Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 825: 1 will be back, Ms. Peeping

The red moon quietly hid behind the rolling mountains.

The air seemed to suddenly become quiet and fresh at the moment when the dawn was approaching.

There were no forest branches that swayed wildly like an ogre, and there were no oppressive and dense muttering that made people seem to be immersed in a nightmare.

There is no such kind of weird creature that can only appear on the spiritual level, and grows like a patchwork.

Even those entities, demented people who were driven by some mysterious people, were mostly blasted into a puddle of fleshy mud by the powerful mental power at this time. Only occasionally, they climbed upside down in the wilderness. In the soil, panting.

After a crazy confrontation, this kind of quietness and quietness actually gave birth to endless comfort.

Dr. Ann finally threw away the burning paper in his hand and looked down at his embarrassed self.

He tore off the stockings that had several holes in his left leg and was still dragging rags next to him.

In contrast, the silk stockings on the right leg are still intact and will not be torn temporarily.

Barefoot, quickly searched around and picked up the cylindrical glass cylinder...

It's amazing.

After such a crazy battle, this secret weapon did not explode.

Fortunately, fortunately, it did not explode, otherwise it is possible that most of this wilderness and the surrounding forest will be destroyed.

Then she got up quickly and nervously, came to Sisi's side, took off her white coat, put it on her, and carefully looked at the girl with some confusion in her eyes, and she was deeply relieved and hurried. He held her in his arms.

This time, the only people who came out of the investigation team were herself and her.

As for the individual soldier...because I am not sure of the current state of the individual soldier, it cannot be counted for the time being.

In the distance, the flying white hair of the Void Girl had disappeared in the air, as if it had never appeared before.

Also taken away by her were the black bishop and the old researcher in the white coat.

So far, the Void Girl still represents the strongest defensive force in the world.

The place where her embrace and her white hair fall is absolutely safe, and no pollution can invade half of it.

However, the black bishop who left under her protection and the head researcher of the generation in white coats did not have the slightest expression of joy.

They left with a repressed and desperate mood, and even a little confused.

Before the provisional, I took a deep look at the individual soldiers who looked at them indifferently, and seemed to want to say something.

But after all, they remained silent until they really left.

Lu Xin didn't stop them, and he couldn't stop them.

He just smiled provocatively in the end to make sure that these two people had understood what he meant.

It is not yet possible to destroy their bodies.

So we can only give in and destroy their hope first.

In the sound of ticking music, the circus people have packed their bags.

They stood on the elephant's back, and at the same time saluted Lu Xin in a unified and exaggerated manner and said goodbye.

Including the crowned clown behind them, the same is true.

When he greeted Lu Xin stroking his chest, his face still seemed to have an inexplicable smile.

It's funny and dangerous.

But Lu Xin did not try to stop it either.

Even if it is not known whether he is an enemy or a friend, but only because it appeared at the most dangerous time, helped, and held such a wonderful performance, paying tribute to his mother, I would not stop him, This is a kind of politeness to behave.

"There is still a lot to do..."

From a distance, a motorcycle drove over.

Dean Xue drove the motorcycle and slowly walked behind Lu Xin, with a lurker squatting on each shoulder.

Behind him, he followed a group.

These big eyes that kept blinking and blinking made Dean Xue look very unserious.

But what he said was very serious, and he said to Lu Xin in a deep voice, "Our teachers are terrible."

"They have the most core information about the catastrophe of this world, and they have spent decades spreading out the most powerful plan in this broken world. Although this time of confrontation, our plan was successful. They got their strongest hole card. But, because of this, we are really on the opposite side of them, which will kick off a dangerous prelude."

"Before this, they only wait and see more about this world, and slowly make their own preparations."

"But now, everyone has made their position clear, standing on their opposite side, and pulling each other into the battlefield."

"Although they have lost their biggest hole card, I don't know if they suddenly go crazy and start an offensive against us, what a crazy and terrifying threat they will face. I can only say that each of us , Be careful."


Lu Xin listened to his words quietly, without comment.

After a while, he suddenly asked, "Where is my sister now?"

Dean Xue was taken aback, silent for a moment, and then replied: "In the research institute."

"In addition, there are some people you know there, as well as some things that Ms. Peeping left for you."

"Later, I will send it to Qinggang for you."


"Ms. Peeping..."

Lu Xin was slightly lost, then nodded, "Okay."

After saying this, he was silent for a while, looked at Dean Xue, and stopped talking.

It seems that I want to ask something, but I don't dare to ask.

However, feeling the little bit of coldness close to his chest, he still asked slowly:

"Can you come back?"


Dean Xue knew what he wanted to ask, and fell silent for a moment.

After a while, he gently shook his head and said: "This is beyond my understanding."

"But, you have just used the power of real creation to restore her spiritual palace, haven't you?"

"In theory, it should be possible to come back?"


There was an unconcealable worry on Lu Xin's face.

"I'm not too familiar with this kind of power..."

He whispered: "For that poker card, I can only restore it to its previous shape as much as possible. I don't dare to have any extra thoughts. I am worried that it will be different from what I did before, so I will come back again. She’s not her anymore..."

"I can understand."

Dean Xue nodded and said, "But I don't think you need to worry."

"I believe that as long as there is no problem with the Spirit Palace, Ms. Yuming will definitely come back."

"I don't know much about your power, but I think, because of the different perspectives, the ladies we know about Peep Ming are also different."

"Ms. Peeping in my eyes, because she can understand fate, she will never choose to escape."

"For her, as soon as she died, she left the rest to others..."

"...That's an act of avoiding fate!"

"At least, the lady I know, who has enough courage to lay down this round, will definitely not do it."


Listening to his words, Lu Xin's heart suddenly trembled slightly.

He raised his head to look at Dean Xue, who had somewhat disliked the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute before.

But now, after investigating with Dr. An, I have seen the confrontation between the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute and a generation of researchers.

In other words, just because when he talked about this matter, he showed enough confidence and showed his approval that his mother will come back, which is enough to change his attitude. At this moment, I even felt a little grateful to the old man in front of me.

"Yes, I will be back..."

Lu Xin sighed for a long time, suddenly a smile appeared on his face, and said, "Am I very strong now?"


Dr. Ann, who had just walked over with Sisi, suddenly heard this question.

I wonder why this is discussed?

Could it be that this stupid dean has just been discussing with the individual soldiers the question of who is strong enough?

Is this crooked?

Dean Xue was also visibly taken aback, and then smiled: "You are very powerful in the field of destroying something."

"In the field of destruction, you can even rank second."

As he said, he pointed to the underground, and said, "The first one is below."

"So, in reality, you can also be said to be the most powerful."


Lu Xin thought about it carefully, and felt that what Dean Xue said was reasonable.

Then he frowned slightly and said, "But, I don't like destroying things that much..."


Dean Xue said immediately: "The rich don't think about destroying the world, and you are already quite rich now!"

"It can even be counted as the biggest creditor of our Lunar Eclipse Institute!"



Lu Xin was somewhat surprised.

Now I am really not in the mood to talk about money, but, but this old dean is really good...

"So, without destroying them, is there any way to solve them?"

After calming down, Lu Xin asked this question seriously.

He asked very seriously, because that's what he thought in his heart, he must get rid of them.

After all, I just said that I will get rid of them.

Speaking counts, this is also the politeness of being a person.

Hearing his question, Dr. An was slightly surprised, and Dean Xue gradually showed a somewhat relieved expression on his face.

Then he also thought about the problem very seriously and seriously, saying: "Spiritual creatures need only to pollute more people, that is, to force the spiritual power of other creatures to be used for their own use and suffer a kind of growth. Will control..."

"And we are human."

"People want to accomplish a big goal. Of course, they need to find a group of friends who have the same goal."

"So, what you need to know now is what you want and what."



Dean Xue's words suddenly made Lu Xin feel a little surprised.

Yeah, I'm just a person who walks down the street honestly and doesn't hire anyone or provoke anyone.

Suddenly a gun fell in front of him, and then everyone wanted this gun and said they should have this gun.

What can I do?

Of course, I found the police station and handed in the gun.

If not, then find someone you can trust, but take the gun as your own idea.

Lu Xin never produced.

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