Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 835: Orphanage 14


When the chubby figure emerged from the safe, Lu Xin trembled slightly, and almost blasted past with a mental shock. But fortunately, that cold and terrifying guy, his attitude changed fast enough, and when he came out, he was called Brother Jiu, which made him a little familiar. This allowed him to crawl out of the safe intact and see clearly. What he looks like at this time.

It was a chubby face with a round body and a bald head.

Looking at the facial features, he is actually very handsome, but the flesh is very substantial, and it lifts all of his facial features.

At this moment, he fell to the ground, it seemed that he fell hard, and he groaned, and he held it up with both hands, very hard.

Lu Xin frowned and looked at him, his expression gradually becoming surprised.

Just now he said "Brother Nine", which made Lu Xin feel a little familiar.

Now that I saw his face, I felt that he was more familiar, but he didn't even dare to recognize it. .

In fact, compared with my own memory, the difference is too big...

"Hey Hey…"

Although the fat man was a little strenuous, he quickly turned around.

Facing Lu Xin with a grin, wiped a chubby face with his hand, and said very affectionately:

"Brother Nine? Do you remember me? Look at you now, didn't you say that you have changed? In the end, you still can't make a joke."

"I just teased you, but suddenly I felt like I was back in the orphanage..."


"You are…"

Listening to his words and his smile, Lu Xin finally recovered slightly.

His expression gradually became surprised, and there was a surprise that could not be concealed, and suddenly said: "Are you fourteen?"

"When I was young, I used to hang myself up to scare people?"


"Uh, I'm fourteen, is it hard to recognize me?"

The fat man, or fourteen, agreed a little surprised, then waved his hand and said:

"Hang yourself up to be scary. That's the same thing in the past. Now I can't hang it anymore."

"The quality of the rope is getting worse and worse these years, and it broke if it didn't go up."


"It's really you..."

There was a strong joy in Lu Xin's heart, and his expression was slightly agitated.

He didn't expect that at this moment, in this way, he would see the 14th again.

His changes are really too great-"big" in the literal sense.

At the same time, I couldn't help but justify the rope manufacturer. The problem may not be on the other side.

"Oh, it looks really nice..."

Just when Lu Xin was surprised and happy, and he was a little confused about why he appeared with his sister and Xiao19 on the fourteenth, he saw that the fourteenth had already turned over, and at first glance he saw an umbrella. The doll standing next to her suddenly lit up.

Some surprises asked Lu Xin, "Brother Nine, is this my sister-in-law?"


Lu Xin was asked by this sudden question, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer it.

The gaze of the doll next to him has already looked over, quietly, and a little expectant, staring at himself...

How to answer this question?

Fortunately, on the 14th, I didn’t watch much at all, so I looked around in the room for a few laps, then walked straight to the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, sat down with a clatter, sighed comfortably, and said, "Brother Nine, Is there anything to eat?"

"Expensive, good, get some to eat!"



Lu Xin glanced at the sofa painfully.

It is a two-person sofa. I usually sit on it by myself, and there is a large space available on both sides.

As a result, he just sat down and filled it up.

Besides, there is nothing to eat, but it will be "expensive", "good", this is really...


He didn't answer, but suddenly I heard the baby speak.

Lu Xin was taken aback, and saw that the doll had received the umbrella behind him, agreed, and walked out of the room lightly.

Why does the baby seem to be in a happy mood?

Not only did he answer, he was also very enthusiastic?

"Brother Nine, I didn't expect your object to be so good-looking."

On the 14th, listening to something to eat, I was already happy, shaking his head in sigh, and said: "When you were in the orphanage, you said that your length was not the tallest, and your body was not the strongest. Who Can you think of finding such a beautiful daughter-in-law?"

"...By the way, in our orphanage, wasn't there a little girl who ran very fast at the time, did she have a good relationship with you?"


Lu Xin was a little silent suddenly, not knowing what to say.

No. 14 keenly noticed that the atmosphere was a little low, and immediately changed the subject: "Brother Nine, your house looks good."

Lu Xin said, "This is the doll's house, the one that just went out."

On the fourteenth, he was dumbfounded, and said in surprise: "Are you in the door?"

Lu Xin was silent again.

On the 14th, he changed the subject hurriedly: "Brother Nine, you are so charming..."

Lu Xin suddenly felt a bit of brain pain. The 14th is really great.

The surprise when I first saw him, it almost disappeared in just half a minute.

"How can you guys be together?"

Taking a look at the younger sister next to him, and Xiao Nineteen, Lu Xin sighed, "Come with them?"

"Speaking of this..."

The 14th's voice is lower, and the fat face seems to be a little more gloomy: "That's a terrible story..."


Lu Xin raised his eyebrows slightly.

I heard the fourteenth road: "I, you explained that you have lived well in the central city..."

"Don't say you are rich and expensive. At any rate, I have a small house of my own in the central city, which is very rich in land. I am not busy at work. I can do crafts and I can have some relaxing time every day. Every meal is also filled with people. We only ate it when it was done... Then one day, someone from the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute suddenly found it and took me directly to see a terrifying existence..."

His eyes turned slightly cold, and two crazy words were squeezed between his teeth: "Ultimate!"

The hairs that he said are about to explode.

Lu Xin lowered his head, and saw that his younger sister and Xiao Nineteen both frowned and looked at him, and the younger sister answered herself with her lips.



"Really mother found you?"

Lu Xin confirmed this, frowning and looking at Fourteen.


Fourteen's face was slightly surprised, and said solemnly: "Don't climb relatives, that is the ultimate!"

"That's one of the terrible thirteen ultimates, Master Peeping."

"The woman who has big scissors in her hand and chuckles when she is disobedient..."


Lu Xin's face suddenly became a little unsightly, and he narrowed his eyes and looked at No.14.

The 14th also suddenly realized, his chubby face, his eyes stared slightly: "That's...that's..."

Lu Xin nodded slowly.

"Oh, it turned out to be auntie..."

On the 14th, he was taken aback, and the solemn and gloomy face disappeared suddenly, replaced by a friendly smile.

The voice suddenly became relaxed and clear, and he smiled with him: "I really didn't expect it, and no one told me..."

"Anyway, I'm in jail. Auntie let me be found..."


"and many more…"

Lu Xin suddenly felt a little confused, and interrupted him quickly: "Are you in jail?"

Nodded on the 14th, and honestly said: "Yes!"

Lu Xin thought about it for a moment, and his expression gradually became more exciting: "So you said your own little house..."

No. 14 Road: "No. 4, 2 and 67, cells."

Lu Xin was surprised: "This is not yours, right?"

On the 14th, her chest stood up, and said: "I'm indefinitely!"


Lu Xin suddenly didn't know what to say.

Suddenly discovered that what he said just now was actually true.

Indeed, in the central city where every inch of land is rich in gold, I found a small house of my own.

It is indeed possible to make a living by doing a little handicraft, after all, the current prisons are all labor.

I still have some time for myself every day, let me go...

And it’s true that someone prepares every meal, just queuing to prepare the meal...


His head feels a little messy.

Some of the classmates of the orphanage back then went to be robbers in the wilderness, some wandered in Tinder City, and some became killers...

…Now another prisoner has come out.

Lu Xin shook his head helplessly, and said to the fourteenth: "Why are you going to jail?"

"Scared an old man..."

The 14th said frankly: "After all, everything is for life. When I first went to the central city, it was very good. Assistant Chen was in charge of the meal, and the people at the black table gave it to me. Pay, but it didn’t take long for a good day..."

"and many more…"

Lu Xin couldn't help interrupting him again: "Have you joined the black table?"


The 14th nodded and said strangely: "I and Xiao Nineteen are former colleagues, don't you know?"

"Little nineteen?"

Lu Xin glanced at Xiao Nineteen, his face became heavier.

If I remember correctly, before I found her, Xiao Nineteen was a gangster...

His complexion gradually became serious, he frowned and looked at Number Fourteen, and said in a low voice: "Why didn't I see you at the time?"


No. 14 pointed to his nose, and it took a while to react.

A little embarrassed: "When you went to Central City, I was fired."


Lu Xin was still a little unhappy when he heard the name Heitai Table.

Xiao Nineteen was taken away by a black table because of his young age. The teacher was broken and he was in control, but you are an adult.

Suddenly hearing the answer on the fourteenth, he couldn't help being stunned.

The development of the matter seemed to be something I thought, but there was still something wrong.

"Chen Xun really doesn't miss old feelings..."

The 14th shook his head lazily and said, "I just didn't take it seriously when I was working, and the reimbursement account was a little too much, and he ruined a few tasks. He actually doesn't care about the old love of the orphanage. Although, for the face of the old dean, he didn't kill me, but he kicked me out mercilessly. From then on, I could only wander in the central city and make a living by fraud..."

"Until one time, when I told a rich old man that there were ghosts in his villa, the mistress who was killed by him stayed in his bedroom and did not leave. I was going to open a heavenly eye for him to let him see the ghost, and then please When I hunted ghosts for him, the effect was a little too obvious. It scared an old man into a heart attack. After half a month, it disappeared, and I was arrested."


Now I understand...

Lu Xin took a long sigh, feeling a little tired.

So, the 14th has always been in High Wall City. When he went by himself, he was in jail?

It was also at that time that my mother found him and took him out of the prison with the help of the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute?

After thinking of this, Lu Xin suddenly trembled.

Indeed, the first time my mother left her for a long time was during that journey.

So, a lot of things have been laid out since then?

It seems, UU reading www. Everything experienced in's life is slowly finding a solution.

Including Lu Xin's point of view, my mother had some strange behavior and unreliable behavior.

This made Lu Xin feel a little embarrassed, and he calmed down for a while before he eased from such a discovery.

Lu Xin calmed down for a while, and then eased from the discovery just now.

My mother had already started making arrangements so early to do these things for herself, but at that time, she was still in a stage where she could not control her power, and she would be on the verge of losing control at any moment. She didn’t know that she was doing it for herself at that time. Hard work.

And now...

He sighed inwardly, and he could only start asking seriously.

"Why did mom find you at that time?"

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