Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 837: He is looking at us

Find the child in the orphanage.

Take them and truly escape from that terrible laboratory.

Even as a monster.

Lu Xin was quite sure that the most important thing in the message his mother left for him was this.

This makes his mood a little complicated.

He originally wanted to find the children in the orphanage, but he has not changed.

Whether it is because of guilt, because of longing, because of own obsession, or because of other things, I will find them back.

It was precisely because of this idea that he had asked on the 8th to find the whereabouts of other people...

But I want to get it back, just to get it back.

But in the message left by the mother, it seems that these children have other secrets. Could it be said that the kind of old dean that even his mother can't see through, but felt the terrible enthusiasm, is related to the children left in the orphanage?

After a while, Lu Xin gently rubbed his face.

Without a trace of his eyes, he swept past his sister, Xiao Nineteen, and even No.14 who had eaten a mouthful of oil.

Inwardly, slightly relieved.

After a while, he asked on the 14th: "Old Dean..."

Having said that, he also paused.

Certain emotions of guard, fear, and resentment made him a little bit reluctant to use the title of the old dean.

However, when the words came to the lips, this name always came out.

After a slight pause, he simply shook his head and said calmly: "Old dean, have you done anything to you?"

Since my mother said that she wanted to find the child in the orphanage, she even helped herself find one.

Then, there must be some secret in these children.

Lu Xin did not ask Xiao Nineteen because she was too young. She was young when she left the orphanage. For so many years, she has never grown up. Some experiments on the black table have left her on her. The indelible traces could be felt by Lu Xin when he hugged her. She is now suffering from serious psychological trauma, many problems, and there is no way to communicate.

The 14th in front of me should be the most reliable one.

Relatively speaking, the most reliable.

After all, he brought himself his mother's message, and his mother was the first to find him, and she didn't know if she had any deep meaning.

"do not know."

But Ying Lu Xin gave some expectant eyes, but the fourteenth shook his head without hesitation.

"He just saved us back and abandoned us one by one..."


Lu Xin was slightly startled, feeling that what he said seemed to be the truth.

Because if there is anything, they met Number 8 and Number 2, should they tell themselves?


Just as Lu Xin fell into deep contemplation, he only seemed to know that Hu Qihaisai's number fourteen, and suddenly stopped the action of stuffing chicken legs in his mouth, his eyes flickered, and his expression seemed to be It became a little strange, and said to Lu Xin:

"Think about it, it's really strange."

"As far as I know about our old dean, he is a man with firm goals and a very high pursuit of efficiency."

"But after that happened, they rescued us one by one and abandoned them again..."

"Don't you think you are wasting time?"


Lu Xin moved slightly in his heart and looked up at the fourteenth.

This is a problem that is often overlooked, and it seems that it is indeed a key issue.

Yes, the old dean rescued some of the children back then.

However, it now seems that the people he rescued did not stay by his side to help him except for the seventh.

Then, he saved these people back because he could only save so few.

Or is it because, just because these few have other uses, they saved them back?

The latter was obviously more in line with the character of the old dean, but he let them go again.

There was a sudden shock in my heart, and he hurriedly asked: "Back then, after you left, what did he do to you?"

"did nothing…"

On the 14th, silently picked up a sea-caught prawn with two large tongs, but did not put it in his mouth.

Playing with two large pliers in his hand, he slowly said:

"We were rescued at different times and locations, so I don’t know anyone who was pulled back from death by him... Maybe the 7th and the 8th knew that one of them has been following the old dean, one I was rescued very early."

"In short, what I know is that after we were rescued, we followed the old courtyard for a long time..."

"During that time..."


"Brother Nine, you are lucky."

He suddenly looked at Lu Xin and said with a smile: "You don't know that the old dean has such a terrible side..."

"After leaving the orphanage, his temper is different from before."

"I saw with my own eyes that he turned a large gathering point that was almost reaching the scale of a high-wall city into a fanatical sect staff in just one week. Even the old, young, and young women and children in it dared to go with guns. Desperately for him on the battlefield..."

"Those people worship him crazy, and he can let these people go to death without hesitation..."

"He's just an ordinary person, but he seems to be living with a devil inside..."


When he said this, he paused slightly and then whispered again: "And after we left the orphanage, there was rarely a place to settle down, and the people around us never got together again. Everyone and It was different in the orphanage. Some people tried to resist him, but it was of no use. Someone desperately tried to please him... and it was also useless..."

"Of course, more people, perhaps including me, just thought in their hearts, to escape from him forever..."


Speaking of this, his chubby face also seemed to have a vague flash of haze.

"But it's useless."

After he paused, he said, "But gradually, we are all separated."

"Some were abandoned by the old dean, and some were voluntarily applied to leave, but he did not refuse."

"In those few years, he seemed to have suddenly softened his heart and let us go."



He paused, his face suddenly tightened, lowered his voice and said: "I have always had a feeling..."

"The old dean has been watching us."

"No matter where we hide, no matter where we hide, keep watching us..."

"Including now!"



On the 14th, Lu Xin's hair suddenly exploded slightly.

He didn't know if this was the recurrence of the scary old problem on the 14th, or he had a rare trace of true feelings.

He only felt that at this moment, his body was slightly hairy.

He subconsciously closed his eyes slightly and sensed his surroundings, but he didn't notice anything.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that the doll was also looking around curiously, with a confused expression on her face.

The younger sister and Xiao Nineteen were obviously a little scared, and subconsciously leaned closer to themselves.

After saying that on the 14th, he lowered his head silently to eat.

It looked like his stomach was already swollen, but he kept eating, stuffing it into his mouth.

A sentence on the 14th seemed to open the valve of fear in everyone's hearts.

Lu Xin didn't feel the look he said.

But what he doesn't want to admit is that he seems to feel that way from time to time...

After all, I have been forced to go through six trials...

How did the old dean count himself so dead? Could it be that he has been looking at himself?

In this slightly depressed atmosphere, Lu Xin sighed softly after a long while.


He whispered: "After so many years, there should be a result, right?"

Listening to what he said, the movement of eating on the 14th stopped for a moment, did not speak, and continued to eat with his head down.

Xiao Nineteen and his younger sister approached him from left to right. The younger sister gently grabbed his palm as if to encourage him. Looking down at her younger sister, Lu Xin suddenly moved inexplicably. Thought of a very crucial question...

The self now knows almost anything that happened to him in the past.

It even includes mother and father.

One is a monitor arranged by a generation of researchers around him, and the other is using fear to suppress his own existence.


…How did my sister come, and how did she appear by her side?

In fact, I have asked this question many times.

Even before I was recruited by the Qinggang Special Clearance Department, when I started to wonder why there were three invisible family members around me, I kept asking, because my mother and father always give people a mysterious sense of oppression, and also She was tight-lipped, she could only ask her sister, but her sister's answer was the same every time, and she really didn't know what was going on.

The only thing she is better than herself is that she has long seen that the identity of her mother and father is not simple.


"Get the old people back!"

In this slightly silent room, Lu Xin slowly said:

"Before, I asked on the 8th to find my former partner."

"Although he didn't tell me in detail at the time, I could feel that he at least knew the location of one or two people..."

"This is reasonable. After all, he is the only one who will visit his old classmates after he leaves."


Hearing the words on the 14th, Lu Xin squinted slightly and said, "Are you really sure, go get those people back?"

It can be seen that the 14th seems to be in conflict.

But Lu Xin thought for a while, nodded, and said, "Yes, even if only I go..."


Unexpectedly, the 14th didn't even wait for him to finish, so he nodded and sipped his finger.

A smile appeared on the chubby face:

"I'll help you find it."


Lu Xin was a little surprised at the change of attitude on the 14th, but found that he was still a little out of shape.

But this sentence is quite serious.

On both sides of the body, the younger sister and Xiao Nineteen also nodded, showing their attitude.

Especially Xiao Nineteen, gently raised his hand.

The knife that fell on the ground in the distance suddenly flew into her hand and was held by her backhand.

The blade lifted up, and a sharp light flashed in the dim room.

This cowardly little girl, as soon as she held the knife, she began to feel a sharp sense of danger.

On the other side, the distance from them was a little farther, but the doll, who was in the status of absolute master, also nodded solemnly.

A look of responsibility. UU Reading

But this made Lu Xin a little embarrassed, this matter has nothing to do with the doll, and it is not good to involve her in...

But she tried very hard to get involved, how could she tell her?

It was also at this moment. At this time, the Qinggang Special Clearance Department and the intelligence collection department suddenly had a mysterious phone ringing.

Han Bing, who was already working loosely with the individual soldiers, was transferred to this department. He answered the phone for the first time. No one was talking inside. Only a strange frequency sounded, gently tapping. , Lasted for a while.

Han Bing quickly recorded something on the paper, and his face gradually became a little ugly.

She hung up the phone, immediately picked up another one, and said, "Help me pick up Professor Bai's office."

"I have important things to report."

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