Now, the Golden-haired youth left the Navy's place, he started walking in the city's streets and scanning the people with his eyes.

Originally, Lucas has planned to start hunting pirates and bandits from tomorrow while focusing today on gathering enough information. But to his luck, he gained a title with a passive skill which was the bounty eye, it allows him to see the wanted people and know their bounties, so he is doing the hunt today.

The bounty eyes are something similar to the Shinigami eyes from death note, but instead of showing names and the remaining life span, it displays the name of the outlawed criminals with their bounty.

"Surely the order here is strong " while walking in the City, Lucas was looking everywhere, but most of the civilians are without a bounty which meant that they are good citizens without many outlawed between them, But it's also reasonable, this island is a kingdom that has the Navy protecting it so bandits and pirates wouldn't dare to enter.

If Lucas wants to find outlawed criminals with bounties, he should go to the bars and the taverns that exist in the villages next to the sea since those places are the safest and the most visited by pirates and bandits.

In the city's market.

Lucas suddenly stopped as he saw a group of five young men wearing cloaks that covered most of their faces.

'Hiro Babaji: 8000 berries, fraud, and stealing '

'Jabo Momi 7.000 berry, abusing and robbing '


Above their faces, Lucas can clearly see their names, their bounty and a short description of their crimes.

"Oy, Grandma, your bag seems to be heavy " the guys were approaching the grandma making her taking some steps back.

"Grandma let us help you," the guys said as one of them tried to grab the bag.

"Hmph, there are thieves in the markets those days, there is no way I would handle my to you with your faces being covered" the old lady that was only 1 meter tall said with a deep frown, she even hugged her bag close to her chest and had the courage to refuse.

"Granny is very old to talk bullshit, we are just here to help" the biggest one stretched his hand and tried to take the bag forcefully.

There were many people that were watching the show, they recognized the five as the market thieves, but none of them tried to help the old lady, all of them were afraid to get hurt in case they interfere.

"So totally, they should worth around 30.000 berries " Lucas smiled after finishing doing the math, then a black sword like a rapier appeared in his hand.

Without moving from his place, Lucas waved his sword as he used his swordsmanship sub-skill [air compressing ]. Out of Lucas's sword, a compressed air that formed blade energy flew toward that bulky man's hand.


"Aaaa" The bulky dude found that his hand suddenly falling to the ground, he didn't feel much pain at first, but then seeing how his arm turned into a blood fountain, he screamed. At the same time, his four friends saw Lucas holding a black sword and it didn't take a genius to know what happened or who did it.

[Swordmanship +40 Xp ]

The grandma saw this as a chance and escaped not even thinking about thanking the one who helped her.

"Opsi" Lucas didn't think that he would cut his whole hand as he tried this skill once with a wooden sword, that time it made a small cut on a big rock, but then, this time he is holding a top-notch black blade that was given by the system, and its sharpness isn't to underestimate.

But still, even seeing that hand dropped to the ground, Lucas doesn't feel even slightly bad for cutting this man's arm, after all what he passed thought in the underground world, he believed that: a human is human, sc.u.m is sc.u.m, and not everyone deserves the human rights.

"Surround him" the four threw their clocks revealing their faces, two of them took a sword while the other took double knives in their hands, as for the man that lost his limb, he still in a shocked state and would lose consciousness very soon from losing very much blood.

' Good they didn't escape like cowards' Lucas didn't wait for them to attack first, so, using a special footwork, he took a quick step to the two in front of him, as soon as he reached them, looking to their stance, how they are holding their daggers, and the flaws in their defense.

Lucas waved his sword in an arc shape aiming at their chest. *Pshh*, the two didn't even saw the sword move and weren't able to react, they found themselves falling back while two deep wounds appeared in their chests.

[Swordmanship + 60 XP (93/3200) ]

"Bastard " The remaining two decided to attack and charged forward, but they weren't team working so their attack timing is bad. the first bandit that got close to Lucas raised his sword and chopped down. However, in terms of skill or swordsmanship, Lucas had the advantage, so before the bandit's sword get even close enough, Lucas stabbed him in the stomach.

[Swordmanship +30 XP (123/3200) ]

"Ora" the second one reached Lucas as well and was about to attack, however, he didn't expect that Lucas would pull out the sword from his friend's stomach and turn while waving his sword, making a deep wound on his chest.

[Swordmanship +30 Xp... ]

*hitting the ground *

The two fell to the ground while having deep wounds and injuries. After some minutes, all of the bandits lost their consciousness because of the blood loss except that one who lost his hand which made Lucas give him a K.O punch. Of course, his Boxing got some XP.

[Ding, defeating 5 bandits, + 180 acc.u.mulated XP ]

*Clap* *Clap*

The people around who watched the show clapped at him after being amazed at how he defeated the four of them in less than half of the minute.

However, Lucas felt disdain hearing their claps and praises, all of them acting like the nice people that they aren't, they are praising him because they thought he helped the old woman yet they forgot the fact that none of them did something and ignored situation despite them having the advantage in number.

Not giving a damn about their looks, Lucas tied the five bandits and took them to a corner where there aren't any people. He walked and started touching them one by one, whoever gets the touch would vanish and enter the system's storage.

They wouldn't die while they are inside the store, in fact, their injuries will slowly get better while they are stored inside. And later, they would be turned to exp cows that would level up his boxing and other skills such as swordsmanship and other undiscovered ones before giving them to the navy.

After storing the bandits, Lucas continued his tour in the city, after three hours, he was able to catch another three bandits and gained some 120 acc.u.mulated XP from them while improving him swordsmanship a little better.

Lucas noticed that the stronger his opponent, the more XP he would gain, however, the strong pirates and bandits would be found outside the city.

"Seems that I have to get out " Lucas sighed after not finding those wanted criminals here, so he decided to get out. After all, there would be some pirates that worth hundreds of thousands to millions of berries there.

Lucas knows that he should be able to defeat those with some millions of berries, after all, his swordsmanship is only second to a swordmaster.

At his level, he should be at least be able to cut almost everything other than steel, and once his physical strength increase, he would be one of the strongest in the east blue even without leveling up his swordsmanship.

But, he won't get, the first moment he fights a strong opponent, he would activate his adrenaline boost that reached level 7 this morning increasing his speed, brain speed, senses, reaction speed and strength by 140%. That is more than his two folds by 40%.

(100% + 140% = 240%).

'I need to relax' Lucas after adjusting his thoughts, he took the road that leads to a village near the beach. He took a cigarette to company him on his way, and he lited it up.

After about one hour, the Sun is setting down, the clouds turned red and made a beautiful scene that would soon be replaced by the darkness.

Lucas could see the shadows of a near village as he was standing not so far from it and near to the sea.

"CATCH HER" a scream filled the air.

'Who' Lucas heard a scream, he turned his head to the beach that was on his left. What he saw was a group of six men that are chasing one girl with an orange hair and slender body that had quite large b.r.e.a.s.ts but her face was unclear.

However, what really attracted his attention was the huge numbers that his bounty eyes showed above those men, as for that girl, he forgot that she even exists.

"300.000 berries, 500.000 berries, and even 1.000.000 berries " Lucas got excited and activated his adrenaline boost.

His heart started beating faster while his blood flow circled at a fast rate, the pirates and the girl started moving slower. In Lucas's eyes, it was like the time itself got slower to everyone other than himself.

"Okay," He took a few steps close yet a bit far from the pirates and the girl, he aimed well with his eyes and lifted his sword high. Then he slammed down.

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