Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 828: The best stage (4000 characters)

"A fax from the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute is here."

Outside Qinggang City.

In a very short time, a large area of ​​buildings and security measures were built, and a large number of laborers in the wilderness, as well as aunts and aunts who sell vegetables, etc., have faintly established a special mental health research base in the prototype of the seventh satellite city. Inside.

In the middle building, Chen Jing personally took the documents she had just received and rang Professor Bai's office.

Mr. Su, the thick-haired Dr. Mo and others have already been waiting here.

In addition, there are several screens, in which the Minister of Urban Defense Shen and other gentlemen who are equally worried and nervous.

The entire Qinggang attaches great importance to the document that the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute called in advance to explain that this document will be faxed over.

Because the research base of Qinggang now has too much influence.

Needless to say, the research investment fees received are already of an astonishing scale.

Today, although time is still short, there are not so many core secrets unearthed from the spiritual palace of the sword bearer...

However, every professional person has already seen the huge potential of this research project. Such an ultimate spiritual palace that can be researched at will is just as precious as a country in the pre-civilization era suddenly got an alien spacecraft. .

It is difficult to research advanced technology on the grounds of nothing.

But among the existing models and finished products, we analyze advanced technologies and try to apply...

completely different.

One is like a baby toddler, the other is like flying on a rocket...

Therefore, Qinggang has exploded its terrible influence in a very short period of time. The strength of both the hard and the soft has been rapidly improved, and it has even been upgraded to one kind, which makes Qinggang feel faintly. So a little bit empty...

After all, the expansion of the scale and influence of this research base means that Qinggang is seizing the opportunity!

The Twelve-Walled City of the Alliance, plus the place of chaos, plus the technology churches in the south, are all rivals to each other and become the masters of this land. Now everyone is just waiting for the stability of the situation and waiting for the spiritual level. The change becomes stable.

Prior to this, the accumulation of forces from all parties was the most important link.

Qinggang is undoubtedly at the forefront.

From the moment the Heavenly Plan was successful, it began to develop by leaps and bounds.

In particular, the establishment of this research base has allowed Qinggang to lay the foundation for absolute superiority.

This is the first opportunity.

And this opportunity can even be said to be grabbed from the hands of the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute, challenging the dominance of the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute.

The Lunar Eclipse Institute is not a polity, as they have repeatedly stated.

However, before Qinggang does these things, it is inevitable that it will cause some opinions from the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute.

However, what Qinggang and some other forces who want to wait and see a good show did not expect is that the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute has shown a very tolerant attitude in the face of Qinggang's development.

Even the team from the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute came over, really just doing research honestly, and even the amount of money that should be paid is not less.

This tolerance surprised many people.

But only Qinggang understands that things are still worrying.

For example, the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute has shown tolerance and even cooperation on the issue of this research base.

But in private, they took away the single soldier again, saying that they were going to conduct some investigation.

Qinggang didn't know what this investigation meant, and because of the agreement, they could only wait patiently.

Now, the individual soldiers have returned, but they seem to be in a depressed mood and have no intention of communicating with them for the time being.

Therefore, they can only guess what happened from some details.

First of all, the individual soldier returned successfully, and the state seemed to be very stable, which showed that the mission completion degree was not bad.

Secondly, there was a period of disappearance during the old building, indicating that there was a confrontation during their mission, and it was very fierce.

It is so fierce that the individual soldiers need to summon the old building to pass to solve it.

So, who are they fighting against?

What is the result of the confrontation?

These questions almost drove the people of Qinggang Special Clearance Department crazy, but there was no way to ask Lu Xin.

Fortunately, the research institute called at this time, saying that the investigation mission had been successful.

Moreover, they also plan to send the detailed information of this adjustment task to Qinggang by fax.

At this moment, Chen Jing held this faxed information in her arms.

Professor Bai got up, took the information in Chen Jing's arms, quickly unpacked it, and then quickly flipped through it a few times.

His face immediately became a little dignified.

The people around him were also worried. Even Minister Shen on the screen subconsciously stretched his head, wanting to see the content in the information.

But after Professor Bai watched it, he quickly closed it.

On his face, there is no joy or worry, but a little confused.

"Lao Bai, what did it say?"

Mr. Su generously handed the glass of whiskey he had just poured to Professor Bai, and asked worriedly.

"The detailed information is about the creation hard disk and unique consciousness, but more of it is just some guesses, which need to be interpreted and studied by professional personnel. However, what worries me is that the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute mentioned in the fax Another thing."

Professor Bai picked up the whiskey subconsciously, took a look, then pushed it to Mr. Su: "Add ice!"

"Oh oh!"

Mr. Su very cooperatively took it to him and added ice cubes.

Facing the concerns of so many people, Professor Bai slowly said: "A generation of researchers has appeared..."


Everyone was taken aback, Chen Jing was a little better, and the faces of the gentlemen on the screen changed drastically.

"In the legend, the culprit of the Red Moon incident?"



Professor Bai slowly nodded and said: "How the Red Moon event happened is still a mystery, but it is basically certain that it is related to their generation of research experiments. The fax of the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute did not mention it. When it comes to the specific information about this matter, it is only mentioned that they and a generation of researchers are standing on an opposing angle, and they have already launched a confrontation."

"As a result of the confrontation, a generation of researchers have been hit hard, but the Lunar Eclipse Institute has also suffered a lot."

"Nowadays, the hole cards of a generation of researchers have been abolished, and the hole cards of the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute have also been exposed, I am afraid..."

"Soon there will be a huge storm..."



When everyone heard Professor Bai's words, they couldn't help feeling a little faintly panicked.

The first generation of research institutes has actually started a head-on collision with the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute?

This means that the situation under the red moon, which has finally stabilized, is about to cause violent turbulence?

It's hard to describe this feeling. It's a worry that the sense of security quietly collapses.

It was another sigh that I knew that this day would come, and couldn't avoid it.


After being silent for a while, Minister Shen suddenly spoke, "Lunar Eclipse Research Institute, do you want us to help him?"


Professor Bai shook his head, seeming to be a little puzzled, and said: "This is not mentioned in the fax, but it encourages our Qinggang research. It seems that he is still very optimistic, but..." After a slight pause, he was low. Said: "I met Dean Xue Jia when I was studying in the academy. He was a...a highly respected person. Compared with other researchers, he has an advantage..."

After thinking about it carefully, he said: "People with less obvious advantages."

"He is better at management, and he likes to hide the real purpose in long reports..."

"So, he told us the current situation, not so much asking for help..."


He said and thought about it, and then gradually confirmed his thoughts, and his tone became serious:

"Rather, he is preparing us psychologically."

Taking a deep breath, he whispered: "The three generations of researchers and the high-wall city forces behind us, it's time to get on the stage."

"Ah this..."

Listening to Professor Bai's words, everyone suddenly panicked.

It stands to reason that the major high-walled cities have already been on the stage.

After all, in the face of endless spiritual pollution, no one from the high-wall city has ever avoided it. Of course, they have been fighting against pollution. Although there have indeed been several big oolong incidents in the middle, but now, the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute Let everyone be prepared, what kind of psychology is there?

With the development of this spiritual satellite research base, Qinggang's strength has rocketed upwards.

However, the more you learn, the more panicked you become.

In this world, the red moon hangs high, countless weird breeds, and there are too many things they can't grasp.

These are all variables, and there are so many variables that make every normal person feel unreliable.

Just like a single soldier.

The importance of individual soldiers to Qinggang is self-evident.

However, what happened to Qinggang's individual soldiers now, and what level of power they have...

As soon as he came back, he went back to the old building, and the doll passed by, and did not come out for a day.

Faced with so many unstable variables that cannot be accurately represented by data, what should Qinggang do?

"We don't have to do anything."

At this moment, in the face of everyone's worries, Professor Bai thought slowly and replied in a low voice.


Everyone was surprised by his answer.

Especially Mr. Su, thinking in his heart, if this old man said more ambiguous words, he would be strangled to death...

Fortunately, Professor Bai said it seriously this time, as if after careful thought, he slowly said:

"In other words, we just need to follow our previous plan."

"You are right. Our world now has many uncontrollable variables."

"There are monsters who can see through people's hearts, there are people who have mastered the power to approach the gods, and there are many lunatics who don't follow the rules..."

"In front of them, any careful thought will be seen, and any strategy may be self-defeating..."

"So, if Qinggang one day, it really has to embark on the highest stage."

"Then the advice I can give is to do nothing..."

"We can only step on this stage in a fair manner according to our own heart and our own plan."

"What we are going to do is only if we can stand the see-through and the test before we can get their support..."

"It's that simple."


Everyone present was moved by Professor Bai's remarks and fell into contemplation.


When Professor Bai said this, he couldn't help but said again: "There is a single soldier, I still have to go and take a look..."

"He and Wawa two young people stayed in such a strange place for a whole day, it would be bad if something really happened..."



"Quickly, I got the order, go for it!"

Half a minute later, the Qinggang Special Armed Forces doll nanny team, which had been lurking downstairs at Lu Xin's house, was fully armed, even prepared with blasters and rockets, and finally got the order of the Ministry of Special Cleansing to go upstairs. Excited.

The burly women in protective clothing hugged the special guns tightly.

"The second and third teams are on alert, the first team is following me..."


The nanny team leader Wu strode out of the command car, then took a deep breath, picked up the special firearms, and bravely rushed into the old corridor with people. The psychological construction at this time is no better than rushing into the rain of guns. How bad is the situation.



The moment they entered the corridor, they were suddenly surrounded by patches of weird spiritual power.

There seemed to be countless invisible things flying at this moment.

They are grinning, either curious or unkind.

Surrounded by the members of the nanny squad wearing thick protective clothing, even if they are separated by thick protective clothing, they always feel a kind of shock, as if being touched by someone, and as if someone is gently facing each other. Their necks were blowing cold.

With every step taken, my heart trembled.

It takes great courage to climb each floor.

However, while the nanny squad was chanting "all of them" in its heart, it thought of a pitiful baby at the same time.

He broke through himself again and again, and came to the fourth floor.

Fortunately, the weirdness in this building seemed to be just curious, and none of them really hurt them.

When the nanny, who resembled the death squad, finally came to the door of 401, they took a deep breath, and could hear the depressive and heavy sound of the air in the trachea, and then they bulged up the most. The courage to knock gently on the door.


The door was concealed and opened with a light knock.

The bright lights hit the faces of everyone in the nanny team, and then they could see the scene in the room clearly.

His expression was slightly dull for a while.

The room looked very old, but it was cleaned and the lighting was warm.

At the moment the door opened, a few shadows who didn't know if they were hallucinations quickly hid in the corner. UU reading

In the room with his back facing the door, Lu Xin was sitting on the sofa with a cup of hot tea on the coffee table beside him.

On the TV opposite, a comprehensive news program of the High Wall City Alliance was playing.

In the nearby kitchen, soup was simmering, gurgling and steaming.

Wearing an apron on the doll, holding a feather duster in his hand, sweeping the dust on the wall decently.

Seeing people from the nanny squad coming in, she and Lu Xin turned their heads at the same time, with a puzzled expression.


The unexpected warm scene made the nanny team stunned, and suddenly they didn't know what to say.

After a while, he pointed to the stew pot and said, "Soup, it seems to be mushy..."

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