Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 840: Is this your bullet?

Although he knew that the Spades Office had already issued a reward for his assassination, Lu Xin did not take this matter to heart. All he considered was to retrieve the children in the orphanage first, ask for their help, and figure out that. What kind of idea is the old dean thinking about, and then he completes the last link in his mother's layout, helping himself and them to escape from the orphanage.

As for the reward, the killer, the **** firm, etc., it doesn't matter.

Qinggang's research has yielded results, so I will naturally look for them.

Even, when the time comes, I can ask, I have sent my living self, can I give half of the bounty?

However, it is indeed as Qinggang speculated.

Maybe the well-informed people in this world already know their identity and know that they are not very easy to kill.

But under the high rewards offered by the Spades Firm, there will still be people tempted, and there are many more.

On the first day they left the city, they drove forward steadily...

Because Qinggang’s influence and strength are increasing day by day, public security has improved a lot in today’s wilderness, at least within the radiation range of Qinggang.

They also passed several large gathering points and areas often haunted by knights along the way, but they didn't even meet a robber.

Even if there were a few people who looked far away and looked bad, when they approached, they spread out.

It is estimated that the heavy jeep and the motorcycle with a sense of science and technology made them feel dangerous.

Spent the first day in peace.

In the morning of the next day, nothing notable was encountered either.

Until the next afternoon, when Lu Xin and the jeep drove forward a distance of 100 meters, a tall off-road vehicle was oncoming in front of him. The glass of the car was covered with privacy film and tall tires. Dust like a tornado was rolled up on the ground.

When it passed by Lu Xin's motorcycle, the speed of the car suddenly slowed down.

It can be seen that there is a person wearing sunglasses in the cab looking at Lu Xin carefully, not instantaneously.

Through the black anti-spy glass, Lu Xin could feel the gaze of the person in the car.

It's as dangerous as catching the prey, and it's direct.

So Lu Xin met their gazes, turned his head, and looked at them through the privacy glass.

Then, he nodded politely.

A standard smile with six teeth showing up and down: "Hello."


The person in the car did not respond to his politeness, but suddenly accelerated, went away quickly, and distanced himself.

Lu Xin sighed with emotion in his heart: "Is this a profession?"

Although he has not dabbled in the killer industry before, he lacks similar experience.

But he also saw careful scrutiny and observation from those eyes that were blocked by the privacy glass.

So, is this a certain force sent over to observe itself?

Unexpectedly, after only a day and a half, someone had already locked his position.

From the beginning, the killer just took advantage of others' unpreparedness, ran behind the opponent, snapped shots in the head.

Looking at it now, I think the killer industry is simple.

Every line has its own professionalism...

Although he could perceive the other party's purpose, since the other party didn't do anything, Lu Xin ignored it either.

He didn't even notify the 14th and Xiaonine behind him, he just slowed down a little bit and got closer to them.

It was also from the time that he encountered this car. Gradually, Lu Xin felt that he had encountered more and more people and prying eyes.

Yes, they just hid in the waist-deep wilderness on both sides of the road, and watched themselves walking in front of them through straw poles.

Some are hiding in abandoned villages, looking at themselves with binoculars.

Some just stood on both sides of the road, holding guns in their arms, and when they passed by, they looked at themselves gloomily.

However, I did not encounter any real hands-on.

The most impolite thing they do is to pass by a group of people and smile at them themselves.

But they didn't even show a smile to respond, and there was a stubborn spit on the ground.

Lu Xin was in a bad mood. He remembered this person, but he didn't choose to stop the car and make trouble for them.

This should be the rule of the killer industry, knowing that I am not so easy to kill, so I dare not take it rashly.

Are you waiting for Leng Touqing to try his firepower first?

However, it can also be seen from this that his driving route has been spread out.

That's why so many people appeared in front of their own route in time, observed themselves, and calculated something.

Maybe you can still sell money for your own driving route...

This also made Lu Xin suddenly discover his negligence. He knew he should find someone to sell his position in the underground market in real time.

Who makes this intelligence money?

This tension is unilaterally tense, that is, only the killer is tense until the next night.

When the red moon rose to the sky, Lu Xin arranged to rest as usual.

No matter what you are going to do, how tight the schedule is, you still have to pay attention to rest when driving in the wilderness.

After all, the wilderness is dangerous.

So Lu Xin, No.14 and others found an open area close to the water source as usual, and set up a fire. He cooked instant noodles and canned beef with pure water brought from Qinggang, and also took a bucket to heat the sealed beef and mutton on the 14th.

After eating, he set up a tent and went to the river to fetch water. After filtering it with a filter, he prepared to wash Xiao Nineteen's feet.

Xiao Nineteen is very similar to when he was in the orphanage, he did not grow tall, and his mind did not change much.

She is still a child in need of care.

However, when washing her feet the first day, the well-behaved Xiao Nineteen was full of vigilance this time.

She stubbornly refused to take off her shoes or put down the bright knife she was holding in her hand, staring at her surroundings from time to time.

Lu Xin understood why she became like this, so he sighed helplessly.

Straightening up, drying his hands, he nodded slightly to No.14, turned and walked into the wilderness.

Standing under the red moon, there was no one around, only in the distance, frightened birds hovered in the air from time to time.

But Lu Xin could feel that many eyes around him were staring at him.

It was these dangerous gazes that made Xiao Nineteen uneasy.

In order to let her wash her feet at ease, Lu Xin could only choose one, which gave people the most threatening look, and walked straight up.

His steps were not fast, and he walked straight to an abandoned village about 1200 meters away from them.

At this time, on a three-story building in this village, there was a man covered in vines in disguise.

He set up a long sniper rifle and stared at Lu Xin in the distance through the night vision scope.

After adjusting his breathing, the special bullet has been loaded, and he has captured the target for a long time, but he still dare not be careless.

Just be patient and wait for the right time.

Until that target suddenly got up and walked in his direction.

His heart banged, thinking that the other party was just getting up to the side to make things easier.

After all, you are so far away from them, even if you are a capable person, it is impossible to capture yourself so accurately, right?

But soon, he saw that the other party was really coming straight towards him.

It seems easy, but there is no error at all.

"Plop, plop..."

The sniper suddenly became nervous.

As a lone wolf who can rank among the top killers in this wilderness, he has long known that many people in this world are not easy to kill. They need special bullets, special conditions, and even gamblers. To do this business.

So he has prepared special bullets and even adjusted his state.

The heartbeat and blood flow speed are all pressed to the lowest value of ordinary people, just to blend with the surrounding environment, so as not to be discovered by others.

But now, more than a thousand meters away...

The other party actually walked towards him directly.

Did he really find himself, or was he just too nervous?

This veteran killer is totally unable to make a judgment...

Do you want to retreat?

The other party is still so far away from oneself, once they withdraw, there will be no chance, in case someone else moves their hands first...

Or wait?

It's impossible to be seen so far, or is it just in this direction, and there are other people who have also attracted his attention?

While thinking about this, through the night vision scope, he suddenly saw that the other party raised his head and smiled at himself.


Under the red moon, the green and grainy face in the night vision scope, with a quiet smile.

At this moment, the killer panicked.

He was immediately sure that he was correct, and the other party was walking towards him.

Also confirm immediately and withdraw immediately.

However, just when this idea came out of him, because he was too nervous, the pressure became extreme in an instant.

His hands, which had always claimed to be calm and mechanical, trembled.

Insurance has been opened long ago.

So he shuddered, and a bullet suddenly flew out of the barrel uncontrollably.

The powerful gunpowder produced terrible kinetic energy, and a bullet made a spiral wave and rushed forward.

The surface of the warhead even began to bloom with a fine blue light arc.

About to fly in front of the opponent, a blue electric light that can destroy any living thing bursts out.


At this moment, Lu Xin stared at the bullet flying towards him and frowned.

It can be felt that this gunshot, this bullet, has aroused the attention of many people around.

Finally someone couldn't help it, and was the first to do it.

But Lu Xin felt the sharp, dense and dangerous bullet approaching him quickly, but he did not even slow down. com was just a slight movement of the black particles in his eyes, and then suddenly, his right hand picked up diagonally forward.


He grabbed the bullet in his hand, spinning and the blue arc exploded from his clenched palm.

A piece of blue light illuminates his face.

Lu Xin waited for the flashing of the blue arc to stop, then raised his head slightly, the black particles in his eyes trembling slightly.

The next moment, a group of black particles instantly broke through the distance control.

Lu Xin's figure suddenly stretched into a long line, with several intervals of up to two hundred meters in between.

Half a second later, his figure appeared directly on the top of the three-story building, beside the sniper lying on the ground.

"Is this your thing?"

With a kind smile, he placed the charred warhead next to the sniper.

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