Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 831: I am the most, only a little better than the ultimate

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"These are the few little abilities I want to show you."

Lu Xin calmly pushed away the hideout that was crying "wow" in his arms, and comforted it.

I don't know what it is so excited for, it has grown into the appearance that its own ability can't be completely saved.

However, after adjustment, it looks better than before.

It seems that I have one more career choice for retiring in the future.

The name Dr. Lu sounds pretty good...

In the entire office, all the other researchers who looked at the changes in Mi Zang were a little surprised at first, but when they thought about it carefully, they were quickly surprised by the amazing power behind this seemingly simple change.

From the surprise and freshness on his face, his expression gradually became serious.

Only Chen Jing reacted differently from others, and suddenly became a little guilty.

"Oops, I used to wear a pink suit because others couldn't see it..."

"Now, I have seen it all..."



In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Lu Xin turned to Professor Bai and others after finishing the performance, and explained seriously:

"I can restore something that is not large, has been destroyed not long ago, and has not affected other things."

He pointed to the doll's hairpin, and said: "It can appear as if through a door, where the spiritual power can reach."

"It can also alleviate the mental pollution of a certain creature to a certain extent."


Having said this, he looked at Professor Bai and the others seriously, as if he wanted to hear their opinions.

These abilities were all used by him when he was fighting against a generation of researchers.

But at that time, my heart was full of anger.

It's just by instinct to display so many abilities without even adding too much thinking.

On the way back, I spent a few days sorting out, feeling these abilities in detail, and making a summary.

In fact, it is really just a small ability.

Recovering card issuance requires only imagination.

Lu Xin could do it a long time ago, imagining that a hairpin would come out, and those present would never find any flaws.

But after this time of investigation, he found that his fantasy ability seemed to have made some breakthroughs.

After the hairpin was broken, he did use his "fantasy" ability to restore it. .

But the key is that the card issued through fantasy restoration, by itself, has really been restored.

His fantasy ability has reached the extreme, and it seems to have changed some of the rules of the world.

As for changing position, it is actually the power of black particles.

During the confrontation at the former research site, Lu Xin defeated the tyrant army under the hands of a generation of researchers and obtained more black particles. These black particles did not merge into the black particles in his body, but existed in the form of vassals. around.

In addition, because he was too angry at the time, the black particles also changed to a certain extent.

For example, it was impossible to leave one's body before, but now, whether it is in the form of a vassal or when it is urged to the extreme, it can already achieve a certain degree of breaking the restrictions and get a more effective way of using it.

Although it still cannot be used to pollute others, it can affect far away within a certain range.

And as long as the black particles can reach the position, Lu Xin can also pass.

It seems that he has changed his position within a short distance, but in fact it is the disappearance and remodeling of the body.

As for hiding, it has an impact on pollution.

Just as Lu Xin was in the body of the Abyss Worm and rescued the "Sisi" that had been completely swallowed.

At that time, in the eyes of Anbo and others, this was almost a comeback.

But in fact, these are two different things.

Because of the nature of Sisi, it is also a kind of out-of-control mental monster. When being swallowed by the abyss worm, it is completely contaminated by the abyss worm. Lu Xin only found Sisi in the body of the abyss worm, and then stripped away the pollution of the abyss worm. Just go out.

He was unable to rescue Dr. Wang, Zhang, and Master Li for this reason.

Because they are really dead, not contaminated.

And the reason why hiding is so...a little weird is not because it grows like this.

Although Lu Xin hadn't understood its past, he could see it from his current eyes.

In fact, it is seriously polluted by a special spiritual power, but it has been treated to a certain degree, and finally a weird balance has been reached. It is still alive, but its life has been chaotic, so it has grown into this look.

Therefore, if he wanted to restore it, he slowed down the influence of his essential spiritual power on him, and he achieved a slight plastic surgery.

But Lu Xin couldn't help it too much. If he helped too much, he might no longer be himself.

After speaking frankly about his new abilities, Lu Xin looked at Professor Bai and the others with expectation.

These new abilities are more like an instinct.

Lu Xin can do it easily, just like turning on a computer to play Tetris, and he can also switch pages to guard against being seen by the leader.

But if you ask him what is the principle of Tetris...

...The ghost knows the principle!

Even if he had to ask Lu Xin to answer, Lu Xin could only say that this seems to be the only consciousness that resonates with his own spiritual power to realize some new abilities. He doesn't know anything else. This is also what he needs a physical examination. And asked Professor Bai and others the reason.

After all, now that I have a lot of pressure on my shoulders, I have a lot of things to do.

Complete ability development and training, and then stop the crazy plans of a generation of researchers.

But in response to Lu Xin's expectant gaze, Professor Bai and others were obviously a little confused.

After a while, Professor Chen Liqing said with a trembling voice, " did this happen?"


Facing this group of eyes blinking, like a researcher who is selling cute, Lu Xin's eyes looked a little weird: "Are you asking me?"

Dr. Mo next to him said in a daze: "Who do you ask if you don't ask about your ability?"

Lu Xin looked even more innocent: "It seems that you are experts in the field of spiritual research, right?"


The atmosphere seemed slightly silent.

With big eyes and small eyes, there was a little embarrassment in the air.

In this awkward atmosphere, more and more people subconsciously looked at Professor Bai.

After all, he is also the chief of Qinggang.

A question that no one can explain, should you come out and say a few words?

"The challenge is coming..."

Professor Bai is actually a bit embarrassed.

Especially after just watching the abilities that Lu Xin showed, his eyes almost fell out.

However, after ten seconds of easing in the middle, he has recovered his serious and unfathomable expression, thinking quickly in his heart, but on the surface he just nodded slowly, looking confident. Look like.

"I need to ask you a few questions first..."

He looked at Lu Xin very seriously and slowly said.

Such a question immediately made people feel different, and Lu Xin nodded hurriedly and said, "What?"


While thinking, Professor Bai asked quietly: "You have entered the sixth step?"


When everyone heard the words, they took a breath at the same time.

The sixth step?

Isn't that the legend, can the level of real creation be realized?

The second level of the seven steps is only one step away, can you reach the peak level?

Some people even pinched a thigh secretly, which didn't feel real.


Lu Xin's face also appeared a little confused, and then gently shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

After a pause, he explained in a low voice: “In fact, a long time ago, I didn’t know how my abilities came from or how to use them. One is positioned."

"My abilities-or should I say level-are quite ordinary."

"Essentially, I should be similar to the ultimate, at most a little bit taller than them."



There was a sudden riot in the conference room.

All eyes widened to see Lu Xin.

Some even got nervous and took off the glass helmet so that Lu Xin could see how big his eyes were.

Listen, is this like human words?

What is meant to be similar to the ultimate, at most it is just a little bit taller?

Also, is this called ordinary?

Do you have any misunderstanding of the word "normal"?

"Yes, it should be described that way."

With so many horrified eyes, Lu Xin thought carefully about what he had just said, and nodded again.

This description is correct.

After this investigation, he has already learned some things.

I also understood what my mother had hinted to myself before.

Ultimately, it originated from the beginning, and I, at least the black particles in my body, also came from the beginning.

In this way, one's own essential level is originally the ultimate one.

Even because the black particles are the ones that were finally stripped from the original body, the black particles are a little higher in level than the other ultimates.

But, firstly, the black particles only pollute oneself and are sealed in one's body; secondly, the black particles have no pollution characteristics. Therefore, when it comes to the threat to this world, in the end, he is much stronger than himself.

People will undergo various changes, and they have the authority to control the hearts of countless people.

What about yourself?

Maybe only when you are heads-up or out of control, can you gain a little advantage?

So, simply evaluate yourself, that is...

Apart from destroying the world, I can't do anything...


Professor Bai was the first to react in a depressive atmosphere that was so surprised that his heart was beating.

"Your performance just now seems to have reached... the true creation?"


"Actually not."

Lu Xin shook his head and said, "What I can do now is only to affect reality."

"There is something called the only consciousness, which is now in my brain. It is this thing that resonates with my spirit, and that's why this power that affects reality was born. But, at least in my personal view In the future, there is still a certain gap between the influence of reality and the real creation. To describe it with the step theory, that is, I have passed the fifth step, and UU-reading has not yet entered the sixth step."

"Half a foot, at most half a foot has entered the sixth step."


Although what Lu Xin said was so bizarre that it was unbelievable, he still thought about it.

Immediately, a researcher asked in a deep voice: "Then why didn't you just step in?"

"Did you encounter a bottleneck?"



Lu Xin shook his head: "There should be no such thing."

Everyone was stunned upon hearing the words: "Then why haven't you stepped out yet?"


Lu Xin suddenly felt that there was no answer to this question. After thinking about it, he looked at the researcher who asked the question:

"Why didn't you go to the Lunar Eclipse Institute to do work?"



The researcher couldn't help but stunned when he heard the words, and said in depression, "I have sent several applications, but they have all been returned."

Seeing him so sad, Lu Xin was embarrassed to say too much.

Comforted: "It's okay, I'm not the same as you, you want to go, people don't want you, but my words..."

After a pause, he slowly said: "I don't step out because of..."

"Worry about the destruction of the world!"

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