Lucas got a call from Hina asking him if his unit should reply to backup request since he wasn't here to make the decision. The backup call was from a marine group that clashed with Law's pirates and didn't have any chance against him.

At this moment, to Lucas, Hina's voice was more beautiful than a female Italian opera's singer.

Lucas told Hina to stay away and wait for the pirates the sea. He said that since he knew that Law travels using a submarine, so there would be no clash with his unit if they waited in the sea. Nojiko gave the location to Lucas, who hanged the call after that.

Lucas then left the girls in the ship with half billion, so they stay busy while he does the business. He took Lucci, with a personal compass, and hurried her to move in one direction.

Lucci was using Moonwalk to hit the water with her tail gaining a speed boost. Like a sea monster, she was already speedy, but after using Moonwalk on the water, her speed skyrocketed.

"Faster" Lucas yelled on the Sea Monster while winds were hitting his face.

"MOO" Lucci let a loud cry and used all of her strength to move her big fishtail. Everywhere she passes by. She was making waves rolling to the sides.


Lucas's vision was changing quickly. He was experiencing the weird weather of The Grand Line changing in front of him as he passed by a territory full of cold rain and lightning and mighty waves, then a one with snow falling, then with the sunny hot area.

Despite this, the speed they were moving at didn't change at all.

Lucas crossed many Islands on his way, and he could see that some Sea Kings saw Lucci and tried to chase after them, but they couldn't keep up.

More than an hour later, Lucas passed by so many islands and was near the mentioned island. He could see the shadow of a marine base from Lucci's head. The naval base got cut in half.

On the ground, there were limbs, heads and different body parts, that seemed to be separate from the original body. However, they were alive, and they were yelling at some young boy who was reattaching the body.

"Hey, that's isn't my arm."

"Hey, my legs, I found them"

After this battle, it seems that Law and his crew would have their bounties increased. In the show, Law had 200 million berries by the time he met straw hats, yet now he is only 150 million worth pirate. That gave Lucas an excellent sight of what time he is now compared to the original show.

Lucas could tell that a battle happened here and ended a short while ago. So Law must use his submarine to go down the water, so no one was able to chase after him.

Lucas turned his head to see a couple of marine sh.i.p.s waiting. Those were his sh.i.p.s that arrived here.

There was a reason why Lucas brought Lucci with him.

"Lucci, go down the water and track any smell" Lucas held Lucci's skin and took a deep breath before catching it and sink with Lucci down.

Lucas activated his Observation Haki while Lucci started to move in the direction where she smelled the submarines oil remaining.

Law was moving with a submarine.

For a machine to move under the water to work, it would require a unique energy source such as oil, gas, or electricity. The energy source would leave a strong smell behind.

That scent is hard to track for a human since humans can't breathe underwater, let alone monitoring smells, but for a sea monster with a ship sized nose, It is a different case.

Lucci was moving under the water as Lucas was holding his breath and closing his eyes. He didn't need to open them since his Observation Haki allow him to observe better than a person with eyes.

Lucas found that he can hold his breath for 9 minutes because of his physical strength. Whenever he feels chocked, he would tap Lucci's head, and she would get up so he would take some breaths before going down and tracking the submarine.

After nearly an hour, Lucas's Observation Haki showed a white submarine in the middle of a black paint only him can see.


Lucas opened his eyes and tapped on Lucci's head again, making her go up. Lucas took a deep breath after getting on the surface of the water.

"Move this direction, and no need to go down," Lucas said.

He can track the submarine with his Haki alone without the need to get down. He even can tell what the pirate crew was doing inside the submarine and their numbers.

After two hours, the clouds in the sky and the sea turned red as the sun went the west. The day was about to end.

The submarine started to go up.

Lucas let an evil smirk as he saw an isolated island in front of him.

"Lucci, go and throw them here," Lucas said before he jumps and lands on that island


"Moo" Lucci said as she went down. Giving the size of the sea monsters, biting a ship wouldn't be a problem.

One minute later.

Lucci appeared on the surface of the sea with a yellow submarine, with a swift move, she threw it toward the beach of that island.

The submarine was flying in the air. Before it hit the ground, a faint blue visible sphere wrapped itself around the submarine.

"ROOM", before it even hit the ground, the submarine started to float in the air.


A cut appeared on the submarine making a door appear on the surface. It seems that was related to the blue sphere that saved their submarine from crashing as it landed while floating.

A crew got out and stood upon the land, everyone was wearing a doctor outfit, except for a cute humanoid bear and the one with the northern hat.

*Captain, what happened "

"Just now, we were attacked by a sea monster and got thrown here."

The men in white were looking to the one in the middle, who was their captain Law.

"That damn sea monster, I was going to cut it, but it threw us here," Law said. He waves his hand, making the blue sphere surrounding him and his crew vanished to thin air.

Law was a handsome, tall man, with a small beard on his chin and a short black hair. He was wearing a black, yellow, black shirt that had his pirate symbol with blue pants. He had a northern-style fur hat, which is white. On his shoulder, he held a long black katana.

"We have to fix the submarine, I guess," one of the pirates said.

The crew found themselves standing on a beach with a high cliff in front of them.

Above that cliff, there was a tree. Above it, Lucas stood, with both of his face and chest n.a.k.e.d since his shirt was wet.

The pirates started to move. The night came, so they lit up the fire before beginning to focus on fixing their submarine.

Lucas observed Law and his mouth revealed his teeth.

His eyes tightened.

Lucas smiled like he never smiled to any woman before, except for James's wife.

Law who stood by the fire suddenly tightened his eyes as he felt terrible.

"I feel bad, get careful" He quickly turned to his crew and said before lifting his head.

"Careful or not, Useless."

Law and everyone's heart jumped as a shadow a Blondie appeared in their midst.

Lucas was now looking like the villain whose face is covered by the shadow of the night, and his golden hair is flapping under the moonlight, and the fact that he was topless without any shirt, made him look scary.



Lucas quickly used Stealth Footwork. He vanished to thin air, shocking everyone. *Blow* *Blow *, a fist marks were appearing on their bodies knocking them out.

"Room." Law was the first one to react. He opened his palm, and the blue sphere started to extend to wrap them.

Law took his sword out of his sheath and was about to wave it. "Useless," Lucas said. He was too fast, and his Observation Haki was superior.

As Law waved his sword, Lucas just bent his head back a bit avoiding his blow.

"Bastard" Law clenched his teeth and lifted his sword again, preparing to wave it.

"Useless," The Blondie said and vanished from his place.*swish* He appeared next to Law with his fist on his stomach. *Blow*

"Argh" Law opened his eyes widely and spat blood. He felt unimaginable paint when he suddenly found Lucas's fist on his stomach. The blow was firm that he was suddenly out of breath.

"I won't fall.." The pain was unbearable, but Law's will kept him standing on his feet

Lucas smiled, seeing Law's will this strong to bare a punch from him. "That's the spirit I need" Lucas took his fist back and repeated the knock more two times on Law's belly.

Law's eyelids vanished as he could no longer bear the pain; he lost his awareness and fell to the ground.

Law then disappeared as Lucas put him inside his storage along with his crew.

[Defeating Law + 100.000 XP]

[Ding. Op-Op is in the storage]

"Since you have a grudge on Doflamingo, you can become a useful pawn."

Lucas let a smile before putting everyone on the ground inside his storage. "But seriously, I need to hunt many pirates now for XP sake."

Lucas then went to the middle of the island, cleared it from the animals, and then he took some pirate out of his storage.

Ever since Law's poster appeared, Lucas had kidnapped four pirates and used to use Massage Hands on them, each night to brainwash them.

After massaging their heads for long, Lucas gained a result as he could slowly change their personality and some of their ideology.

But it wasn't the that significant result he was looking for as the people showed their resistance and they would take a longer time to get timed.

However, Lucas learned a trick after their heads got used to his hands. If Lucas massaged a pirates head for a long time while saying some words, they would enter a temporarily state, where they lose awareness, and their subconscious reacts to his voice.

Lucas took some pirate and forcefully fed him Op-Op Fruit. The pirate flinched as he ate the fruit, he looked to Lucas and remembered him.


Before he could say anything, Lucas put his hands on his head and started massaging it with [Massage hands level 18]. The pirate found himself enter a world of pleasure and relaxation.

Lucas then used his teacher skill and unlocked the deep potentials of the pirate


To get the eternal life, Lucas doesn't mind to sacrifice other people's lives, so let alone some pirates who are in his eyes, among the

After an hour and so, the pirate's brain was completely numb, and his subconscious and body can only react to Lucas's voice. Now, this move would only work on someone who got his head rubbed several times before, so this pirate was a rare sacrificial pawn.

"Now sc.u.m, learn how to use your power "

Lucas went to a rock and sat. The pirate didn't seem to have his consciousness either a self-awareness. He simply opened his hand, and a faint blue sphere started to extend.

They say that the subconscious mind learns things a thousand times faster than the conscious; some even say millions of times more quickly.

The pirate who wasn't self-aware, with his potentials unlocked and increased, could learn how to use Operation Fruit abilities rather very quickly.

"Can you do the surgery where you transfer your life."

The pirate nodded. "Explain", the pirate replied,

" Using my life, I'll be able to enter your cells and do an operation that would change their nature to never age in exchange for my life to gain the power to do the surgery."

Lucas stood up, went to that pirate and massaged his head for a bit "Do that surgery on me."


Lucas was on the range of the blue sphere, which is supposed to be to the operation room.

Lucas lied down, and that pirate started to do the surgery.

'this, is painful' Lucas thought as every cell was changing to go against its nature, but, that felt gave Lucas a pain that would make anyone scream.

There was a reason why they make people sleep before surgery.

But Lucas's eyes didn't even flinch. Instead, this pain was a small price for what he would gain.

The eternal youth surgery was over.

[ Eternal Youth Essence is acquired]

[Eternal Youth Essence: can be used to change the cells nature so they wouldn't age]

Next to Lucas, the pirate who finished the surgery showed signs of death.

Lucas, who was lying on the ground, extended his finger and shot a compressed air bullet to that pirate's head.

The pirate fell dead.

[Ding. Op-Op is in the storage]

Lucas got up and looked to the notification. He smiled. He just now achieved the dream of humanity. Lucas chuckled as a weird feeling was invading him.

"hehe... hehe "

He let a slight laugh as he thought that he would never become an old man and stay a young forever.


Lucas laugh became louder. It was not a laugh because he found it funny, but the smile came because of the weird feeling.

"HAHAHA..." Lucas closed his eyes, put his hands on his stomach. He then looked to the sky and let a long hysterical laugh.

Lucas, after half-hour of laughing straightly, he was able to calm himself down.

"I've surpassed humanity."

Even after a hundred of year, as long as no one kills him, Lucas would be alive, young, and full of energy without worrying that it would be hard to get it up when sleeping with women who would accompany him in this long life.

' I should stop laughing. Otherwise, I would hurt my throat.'

Lucas massaged his throat, feeling some pain. He wondered how the villains could laugh weirdly without needing to drink any lemon juice.

'There still that supreme being to entertain. Well, at least he said that wouldn't bother me after some point.'

"Supreme being, if you leave me alone, I'll build a church," Lucas said as he looked up to the sky to see one cloud that had a shape of a hand, raising the middle finger before disappearing.

Lucas frowned and lifted his middle finger before turning away. "My mood was good; no need to ruin it."

Now, with Op-Op Devil Fruit, and sc.u.m pirates to sacrifice, Lucas can grant immortality to anyone he wants. But the thing is, out of his women, there are some who he thought it would be best for them to mature more. After all, a mature woman has her charm.

And after getting this world under him, Lucas would live a life where he would have everything, and of course, he can live happily forever without any need to do anything.

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