After Lucas unleashed [King Jab], all of the prisoners got hit by the energy generated behind it.

This what Lucas hoped for from the beginning, since Sadi watching over him in the 4th level, and he couldn't attack those prisoners much less take the fruits under her nose.

Things may seem that he accidentally was messing around and found those crossdressers by accident, but, it was Lucas's plan all along to get them out of their cells while acting as humble as he can so no one would be able to relate this to him.

Since the prisoners tried to escape and there was no one to stop them, Lucas had a reason to hit them. This gained him a lot of XP, both acc.u.mulated and Boxing.

After the punch, this level was almost cleared, and most of the prisoners were knocked out, some survived because they didn't get a direct hit, but, they were in the ground that was full of cracks.

On the other side, stood Ivankov, their leader who tried to move away, but Sadi used her whip to hold him, which forced him to inject himself with some hormones. But it seems he took some damage, and Sadi's whip flew out of her hand from the punch's strength.

The dust cloud was cleared, and everything was visible. Sadi, who avoided the punch by jumping and standing away, looked to the scene, then to Lucas who stopped warming up, despite his dace being severe, he was unconsciously making a smirk. Sadi took her whip back a bit making her b.r.e.a.s.ts bouncing:" Oh well, I didn't know you were hiding a little trick in your sleeves."

"Everyone…" Ivankov stood and looked to be unharmed by this punch, as his skin could absorb the shockwave when he is in his female form. Iva in his feminine way seemed like a huge woman with the same height, but with his head matching his body, and he had an organisation that can trap anyone that doesn't know the truth (Sanji).

He looked around to see all of his sissy boys and some prisoners on the ground. His face suddenly showed anger. Before he meets them, those guys were a miserable straight people that with his help, discovered their feminine side and embraced it to live happily with it, and they became his Newkama, just how many innocent king and person were forced to this side by him.

"Now, you crossdresser, you have the choice to die or go back to you cell obediently" Sadi looked at Ivankov while playing with her whip.

Ivankov glared at her. He/she shall fight to the end, submit, never.

From Lucas's behind, entered the four guardian beasts, seeing that the ground was cracked and everything is settled, except for Ivankov,

"Someone is still standing "

Some of the prisoners, who didn't get hit directly by the jab, started to stand up, especially those who were injected with hormones; they didn't feel any pain, only a battle thrill. "Can you deal with them" Lucas turned his head to the jailer beasts, which the smallest was more than the double of his height. Lucas then vanished from his place.

The jailer beasts nodded and waited for the prisoners to dash toward them, then they engaged in a strength battle with, once, a +100 million worth pirate, and with a budget increase from Ivankov.

The beasts knew that this battle wouldn't take long since the help would arrive soon to fight with those, and once Magellan is done from recycling, those prisoners would know what regret is.

" you will pay," Ivankov said as he injected himself with male hormones, changing his gender again to a male.


Lucas appeared next Ivankov and punched toward his big face. Ivankov could use Haki, and already had terrific physical strength, so he could stop this punch with his arm and pushed Lucas back flying. But still, that punch was too heavy and made Ivankov take three steps back.

Lucas flipped back and used Storm Legs to kick while he is flipping, sending a sharp compressed air blade from his leg, which Ivankov could dodge by jumping to the side, yet, he didn't avoid altogether, and a small cut appeared on his face.

* Bam* a deep and a large cut appeared on the and landed on the ground after sliding a bit.

Those people's physical strength is even superior to Lucas. This is logical, after all, unlike him who trained only for one year like a maniac.

But brute strength isn't everything, as the prowess make a difference.

Even if those characters have superior strength, how many of them can use the force of every part in his or her body in one punch, and not just the arm and chest. None.

Ivankov glared at Lucas with anger, and this one is who ruined his escape process with one punch.

Ivankov started moving his head multi times in different directions, creating tens of after images.

"Take this, Galaxy wink", then tens and tens of shock waves flew from his eyes and headed toward Lucas who already predicted this. He quickly used his [feather footwork] (boxing sub-skill) that allows him to create five afterimages. He used it before vanishing to thin air.

As Ivankov winked, Lucas's figure faded, but Iva could still see his blur moving up. He could see him kicking the air slightly to keep floating up.

[Adrenaline Boost level 19] using this skill, not only Lucas's physical strength and speed increase by 260% (means that he has 360%)

Lucas retrieved his two scimitars. As someone close advanced grandmaster level, he gave Ivankov's a sense of danger. Even if he/she covered himself with Haki, those swords would cut him for real, no matter how much his/her physical strength is.

"Take this, Newkama martial arts, ultimate technique" Ivankov was preparing to attack Lucas with some strong move. But he forgot that Lucas wasn't the only one he should pay attention to, and getting distracted is a mistake. Sadi from the side lifted her whip and waved at Ivankov's shoulder with all of her strength since he was caught off guard, so he got the full hit.

"OUCH", the whip made a mark which was buried, and some of his flesh and blood flew with it.

"Hmmm, I like your screams" Sadi became excited when she saw Ivankov feeling pain, so she retrieved her whip and hit again with it. Iva jumped back and looked at Lucas; he winked at him ten times quickly "Death Winks" sending multi shockwaves before turning to Sadi.

Lucas smirked and kicked the air behind him, with his observation Haki and enhanced senses, he could dodge easily as he flew down toward Iva with his swords. Lucas appeared on the ground and raised both of his swords, Ivankov felt him, so he tried to get rid of Sadi quickly, but Alas, Lucas was just too fast to give him a time to think about him and Sadi.

"I'm here" Sadi wrapped her whip around his neck, but Iva's tried to resist through using his arm on his neck." You bit**."

Lucas dashed with stealth footwork and waved his sword at Ivankov and appeared next to him and waved his two scimitars at his chest. A deep wound appeared on Iva's chest, and he flew back several meters, luckily for him, the thick makeup and his armament Haki made the damage get less. Ivankov crushed a wall, and then bounced back and stood on his feet. He touched his chest and found that it was full of blood.

"Hmm, I didn't expect you to be this strong" Sadi said as she jumped and stood next to Lucas

" go behind him, use your whip to distract him and I'll finish him off."

Lucas stood up straight and didn't even look to Sadi.

This time, his instinct was forcing him to focus on Ivankov.

Bloodthirst could be felt coming out of him. Maybe this is because his opponent is secure, or perhaps it's because of the adrenaline.

"What" Sadi was surprised by the sudden change in his tone.

Then all of a sudden, Lucas held her hand and with a quick move, grabbed her to the other side. When she was seized, a shockwave hit her original spot. Sadi suddenly dazed looking at that spot, and if Lucas didn't pull her at the time, then she may get hit by Death Wink.

"Do as I tell you, hurry," Lucas said before he vanishes.

"Understood" Sadi understood, as she had a rough idea of what he is going to do.

If he fought in this battle alone, then he would need to go all out and would have to fight harder since Ivankov isn't to take lightly, and the struggle would last long, but with Sadi here distracting him, it made things easier.

If the two did a good one combo, then even if Iva is stronger than them combined, he would stand no chance.

Soon the battle continued, and the backup is in the third level, and in their way to the fourth.

Ivankov was standing in the middle, while both Sadi and Lucas were surrounding him from a different direction, if he focused on one, then the other would attack from behind, and each time he takes damage, his prowess and strength would reduce. ivankov felt that he should focus on the swordsman, but the whip girl isn't to take lightly.

Lucas's scimitars became black. Lucas's Haki was upgraded by the XP of the system and had auto cultivation function, Lucas would dare to say that his Haki is even better than the admiral's, so Iva's would get cut also if covered his whole body.

Ivankov head became gigantic, he focused on Lucas and was about to shoot a shockwave from his eyes that are called [Hell Wink].

At that moment, Lucas kneeled and extended his fists (he is still holding the swords), two spheres were visibly forming around his arm, [Six King Gun level 15].


From his fists, a giant shockwave that destroyed everything on its way flew toward Ivankov. It was even more potent than the King Jab he unleashed earlier. Ivankov unleashed his Hell Wink, and both of the shockwaves clashed.

The shockwaves didn't cancel each other, and the one that won was the shockwave that was developed by mastering the six powers and improved folds by the system.

Ivankov felt that the Six King Gun pierced his body, and his internal organs took severe damage, and he puked blood. Even so, this wasn't enough to take him down as hormones would reduce the cost. Ivankov took a few steps back; he already lost blood and took the loss by both the sword and whip.

"I'm still here, " Sadi said as she wrapped her whip around Ivankov neck and grabbed him closer.

That gave a chance to Lucas, who held his swords in an X shape.

Lucas vanished from his place as he shot toward Ivankov with a blurry speed that no one could see. He waved his swords with a rate that made them generate fire when they clashed with air.

«Nitoryu: Phoenix canon», then sword energy left his sword, and from very close centimetres.

Does Lucas care if what is he doing is right or wrong?

No, he doesn't, as long as someone is in his way toward what he wants to achieve, then he would slash him even if he was Mr.Saint himself.

To Lucas, the right and the wrong, the good and the bad, are only a rat shit that only a people who are destinated to die would think of.

To him, there is only his conquest. The method and process don't matter at all.

Ivankov tried to jump, but Sadi sent her whip to his leg and stomped on it, holding Ivankov in his place.

*Slash* *Bam*

A deep wound appeared in Ivankov's chest that separates his lower half from his upper half, and both of the parts became wrapped by flames. Sadi was out of the range of the compressed blade, so she wasn't harmed.


But, behind her, a deep, thin cut appeared on the wall that allowed water to pour from it.

[Defeating Ivankov +1.2 million XP

Swordsmanship +300.000 XP

Six kind gun +70.000 XP]

[Ding. Newkama, martial arts manual, is in the storage]

Lucas's face cringed, seeing the homo martial art.

[Ding, Hormone-Hormone fruit is in the storage]

On the side, the guardian beasts were done from fighting the rest of the prisoners and won.

Sadi jumped and landed next to Lucas, who put his swords back to their place. She smirked, seeing some blood on his shirt and licked her lips.

Seeing her getting closer, Lucas lifted his head and decided to make eye contact, except, he couldn't see her eyes because of the hair.

"Oh, well, you were hiding your strength and playing naughty all along" Sadi took a step closer, and she was too close, both of her chest and Lucas's chest collided. Lucas's eyes swept down to her two melons; each one of them was soft.

"Well, you didn't ask me to show it."

"You are looking at the wrong direction, Navy boy" Sadi put her hand on Lucas's chin and lifted his head so she can see his face. Lucas couldn't believe this situation. This is the first time this happens.

Sadi wasn't a shy girl, and she would take what she wants, the moment she wants. She put both of her hands on his cheeks and moved her head down with the blinding speed.


Hundreds of footstep could be heard. Those were all the special units in Impel Down that finally came down. Suddenly, as they were expecting a battle, what they saw froze them.

From behind, another door was open. Magellan had finished recycling and came here to participate in the battle.

"Where are they…what " Magellan frozen on what his eyes saw.

Lucas was opening his widely, as Sadi was hugging him with strength so he won't move, and putting her lips on his, not only so, but she was invading his mouth with her tongue, and she was an excellent kisser.

"Mmm…Mmmm" Sadi kept kissing him and moving her tongue while holding his cheeks and pushing him closer to his face. That moment, she wanted to eat him. Lucas was fluffy with this; he closed his eyes and extended his tongue to match hers.

Time for The T.

Everyone around stood frozen, even the sight of the burned Ivankov on the ground, and the pirates didn't attract their attention.

In their whole life, they never imagined seeing Sadi use something other than her whip with other men.



Advanced chapters.


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