Wang Lei wanted to die. He prayed that Wan Yuanyuan had better not come to say hello. When Wan Yuanyuan saw him, his eyes lit up and he quickly walked up to him: "Hi! Wang Lei. "

Wang Lei pretended to be surprised: "Oh, Secretary Wan, are you..."

The woman's handsome man smiled bitterly and said, "it doesn't matter. I didn't break the rules when I made a noise. Wei is great Wei, and camphor is the camphor of camphor tree. However, the name does bring more trouble to the police uncle. I remember another time I pressed the line and the police asked me to take out my driver's license. "

Zhang Wei, disguised as Wei Zhang, looked very serious and said, "Hey, Wei Zhang, you broke the rules, you know?"

The cloud clothes were teased with a smile: "true or false?"

"Of course it's true. I swear to God." The prodigal son raised three fingers and shrugged his shoulders. "Fortunately, I'm a Catholic."

Cloud clothes covered his mouth: "then you swear to God."

"I'm Christian." The prodigal son is serious.

The cloud clothes widened their eyes, and the expression was a little cute: "aren't Jesus the one who believes in Christianity and Catholicism?"

To tell you the truth, the prodigal son really moved at this moment. In fact, the moment he came in from the clouds gave the prodigal son a feeling of excitement.

The prodigal son was stunned: "it seems to be true. I didn't know until today."

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