Everyone from Shandia that came to fight Enel, except Wyper and the fat sniper, were now looking in front of them, with shocked eyes. Enel, the Lightning Man that had one of the strongest Devil Fruits that ruled them with force along with his superior priests, had his upper part slide on his waist as the gravity grabbed it to the ground.

Everyone moved their glances from Enel to Lucas, who somehow made his sword vanish.


"But it didn't – gulp - feel like a fight."

"Just in one day, he defeated all of them."

"I can't believe it. It's our luck that we didn't fight him at first."

"Lightning cutter."

The Shandians couldn't believe it; someone cut the lightning in half. That was the freaking lightning.

"Do you think he would be interested in me" the girls that were behind to support in case glanced at Lucas.

"Hey, he said he would marry into our tribe."

"Right, if we play our cards right, then we may become queens her."

"Shhh, do you want to fight."

"No need, I don't mind sharing as long as I get a secured future. Let's not fight, and convince him not to look to other girls back in the tribe."

The girls of Shandia that came here were very few, so they were trying to reach an agreement since not all of them are beauties. And as tribal women, they chose men based on the security he can provide. In Lucas's case, he may provide them with a lot of protection.

Raki was near to the girls, as she was looking at Lucas, her womanly ears couldn't ignore the other girls: "Do you think he would care, you would scare him if you tried."

"Ha, are you interested in this man now." A girl replied to her.

Raki couldn't admit, yet couldn't say no. In the past, she gave a small glance at Wyper, but that man was nothing more than asshole that she lost interest in him. Lucas was very gentle, strong, saved Aisa, who was like her little sister, and most importantly, he has that touch, that made her feel confused and safe. And honestly, most of the women chose a man to explore secure with, if possible. But they want romance as well, but in tribes like this, that was rare.

"Don't think about it, he glanced at me, and he already touched my hand. You can put your schemes to other men." Lamia looked at her tribe's girls with her big brown eyes and lifted her spear, pointing at them with a sharp glare. Raki smiled while the other girls frowned before going to help those who got exposure by lightning.

"can those men cut lightning." A girl defended her self, so what if he touched your hands.


Lucas cracked his back and patted his slightly burned skin by lightning. He then looked to Enel, who was bleeding severally- no matter how healthy a human is, they only have several liters of blood and would die when they lost them.

Enel's pale face became paler as he seems to lose a life.

'why I have logia, I shouldn't get cut by that strike. I'm lightning, I'm Invincible, and I am a freaking God. I can't understand why this happens to me.'

'Damn it; maybe I should have kept a safe distance, or run away. Now, I can regret it in the afterlife if there is any. Maybe if I were a real God, I would've known an answer for that," thought Enel before he let a small laugh, mocking himself "hehe." And he closed his eyes.

Enel laughed and died, that was a great comedy scene for the tribal warriors who knew that they won.


All of them let a loud cry of victory.

"All hail the new king and soon a member of our tribe: Lucas," someone said and raised his spear.

That was the most facile victory, as the Blondie took care of everything, making them get out of this with the smallest casualties.

"Lucas, Lucas...."

After cheering him up, the two fighters who fell because Enel, woke up not believing they won- or not dead at least. It took them some time to remember what happened before the lightning charge hit them.

Everyone raised their weapons and started to cheer up for him.

'I hate praising,' Lucas thought as he forced a smile, hearing them yell in his name; he didn't get used to this feeling yet. 'Whatever, I had done my job, they would work for me like fools, and I would get, let's see, two beauties from this tribe, and a kingdom to hide my girls where no navy can reach them. Though, I think I flirted with one from Angel Beach'

'Yes, I touched this one's hand as she handed me food. How can I be so lewd, I need to take responsibility for that.'

Lucas noticed Lamia approaching him, with light shoulder-length brown hair, slender toned waist, strong long legs, waving her h.i.p.s as she walks, and double D b.r.e.a.s.t that jiggled in a small motion under her skin bra,

She stood on his side and put her hand on his shoulder." You remember that you caught my hands earlier."


"I hope you didn't forget that you flirted with me in front of my tribe," Lamia said. "Now, I only have you as my only choice, and don't forget about the bowl." At first, Lamia was shy, as Lucas flirted with her in front of her tribe, but now, after his performance, she had no problem acting like this.

Lucas knows that he can have any girl easily with his skill; however, he doesn't do that all the time, and only use his hand with low level to touch them- why- because Lucas had his pride and charisma, and he doesn't want to forget how to use them along with his words- if he did that, then Lucas would feel bored. That's why he is trying to build a relationship.

"I didn't forget," Lucas said, looking at her pink lips before focusing on her brown eyes. Lamia smiled as Lucas put his thumb on her lower mouth, before pushing it down a bit. Feeling that she was too close, her heart started to beat faster, and she couldn't see the big tent under Lucas's abs as she was focusing in his eyes.


Almost everyone around faked some coughs. Even the man who had a crush on Lamia couldn't help but admit defeat since no one in his sane mind would go against someone like Lucas and looking at how big the tent between Lucas's legs, he knew he wouldn't have a chance. The men pretended to focus on Enel's body, while the girls kept looking at Lucas's crotch, including Raki whose jaw was wide open- their men wore short squirts, yet, there was no tent before- Lucas was simply big, and as tribal girls, they knew what that could do.

The girl between his arms was charmed. Though she didn't know what kissing was, she knew that his lips are approaching, and she found Lucas attractive. She closed her brown eyes as her cheeks turn red.

"Never thought that you were this silly." Lucas stopped in the middle of the air and chuckled, making the girl blush.

"Hey..." she was about to complain, but only then, Lucas shut her mouth with a big kiss. * Kiss' *

Lucas inserted his tongue and closed his lips on her tongue, grabbing it out and kissing it.

The tribal warriors around were mind blown, as they saw something very civilized, and educating.


Somewhere else in the Upper Yard, the three girls that came with Lucas and Conis now found the ancient shrines. Using Robin's skills, they quickly found it.

As they got between the clouds, they found ancient ruins of an ancient city.

"Wow." Conis couldn't help but to feel amazed seeing

Robin was excited as she let a small sign. Spreading her copy parts with Observation Haki, she could sense many things. She then showed a stunned expression as she felt similar to the stone that Crocodile was after in Alabasta.

"Where is that gold."

Robin ignored Nami and went to the ancient stone that was blue with old writing, and started to read it.

'What's wrong with her' Nami thought. She then continued to look for gold. If she gets it, she will use it to make a map with gold - one of her goals and dreams is to draw a unique map.

"Sis, my wind sense can't get larger if the area I'm in is closed." Her Haki may improve due to her new fruit, but its range is still limited to as far as the winds are connected. Nami looked to the clouds above before looking at Nojiko.

"Actually, I can sense that metals have a unique reflection on shockwaves."

Using her ability with Haki, Nojiko was making shockwaves bombs from her body, which pierced the clouds. BAM- her body, started to produce exploding sounds, meaning more energetic shockwaves and broader range.

Robin closed her ears as she still reading the old board before she murmured with a sad tone, "I see, another ancient weapon. Hmm. Would my research ever get complete" Robin let a sigh in frustration as she found the location of an ancient weapon that should be in a humanly, large, extra-large life form.

Nojiko smiled like radar "believe it or not, a big animal is having a lot of gold inside its stomach, and there is a big ship made of gold."

Nami's heart beat faster, looking at Nojiko. "Nojiko, I love you."

"There is a golden bell above us."

"What." Conis, quietly sitting in the corner while thinking of what Lucas is doing with Enel, couldn't help but open her eyes as wide as she can. "Did you say, a bell, a golden bell?" That was a legend, a sign of peace.

There was a tale that once that bell is ringed, then peace would come. But that was a mere legend that no one believed.

"Don't tell me it is a national treasure" Nami clenched her teeth. Seeing Conis's nodding slightly with an excited expression, Nami made an expression of 'I knew it,' before saying: "Listen, if you want it back then you have to pay one billion..."

"Okay."Conis quickly said, with a shy voice and rosy cheeks as her wings twitched. She lowered her head to the ground and said, "I don't know how much I have, but I was saving money lately to buy things I like, so I believe that I can pay you with my father's help."

Though she heard Nami saying: one billion, she didn't listen to her speak, Berry. Conis saved money to shop, but if she has to pay it for the greater good, then so be it. And besides, Nami asked for such a low price compared to what she has to sell.

(1 billion Extole= 100.000 berries/ Arlong's monthly fee.)

"Tsk, keep your money." Nami clicked her tongue, seeing Conis acting this way. Nami wouldn't force such girl seriously to spend her life saving for other people; that reminded Nami of herself as she was collecting money to Arlong to free her village so that she couldn't act like that Shark.

"MM, let's go. I want to see that bell. It is up, stuck on one of the solid clouds" Nojiko smiled wryly on Nami, who gave up on money- Nojiko said slightly, " I'm proud of you."

Nami frowned before nodding. Everyone then went flying, taking Conis with them. Suddenly, the girls found themselves in front of a giant bell.

Nami opened her eyes widely, but then, her Haki alerted her of something before saying: "Conis, happy news."

"What is it, Mrs. Nami?" Conis said, as she couldn't turn her eyes from the golden bell, and looking at it with awe.

"Enel got defeated; Lucas seemed to be able to deal with him," Nami said, feeling that the Lucas, is still standing.

Conis turned her face to Nami, shocked. That happened too fast that she didn't know how to react. "Enel... Defeated!"

"Let's ring this bell then." Nojiko kicked the bell with her leg, so may Lucas find them with his Haki to know they are here.


Back at the temple

Lucas's hand moved slightly to the girl's white wing and started petting the feather.

"Mmm," Lamia let a soft m.o.a.n as she put her hand on the back of his head, and played with his tongue as well; she was feeling her whole body setting on lighting and fire, with her n.i.p.p.l.es becoming hard, and her cave twitching.

"Mr. Lucas, thanks for your help, but we need to focus on what to do now." Raki said as her cheeks turned very rose and turned her green eyes to Enel's corpse before taking a few steps back.

" Muah" Lucas took his lips back while looking at the beautiful brown eyes of the girl who is looking at him, stunned and blushing. "Ahem" She stood up and went to stand slightly behind him, as she felt some liquids dripping-Lucas could smell them.

Suddenly, a very soft sound resounded, taking everyone's attention. Shandia's Warriors opened their jaw in awe, even Lamia, who got kissed, took 3 minutes to wake up from her shock. " It's real." She said.

"My ancestors' wish-"

All of them- except Lucas- were emotionally touched. Some of them had tears dropping from their eyes.

'Why are they crying, again," Lucas frowned as he unleashed his Haki to scan the surrounding. He was trying to remember why these people seemed to be too touched. Even the winged light-brown-haired girl, who is hiding behind him, was no exception. She only took some minutes to relax her n.i.p.p.l.es and cool her body's heat before focusing on the bell.

Everyone here had concluded- they fought with Lucas for a day, he defeated Enel, and from nowhere, the bell of the sky rang.

One must know that this was their wish to hear that bell.

"Can he be a reincarnation of our ancestors?"

"It must be."

Everyone looked at Lucas with more different eyes.

"He said he wanted to make it a kingdom here."

"We must follow his orders- this is our ancestors' desire."

"Yes, it must be. Otherwise, why the bell rang now."

"Our ancestors must have waited for him. We must not go against his will."

And thus, from nowhere, everyone looked at Lucas with tears, like they had seen a prophet. Some even knelt to him.

'This is some epic luck, I guess.'

Lucas didn't expect things to go smoothly like this. His Haki told him that its doing of the girls, who brought a winged girl with them, probably is Conis. He looked at the Shandians and decided to let them believe what they wanted, since that work for him.

And thus, this night, there would be a banquet for everyone, to make Lucas king on the sky island here.

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