of 100 meters.

All mental fluctuations were attracted by the mouths on its body, including mental turbulence and human will.

And under the body of this huge worm, the black bishop's voice appeared very clear:

"We will not disclose everything we know, because humans have always been such a race."

"The more the number, the more stupid it seems."

"A person and a group are of the same nature."

"A person will have a strong will and a lazy mentality; in an ethnic group, there will also be enterprising people, and there will also be people who pull back. A strong person wants to make progress, he must suppress his laziness and hesitation. You must have a strong will, dare to challenge your own nature, concentrate your strongest strength, and even need to break your arms to survive at a critical time."

"The same is true for an ethnic group. It must have enough courage and sufficient will."

"You can never respect everyone's opinions, because no matter the right thing, someone will vote against it."

"This is the nature of human beings, and it is also the nature of this ethnic group."

"So someone needs to make a decision, move forward, and break that arm when it's critical."

"Do you think that arm was willing to be abandoned when it was poisoned?"

"No, if that arm has his own consciousness, he will only pull the whole person and die together!"


He said loudly, his voice getting louder and louder, reaching the highest when the worms behind him swallowed downwards:

"As a researcher, you should have seen the abyss."

"Since you have seen the abyss, you shouldn't have such stupid thoughts..."



And also facing the loud shout of the black bishop, and also facing the terrifying and terrifying of the abyss worm, originally it seemed that the words belonged to the more types of Dean Xue Jia, but it seemed that he had lost all the desire to speak, he was just deep He took a deep breath and shook his head:

"Teacher, do you know where your problem is?"

"Because you have been watching the abyss for too long, you have long lost hope for everyone..."

"How can this world be saved by people who have lost hope for others?"


At the same time, he had been waiting for the moment the Abyss Worm approached, and then quickly opened the notes in his hand.


Suddenly a clear and heavy chain collision sounded.

In that yellowed, seemingly ordinary notebook, an unusually powerful spiritual force surged out.

As the abyss worm swooped down quickly, and the mental power smashed into layers of air vortex, this notebook was also affected. The release of mental power suddenly reached a terrible peak, which flooded his body. The whole area.


The abyss worm has the characteristic of devouring everything.

Every mouth on its body is greedily devouring all its spiritual power.

This is its instinct.

However, with the sound of that heavy iron chain, an unimaginable huge iron chain suddenly poured out from that thin notebook, following its instinct, it penetrated into the abyss worm one by one in an instant. Through its mouth in its body.

In an instant, the body of the Abyss Worm was covered with black chains.

It was as if rope guns were inserted into its body, fixing its body, and even pulling toward the note.

Its huge body and mouthparts actually began to shrink a little bit, being pulled into this thin note.

The first-order parasitic item of the research institute, the cage of truth.

Moreover, it is a cage of truth that incorporates the dominance of the Tibetan Rodman.

The Abyss Worm can swallow everything, including the chains of the Tibetan Rodman.

But as the strength of the Tibetan rod, the chain of control can always be eaten by the abyss worm to some extent.

This gives the possibility to temporarily fix it by borrowing the dominant chain.

The next step to fix it is to forcibly pull it into the cage of truth, at least to a certain extent, to seal it.

"Papa Papa..."

At the same time, the negative zero troops had already rushed into the battlefield.

The various spiritual forces surging around will have a strong impact on the human brain.

If an ordinary person comes here, he will instantly become an idiot, a lunatic with a completely confused brain.

But the negative zero force is almost immune to this kind of influence.

They maintained a neat and orderly way of fighting in this patch of chaos and weirdness.

Armed with a special weapon, he was able to withstand the strange attack abruptly.

Among them, when only a piece of demented people rushed up towards them, two members of the minus zero unit were thrown down and then torn into flesh and blood.

And they didn't even hum.

It just quickly formed a separation wall between Lu Xin and Infinite Weird.

The member of the minus zero unit who first jumped from the helicopter, already shouted without ups and downs:

"Mr. Lu, please leave under our escort."

"Mr. Lu, please leave under our escort, and we will provide you with protection."


"Armed forces that are extremely immune to mental pollution can also maturely seal the mental power of the fire thief, and integrate the dominance of the Tibetan stickman into it, and make these two ultimate powers stable and effective parasitic item production ."

On this chaotic battlefield, the black bishop strode forward at the same time.

The chief researcher of the Red Moon Research Institute wearing a white coat has been quietly staying beside the jeep instead.

He even took out a jet-black pipe and smoked it.

And watching the dean of the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute appear with the negative zero force, and even severely inflicted the scene of the Abyss Worm, he did not show any panic. Instead, there was an expression of appreciation on his face: "It looks like we During the period of retreating behind the scenes and concentrating on repairing the creation hard drive, these young people were really attentive and achieved some very good results..."


"After young people have some achievements, they will always be busy fighting for the right to speak."

"For this, I don't hesitate to show my most ignorant side..."


"What the **** are they?"

It was also at this time that the part of the body that watched the Abyss Worm was protecting itself was being pulled into the notebook, and not far from the side, there was already a group of members of the negative zero troop rushing towards him, seemingly wanting Launch a fierce offensive.

The distorted force field released by the Abyss Worm around him was already so thin that he could hardly protect himself.

The black bishop did not show a panic and nervous expression.

What he showed was irritability, the irritability of watching the endless harassment of flies.

"Your understanding of spiritual power is too shallow."

He said impatiently, then raised his right hand, hooked his fingers, and one of the playing cards was flipped to his fingers.

Then, with a light hand, the playing card fell to the ground.


When the playing cards landed, there was only a slight noise.

But with this slight sound, suddenly there were countless noises in the surrounding air.

It was the sound of doors being opened quickly.

This kind of sound seemed unusually abrupt above the empty wilderness.

And as the door opened, a dark red light suddenly appeared in the surrounding wilderness.

These rays of light covered the entire area. In front of almost every member of the minus zero unit, such a dark red light appeared. In the light, a door-shaped space was opened, dense as if standing. A curved **** corridor.

Then, suddenly there was a roar from the door.

In the next moment, a line of brutal and even violent figures, wild beasts rushed out of the door.

These members of the minus zero unit who could not even react, immediately threw themselves to the ground, and then bit them fiercely.

Two even rushed directly in front of Dean Xue Jia and others.

The eyes are scarlet, but the movements are vigorous, and everyone has a faint black temperament.

It looked like the black particles on Lu Xin's body, but compared to the black particles, they were more distorted, but also thinner.

Bang bang bang!

The members of the negative zero force possess the power of terror. Even in the third stage, the existence of infinite pollution ability will convulse for half a day with a shot. When it hits them at close range, They actually just shook their bodies slightly, the bones in their bodies snapped, and then they rushed towards them unaffected.


They not only threw down the members of the negative zero unit one after another.

Several even jumped into the air, grabbed the dominating chains that pierced the abyss worm, and gnawed fiercely.

The power of the ultimate level was actually bitten off piece by piece by them, and then quickly tightened and quickly disconnected.


Seeing these terrifying monsters, Dean Xue Jia couldn't help taking a step back.

He saw the faces of these monsters.

Each one is extremely similar to Lu Xin, and even their temperament is unusually similar...


He suddenly raised his head to look at the bishop in black.

"Yes. UU reading"

The black bishop stood between the dense dark red doors, and said coldly:

"Since we want to seal that person's mental power, how can we not think of cloning his body directly to seal it?"

"It's a pity that there are always many unexplainable problems in scientific research."

"It's like, even his clones can't withstand this kind of mental power, instead they have become monsters."

"So, we can only use waste and build these clones into a violent force."

"I have to say that this kind of power is not easy to control, and it is not easy to contain."

"But it is built into a humanoid weapon, and after being used for violence, it is still very useful..."

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