Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 815: Peeping Master's Choice

"Jing Ming, what are you doing?"

After the black bishop gave the order, he had a bad feeling immediately.

He had no choice but to reduce the risk and obtain the only consciousness as soon as possible before giving an order to the Peeping Master. However, he discovered that after his order was issued, he blocked the Tyrant’s Power of Peeping Master. There was no response.

This is by no means normal.

It stands to reason that the power of the Peeping Master may not be as good as that of the tyrant, but he definitely has the ability to resist.

The most important thing is that the spiritual consciousness of the masters is that they have been grafted into the body of the tyrant.

To some extent, they are two consciousnesses of the same body.

Therefore, at the level of fighting against tyrants, the voyeuristic master definitely holds a greater advantage than the other ultimates.

Taking a step back, even if the Peeping Master cannot hold the tyrant, he can at least hit the tyrant severely and create opportunities for himself.

Where you are, you can definitely see the confrontation of spiritual power there.

but. .

He looked over and saw only blood-red eyes, flying all over that area.

These eyes, on the contrary, prevented his peeping.

The peeping master can see the fate of others, but he can also oppose the peeping of others.

Suddenly, a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart, and he considered three things in a flash.

Turning his head for an instant, he looked in the direction of the researcher wearing a white coat, and whispered: "Nothingness."

The old researcher in the white coat immediately nodded and threw a playing card forward.

At the moment when the playing cards rushed towards him, the black bishop waved his hand to signal the abyss worm to go away.

In the abyss, such a chaotic battlefield, he couldn't live without the protection of ultimate power.

Therefore, there must be someone who ultimately releases the twisting force field at any time to protect him.

However, when there is a problem on the side of Peeping Life, he has to go to get the unique consciousness in person, and this has to consider another problem.

He couldn't let the abyss worm, which had been swallowed blindly, approach the only consciousness.

Therefore, he wants to let the Abyss Worm leave, let "Nothingness" protect himself.

Nothingness is ranked second among the thirteen ultimates. You can rest assured that she can get close to the power of the only consciousness.

The number one was originally a Peeping Master.

After arranging these two things, he immediately rushed forward, and the picture in his hand appeared as a playing card with a closed eye. While striding forward, he strode forward to the Spying Master. To urge, a kind of stressful urge.


The spiritual power in the abyss suddenly dispersed to the surroundings.

The huge body of the abyss worm suddenly rose up and retreated to the side.

At the same time, a girl with white hair and hollow eyes appeared in the abyss.

She gently stretched out her two hands, hugged the air above the black bishop's body, and her white hair fell gently.

A huge spiritual force was formed, which protected him.

At the same time, as the black bishop approached, the cards in his hand clenched tightly, and all his eyes trembled violently.



"what are you going to do?"

It was also at this moment that Lu Xin suddenly had a bad feeling and yelled to his mother.

The **** eyeballs floating around in mid-air were shaking gently, seeming to be under tremendous pressure.

The sudden and direct pressure on the traits makes these eyes floating in the air look like glass **** that have been slammed through. There are already obvious cracks on them. If the pressure is higher, it will be Blew up in general.

In the middle of this eye, the mother's figure is also flickering and slightly distorted.

But at this moment, her face suddenly showed a slight smile.

Holding delicate scissors in her hand, she approached Lu Xin.

Leaning over Lu Xin's ear, he whispered: "I want you to understand that our beginning was false."

"I did lie to you too, more than once."

"But, there is no woman, and I don't want to have a family..."


When she said this, the scissors in her hand suddenly lifted, and then cut them out forcefully.

She cut to herself.


Suddenly some invisible silk thread was cut in the air, like a tight kite thread.

With the cutting of these silk threads, the mother's figure suddenly became clear, and the eyes that had begun to crack around, broke violently at this moment, and the blood and light exploded, but the remaining eyes were At this moment, it stabilized a lot.


The black bishop's face changed drastically, and he suddenly felt the playing cards in his hand tremble slightly, and then became lifeless.

In his voice, there was disbelief for the first time: "You gave up the spiritual temple?"




At this moment, Lu Xin was also free suddenly, and immediately reached out and grabbed his mother.

He even had an indescribable panic.

Because he felt that the mother's essential level was falling rapidly. From the high level that all spiritual creatures need to look up to, the rapid decline. As if falling into the abyss from heaven, the spiritual power has become extremely dimmed in an instant. To a certain extent, it is not even as good as those who were driven by a generation of researchers, the weird spirit lords are stronger.

But at the same time, a smile from the heart bloomed from his mother's face.

She spread her hands gently and smiled gently: "At this moment, I am truly free..."

When she said this, the pupils in her eyes were suddenly connected to each other, gradually deepening.

At the same time, the blood-colored eyes around them suddenly became more and more, splitting one by one.

Just like red balloons.

In an instant, almost the entire abyss was covered.

Some fly in the air, some fall on the ground, and some grow out of the surrounding strange creatures.

Then he instantly robbed the creature's consciousness and became her shadow...

It is a picture with indescribable beauty.

Countless eyes flew in the air, flooding the abyss, filling every inch of the abyss.

At this moment, her shadow has become fainter.

Quietly, smiling to Lu Xin: "There is no ultimate one who wants to be controlled by others."

"There is no woman who is willing to betray her children."

"They are all sane people, so they think that if you control me, you can watch you for them forever."

"But they forget that the ultimate is not actually the most sensible existence."

"Every ultimate, because of being polluted by human nature, has changed from pure spiritual power to ultimate..."



Her shadow gently leaned over and hugged Lu Xin, her voice gradually lowered: "We are indeed family members."


"Because I am a family member, I choose to trust you without reservation..."



The indescribable huge warm current hit this moment in Lu Xin's heart.

The huge impact of mental power suddenly flooded every corner of this abyss.

That covered the entire area, dense, huge eyes, facing all directions of the abyss, opened their eyes.

Some of them looked towards the rift between the abyss.

Some looked at the endless spiritual monsters around.

Many more, he looked at the hand of the researcher in the white coat, the big trump card with the red moon printed on it.

That kind of gaze that can see through everything is intertwined in this abyss and in every connection of infinite spiritual power, and it also looks at all the secrets and insights contained in that big trump card. At this moment, you can see through. Everything.

This naturally also includes the secrets of the abyss.




Xue Jia, the old dean of the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute, suddenly heard intensive writing.

It sounds like someone is struggling to write a book.

And he was trembling almost with excitement, and quickly took out the notes that were almost broken before.

I saw a series of symbols that could not be directly seen on this note, like an invisible pen, in the rapid writing, the elegant font almost became a straight line, recording the abyss, The most original secrets.

"got it……"

He suddenly yelled vigorously, pulling his throat, completely disregarding his image and decency.

I don't even worry about attracting monsters around because of this shout.

"what is that?"

At this moment, Dr. An almost forgot the dangers around him, and suddenly screamed with extreme anxiety.

The dean of the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute closed his eyes slightly, as if the whole person was in a state of excitement that couldn't be self-reliant:

"It was the plan she made privately with me when she came to see us."

"It is also the first reason why I am willing to accompany the entire lunar eclipse family and take this risk with her..."

"After that time of Mahjong, she took advantage of the time when the restoration of the creation hard drive by a generation of researchers at that time was the most critical time, and told me the purpose of the generation of researchers, and at the same time I issued this invitation. I can't help but agree. , Because I can’t watch the world, so I agreed to cooperate with her at the right time and take the entire Lunar Eclipse Research Institute to accompany her once."

"This is the original agreement."

"At that time, I asked her that the Institute could take a risk with her for this world."

"So, why is she taking such a big risk and paying so much for?"



After a long silence, he took a deep breath and said in a low voice: "She said, for the sake of her own destiny not being controlled."

"in addition……"

After a slight pause, there was an expression on his face that he still felt absurd until now:

"As an ultimate, she actually told me that the more important reason is for her family!"

"For my own... child!"

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