Angel beach:

After an attack from two priests, Nami, Nojiko, Robin decided to travel to the upper yard. 

"Can I come with you." 

"Conis, if you stay here, it is for the better." 

Nami frowned, seeing that this girl wants to come. Well, it's not like Nami didn't like her, but she is going to a forbidden land to look for gold, so she felt it was a bit off the taste to take Conis with her.

"But, I won't cause troubles; neither would I hold you back." Conis looked at them with puppy big eyes that were hard to refuse. The way she looked made them feel a bit bad. After all, the girl invited them to her house, treated them nicely, and saw that her personality was likable, so seeing her on the verge of tearing made them feel bad.

"Conis," Nojiko extended her hand, seeing that Conis is about to cry. 

But it was too late, as Conis busted into tears, "please, you are strong enough, and Enel has been treating us like slaves.. hmm" it looked like she is begging. "I know it's not your business, but...*sniff* I have to ask for help..."

Conis already knew that if they went to the upper yard, a conflict would happen, but she had to ask for help in case Enel didn't want to fight and sent them on their way to avoid an unnecessary fight. Conis knew that she may be shameless asking for help, but severely, one of the girls doesn't get affected by lightning, while the other has an intense explosion, and finally, that brunette has a bizarre ability as well.

Robin, Nojiko, and Nami exchanged glances with each other, with a sad expression, before nodding and letting a long sigh.

"Dry your tears, we will help you," Nojiko said, showing a sad expression. She once knew what it feels like to live under Enel, so she couldn't help but feel her. Nami had the same feeling as well.

Conis then looked at them with apologist expression and sighed, then she smiled. The other girls couldn't help but look away upon seeing her red cheeks. "Don't forget our priority, as for the Mayor and his minions, we take care of them on the way," Nami whispered. 

"We always can split to cover wider space."

"Nojiko, you can protect Conis."

The girls finished whispering in a low voice before going to travel. "wait, I'll grab a waver," Conis said, but Nami waved her hand saying no need before she uses her ability to create a whirlwind to lift Conis in the air and take her with them. Conis was apprehensive at first as her wings kept flapping repeatedly, but that didn't last for long as they were moving fast.

And so, they reached the opposite land very soon. While landing on the ground, the girls started to look around while Nami used her ability to search for Lucas before flinching.

Apparently, in the time he left them, Lucas found some people to lead an attack on Enel. Even if they knew that Enel can shoot lightning, they believed that Lucas can deal with him.

"Nami, what is it," Nojiko asked. Robin unleashed one limb in a different location to find out. Those copy limbs would be part of her body, meaning they can be used with Observation Haki, extending her sensing scale.

"Nothing, apparently, Lucas has found a bunch of fighters to lead to mayor's temple," Robin said, feeling it. 

" I see, they have rifles here, and Bazooka," Nojiko nodded as she started to unleash some small explosions in the form of shockwaves to help her sense things around with Haki. this move of her was inspired after she saw how Nami using her ability 

(she can absorb explosions, any kind. by unleashing small ones, a shockwave-type blast, the shockwave that hit the object would create an opposite shockwave, which would be absorbed by her again.)

"WHAT!" Conis remembered Lucas now, the one who pets her wings. But hearing Nami's words, she doubted, as their Angel Island has no one dares to oppose Enel, let alone a bunch of warriors getting led by Lucas. But bazooka and rifles were weapons that depend on Dials here.

(Before anyone says, how they know about bazooka and other weapons that shouldn't be common down, remember what Luffy's attacks names are)

"No need to yell, Conis."

"It must be them," Conis murmured, remembering the third party who originally inhabited it.

But why is Lucas is leading them, and why he is going to the temple of Enel. 

"Let's go, Lucas said he would call me when he needs to. Let's let him have fun."

The girls started to walk forward, between the land and clouds. Conis woke up from her daze to find that they began to get far from her. "Wait for me." Yelled Conis as she runs to catch up to them.

After walking hundreds of meters of one direction, Conis noticed the direction they are taking shouldn't be near to Enel's temple. As it seems, along with their Haki, Robin's information, and Nami's navigation skills, their direction was related to the historical research about Gold City. As for Enel, they trusted him to Lucas, and they would rush there if they felt anything interesting.

"What is that" Nami couldn't help but to ask upon looking to what was in front of them. 

They were on land, yet, in front of the trio, there were water type clouds on the ground. Between them, there were some of the ancient buildings' remainings between the clouds.

"This is a swamp, and you can set a foot since it is not deep to harm devil fruit user," Conis said as she stepped forward.

"Aaa..." the girls understood. But hearing the swamp word, they decided to avoid stepping inside it recklessly.

After walking for a bit, they spotted a man standing and crossing his arms. The trio didn't give him any consideration and stepped forward, while Conis didn't seem to be able to ignore him.

"HOLD, Mmmmm," he said before closing his lips. However, his tongue was moving, trying to make a sound of what he trying to say.

"he is a priest," Conis said as she runs, leaving him behind and catching up to the girls.

The priest was a very tall black man, with wings, black hair that points up and wearing a purple suit.

Now he got their attention, as trio held an awful impression on Enel and his priests. They turned their heads to him to see the angry expression on his face.

"You can't talk with your lips closed." Looking at how stupid the priest.

After hearing their words, the black man in a purple suit suddenly opened his mouth as words dashed out.

"Welcome to the Ordeal of The Swamp. Your survival chances are 50%."

Nojiko, Robin, Nami, and even Conis, opened their jaws widely. Did he says, that their chances of surviving are 50%



"who the hell he thinks himself" Nami swept tears along with Nojiko and Robin, who laughed.

"hehe, even I find this funny," Conis chuckled a bit as her heart calmed.

Hearing their mocks, the black man drew an evil, angry facial expression." Hey, hmm, hmm, bmhh." But unfortunately for him, he bites his lips again, not allowing the words to come out.

"haha, how about a better ordeal" Nojiko opened her mouth and made a small spit. She held back, trying to make fun of him. The saliva turned into a spear and landed behind the black man.

BOOM. Suddenly, a big explosion came from behind, which, of course, made a weak impact that hurt the priest's internal organs. He turned his face behind, looking at how big the explosion is and what hole it caused.

"This is the Ordeal of ' try not to die by getting spit on.' your chances of surviving are zero."

Robin and Nami chuckled seeing the priest's scarred expression, who tried to say something, but because his lips were closing his mouth, he couldn't even beg for his life or apologize

"Now run" Nojiko smirked before spitting closely, despite making the explosions weaker, they still strong enough to kill him if they land near to him.

Nami went to Conis and hugged her waist to her so the girl wouldn't fly away "I advise you to close your ears."

"Mm," Conis, with an expression of awe, put her fingers on her earholes to close them and looked to what will happen.

Boom- Boom. BOOM....

"Heh, saying 50 percent, yet he couldn't even survive 3 explosions."

The priest was so close to the last explosion, and his body was sent flying away with bloody, harmful, deadly wounds all over his burned body that continued flying until the bottomless cloud sea.


Enel's temple:

The gates were being hit violently, as the last remainings of Enel forces were trying to hold it. The beauties who were maidens quickly ran away along with some servants to hide.

Suddenly, the gates flew back along with the people supporting it and landed on the ground. A vast cloud of dust covered the yard, including the view of most of the people. Then, a group of brave tribal warriors entered inside with weapons on them. In their midst, walked Lucas with his hands being inside his pocket.

"Hey, Enel, where are you," Wyper said. 

The dust cloud got cleared by the air stream, but Enel's seat was empty. Shandia's warriors looked confused at the unconscious Enel's servants on the ground, who were pushed with gates that got punched by Lucas.

Lucas closed his eyes and saw the near future for a brief. Suddenly, from nowhere a black scimitar appeared in his hand.

"He is coming," Lucas said as the sword in his hand started to get hotter. The blade was getting covered by blue sparks, while the color of the metal itself started slowly to turn red. His facial expression was so sharp and focusing.

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