Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 842: The mood of seeing old classmates (4500 words)

"If you are as professional as them, now you are dead."

When calling someone on the 14th, Lu Xin had already walked up to the senior killer who was lying on the ground.

He didn't kill this person immediately like he did with other people.

After all, as soon as other people made their move, they rushed to kill themselves, or threatened Xiao Nineteen and the others. As for the killer in front of him, although he also shot a bullet, Lu Xin could clearly feel that there was no killing intent on the bullet.

In addition, the fight was too partial.

I just grabbed this bullet by myself, I had to walk two steps quickly, and then stretch my arm to do it...

If you didn't catch it yourself, you wouldn't know where to go.

Still playing sniper at this level?

Sure enough, in every industry, there are chaos...



The veteran assassin was lying on the ground, his body trembling, but he couldn't get up or roll away.

The invisible pressure squeezed him to the ground.

Not only is this monster killing several other assassin teams just now, it's too terrifying, but the spiritual power surging invisibly in his body is already like a sea, pressing himself on the bottom of the sea. I can't move even if I move...

He also wanted to defend himself, he was actually quite professional.

As the famous lone wolf killer in this wilderness, he is not comparable to those wild roads who rode and bark on motorcycles.

I was not shooting just now, I was just shivering...

But what can I say now?

From a professional perspective, it is safest to assume that you are indeed an unprofessional rookie, right?

"In addition, I know that you also have your own jobs, but after all, your work is illegal."

When the veteran assassin buried his head deeply, Lu Xin also groaned and opened his mouth: "Plus I have important things to do now, so next time, maybe you haven't had time to do it. If I am intent on killing, I will also act first to be stronger."

"And now, I want to talk to you about two things."

Lu Xin squatted down, looked at the back of the senior killer's head, and touched it lightly.

A killer like a cat.

This action instantly tightened the senior killer's body and cramped all over his body.

When it came to this, Lu Xin smiled, his voice softened a bit, and said:

"The first thing is that I hope you can go back and spread a message for me in your circle."

"I know that someone has paid a very high price for my life, and I also understand the urgency of everyone's eagerness to take up this business."

"But after all, your goal is me, and this business has also affected me."

"So, if someone wants to take over this business and it affects me, be prepared to be killed by me."


The veteran killer wanted to nod hard, but his neck stiffened and he couldn't nod his head.

It is impossible to describe the panic and nervousness in his heart at this time, and it is even a bit absurd: He is actually telling himself this seriously?

Is the world changing too fast?

Now the business goals have become so friendly?

"The second thing..."

Lu Xin tried to use mild and reasonable language to communicate with the killer friendly.

Then, a smile appeared on his face, he reached out his hand to support his chin, and looked at his eyes with a smile:

"I want to discuss a business with you."



On the 14th and Xiao Nineteen, they didn’t know what Lu Xin did after solving these killers. In short, when he came back, his face was smiling, although he was trying to hide, but Still exposed the joy of picking up money.

"Soaking for so long is not good, your feet are peeling."

Lu Xin didn't say what he had just done, but when Xiao Nineteen's feet were still soaking in the basin, he frowned.

Squatting down, took Xiao Nineteen's feet out of the basin, wiped them clean, and then carried her into the tent.

"Go to sleep, and leave early tomorrow morning."


Seeing him taking care of Xiao Nineteen in this way, the younger sister climbed down from the tent and looked at Lu Xin a little bitterly.

She was very happy when she found Xiao Nineteen at the beginning.

However, discovering that Lu Xin was actually better to Xiao Nineteen than to himself, he inevitably became jealous.

Hanging upside down on the top of the tent, he stretched out his black feet in front of Lu Xin intentionally or unintentionally.

"Don't make trouble."

Lu Xin pushed his sister's feet away and walked out of the tent.

Xiao Nineteen has a body, and really came back alive, although the younger sister is also real, but only a spiritual body...

What kind of feet does the mental body wash?

Sitting by the campfire and eating something, Lu Xin let out a long sigh.

Although these assassins caused a little bit of trouble, they still didn't make him take it seriously.

What he is more concerned about is that tomorrow afternoon, he should be able to rush to Soda City.

Number Three...



Wake up early the next morning, put out the bonfire, cleaned up the tent and tools, and Lu Xin and others set off again.

As if the warning from the previous day had worked, the schedule the next day was very quiet.

At least centered on the place where Lu Xin was, he squinted and looked around, no more peeping eyes.

As a result, he became more relaxed, tightened the accelerator, and drove straight forward.

In most of the day, I will be in the Soda City.

And also shortly after Lu Xin and the others left, a dark jeep appeared in the distance.

Above the head, a circling helicopter also appeared.

The Qinggang Secret Security Army, wearing a new type of lightweight protective clothing, quickly came to this area. The leader was named Cheng Hui. After quickly leading people to detect the explosion marks and corpses around, everyone couldn't help but fall into it. silence.

"Although, we are also equipped with advanced professional weapons..."

It took a long time for the inspector to raise his head, with a slightly bitter expression: "But how can we protect people of this level?"

The other members of the security team also have this kind of distress.

As a professional, mysterious, and advanced security team, what is the biggest headache?

Employers are much better than themselves...

"Clean up this battlefield, bury it, clean it..."

Captain Cheng Hui also shook his head helplessly and gave an order to "wash the ground", and then quickly cleared his mind, ordered to the teammates around him, and said: "In addition, any organization had moved their hands last night, or It was a hands-on order to find out all of them. Their identities, their contacts, all related to this matter, or those who knew about it but did not report it, were also found out."

"After finding out, just grab it!"

"If there is resistance, kill it immediately."

"Clean up. After all, our protection work is really not going well."

"Then what we need to do is to let those who are moved know what will happen to the idea of ​​hitting the seventh-level citizens of Qinggang."



Hearing the ferocity in the captain's words, the staff officer next to him whispered: "Will Qinggang have a reputation for being too arrogant?"


The captain couldn't help laughing, and said: "Qinggang now needs to let people know how strong it is."

"Do you know what is powerful?"

"Being strong is acting as a robber, and will be called a hero!"



"This is Soda City?"

After seven hours of trekking, Lu Xin, No.14 and others came to the tall steel suspension bridge.

As the transportation team outside waited in line to enter the city, Lu Xin exhaled deeply, feeling a little excited.

Number three is in this city.

There is another classmate who will meet at this time after many years.

It's hard to describe how I feel at this moment.

Lu Xin has always missed every old classmate he used to, but before seeing them, he was unavoidable.

After all, everyone was still in a slightly awkward situation when they were parting.

With such a worried mood, Lu Xin took his own certificate as a "common citizen of Qinggang", and before leaving, he asked Chen Jing to help the 14th and Xiao 19 to apply for the fake certificate, as he entered the city. The flow of people passed the scrutiny of the steel suspension bridge and merged into the city.

Then, standing in front of the bustling streets of Soda City, Lu Xin thought deeply.

He was considering what kind of preparation he should make before meeting his classmates who had been separated for many years.

After thinking about it for five minutes, he decided to clean up his image first.

After all, you are seeing old classmates. Even if the time is urgent, don’t you have to dress yourself up first?

Besides, the shape of my own pedestrian is indeed a bit worse now.

I'm fine, I'm wearing clean clothes, and I'm full of top-notch stalls.

However, on the 14th, it looked much worse. The clothes he found temporarily in Qinggang replaced the prison uniform he was wearing.

When looking for it, Qinggang was not stingy, but there is really no size that suits him well...

Caused him to wear loose sportswear, wearing out the effect of tights.

The younger sister and Xiao Nineteen are also a little loose and not cute at all.

No one sees my sister, but she still has to show up when she sees her old classmates.

Xiao Nineteen had too many scars on her body, and she couldn't help her to get rid of it, so she had to buy clothes to cover it.

So with this idea, Lu Xin made a decision first, and led them to find a great store for the people.

Walked in, after half an hour of trying on and bargaining, I bought the biggest size for the fourteenth. As long as the zipper is not closed, the clothes that don’t seem so tight are returned to my sister and Xiaoshi. Nine, bought a beautiful little skirt separately.

Spent a full two hundred yuan.

That's not a big deal, looking at the withered hair of No. 14 and Xiao Nineteen, I took them to get a haircut.

Lu Xin himself borrowed the water from the barbershop to wash his head and shaved again.

It cost another thirty yuan.

This also made Lu Xin complain a little bit, that the price of the soda city is really ridiculously high.

Our Qinggang, five yuan can pay twice...



"Brother Nine, you really have become rich..."

In any case, after an hour or so, all of them had a new look. They walked out of the barber shop, all dressed up like this, and they seemed somewhat refreshed. The 14th wore a newly bought oversized old sweater and was satisfied. He took a picture of himself in front of the window on the street and patted his stomach. He suddenly became elated, and when he turned his head, he praised Lu Xin.


Lu Xin nodded reservedly, and looked around at his younger sister and Xiao Nineteen who were also refreshed, and felt quite satisfied.

Although it has spent a lot of money, it is worth it to meet old classmates.

Of course, I thought of the previous number three. He was a monster who didn't like to wear clothes. I don't know what it has become now. I just hope that people like myself dressed up in front of him will not cause him to hate the rich. And jealousy destroys the relationship.

"Let's go!"

The group got on the car again, and then, under the guidance of the 14th, went straight to the 3rd.

In a slightly nervous and expectant mood, they walked all the way through the streets and alleys, and arrived at the Soda City No. 1 Satellite City...

...Administrative Office?

It is indeed the Executive Office!

Lu Xin looked at the long stairs, the tall door face, and the guards armed with guns at the door, all stunned.

"Now that No. 3 actually enters the administrative office to work?"


"I don't know if it's a decent job."

On the 14th, he shook his head and said, "But he is indeed here, Fifth... Then whoever gave me the address, also said that it is here."

"How can there be any irregular work in the Executive Office..."

Lu Xin was amazed, and suddenly he had a strong expectation for the current number three.

This is the number three who was more like a monster than himself in the orphanage before.

After so many years of separation, even honest people like No. 14 and Xiao 19 have gone on a crooked road, and No. 7 has become a robber in the wilderness. As a result, it was the No. 3 who was most like a monster at the beginning. Entered the Executive Office and became a civil servant?

Lu Xin was a little excited for a while. Has a classmate finally walked the right way?

"It's here indeed."

The 14th also stood in front of the door, stretched his head out of the car to look at, and then nodded with certainty.

Lu Xin was even more excited, and said, "Let's go, go in and find him."

With the expectation of seeing his old classmates soon, he and No.14 breathed out deeply and walked forward with firm steps.

Then he was stopped by the guard.

The executive hall is a stronghold in the high-walled city, and entry is not allowed without an appointment.

Lu Xin and No.14 were a little dumbfounded, so they looked at No.14 and asked him if he could call No.3.

However, No.14 was stunned, and said helplessly that he just knew No.3 was here.

But the current name of No. 3 is not known at all in administrative work, and there is no way to call it if you want...

In desperation, they had to return to the car, waiting for the third to get off work.

However, it is not safe to stay in the car. After a while, the old man will come to push people and stop the car.

Lu Xin thought about it deeply, took out ten yuan, and plugged it to the uncle through the car window:

"Buy a pack of cigarettes and smoke, accommodating and accommodating."


"Ah, then stop for a while, and you are not allowed to stay here overnight."

The old man put the money in his pocket, gave another cold expression, and walked away with his hands behind his back.

The 14th looked enviously next to him, and couldn't help but said again: "Nine brothers, you are really rich now..."

Lu Xin, who had a pain for ten yuan at first, saw the envied eyes of No.14, and suddenly felt that the money was quite worth it.

After all, in front of the old classmates, how can we save it?

In the past, I only knew about making money, but I never thought about it. It turned out that spending money can also be happy.

No wonder so many people like to spend money...

Thinking about this, a smile appeared on his face involuntarily, and said: "In fact, this is nothing, just go the right way."

"Just look at me and go to work honestly. Doesn't this make money?"

"You and Xiao Nineteen are the same. You used to be in the underworld, but one was hospitalized and the other went to jail. Alas..."


I've been thinking about educating the 14th and the 19th, and finally I have a chance.

It's just that on the 14th, listening to Lu Xin's words, I suddenly felt a sudden in my heart, and it took a long time to ask carefully:

"Brother Nine, they all said you have been cured before..."


Lu Xin glanced at Number Fourteen speechlessly, and saw the suspicion and worry in his eyes.

Suddenly a little emotion came into my heart: "Is it abnormal to persuade people to go the right way?"

"What kind of world is this..."


While feeling emotional, suddenly the 14th reacted and said nervously: "Look, it's off work..."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone in the car suddenly became a little nervous.

Each of them stretched their heads out of the car window, and their mood suddenly became full of expectation.

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