After being guided by the green-haired woman, Lucas and Law found themselves inside a room facing Doctor Caesar Clown. Law went and stood in the corner, while Lucas sat down on a sofa and looking at the crazy scientist for the first time in his life. Opposing him was the doctor, surrounded by two pretty girls wearing a bikini, there are few glasses of drink in the table front on him. 

Lucas observed Caesar well. He was skinny, 3 meters tall. He had a long dark-blue hair, golden eyes, blue lips, and a pair of goat horns on his head. The weirdest thing about him was the coat he was wearing. It was literally made of light-purple concentrated gas that made covered his body and made the shape of gas.

Lucas never saw such a weird person in his life; though he saw his design in the Manga, he couldn't really imagine that he would look like this in real life. 

But still, this man has a brain that Lucas wants to use to his side. 

'It can't be that his mom had s.e.x with a goa... No, I'm too innocent to think about that.'

Lucas took an alcohol cup from his storage, replacing the one in front of him, and drank it. He didn't want to drink what was offered for him, since it may contain poison or anything that can lead to a plot twist. 

"Shirururu... I heard you want to apply for a commission."  Looking at Lucas, Caesar laughed as he grabbed two women to his side and looked at Lucas with a smile, "May I know what do you what the science to achieve for you. Would it be some kind of medicine, deadly weapon, or anything particular?"

"I prefer we discuss this in private," Lucas said.

"I see. Girls, you heard him." Caesar sent the two women far. They were two thots that he rented from the Joker of the Underworld, Doflamingo, using the money of his clients.

"Now, we are in Private Mr Fernando, may I know what do you want, and how much are you willing to offer," asked Caesar.

"In private," Lucas pointed with his head to Law, who also could feel someone spying on them through his relatively small Haki. 

"Room," Law opened his palm, and a blue sphere covered the room and a part of outside. "Chambress." Then he flipped his hand.

Outside, the green-haired woman was standing by the door, to spy on a man from the Navy. Her name is Monet, and she used to read the newspapers. It was her habit to give great attention to the small details about what happens in the world around her since she was an excellent woman when it comes to collecting information.

The green-haired beauty, Monet, was curious why a Rear Admiral came with a famous rookie like Law. The first possibility that is Law is collaborating with that Navy, which wasn't very possible since Marines never make an alliance with pirates. And if they do, they won't show it publicly like that.

The second possibility, which was the highest one, was that Lucas is a corrupted Marine, and he is genuinely collaborating with Law over a benefit. Such man would always change his side to the one who offers the highest benefit. 

Her boss, the real one, would like him for sure. But she needed to confirm Lucas's intents before reporting to her boss. However, as she was spying, she suddenly found herself standing outside the lab, facing the green nature. 

"What happened?" Monet blinked twice seeing that her view suddenly changed.

Back to the room, and facing Caesar, Lucas now felt that no one would spy on him.

"Now, since you are feeling secure, shall we discuss the business?"

"What I want is, you," Lucas said. 

"Shiruru, I know that, but what exactly you want from me." 

"Pledge your loyalty to me, and do whatever I ask you," said Lucas with a chilly and cold voice as he smirked looking directly to Caesar.

Caesar laughed loudly thinking that Lucas is joking. "SHIRURU... Law, your friend, is funny."

"He isn't joking." Law turned his head away.

"You are an excellent scientist; it would be a waste for your talent to work for Doflamingo. Work for me."

Looking at Caesar whose face suddenly turned serious upon knowing that this isn't a joke, Lucas continued explaining his plan, with more details.

He gave Caesar an exact picture of what he will do, without giving him a chance to say no. This time, Caesar gave more attention to Lucas and raised his guard. 

Lucas then told him about his plan of making him turn into his subordinate, where Caesar would say everything Lucas ask him for, even leaving his clients.

Upon hearing Lucas's explanation, Caesar understood. Basically, he would become a dog for Lucas, and do whatever he asks– just like when he used to be with World Government. 

But here, Caesar didn't have a lot of choices. 

"What makes you think I would work for a brat like you? In this New World, two Emperors didn't dare to ask me for that. Do you think a great scientist like me so weak-" Caesar said as he was about to spread a poisoned gas in the room.

"Your next line: you have a death wish for sure," Lucas interrupted.

"You have a death... what." Caesar got a shock. He just said what Lucas told him he is going to say.

"If I were you, I wouldn't spread that gas." 

Suddenly, a heart appeared in Lucas's palm, beating. 

Seeing the heart in Lucas's hand, Caesar laughed, as he, one month ago, exchanged Law's heart with Monet's, so they could trust each other.

"Shiruru, you think you can threaten me with the heart of Monet..."

"Let me ask you what the most precious thing in life is."

"Money of course-" 

Lucas gave the heart in his hand, a small squeeze. Caesar suddenly held the left side in his heart, feeling pain, unimaginable one.

Suddenly, Caesar opened his eyes widely as he couldn't continue his words.

At that moment, Caesar realised that the heart in Lucas's hand was his and not Monet's. He glared at Law and knew he got tricked. 

That moment, Caesar Clown felt fear. The fact that his life is in one man's hand made his instinct controlling him and making him timed. 

"Money, women, fame, power, and people would tell you those things are important in one's life." 

Lucas vanished and appeared behind Caesar, and let his mouth get closer to his ear before whispering, with a low, yet very cold sound:

"Their opinions are different of which one exactly, but we all agree that everything is useless without the life itself; don't you agree Caesar." 

Lucas smirked and gave Caesar's heart another small squeeze, "and don't even think that cancelling the oxygen around would work with me. Try to do it, and let's see who is faster, my ability to hold my breath, or your ability to keep your heart beating.

I have seen a 100 possible future, and only a one ended up good for you." Lucas could feel the heart in his hand, beating faster and faster, meaning that his victim is feeling fear.

That moment, Caesar was feeling panic and fear that he never felt in his life. All the hair in his body stood up. Cold sweat was dropping from his face and body. 

It was like his instincts told him to fight, but to submit at the same time. Without life, how can anything be important? 

This man even told him that his last resort is useless; how can Caesar fight back.

"Please, we c-an ma-ke th-is out."

"You have yet to hear what I can offer you."


"Using an ancient power I got, I can give you the talent  and increase your ability to make even the best scientist a joke compared to you."

Caesar opened his eyes widely. He now was in front of a guy who has his heart and has no use of lying at him, yet he offers him to surpass the world's best scientist. Caesar worked with the best scientist once and knew how much his brain is twisted as he was the first one to find a way to create Smile and make non-living objects eat Devil Fruits.

But this guy is offering him a way to surpass that scientist to become the best in the world.

The mix of fear and temptation made Caesar's heart calm, yet beat fast. The best in the world. The risks he is facing are as great as the chances, making it believable and far from being a wish. Maybe Lucas has a Devil Fruit that increases the people's intelligence.

However, he would still hesitate. But Lucas's next words had made a great impact on Caesar.

"And most importantly, I can make you get, the eternal life." 


Caesar opened his eyes widely. Every human fear death from old age, and defeating that old age was the first dream they gave up on.

Caesar's heart beat faster and faster.

Hearing Lucas's words about Eternal Life made Law feel some doubt. As far as he knows, for someone to achieve Eternal Life, Law must be willingly sacrificing his life to perform Eternal Youth Surgery. It's not exchanging life for another; but willingly, using life to perform some surgery that will put a burden on him, which will kill him. 

But remembering that he is doing this to take Doflamingo down, 'This guy knows to bullshit,' Law thought. 

"What do you say," Lucas whispered in Caesar's ear.

"Are you serious!" 

Caesar wanted to confirm it, this offer is too good, that he would surely betray Doflamingo and kill his mother and father to get it, so let alone becoming a dog. 

"Dead serious. Now chose, eternal sleep or eternal life."

As long as Lucas can control this new dog of his, then he won't mind having him as a slave for eternity. 

Eternal life, proving that he is the best scientist, for such a little price, made Caesar think. 

Is it slavery when you get what you want?

"I...I... Accept."

Upon hearing Caesar's answer, Lucas smiled, and the heart vanished in thin air.

"Now, think well of what you really want, clear your heart, and I'll come back, to know if you are willing to put your life on the line for me."

"Let's go." After giving his last words, Lucas called Law and walked out the door. 

Caesar was left looking at the wall, stunned.

In his way out, he saw Monet, standing, without her nerdy outfit, but with a shirt that exposed her big b.r.e.a.s.ts and beautiful curves along with a naturally beautiful face. Upon seeing them, she made eye contact with Lucas and smiled. 

Lucas gave her one look, admiring secretly that she is one of the prettiest and hottest he saw. He resisted the urge to check her more and made his way by Monet, with hard, ignoring her. 

Monet kept directing her eyes to him and followed his shadow as he and Law got out through the door.

Lucas probably knew of what she is thinking, and what will happen. 

It's a universal law; every action has a reaction equal in force and opposing in the direction. But now, it was the time to eat the Devil Fruit he wants to eat. More-More, which make the person Increasing Man

Lucas already collected information about the previous wielder; he was very strong, could increase the size of bullets a hundred times sinking a ship, or their speed or power. Though he was never seen increasing both size and speed at the same time, it wasn't impossible to think about it. Also, he could increase his own speed a hundred times.

Speed isn't to take lightly, as increasing it a hundred time would mean increasing the force a hundredfold.

(Force= acceleration* mass)

Lucas saw a lot of potential in this fruit, and probably with The Strongest System, he can make it into a terrifying weapon, since the strongest system can make him discover more about the fruit, maybe even increasing other things, since this fruit turns the person into an increasing man.

Lucas and Law went to the other side of Hazard Punk.

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