Vivi, Robin, Zala and Mikita were surrounded by many armed men who wore black clothes, and their leader was a giant like a blonde fat man.

The girls could feel their hostile intent from the new visitors who followed them here. Seeing the guns in their hands, the girls made different reactions.

Around Zala's parts, sharp spikes appeared.

Sand started to float around Vivi's body. She was a peaceful girl, but she was a previous agent in baroque works and had some fights, and some times, she was forced to harm pirates, which didn't hurt her conscious.

Mikita reduced her weight ready to use Shave or Moonwalk at any moment then increase her weight when striking.

"Oh well, what do we owe the fellow Warlord's subordinate for this visit, " Robin said as she made a calm smile.

The unique tattoo on this blondie's arms resembled a previous famous pirate's logo. Robin, thanks to her life experience and 20 years of surviving in The Grand Line, could tell it belonged to Doflamingo.

"You have been putting your nose in someone's else business - in."

"All that is we were trying to do is to hunt a pirate with a bounty. I can't think we have done something else."

"You aren't allowed to go after Law - inn."

"And why not " Suddenly, Mikita said with killing intent.

If Lucas said that Law must be captured, or killed, then she would finish the job even if he was a marine.

"Explaining is useless - inn."

"My name is Machvise, and I'm here to teach you a lesson'inn "

The fatty glared at Robin and Mikita; then he gave the nod with his head. There were around 30 armed men; they held their weapons and aimed at the girls.

"Kyahaha, seems we are going to clash."

Mikita laughed, feeling battle thrill. The other girls didn't seem to be excited as they were carefully watching, except for Zala, who was a cold assassin.

"Are you sure" Robin crossed her arms together.

"Your warlord is a mere weak one, and I'm here to teach you a lesson'inn " Machvise waved his hand to give a sign for his men to shoot.

Before they shot, Vivi quickly reacted, and her hands morphed into the sand, and then extended and turned into a wave that swallowed the guys in front of her. *Pew* *Pew* Some managed to shoot some bullets before they get eaten by the sand, but the bullets passed through Vivi's body.

Zala with her spikes quickly dashed to the armed men and stabbed them in a vital point. The spikes were sharp that it pierced through their bodies like Tofu. She was a previous pirate with a bounty +30 million berries, so she was kind enough to keep up with them.

"Oh well, "

Robin used her Devil Fruit ability. Suddenly, a lot of arms appeared next to the men's neck and bent them back. Before they could even shoot, Robin's new arms cracked their necks and broke it, killing them on the spot.

The 30 men were ended up quickly.

Machvise didn't expect this. They already have done their researches and found they are mere previous weak agents.

It was out a calculation that one of them has a Logia Devil Fruit, and the others to be able to fight back, except for that blonde, she didn't seems to show any power.

"Well. You have done it" Machvise said as he clenched his teeth and took a step forward. The ground shook violently as his foot was buried on the street's stone floor.

Suddenly, some arms appeared on his shoulders and wrapped his neck. Robin using her devil fruit ability, tried to break his neck.

But as it seems, she couldn't move his head an inch, let alone breaking his neck.

Mikita noticed something as the ground stopped shaking. "You have a devil fruit that allows you to control your weight, am I wrong."

"Yes, I have Ton-Ton fruit " Machvise smiled. His power was similar to Mikita's, but instead of kilos, he uses the metric ton as the measurement unit. He can from very light, into 10.000 tons.

Machvise took the armour from behind and put in front of his chest. He jumped as he became very light and was floating.

"Stay out girls," Mikita said. As she noticed, this guy's fighting style is similar to her old fighting style, but with more weight. However, Lucas taught her that using weight like this was a total waste.

Robin and Zala quickly jumped back. They knew Mikita and could assume that this guy can go to ten thousand ton if their guess is right. They didn't want to stay in the range of some hundreds, or thousands of tons that would fall on them.

Vivi didn't move away. As Logia devil fruit users, she believed that she wouldn't take damage. This was something that gave her courage that she never had before.

"Iiihihihihi" Machvise, floating in the air, when he saw two girls running, started to laugh like a creep.

"Impossible..." Mikita looked at him with a frozen face.

This guy, not only has a devil fruit more potent than hers but also, he has a creepy laugh as well.

"How dare he" Mikita was pissed off. How dare he to copy her.

"Well, little girl, 100 tons should be enough for you, iin," Machvise said as he was about to increase his mass.

Mikita reduced her mass to very lightweight; then she used Moonwalk and vanished from her place, with a speed that surpasses the agents of The World Government by folds. Machvise blinked, as he couldn't follow her move.

"HOW DARE YOU" Mikita appeared tens meters above him. She was not smiling but angry. Her current facial expression was more creepy than her usual laugh.

Machvise knew that his weakness is against swift people; he started to increase his weight several tons so that he would go down, but, Mikita was too fast. Mikita covered her hand with Haki and made a fist.

"Iron Mass" She changed her position and looked down " Shave plus Moon Walk".

She mastered all of the skills that Lucas taught her. She moved down faster than a bullet. "Take this, Red Nuke Attack" The clash of the air with her fist made it get cover by red flames.

When she got close, her weight suddenly increased to 19.000 kilos. She raised her weight, but her speed didn't get any less at that moment.

If Machvise has an imaginable weight, she has both speed and pressure that are both an essential factor for making impacts.


A red explosion covered Machvise's back as Mikita's fist landed. Machvise, who is now a hundred-ton mass, got a hit on his back, by a little fist that weight 20 tons and had blinding speed.

Despite him having a superior mass, his body reacted like a planet getting a hit by a big nuke.

His bones cracked, broke, his flesh skin got burned, and she sent him flying down, with extra speed.


When he hit the ground, the Impact destroyed the land, made a large hole, and caused an earthquake. Some houses around literally flew up and shook.

Vivi was able to survive this as her body and clothes turned to sand, as for the rest of the girls, they were lucky to get away, but they could feel the strong winds in their face.

A dust cloud covered the place, and then it got cleared.

The blondie was buried and seemed not to be able to get up. Machvise could barely move his head and body and say some words " you bi.."

"Kyahaha. Not only you dare to have better fruit, but you dare to have a creepy laugh as well" Mikita was in the air. She made a fist and repeated the same move. "Take this, Red Nuke" again. She flew down, with her fist covered by red flames and speed. She hit his back, and the collision made an explosion.


The hole became more extensive, the cracks spread, the impact spread across the town and caused some buildings to fall. Maschivis's bones all got broken; somehow, he could be still alive. But he lost his consciousness. Mikita wasn't; she reduced her weight and flew up again.

"MIKITA STOP. You are destroying this town. " Vivi yelled, if she continues doing this, then the people of this town would die.

Vivi's arm turned into sand that covered the area so it would absorb a bit of the impact


Looking around to see the destruction she caused, and how this town got destroyed, Mikita decided to stop. She thought that Zorro, who saved Alabasta's people for his goodwill, would get angry at her. After some few deep breaths, Mikita was able to calm down

"I'll take him to Daddy so he would decide what to do" Mikita increased her weight some kilos and landed on the destroyed ground.

Next, they took the Blondie to the ship where Lucci was waiting, and they tied him up with a sea stone shackle that meant for Law. As for the other guys, they are dead.


The girls were inside the ship. Mikita was in the cabin, sitting on the chair, and hitting the ground with her feet.

"Call Zorro quickly and tell him what happened "

Three things made girl angry: someone else dress like her, talk like her, and act like her. Machvise did two.

"Sure, I'll call him. Please have some tea and calm down "Robin, smiled weirdly.

Seems that she made the right choice, if she is in Lucas's side, she would be safe. Besides, that kiss they had, made a deep impression on her.

A few seconds later, Vivi came with a teacup and said a few words to cheer Mikita up.

"I'll call him; you just need to relax."

"no, no one else calls Daddy but me*


After the battle in that town, someone who was watching from far reported to Doflamingo everything has happened.

Doflamingo was angry. He was in the middle of some critical deal, yet the news of a member of his family, getting captured and defeated, made him fly into a rage.

Doflamingo thought that Machvise would be able to teach the new Warlord's minions some manners. Doflamingo already did his researches.

The girls were weak as chicken, and all of them are previous baroque agents who don't have much power to deal with his weakest officer, so let alone Machvis who has Ton-Ton Fruit.

Doflamingo crushed the poor snail in his hand. He made a smile and said with a crisp tone:" Guess I will have to fly to Paradise then" To Doflamingo, it takes him a day or more to arrive at his destination since he could move between the clouds like Spiderman.


Lucas was now doing his duty as a Rear Admiral.

Today, Lucas didn't take his unit with him and left his girls at Marineforde.

He had a mission. Some Vice Admiral said he needed a Rear Admiral in his ship, and that one happened to be Lucas.

'This old man is trying to annoy me, .'

Lucas was on a deck, standing in the middle of other officers, and looking at the back of the older man.

The one who would call him was the same person who taught him Haki, the Godfather of The Love Fist, Garp.

"Bero Bero" Lucas's pocket started to ring as the snail inside started to vibe.

Garp was standing on the edge, wearing the dog mask. He turned to Lucas and saw his facial expression. Lucas seemed to be looking for a way to sneak and talk in private.

Garp smiled as he knew about how many girl Lucas had in Marineforde.

"Smelly Brat... You can pick the call, and we will talk later."

Hearing Garp, Lucas didn't even think about it. He used Moonwalk, kicked the air to get away from the ship so that no one would listen to him. Lucas was wary about Garp's habit of concealing his presence and sneaking behind him to spy.

"Heh... It's some girl calling, who would want to hear this" Garp murmured as he looked up. However, everyone looked at Lucas as they wanted to know his secret, as Lucas was known to live with six girls in Marineforde.

When Lucas got 90 meters above the ship, he looked to his ring, which ate a Logia Devil fruit.

After training many days, the ring became like part of Lucas, but not like a full part, and he can activate it whenever he wants.

Lucas still can't control it completely, as he can only change a bit of his body into wind. But Lucas felt that, once he gets used to this ring more and become like a Logia eater.

But still, for someone to use the full potentials of a Devil Fruit, he has to eat it.

But the price ones pay for power is quite heavy and give a fatal weakness. What if, one day, you had an epic battle above the water with someone like Shanks, or you find a beautiful mermaid calling you under the water. That would give a sour feeling to be not able to swim.

Lucas focused on the ring. Some winds started dancing around him *sound of the wind*. He needed to make sure that the sound would slip down. Garp, not only has a dog's nose but a dog's ears as well. Lucas needs to be careful of him.

Lucas then picked up the call, to find Mikita calling him. Her voice seemed not to be very happy, and he didn't hear her 'kyahaha' laugh, making him wondering if something terrible has happened.

"Hey, quickly tell me what happens..."

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