As Lucas and his girls pierced thought the clouds and met some tribal girl, an old man with a horse approached them. The girls were amazed at first seeing a horse with wings since some of them read about it in a fairy tale. That was more than real in Nami and Nojiko's eyes since those two were originated from East Blue, and things like flying horses were too magical and only existed in fairy tails, not like the people who came from Grand Line, like Robin, where bizarre things like this were familiar.

However, as the horse and the knight got closer, a disappointment was drawn on their faces. The horse looked more like a pink donkey with wings, which was quite ugly, very ugly maybe. As for the knight, he was a very old man who wore a knight shield with a spear in his hand.

As the old man got closer, he seemed to be dazed of what he saw: four young people standing on the air; one was floating while three seemed to be kicking the air to fly. "Ahem. I just noticed you were about to be attacked, are you fine." The old knight seemed to be dazed. Usually, the girl who was about to attack them now wouldn't consider seeing who they would attack if they are the enemy or not. Maybe because they were standing on their feet, and not on a ship, they got known to be outsiders.

Lucas stepped forward and was the one to talk " Yes, we are fine, " His tone was careless.

The old man seemed to be relieved. "That's good". He then took a whistle from his shiny armour and threw it toward Lucas side. The pipe was caught by Nami who examined it to see if there is anything special about this one."What is this for."

"I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce my self. My name is Gan Fall, and I'm a mercenary. If you need someone to save you, use this whistle, and it would only cost you 5 million Extole for each time you summon me" Gan Fall offered his services.

Hearing his words, everyone seemed dazed except Lucas.

"Hahaha. What a nice joke. Your protection for five million, hahaha" Nami couldn't help but laugh out loud. What protection. She wouldn't need it even for free. Nojiko chuckled as well, as for Robin, she just smiled.

Gan Fall was shocked; then remembering that they are flying with their feet, he realised that these people appear to be strong, so they didn't seem to need his help, and that's why they are laughing.

"Anyway, I want to warn you from Shadia warriors. If you ever found your self getting attacked, don't hesitate to call me."

"We would if there is a need" Lucas examined this old man who was the previous claimed God of this place. He didn't seem to be this strong and seems only to have Observation Haki.

Gan Fall was a little embarrassed, yet he kept saying some kind words like a nice grandpa. Lucas then sent him away.

"Take care of yourself, Blue Sea's people" That was the last thing Gan Fall said before turning away and leaving with his winged horse.

Then, Lucas and his group wandered around and stopped when they saw a big gate having a big sign above it.

"Look, that sign says Heaven Gate". Behind the entrance, there was a broad road going up, it looked like a waterfall.

" I'll go first."

"Wait for me, Nojiko"

"Fufu, aren't they excited."

The girls were excited. Even though they came here for different purposes, all of them had a sense of adventure and discovering.

"Whatever, let's go" Replying at Robin, Lucas nodded with as he went forward. He didn't forget his original goal from coming here: getting an overpowered Devil Fruit, building a palace for himself and his harem, and of course, after seeing that tribal girl with wings, he decided to make some love with angels. Robin smiled as she took the hood off her head and followed Lucas.


After passing by The Heaven Gate, the four found themself inside a tunnel and facing an old short woman with wings, who stood next to her office. The old woman didn't seem to be amazed seeing people passing by without ship.

She introduced her self as Amazon.

"Four persons: you have to pay Four Billion Extoles," Amazon said, demanding money.

"Hey, FOUR BILLIONS" Nami couldn't help but to yell. 4 billion, she didn't know what currency Extole is, but 4 billion seemed to be too big.

"Don't misunderstand me, whether you pay or not, I'm not to fight you, and you will pass anyway" Amazon replied as she was prepared to send them on their way.

"How much does this count in berries." Lucas decided to ask.

Holding her calculator, Amazon did some calculations " let me see, mm, 400.000 berries "

"Okay, here it is." Lucas took the money and gave it to her.

"Oh, now seems I won't have to inform God Enel."

God? Does this place have God now, the girls couldn't help but to wonder if there are gods in the sky, if it is true, then it would be a scary thought?

Seeing their faces, Lucas could understand what they are thinking of: "God's definition in this place is more like a mayor."


"So, he is Mayor Enel," Nojiko nodded, thinking why a mayor thinks himself a god.

"Hey, you came here for the first time, how did you know," Nami asked, seeing Lucas answering confidently.

"I used my brain. Unless you believe that Devil Fruit eaters are Gods, then I can't explain." Lucas shook his shoulder. Down in the sea, If you have the power of Thunder, people would call you Devil Fruit eater, not a God.

Then, a giant crab got out from the cloud under them; Amazon told them that he would take them up. Lucas group nodded and said down on the back of cancer. The animal then moved up quickly in a cloud made of the route that points up to heaven. In mere seconds, they passed by another cloud that had a hole, which was an entrance. As they reached there, cancer shook his back, throwing them up.


Lucas and the rest were standing above a white sea while facing the warm sun rays.

"Be careful girls not to fall to the water" The sea was white because it was made of clouds that can be considered the same as water.

"I miss the days when I could swim" Nojiko sighed as she looked to the white clouds, and had an urge to swim. But as a Devil fruit, she has power over the land.

"Lucas, according to what we passed by, this sea shouldn't have buttom," Robin said.

"Right. If anyone fell here, then they would find themselves either falling to the sea bellow, or an island in case if a devil fruit user sank here and was lucky" Nojiko and Robin kicked the air raising their level so they would get farther from those dangerous clouds.

Next to them, there was an island. They cloud feel lives around with their Haki.

"Look, that Island is made of clouds, it seems they are solid," Nami said as she pointed to some island. It was a big thick cloud that seemed to be denser than the water clouds below them.

They looked there and saw that Island that seemed like a big hill. There were clouds all around with green trees on some spots, and houses built here and there. Also, there were stairs built on a road of cloud that points up.

They could see, but they needed to get close to understand better.

"Let's soo who reach beach first."

"The young girl thinks that she grew"

Then, Nami and Nojiko raced who would reach the beach first, with the condition that they weren't allowed to use their Devil Fruits ability to cheat.

"They seem to be lively" Robin and Lucas smiled as they follow the two racing sisters.

"Yes, they are sisters, exchanging clothes, and compete with each other sometimes".

" Sisters?" Robin stopped and looked at Lucas. Did he bang two sisters, and convinced them like that. Wait, she already had s.e.x with him, and somehow, she is always feeling attached to his d.i.c.k. She always thought that she was the only one who thinks this way. ' I remember how just he kissed my ear, and I melt immediately that moment, from that day, I started to have fantasies. Maybe, he is just too good man.'

Suddenly, both of them turned as their Haki alerted them.

There was a man with a small, riding a weird machine and moving to the direction of the beach. The man seemed to be old, with a black beard and a thin body. Behind him, a giant octopus was chasing after him.

"I must reach the beach quickly " with fear, murmured that old man. He was a fisherman who accidentally provoked this sea monster; now, he runs with his life with his waver. He then lifted his head to see two people, a man and a woman, walking on air and opened his jaw a bit. At that moment, the old man lost a bit of his momentum, and the monster caught up to him. "No." The old man realised that he was done for good now.

"Should I interfere" Robin was going to interfere, but Lucas let a sigh as he was used to this situation when he became a marine. During his day as commodore, Lucas used to kick pirates from far to save from civilians.

"No need. Just a few seconds. I just hope he won't stick to my ass. I always find it annoying." Lucas let a sigh, it's not like he is a good person, but he won't just stay idle when his girl tries to do something.

Lucas used [Storm Leg] and kicked the air to the direction of that monster, sending a giant air blade that split the white clouds and cut the beast throwing him back.

The older man suddenly turned his head. His eyes weren't visible due to his thick eyebrows, but once he saw what Lucas did, his thick eyebrows couldn't hide how much shock he had. A kick cut that giant beast that must be 50 meters at least and chased him all along from that youth.

The old man didn't stop his waver as he continued into the cloud made of the beach.


"What?" Lucas asked, hearing her laugh.

Robin turned to Lucas and chuckled. Despite him being a womaniser and giving the vibes that he is the bad boy, Robin couldn't help but think that Lucas is a perfect guy; otherwise, why did he stop Crocodile with a fake identity.

"Nothing, Lucas. Let's go."

Lucas relaxed his shoulder; then he kicked the air. With one jump, he reached the beach. Robin followed after him.

Once the two landed on the white cloud-like, their feet bounced a bit. "This cloud is soft, yet hard at the same time to allow us to walk" Robin commented. She looked around to see Nami and Nojiko already walking around and discovering the ground.

*motor sound*

The old man who was on the waver reached the beach, with high speed. He couldn't control it and didn't break at the right moment. He hit the soft beach and crushed falling on the beach on his stomach next to Lucas and Robin.

"Father" a girl like an angel ran toward the old man who fell. She reached the old man to help him stand up.

She was fair-skinned, relatively tall as she stood 177 cm. She had big dark green eyes, with blonde hair that she wore in two braided pig-tails and two antennae sticking out at the top of her head. She was wearing a pink dress with black, flower-shaped textures that goes to her thighs; she also wears red and pink striped sandals.

"Wow," the girl didn't notice that behind her, Lucas was glancing at her.

Looking to the white wings, the hourglass body, and the innocent aura that Lucas only saw it from Kaya, he didn't know if he can call her hot or cute.

*Cough* Robin glanced at Lucas and coughed.


15 advanced chapters at P-atreon


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