Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 880: Civilized mourners


Lu Xin faintly felt his head swell.

When I came to the Black Queen, I only wanted to get to know my mother through her.

Unexpectedly, the Black Queen gave herself too much information at once.

It's like a broken and chaotic thread, messy, but after being unified into one's spiritual world, these threads are intertwined and joined to each other, turning into a huge blanket with bright patterns on it, telling a long-standing secret .

Thirteen Ultimate, the relationship with the first successful experimenter, Lu Tianming.


After a while, Lu Xin took a deep breath and said to the Black Queen anxiously, "The birth of the ultimate is just an accident?"


The Black Queen heard a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, and then gently shook her head:

"Nothing is accidental..."

"You have to know that all lives will return to the original."

"And the first life is pure and intangible."

"All consciousness and emotions, memories, and instincts are impurities in the beginning..."

"It's like pure spiritual power, without the ability to pollute."

"It will only connect the spiritual world between people in one place, like a blue spiritual ocean..."

"But everyone has their own characteristics, their own spiritual core, their own emotions, their own memories and temperaments."

"When they returned to the beginning, they were also brought into the beginning. Because the original is huge, all the characteristics will be completely decomposed and diluted in the end, but there will also be a certain stage, the impurities in the beginning. , Will reach a certain extreme..."

"For example, in each generation of civilization, it is about to return to the beginning."


Speaking of this, her expression couldn't help becoming distant, as if she had seen the long river of time tens of billions of years.

"When each generation of civilization has just begun to return, it will bring the most impurities into the beginning."

"You can understand that this is initially contaminating each other with civilization."

"The essence of the ultimate is the same."

"In the beginning, the traits are equivalent to a person's various emotions."

"So, the ultimate will appear when the first generation of civilization is about to die, and it will be the impurities that have contaminated this world, and we will appear as the spokesperson of this world. We stand between the original and the civilization, as the last witness, Looking at the demise of this generation of civilization, we are not only the initiators of the return of life, but also the mourners of the demise of civilization..."

"We are the powerful men in front of the seat of God, and the angels by the Creator..."


When she said this, her eyes seemed to become infinitely distant.

Lu Xin looked at her standing by the window, and the red moon shining on her face seemed to be somewhat holy.

"We will always stand between the original and civilization, becoming a bond of connection."

"We will carve up the characteristics of civilization itself, and then become the last spokesperson of this civilization, and then go back to the beginning."

"Sleep, dilute these impurities, until the next time you wake up under the influence."

"In a sense, we can only be considered alive when we first begin to contact a new civilization."

"From this perspective, the ultimate appearance is inevitable."



She sighed leisurely, and said: "Various complex factors make the ultimate of this generation somewhat different from the previous ones. Originally, the ultimate was just to collect human characteristics and better return to the original, but this generation has produced Variety…"

"Because the first experimental subject was born in a mental tsunami triggered by the tremor of the butterfly wings after entering the beginning, and it awakened a little earlier than usual, and because of the various emotional influences of the first experimental subject, Our self-awareness is a little stronger. Although we will wake up even without this experimental body, changes have occurred after all..."

"It's just a little bit of pollution, but it also makes the ultimate different from before."

"This is the most obvious manifestation in my sister..."

"As a voyeur, she may have inherited a little more memory than us, and saw too much demise, or perhaps, because of the authority she represents, she has accumulated too much boredom, or perhaps, originally It is because generations of generations did not dilute the clean impurities, which accumulated on her body, which eventually affected her heart. This time in reincarnation, she was really tired..."


Speaking of this, the tone of the Black Queen is also rarer low:

"I know that my sister must have been very painful in the past few decades."

"She is the existence who can see the fate, but she has always been bound. And she should be an existence that can go forward according to the established fate, but she willingly stays by your side, little by little. Watching you grow up..."

"For a while, I even thought she had been tamed by the Alpine Lab."

"Until, I learned about the hard work she put into you..."

"For example, obeying your wishes and helping you become what a person should be."

"For example, to help you get the only consciousness..."


She said this in one breath, ignoring Lu Xin's depression at this time, she sighed and looked over with a serious face:

"Now, do you know what the only consciousness represents?"

"The only consciousness is to ensure that you implant the initial mental process that can make consciousness complete."

"Among the hundreds of experimental subjects at the time, this was the only one that was successful and could not be replicated."

"It is precisely because of this process that formed a wonderful unity with the only surviving consciousness at the time, and it has also become the most special existence. Moreover, the Gaoshan Laboratory has exhausted various methods for many years afterwards, and has been unable to copy."

"So, finding this only consciousness becomes the only choice for the Alpine Lab."


When mentioning the Alpine Laboratory, a complex light flashed through her eyes.

There is both resentment and hatred, but it seems to be faint, and there is more emotion and admiration.

"That group of people, it should be said that they are very powerful..."

"It's not just their courage to face the original in advance, and even try to talk to the original."

"It also lies in their reaction after the chaos that year appeared."

"In fact, at the time when the event was finally born and the Red Moon event occurred, they also experienced a long period of bewilderment."

"Fortunately, they were prepared enough, reacted fast enough, and even dared to accept some new things. In addition, those who had just given birth to the ultimate consciousness at that time also had their own characteristics, paranoid thinking, and annoying. Stupid..."

"Some are reckless, busy absorbing fresh blood from the real world..."

When she said this, she gave Lu Xin a special look, and Lu Xin could only pretend not to notice her look.

"There are also people who are eager to seize the original dominance right after they have just born consciousness, and even forgot to come to reality..."

"There are also people who are born to be aggressive, hostile to each other, and others who are indifferent to everything..."

"There are even those who are willing to stand on the human side from the beginning..."


She shook her head, as if there was a self-deprecating smile on her face: "So in the initial stage of the ultimate birth, it was not very strong, and some were not strong from the beginning. That's why the mountain laboratory was given a way to capture and use us. Chance?"

"And this should also be inevitable..."

"After all, in addition to being contaminated by your generation of civilization, we were also contaminated by the first experimental body."

"His various emotions helped us wake up early, and also affected us to a certain extent. Some of us are naturally close to humans, some are even willing to guard humans, and some have a stronger self-awareness than before. …"


Lu Xin listened to her, digested a bit, and then understood.

The emotions that Lu Tianming released before his death affected different ultimates.

There are those who yearn for the truth, some who pursue fairness, some who are willing to guard the world, and some are numb and confused...

It's not just these.

How many psychological changes did the first person who was about to be forced to become a "god" before his death had?

It is normal to have terror and unwillingness.

But who can guarantee that at that moment, he did not have the desire to become a **** to dominate the world, the ambition that he originally occupied, and the unscrupulous practice of a generation of researchers in order to experiment, so he subconsciously identified with the subconscious?

That's why there will be people who hide the rod, the abyss worm, and the fire thief, right?

The reflection of each ultimate birth and Lu Tianming's heart at that time can even write a paper...

"And the Alpine Laboratory, it is through this arguably a failed experiment that opened up new ideas."

The Black Queen said on her own: "When they saw the risk brought by the first experimental body, they realized: It turns out that they really can't fight the initial advent, but they actually have control of the reality after the initial advent. You just need to do the experiment again, as long as you send this to your original consciousness in advance, and you can do the corresponding programming."

"It's like a pollution source that controls everything is coming soon, and no one can fight it."

"So, why don't UU reading let yourself become the main consciousness of this pollution source?"


"Is the end of the world really terrible?"

When it came to this question, the Black Queen suddenly showed a smile, and even smiled happily.

It’s just that this smile is somewhat ridiculed: "Not necessarily..."

"If you can become the emperor of the doomsday, I don't know how many people will look forward to the doomsday..."



"The familiar gloating..."

Lu Xin silently listened to the mocking words of the Black Queen, then pulled the black child next to him and kicked it.

The black child screamed, and the black queen's face was already a little speechless.

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