Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 871: Qinggang vs. Battle (6500 words)

Professor Bai spoke very candidly, and Mr. Su was shocked.

Due to the professional barrier, he didn't quite understand everything that Professor Bai said, especially one of the major characteristics of Professor Bai was that it made it harder to understand some things that were not easy to understand in the first place.

At this time, he didn't know how Professor Bai was still unswervingly implementing the plan even when he predicted that something would happen.

However, the division of labor is different and each has its own responsibilities, so the only thing I can decide at this time is to believe or not to believe.

Of course I chose to believe him!

I've been following him for so long, and the world has been saved in half. Is it going to break?

The second phase of the Heavenly Plan was still launched.

Under the gaze of the entire base and the red moon in the sky, the doll walked into the midnight court lightly.

The next moment, Professor Bai took a deep breath and came to the side of the small energy matrix next to the noon court. Amidst the worried and worried gazes of a group of researchers and decision-makers in Qinggang, after a long time of concentration, he personally The switch was pulled down.


The huge electric snake suddenly began to wander above the midnight court.

It looked like a real building, the midnight court with heavy walls and even moss suddenly changed. .

The black walls, solid and dull cornerstones, began to become no longer real at this moment.

Like a phantom, it flickers and disappears at any time.

And also at this moment, in the midnight court, the clinking sounds of chains began to sound, and the white chains stretched out from the midnight court like a dream, quickly wandering around and portraying the spiritual palace. .

As the people who are facing the Midnight Court at this time, their eyes are not daring to blink, whether they are people from Qinggang or researchers from all over the world, as the Midnight Court changes, they all have a sudden birth. This is a wonderful feeling.

If I had to describe it, then I suddenly became more tolerant in my heart.

Countless people or things began to become clear in their hearts.

Among these things, especially those with special significance are the most prominent.

For example, when he was a child, he beat his neighbor bear child.

For example, a good friend who has cheated his own money when he grows up.

For example, a good brother who snatched his girlfriend...

These are people who have dealt a great blow to themselves in their lives, and have made themselves remember for a lifetime, and will never be forgiven. However, at this moment, watching the dissolution of the midnight court, this kind of obsession in my heart And the barrier suddenly melted away. It seemed that it was not important anymore. I felt that the other party could be forgiven. I shouldn't blame and hate him.

This kind of forgiveness and tolerance came so naturally, as if I had figured it out all at once.

Of course, there are some special people who really can't figure it out.

For example, when he was beaten by a neighbor’s child when he was a child, he was cheated of money by the neighbor’s child when he was a child, and then he was robbed of his girlfriend by the neighbor’s child. Why do you think I am so great?

"Does the change feel sudden in my heart?"

Professor Bai took a long sigh and looked at the midnight court that had begun to melt before his eyes, but another form of midnight court was faintly formed. He whispered to Mr. Su: "Ultimately, human beings in reality are not as hostile as needles. Their spiritual palace is not completely unconnected with us. In fact, the ultimate connection with us is simply too much, the same connection everywhere."

"It's like a midnight court that represents trial, accusation, and bigotry. At the bottom of its essence, it is our view of good and evil."

"Ultimately, it is not so much living in the abyss as it is living in the depths of our subconscious..."

"At least at this moment, as the midnight court melts away, our view of good and evil will change somewhat..."



Mr. Su can't help but nod his head repeatedly: "It's amazing, I don't blame you for spending money indiscriminately, saying that you share all the information with me, but in fact you can make propositions in private and hold me at all times. As a shield or something..."


Professor Bai couldn't explain it anymore, and took a deep look at Mr. Su.

It turns out that this old guy has such big opinions in his heart...

"The midnight court was ruined, so don't our right and wrong from now on, good and evil, no longer exist?"

At this time, Mr. Su suddenly realized a terrible problem.

"Will not."

Professor Bai shook his head and said softly: "The right and wrong, good and evil are in our hearts, then it will always exist. Now, we are just breaking one form of right and wrong in order to form another form of right and wrong. This kind of thing has always existed, and the Midnight Court will not be an eternal product. It will only change and exist in different forms."

"Of course, because the ultimate has already been conscious, the changes in the ultimate will also affect everyone."

"To some extent, with consciousness, you become a separate individual."

"So, its characteristics have become their authority."

"It can affect people's right and wrong, good and evil, and on another level, it is also affected by everyone in reality..."

"Now that the paranoid holder's sword has disappeared, this world is already looking forward to a new ultimate."

"She will be different from all the previous ultimates, because she is not an extreme spiritual force that generates consciousness and becomes an individual, but an individual in reality. You can understand that from the time the doll becomes the new ultimate, then the ultimate world is no longer pure."

"Of course, that's why..."

Having said this, his voice was slightly lowered, and his eyes swept away:

"Maybe, not all people or creatures want this new ultimate to appear..."

In this world, there began to be a large number of high-level spiritual creatures, and they felt instantly.

Some of them can directly see the blue electric lights appearing in the direction of Qinggang, and some just suddenly feel the tremors on the spiritual level, like fish living in the sea. When a corner of this sea undergoes earth-shaking changes, then every A fish living in this sea will be correspondingly induced, and because of this change, it gives birth to all kinds of strange thoughts.

Or fear, or anger, or jealousy, or, greed...

"We waited until the opportunity."

In the far west, there were only two people in an empty conference room in a laboratory built on a mountainside.

One was wearing a black church gown, sitting on the head, and the other wearing a white lab coat, sitting on the head.

They were in a meeting room that was so high that they could influence the direction of the entire world, and they were quietly facing each other.

When the strange tremor appeared, they simultaneously looked up at each other.

"The appearance of the sword-holder's body in reality will inevitably lead to some people's contention. When people in this world have a goal to pursue, they will inevitably relax their vigilance on other things. The spiritual palace of the author appeared in Qinggang, which was a little bit beyond our expectation. However, in this situation, it has become the key to our breaking the situation."

"Destroy it!"

"No matter how ignorant the experiment is in Qinggang, this small high-walled city, and no matter how ridiculous their ambition to create the ultimate stability of the situation, we don't need to look anymore, just take this opportunity, Destroy it."

"Only in this way is it possible to get everything back on track..."



The blue electric current shrouded the midnight court, or it is not like the midnight court anymore, but a vague and pure flow of spirit. They belong to the highest level and are connected to all human spirits in the entire world. The mysterious connection, now, it has lost all its properties, and in it, the doll's spiritual characteristics are affecting everything.

This mental turbulence has faintly stabilized, and it has begun to show another characteristic.

Also at this critical time, everyone in the Qinggang Spiritual Power Research Base closed their mouths tightly.

A heart hung in the air, waiting nervously and anxiously.

Professor Bai seemed equally anxious, but instead of looking at the spiritual palace, he looked at other places.

When the elongated siren suddenly sounded through the base, everyone was taken aback.

Panicked and stunned, he turned his head to look elsewhere, not knowing what had happened.

Professor Bai gritted his teeth slightly, but a slightly unexpected expression appeared on his face.

"It really came."



The warning came from those who had no warning in the distance, and the crowd rushed to Qinggang.

Today, the surrounding area of ​​Qinggang is safe.

Because the "light knight" of Qinggang has already aroused the power of the doll, or the skirt of the goddess has extended to other parts of this land, and as the skirt extends, all the spiritual power of the doll is enveloped. In the area, pollution sources, spirit monsters, and strange creatures were all expelled or even cleaned up, and some fell into the hands of friendly tyrant teams.

It can be said that everything the Cavaliers went through was clean and stable.

The closer it is to Qinggang, the more stable it is.

However, the situation is stable, but the hearts of the people are not necessarily.

Under the promotion of Qinggang’s Heavenly Kingdom plan, after they cleaned up and polluted more and more areas, great pressure was also generated. Countless people who survived, although they were free from the threat of pollution, were still in panic. In the midst of tension, their gathering point and the high-wall city have been hit, the administrative organization has long since collapsed, and a large number of refugees have also formed.

All these people have an idea in their hearts, Qinggang saved themselves, Qinggang is the safest, so they came here desperately.

The area to be rescued is too wide, and with the background of Qinggang, it is impossible to control the situation effectively and stably.

Today's Qinggang has already reached the limit of its radiation capability.

Only a delicate balance is left, keeping the silence at this time.

And this pressure is also the reason why the doll must enter the spiritual palace as soon as possible and become the new "ultimate".

At this time, on the south side of Qinggang, about 30 kilometers away, there was a black and overwhelming crowd. Most of these people came from chaotic places or some of the survivors of destroyed gathering points in the south of Qinggang. They subconsciously thought It was necessary to approach Qinggang, but Qinggang also knew the problem of so many people coming all at once, so it sent an army to condemn them, ordering them not to approach and wait for resettlement.

The situation was fine, and a batch of supplies had already been shipped.

When there is food and water, and an army ensures that the Knights dare not approach them, these people are also willing to wait. After all, their extravagant desire is not to enter Qinggang directly, but to establish themselves around Qinggang. Gather point.

Now, it is good to be able to survive in that nightmare-like environment without being starved to death.

There are many such people, and the black line seems to be more than one hundred and twenty thousand people?

Coupled with the steady flow of survivors from various places, the number is still increasing, to the extent that it is impossible to count.

At this moment, a survivor was sitting on the **** in the wilderness, looking up at the red moon in the sky.

Many tents have been shipped from Qinggang, but it is impossible for everyone to have a share. Only a very small number of people can live in the tents before the huge number.

Qinggang brought a lot of food, but it was also impossible for everyone to get it. He was young and strong, and only grabbed half of the bread.

Hungry, he can only wait, wait for the nightmare to end, and wait for Qinggang to settle himself.

Then at this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of Ruoyouruowu's chains, clear and ethereal, as if ringing in his mind.

On the spiritual level, it seems that he has fallen into a slight illusion.

He saw in the red moon, a black figure faintly appeared, sprinkling endless chains to the crowd.



The chains fell into people's hearts.

The hunger and cold in this person's heart, and the uncertainty about the future, suddenly grew at a speed that violated common sense. He thought of the dream he had had before. The white dress in the dream was perfect to the extreme. Girl.

The reason why Qinggang has not been defeated in such a nightmare and has become a savior is because of this girl.

Even if I am safe now, I will never forget it. Under the light of the red moon, the looming, huge red-eyed spider quickly shuttled through the crowd, swallowing up my younger brothers and sisters, as well as the elderly mother. Scenes.

So, if you have that beautiful girl, if you control him, will everything be different?

Of course, they belong to Qinggang, so I can only hope.

But what if you can control her? What if you join forces with these people around you?

His eyes suddenly turned red...

At the moment his eyes turned red, the sound of chain collisions in his ears became louder and clearer. He turned around abruptly and saw the crowd around him, looking up like crazy. , Looked in the direction of Qinggang, unwilling to sit on the ground anymore, but got up, his breathing gradually became rapid, and his body and emotions trembled uncontrollably.


The sudden change and frenzy were only a moment.

Even the three-hundred-man Qinggang armed group had no time to react to stop it.

This piece of people who had been sitting quietly in the wilderness, thanking themselves for avoiding the doomsday scene, suddenly went crazy, they roared, screamed, and moved slowly from you to push me and changed quickly. It became a tidal rush...

The three-hundred-man armed team was instantly overwhelmed by the flow of people, silently.

"It should not be her who decides our destiny, and it should not be Qinggang who decides our destiny..."

"We must decide our own destiny, and the destiny of Qinggang..."

"Don't live in a tent, don't eat bread..."

"We decide what we eat and where we live..."


Fanatic thoughts flooded my heart, and everyone was dominated by a certain ambition, became crazy, and rushed to Qinggang.

It's not correct to not consider whether you can succeed or not to do this kind of thing by yourself, who has just been rescued by Qinggang.

No one noticed that in such a frenzy, the light of the red moon seemed to be distorted. There were black chains extending from their bodies, and the other end of the iron lock was tied to the level close to the red moon. In the hands of a certain person, the crazily crowd below became more and more crazier, but this person wearing a black robe walked slowly and slowly.

The eyes under the black pocket have become brighter and brighter.

The same changes have also appeared in many other places.

A large number of refugees gathered, not only in the south, but also in the southeast, northwest and northwest of Qinggang. In all directions, there are a large number of people whose homes have been destroyed by the doomsday, homeless and insecure, because Qinggang was also forced to set foot on it. Because of this journey to save the world, Qinggang is unable to resettle everyone in a short period of time and help them establish a new order and homeland. In other words, it is useless if it is established.

And this situation has led to such changes.

"Our home is gone, the village is gone, the relatives are gone, and the next meal is gone..."

"There is everything in Qinggang..."

"Food, water, gold, women..."

"So, why can only they enjoy it, and why can't we have..."

"Go, grab it, grab it all..."


"Gudong", "Gudong", "Gudong..."

In the north of Qinggang, there are also a large number of refugees.

Everyone here has a strange feeling.

It seemed that at some point, the heart was suddenly squeezed by a big cold hand.

As a result, they went crazy one after another, shouting again and again, forming a wave of frenzy.

Everyone felt that their thoughts were justified, and felt that they should be so, and they shouted loudly and rushed towards Qinggang.

I just didn't notice that there was a pale palm, reaching out into everyone's heart from a spiritual level, and squeezed his heart fiercely. At this moment, the heart turned pale, and all the sanity was quickly fading.

Groups of people with white hearts are running wildly in the wilderness.

Infinite people came from the west, eyes full of bugs.

"Why is our family destroyed, but Qinggang has become the one who saves the world..."

"Why do we have to endure hunger and thirst outside the city, but the people over Qinggang can live safely in the city..."

"Can't be so unfair..."

"We will also live in the city, and the people of Qinggang will also come out to endure hunger and thirst..."


Tortured by jealousy, they couldn't even realize that the woman wearing the black court group and the crown of thorns, arrogant and indifferent, walked slowly under the red moon. Colorful insects fell from her body and under the skirt. They twisted and ferociously on the ground. They lifted their heads hard one by one, got into the bodies of all the creatures around them, and parasitized them.

And all those who are parasitic are driven by strong jealousy. They are jealous of Qinggang and the people in Qinggang.

Even jealous of the red moon in the sky why it is so bright red.

In the eastern sea area, huge waves began to slap on the shore layer by layer.

There was a rustling voice.

To the naked eye, there is nothing there, but in the sense, there seems to be dense worms, crawling from the sea to the shore. Each of them is only the size of a fingertip, thin and dense, stacking hundreds of meters high. The wall rolled toward Qinggang like an invisible wave. Neither the high wall of Qinggang nor the spiritual field of the doll could stop it.

Any existence that could stop it was bitten and drilled by it, corroding into holes.

It penetrated into Qinggang, into the hearts of Qinggang residents.

As a result, many people in Qinggang have holes in their will, right and wrong, kindness and principles.

So the huge worm writhed in people's hearts, opening and closing huge mouthparts.

They produced a strong devouring greed.

The greed that destroys any kind of good things, and would rather kill them together...

The red moon quietly shone high in the sky.

Worms crawled in people's hearts.

People covered in chains, people with pale palms, women with crowns of thorns on their heads came from all directions.

More and more people were affected, and bigger and bigger snowballs rolled.

Qinggang was gradually shrouded and overwhelmed by an unprecedented, crazy scene.

As in the bright red ocean, the surrounding waves lifted up layers of walls. And Qinggang, in countless waves, is as small as a black reef.

"how is this possible?"

In the mental power research base, Mr. Su who received the report from the observers was shocked and trembling: "How come there are so many people, why are they attacking our sentries and armed defense lines? Are they lunatics? Right? , I’m not saying that within the field of the doll’s spiritual power, all spiritual pollution will be excluded? How can there be pollution?"

"In the doll's spiritual realm, all pollution will be rejected or cleaned up."

Professor Bai replied in a cold voice: "But there is an exception."


"The ultimate power level is higher than the doll at this time, so they have enough power to sneak into the emptied realm of our Qinggang, and pollute these people who are already under the protection of the doll's spiritual power, forming this kind of crazy enough Shock."



Mr. Su's face paled slightly: "The ultimate is really here?"

Professor Bai whispered: "If I guessed right, there should be more than one ultimate."


The flesh on Mr. Su's face jumped again, and his eyes widened: "Isn't there one person, how many people are there?"

"Why are you so calm?"

"Lao Bai, are you so scared now, pretending to be calm on your face?"


"Huh, it doesn't matter how many of them will come..."

Professor Bai turned his head to look at Mr. Su, UU read and said: "It doesn't matter whether we are afraid..."

"Whether it is the ultimate or high-level weird creatures, there are all kinds of incredible powers. In the face of their influence and pollution, we have almost no power to fight back, so of course they are dangerous, even, irresistible... "

"They are spiritual existence after all, and they can even harm us from the source."

"However, when we are determined to do one thing in our hearts, when our determination is so strong that the sky is falling and we have to hold on one shoulder, even the ultimate cannot change our attitude towards the world, personally. , The same is true for the collective."

"So, no matter how many ultimates come, and no matter how scared we are."


He was silent for a while, then gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and waved to the distance: "Let's fight!"


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