Sky island: The Gate of Heaven.

The old woman, Amazon, was now shocked by the visit of a priest that came from the Temple of God Enel.

Usually, Amazon wouldn't directly contact these monks and people, as her job was only to report those who hadn't paid the fee through sending their pictures through some minor soldiers. After that, Enel's soldiers and priests would deal with the criminal who disobeyed the laws.

"Priest is there anything, " Amazon said as she looked to him.

The priest was an obese person that the shape of his body the like a ballon. He wore sunglasses, a hat, and a white suit, making him having the aura of a clown.

"Amazon didn't you forget to send anything."

"Anything "

"God Enel said that some people came here without a ship and entered the land," asked the priest.

Amazon, as a very aged woman, took a full five minutes to analyse her short memory. The monk was patiently waiting- just why, from all the people, he had to this.

"Ah, those who can fly." Amazon could remember those unique people.

"Yes them." The priest nodded as he felt happy when what seemed to be like an eternity is over.

"Those. They paid the fee, and I couldn't report anything on the" Amazon said.

"What, but God Enel is bored, and it won't be fun if there is no reason to start the cat-mouse game" With no good reason, how can they entertain their God. He must find any reason, or he would be in Enel's bad side

"Mrs.Amazon, try to remember anything they said. "

"Ah, I don't know if I heard well, but If my memory doesn't betray me, the man in that group" Amazon was trying to figure out her next sentence.

"What did that man do."

"When a woman asked him about God, he said that Enel is not like a real God, but a king or mayor is more proper to describe him. But that wasn't registered as a crime anyway."

"Oh!! " the priest started shaking while thinking: did he hear her, right? Did she say that they called their God: Mayor Enel?


The island next to Angel Island was called The Upper Yard. It was a large piece of land that came from below. The place was a massive jungle, with giant trees, as only giants would consider things here to be normal. In the wilderness, there are many beasts and animals, and all of them were extra large. Even the smallest animal was a giant carrot-like bird, which was 3 meters in length.

Mayor Enel occupied this place, and it was a forbidden land.

To the people of Angel Island, Upper Yard was a sacred spot. However, Enel has his temple here, and no one is allowed to take a foot here.

Lucas was jumping between the trees while hiding his presence from Enel.

In One Piece, Observation Haki wasn't always absolute- There are Haki experts that can hide their presence from other Haki users, and finding those people would depend on the kind and the level of Observation Haki the other person has.

Observation Haki was different from one person to another- some can sense the intents to tell their enemies next step, some can focus on the intent of the future, some can spot the locations better than the others if they focused well, and some are better in range.

By hiding the intents and moving stealthily, one can hide from alerting other Haki users. However, this move may not work against people who trained their Observation Haki to a certain degree.

(Luffy's master could hide his presence to sharp Luffy's Haki)

Lucas is sure that as long as Enel doesn't focus on him, then he wouldn't get sensed by his long-range Haki, at best, he would think that Lucas is a bird or animal.

*woosh* *woosh*


While Lucas was in the mid of the air, a giant snake appeared on the ground jumped on him trying to swallow him. Now, this snake was prominent as a sea king with its fangs big as a house.

"Give me a break." Lucas sighed as he used Moonwalk before he vanishes to thin air, and the snake bites his original spot, not knowing that he disappeared.

"Another one bites the dust."

Lucas appeared standing on the snake's forehead, which was significant as the land. He made a fist and gave an energetic punch directed down. The snake's eyelids vanished, as the impact between her and Lucas sent her flying down.

*Bam* The ground shook violently as the snake fell with her head, making some giant birds that were on the tree, fly away.

[+10.000 acc.u.mulated XP]

[Boxing +5.000 XP]

"I wonder if I can tame it," Lucas thought in himself. But, thinking that he already has Lucci, and he already doesn't like snakes, Lucas decided to leave it here and think about it later, if ever remembered.

Lucas then continued discovering Upper Yard. Other than huge animals, nothing was around, making Lucas close his eyes and let his Observation Haki run wild.

He could feel Enel in his temple, the animals, the birds, and the trees.

"Someone is coming here."


From the corners of this land, someone kid, wearing leather ruined clothes, got up.

The kid looked left and right before sneaking with a bag in her hand.

"Okay, let's do this before the priests come," she thought in herself as she kneeled with a small shovel in her hand. She then opened her bag and started to fill it with soil.

"I'll take this soil back."

In Skypiea, the Upper Yard was taken from its original inhabitants. This girl was one of them.

As she was collecting the soil, she didn't feel fear from Enel or the priests getting closer, as she was born with something called Mantra, which is the same as Observation Haki. So, she could sneak here at the right time, and escape at the right time as well.

Suddenly, her sense alerted her as someone was five meters behind her. She opened her eyes widely. A full 5 meters- how is this possible, as she usually can sense people who are away hundreds of meters away, and she won't need even to focus.

"Oy, kid" Behind her, a chilly voice called.

"P-PPP-Priest, do-n't h-h-hurt me please" the girl was shaking without turning around, and fear overwhelmed her. She couldn't even say a straight sentence cause her teeth were rattling.

"I'm not a priest." The voice seemed unpleasant.

"Not a priest?" she said as she tried to turn and look.

She saw a man, a very handsome one, with blue eyes, spiky blond hair that goes down, shiny white skin, and excellent physical shape. He didn't look that old, only 17-18 years old, and his look wouldn't make anyone feel danger from him.

"Aah. Mr White, who is..."

"What's your name."

"Aisa." Despite that, the girl seemed to be a worry. Who would be alive after walking in the Upper Yard other than Enel's men?

"I'm Lucas. Listen to Aisa; you need to stop shaking. It makes talking to you hard",

Lucas said.

Looking at the kid, he felt that she has a role, but he forgot her identity from the manga.

"Are you going to hurt me?"

The girl couldn't stop feeling fear. This is the first time someone approaches her with her guard up, and she didn't even tell.

"No. Where are you from?" Said Lucas.

Lucas, despite not remembering this girl, he could at least recognise that she belongs to the native inhabitant of this land. What was their name? The Sky Knight told him it should be Kandia, Bandia.

'It should end with Dia.'

After staring in his eyes for long, and seeing that he doesn't seem to be lying, the eight years old kid lowered her head. "I'm from Shandia, sir."

"Shandia" Lucas needs to remember that. "What is that"

His answer proved that he is not really from here, Aisa looked to his eyes: "You don't know about Shandia. We are the tribe and the native people of this island who were kicked out."

"I don't know; I only remember that I met a looking tribal girl in my way up. So, your people like to attack other people " Lucas lifted his head and rubbed his chin. He needed to earn her tribe's trust for the sake of his plans.

'Can he be the reason why Lamia was in a bad mood' Aisa just now remembered, that one of the girls came back to their tribe with a blush on her face. When they asked her about it, she said that she needs to rest. Everyone in her tribe thought that she is in a bad mood, or has a fever, and Asia was one of those people.

"No brother, we only attack those from the Temple of God; some of them are hiding o. Blue Sea inhabitants sh.i.p.s. That's why we attack them." Aisa started to call him brother since she calls the people who are in his age by this.

"So, you attack everyone thinking they may hide the enemy. What would you do if you realised that you messed with the wrong people?"

"That's?" Aisa seemed to be confused.

"No need to tell me. I don't care anyway."

Suddenly, she opened her eyes widely "Big Brother. We must run, we have been discovered."

Lucas narrowed his eyebrow. He could feel someone coming to their direction, flying as well. 'Guess this has to do something with that snake.'

Asia was afraid. She held Lucas's hand and tried to grab him to run, but she couldn't move him an inch. "A priest discovered up. If we don't run, we will die." Asia was begging him to run away.

She then let his hand and lowered her head "useless; he is here."


Lucas heard someone stepping behind him. As he turned his head, he saw a tall, muscular brown man, with relatively large silver wings, and weird-looking moustache, holding a spear in his hand. He was walking with absolute confidence toward Lucas and Asia as he waved his spear.

"What we have here in the forbidden land. Are you challenging the God by stepping here" The priest, who arrived, held his spear and lifted it with a clear intent to kill them "I'm Priest Shura."

Suddenly, the shadow of a big bird covered them. "Waa"

Asia was shaking in fear as she looked up. Aisa bird landed down and stood next to Shura. The bird was more significant than the horse, with a purple body, white head, and a red feather around the neck. "Waaa" The bird screamed looked at the two.

Lucas looked coldly at this man as he felt his intents through his Haki. He sighed. After having his strength increase so much, even if he sees those large bulky people, Lucas would see them like ants. Also, if he faced Dragons now, they wouldn't move his heart.

"Why do weaklings always have loud voices." Lucas shook his head. He reached his pocket and took a cigarette out.

"You what" some veins appeared on the angry Shura. Not only just this blondie didn't show respect, but he also called him a weakling and is now about to smoke.

Aisa, the little kid, started to shake. Does this harmless-looking blondie know how strong those priests of Enel are?

"Brother. Dodge" Aisa yelled as she jumped to the side.

"BURN" Shura yelled as he extended his hand. The giant bird next to him understood this as a signal.

"WA" The bird opened his big mouth, and a massive pillar of fire flew toward Lucas.

Lucas looked blandly at the fire that was going to hit him. He put the cigarette in his mouth as the fire swallowed him.

"Hih, that what you get, f.u.c.k.i.n.g arrogant piece of shit" Shura cursed as he lost his temper, as he found that the blondie is not taking him seriously. Now he is covered by fire.

"Brother" Aisa yelled as she saw how Lucas was swallowed by fire. Even though she didn't know him, he looked like a good and young guy.

"After talking big, that was all of what you got."

A voice came from the middle of the flames.

When the flames cooled down, Lucas's figure appeared, unharmed, with the cigarette still in his mouth as was talking.

"Guess that I owe you for the lit-up" Lucas inhaled before he exhaled a smoke cloud. As it seems, the fire only lit up the cigarette.


Both of Aisa and Shura were feeling shocked, as Lucas was smoking.

Aisa fell on her butt.

"What? Impossible. You must have used a trick. I don't believe you will dodge again." Shura clenched his teeth as he was in denial.

"You won't waste my time to find that out."

Shura was someone who had Observation Haki, but he couldn't tell that Lucas has moved.


Lucas appeared between Shura and his giant beast, and before Shura could realise it, Lucas gave the giant bird a jab making it fly backwards as feather flew everywhere.

It was a scene that only could be seen when lovers fight with pillows, and feather flies around- except that this was a real bird.


Before Shura could even grief on his comrade, Lucas punched him as well. It wasn't a punch actually, but a slap.

Shura found himself spinning with his facing getting broke. He only found himself stopping after he hit a tree, and his body got buried inside it.

[Ding. +5000 XP]

[Boxing +300XP]

"Seriously, the weaker they are, the stronger their scream is" Lucas shook his head taking the cigarette out of the mouth. He exhaled a cloud of smoke before putting it back.

Aisa was in the corner, looking at this with shiny eyes. Her look to Lucas changed 180 degrees. Just with a simple move, he could defeat one of the strongest priests that gave her clan a headache. "Amazing!"

"Little girl, go back to your home," Lucas said. Guess it is time when he deals with her clan.

"I'm not a little girl; I will grow up one day to become a strong warrior "

"Hahaha. Im sure you would grow to an adorable girl. But a warrior, well, who am I to judge that." Lucas smiled.

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