(Just note: In the Manga, Marco said that Teach has something strange about his body that allowed him to eat two Devil Fruits.)


Lucas was behind Teach, supporting his weight by putting his hand on his shoulder, and lifting a dagger. Teach could see the sun's reflection on the silver blade of the knife by moving his iris to the left. He tried to call his Darkness power, which is supposed to end this battle in an instant. However, he couldn't call his power, as there was a Sea Stone made shackles around his arm without tying him. Sea stone was the real enemy for every Devil Fruit eater as it absorbs its power.

"Useless" Lucas said, knowing what Teach is thinking of. Lucas knew about it, and that's why he had a Sea Stone shackles with him. Even if he doesn't tie him, just the contact with his skin will render Teach useless.

The dagger in Lucas's hand turned into a streak of silver light as he slashed down toward Teach's right shoulder. With Lucas's sword mastery, it pierced Black Beard's skin and flesh like hot butter.


As Lucas withdrew his dagger, a mountain of blood followed from Teach's shoulder, "Argh". He let a scream of pain. But this wasn't over. Lucas put his foot on Teach's back and used it as a support to jump above him. Lucas flipped to appear in front of him. As his fists are strong, Teach tried to punch Lucas, who was in the air. But to Lucas who predicted this, he could easily dodge Black Beard's big fist, before giving him a stab on his chest.

*blood spraying like a fountain.*

The momentum made the hood move up, showing Lucas's face to teach, who just sput blood

"Argh... You"

Teach spat blood as he felt the pain coming from both of his shoulders and chest. Luckily to him, that was no near to his heart. Or, was it unlucky to him. Lucas's feet landed on the ground. Before Teach could make out what happens, Lucas, with a skilled and agile move, held Teach from his shoulder and threw him to the ground 4 meters away on his back.

Lucas flipped back and jumped while lifting the dagger with both of his hands. The next second, Lucas fell on Teach's belly. The knife fell deep into Teach's chest, piercing him and going deep near to a critical vein next to the heart.

Everything happened too quickly.

Teach, just a moment ago, was thinking of how he would manipulate the world, make havoc, and get the fruit of The Strongest Man and achieve his dreams. Teach waited a lot to get what he always desired.

But, the more careful your scheme, the more unexpected surprises you face.

Damn it. He didn't even have the chance to use the power of Darkness that not even the light can escape from it.

Black Beard felt that he lost all of the strength in his body. He was lying down, while Lucas was above him with a knife next to his heart.

[Defeating Teach with an underhanded, stealthy attack.

+190.000 Acc.u.mulated XP]

[Darkness-Darkness Fruit is in the storage]

"Who are you" Black Beard tried to move. But as he did, Lucas's knife went a millimetre deeper, making Black Beard back to his place.

"If you want to live, answer my questions honestly, and don't move," Lucas said as he tightened his hands on the dagger.

He didn't feel petty for Teach at all. Not sorry, only one of us can manipulate this world from the dark.

What did Lucas want to know? How Teach takes Devil Fruits. No, Lucas can take them by the system. He wanted to confirm if there is a secrete for having two devil fruits.

"Hehe" Black Beard laughed upon hearing Lucas with all those wounds, how he plans to keep his promise.

"What is the secret of your body," Lucas's left hand fell on the right side of Teach's chest.

Lucas, while being this close, could feel that Teach wasn't one person. His eyes are saying something, but his sixth sense is saying something else.

(Luffy said Teach isn't one person once; Zoro said probably. the first don't use his brain but instinct, and the second use both )

Teach opened his eyes widely. The next words of Lucas made him almost shit in his pants upon hearing Lucas's remarks.

"How can you eat two Devil Fruits at the same time?"

What answered Lucas's question wasn't Teach's mouth, but what felt his other hand that was on the right side of Teach's heart.

*Drums sound*

Lucas opened his eyes widely as he felt the heartbeat of Teach on both of his right hand and the dagger.

"You... You have"

Lucas was shocked. This is new. Someone has two hearts, isn't that impossible.

Is there another human inside Teach.

Teach struggled and used that moment to push Lucas off him. But as soon as he tried to do this, Lucas's hand pressed on the dagger killing the first heart of Teach, who didn't die yet.

[Ding, defeating another pirate

+3000 XP]

Black Beard lied down at that moment knowing his end is near "Congratulation, you know the secret of our body now."

Black Beard then started to laugh, "But if you are after my secret, then it won't help you. Die"

Black Beard tried to lift his fist and punch Lucas. But before he could do that, Lucas took the dagger and ended the life of Teach by cutting his throat

( note. Devil Fruit may reside within the heart.

It's confirmed that eating a Devil Fruit eater would give the strength to the one who ate the person, just like Big Mom ate Caramell and got her power. That just leads to thinking that Devil Fruits reside in inside one organ in the human body, and heart is only one part in the chest, so I should be it, and Teach having two hearts was a theory discussed in Japan.

From the canon, we could see that Black Bears took the fruit from White Beard's corpse after covering him. But, the thing is, White Beard had a hole in his chest. So Black Beard perhaps took some organ and ate it. And he didn't use his Darkness power as the other members of Black Beard crew know how to take devil fruits. Like Jesus, who tried to slash Luffy's chest with a knife. And Jesus doesn't have Darkness Fruit, and he is wrestler, so why would he have a knife. Probably to open the chest of his victims.

Nothing is confirmed, but we don't have to wait to the end of one piece so that we will use this theory. it's Ff, and we don't have to wait for years.)

( Ah, I don't know about Brook case though, since his fruit allows him to see with no eyes, drink with no stomach, think without a brain, and speak without vocal strings. Maybe he can even make children without d.i.c.k, and would still enjoy it.)


Lucas walked in the streets after storing Black Beard's body. He seemed to realise something he didn't know about. Lucas was thinking about the Manga. But he wondered how Teach could have two hearts. No man would be born with two hearts unless someone with Devil Fruit power did this to him.

"Why he said, our secrete."

Lucas washed from the blood before clearing his head. It doesn't matter. Teach can't mess with Lucas's plans of promotion and banging beauties.

"Maybe, Teach used Darkness to absorb someone inside his body, and that one should be the one who should eat the second Devil Fruit. But because I used Sea stone, that person was trapped inside Teach's body."

this logical, one person can eat one fruit, two persons can eat two.

"Probably he is gay, to have another man inside him."

In a world where a skeleton can drink milk without a stomach and disguise it to heal his bones, everything is possible.

"Now, which girl I should give her this fruit" Thinking that this Fruit is overpowered, and has many benefits, Lucas thought of using it to boost his side.

Lucas believed that this fruit would befit a fighter, who can use martial arts and have high strength since this fruit won't change the nature of the opponent.

Thinking about his girls in Marineforde, especially those who can use martial arts, The girls had good fruit except Kaya. Kaya was the first one who he trained and taught, so she was second to him and powerful despite not loving using violence. There is another girl, who had very high physical strength, and was second to Magellan. Sadi, who also got her potentials unlocked was a right candidate and without a devil fruit.

There still Domino as well, but she isn't that strong either.

'If I gave this to Sadi then I'll make her join the Navy. But Kaya is just too sweet, and I can't imagine a girl like her using Darkness.'

'However, Sadi may think about some kinks if she gets this.'

'Damn it.'

'I'll think about those once there are better fruits in my hands'

He lifted his head and looked to the sky.

"Better fruits" he murmured as he remembered someone. "En. Enel. I guess that was his name."

Enel was an unforgettable character, the one who went to the moon and called himself a God. Lucas suddenly thought about lightning, one of the most fearsome and scary things in nature. Lucas at that moment, though if he can fight Enel without getting severe damage.

Lucas isn't made of Rubber. Lightning has 1/3 the speed of the light. And Enel can shoot charges up to 100 million volts.

Let's not forget that he could demolish the Angel Island with one blow. Enel fruit was overpowered, Yet he only lost to Luffy because he couldn't use his Devil Fruit against him, and didn't finish him off when he had the chance.

(If you seriously think that Enel is weak to be defeated before Cp9 stage, then imagine if Enel fought against every enemy Luffy fought after. Just take Rob Lucci for example; he would be knocked out after one lightning bolt. Maybe Doflamingo wouldn't be able to defeat Enel if they fought.

What can strings do against someone who can stay in the clouds and spam lightning bolts at you)

Maybe, in the show, they had to send Enel to the moon because they needed him out of the show.

Enel's Devil Fruit that should make the self-claimed God powerful as admiral, only if he had armament Haki. Maybe his Devil Fruit is stronger since it has a very high destructive power, and high speed compared to the others.

Even if someone with has Haki punched Enel, they would get hit by lightning anyway and get knocked out.

'But Enel is SO c.o.c.ky, and would allow his opponent to hit him.'

"And I can cut him in half in a moment of carelessness." Lucas had a cold expression on his face. Overpowered or not, you would get pieced if you let your guard down. Even the strongest man in this world got stabbed when he made his guard down.

"Just to make things pass smoothly. Let's call a Wind Woman."

Lucas isn't a battle maniac, and if there is a way to guarantee comfortable victory, he will use it without hesitation. In this case, Nami after getting Wind fruit should be able to deal with Enel efficiently.

Lucas wouldn't let a powerful fruit like this slip from his hand. Who doesn't want powerful allies, even the Emperors of the pirates has influential commanders.

Lucas thought about something else. What if he had a backup kingdom to rule the world? What if he one day needed a backup plan or a place to move his beloved ones to, or, to move his criminal girls and stay there.

Then the sky would be the perfect place for him to have a palace for him.

There, he wouldn't worry about hiding anyone.

'Maybe I should build a castle there, or a palace for me and the girls' Lucas thought.


Lucas wore a mask when he went to Bellamy's place. He still has to do his part of the deal and give Bellamy Fruit.

The Fruit Lucas chose was a useless one. It was mice-mice fruit.

He went to the tavern where he met Bellamy and gave him the Devil Fruit. Bellamy was thrilled with it, even if his crew don't eat it, he can either sell it or provide it to Doflamingo to gain his right side. "Drink for our truly, Zorro."

"Besides, I don't have to face lightning personally, do I?"


Lucas then called Nami to come to this island and invited her to have an adventure.

She was too strong already an immune to lightning. Lucas is bringing her with him. Nami was happy with Lucas's call, thinking of the single time and their dates. She sneaked out of the HQ, saying she is going somewhere to practise. Then she flew out.

Nami was flying using her Wind ability, and the moonwalk, she didn't take a long time to arrive here.

Lucas was waiting in Jaya island, sitting above some house, without his Zorro's outfit. He didn't have his costume as a marine; instead, he wore casual black clothes.

*Swish* *BOM*

Hearing the sound of the wind, and familiar bombs, Lucas lifted his head to see a woman wearing Captain coat, in the sky.

No, there were two women. One he could see and one he could sense. It seems that Nami brought her sister with her here.

When Nami was about to sneak, Nojiko caught her and forced Nami to spell what she has. She got to know that and decided to follow her, without telling the others since they appreciate their private with Lucas. He alone could satisfy all of them in a short time, so what would happen, if the two of them were the only one with him.

Nami was wearing a white blouse, black shorts that showed her long legs, and high heels. But her figure was blurring with the winds and only when she got close Lucas could see what she was wearing.

On the other hand, Nojiko was wearing a white shirt that was lifted by her enormous b.r.e.a.s.ts showing her belly, tight slim black pants and black high heels.

"Over here" Lucas waved his hands at him. They spotted him and decided to land, as Nami vanished.

Nojiko landed next to Lucas, and put her arm around his shoulder "Lucas."

"Hey" Next to Lucas, from nowhere, Nami materialised from the wind and appeared sitting next to him.

*Kiss* *Kiss*

After some deep kisses, Nami and Nojiko looked at Lucas. Nojiko put her hand on his crotch and moved it across the trace of the banana. She then crushed her chest on his and asked "So what kind of adventure we will have"

Lucas tried to calm his breath, feeling some heat when Nojiko was playing with his d.i.c.k. Nami glared at her sister before she hugs Lucas's other side and put her face on his neck "Yes, what adventure"

"To the sky, how about I tell you in some hotel" Lucas couldn't calm himself when they are doing this. One was hard

"Oh really, that would be heavenly" Nojiko said as she took a collar with her.

Both of them stood and wrapped Lucas to hide the traces of his D as they walked to a near hotel to rent a room.

And so, Lucas went to a hotel, surrounded by two beauties who wore captain coats, making the people in the market hide from them. Lucas could see some pirates, but he decided to ignore them.

"Lucas, I have the key."

Nami rented a luxurious room with a low price and took the key from the hotel

"It is chamber 137," Nami said as Nojiko was grabbing him from his shoulder "It's this way."



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