After his new deal with Doflamingo, Lucas went back to the HQ and decided to relax for a little time, and spend it to know the newest girl better.

Though he spent a lot of time already with Hina, it was only in the ship and the battles. Besides, Hina would be upset if she didn't see him with her.

Walking to the HQ, Lucas made his way to Hina's house and knocked on her door. "Come in," Hina yelled from inside her house.

Lucas opened the door and went to her room to find her lying on the bed, only wearing two pieces of clothes.

'Did I overdone it yesterday,' Lucas felt a bit guilt thinking that using More-More with s.e.x can be dangerous if it got out control.

"Why did you take much time, Hina thought you said will spend the day with me," pushing herself up, Hina said. She frowned and looked at Lucas.

They had been dating for a week; yet, he is acting late and let her at the bed.

"just take this."

Lucas took two cigarettes and gave her a one before lying on the bed next to her, he knew how to change her mood. "Lit up." Using finger gun, Lucas lit up hers and his.

"Thanks. Hina feels bad for not working."

Hina said, putting her head on his shoulder, and feeling bad.

Because she didn't hunt pirates, she had stayed at home, so she can enjoy s.e.x. She felt that work isn't as important as it used to be.

But the good thing is, she is happy most of the time and wake up in a good mood. And Lucas makes a good breakfast in the morning.

After having him inside her, she learned about his ability, which increases potentials of anyone he sleeps with, shocking her, and allowing her to learn more skill just with one touch.

Just like this, she was able to learn the six powers quickly, with a simple touch on her head. And her Devil Fruit started to way beyond logic that she wondered what kind of fruit that gives this power after s.e.x.

But she just now understood why his girls seemed to have monstrous powers, and abilities as well.

"Let's get out," Lucas said, since most of the other girls are in their period, he decided to tour in this kingdom for a bit.

"Hina wants to see the other," she said. Hina, despite being in love and constant excitement to be in bed with him, she didn't move to live with the others, saying that she is more comfortable this way.


"you are dating your cousin, right."


"I'll go with those of East Blue."

"What, did you just said 'I'"

"Hina doesn't refer to herself all the time; have you been paying attention," Hina said.

Using Massage Hands, Lucas was able to heal the soreness in her legs and w.o.m.b, allowing her to walk again. Hina wondered why he didn't do that since that could give her the ability to walk back again, but Lucas said it's quite risky if he did that if he isn't fully focusing. That was an obvious lie as he did that while looking somewhere else.

And so, Lucas took her and went with Lilia and Calorina, Alvida, Nami, Nojiko and Kaya to a near city. He took this group since all of them are originated from East Blue, so they may get along better.

Though it was troublesome since the girls would fight for the simplest reason, things passed smoothly as Lucas kept his hands ready to solve any conflict.

"Oy, Do you want me to blow you up." There was a fight that was going to happen between Hina and Nojiko, who seems to be in bad terms, but luckily, Lucas's Massage Hands saved the day.


Another week and a half passed since Lucas made his supposed deal with Doflamingo. Today, he was leading two sh.i.p.s that landed beside one small island with one town.

Apparently, Doflamingo provided Lucas with information about human traffic in this place, under the lead of 450 million worth pirate.

The pirates called Spike Pirates thought it wouldn't be proper to describe them as pirates; they were more like merchants whose job is to sell weapons and kidnap people for their slavery and secret sells.

This small group was hidden very well, and causes some troubles for Doflamingo; but because their provider is an important client, and their leader is very strong, Lucas was allowed to deal with them personally.

Lucas was, of course, happy with that; they were the 3rd big fish that Doflamingo sends to Lucas. It's an easy life when you have a pirate rat up the other criminals for you, making his path smoother.

On some average size island, it happened to find out that two towns are under the rule of a big pirate group. They were the rulers, while the people down were more like objects to sell or slaves. Upon seeing the marines landing here, the criminals knew that they were exposed somehow. But that didn't make them afraid, as their leader has 400 million Berries bounty on his head, and they have three strong leaders. So, they decided to do what any strong free group of pirates do, fight back and kill the marines.

"Prepare yourselves."

*Loud gun sounds*

And so, a battle happened between the marines and the pirates who had a larger number.

They engaged in a battle where guns, swords, and fists were used.

"Girls, I deal with the boss, and most of them, Okay;"

"Hina can take them alone."

"Hmm, some pirates need whipping."

Lucas was here with Nami, Nojiko, Hina, and Sadi who was holding her whip. He told them clearly he has to deal with the strong ones since he wants to collect some XP to level up his DFM some levels in a row.

Nodding at his statement, the girls agreed, not knowing why he is obsessed with the strong one.

Sadi jumped and landed in front of a group, before touching the ground with her hand, spreading darkness, which absorbed half of the pirates. Smiling, as she let them hung there, Sadi licked her whip and lifted it. The pirates, who some had Haki, felt what will happen and started begging, "wait please".

Nojiko, using stealth footwork, went in the middle, extended her hand to a different direction, before unleashing two strong explosions from them.


"Hina is falling back." Hina was running around, beating whoever comes in her way or caging them. Nami didn't seem to be bothered as she was walking around while creating big whirlwinds, which happened to be sharp and sent them around. Unlike the time in paradise, she had to be careful not to get hit.

[+10 XP. +500 XP. +3000 XP. +5...+5]

Lucas, with a frown, was shooting the canon fodders that are in his way, hoping that someone would be good enough. But, most of them gave him a pity amount of XP, and the best one of those who happened to have 30 million as a bounty, gave him 3000 XP.

Lucas missed the days when he was weaker but could gain XP much faster. It was like in Video games, when your character at a high level, only the Dungeon boss would be decent to raise XP.

Lucas needed the strong ones, the Captain and his officers, who can provide him with a considerable amount. That was the reason why he told the girls that he would deal with the CaptainCaptain. Also, Lucas made a note, if he used his Devil Fruit on weaker opponents, then the XP he will get would be less by a considerable percentage.

"Oy, a group of Navy, is here, they have some death wish for sure."

Suddenly, a 5 meters tall middle man, with a fat belly, long blond hair, and a giant hammer in his hand walked to the battlefield with other 3 persons next to his side holding different kinds of weapons.

"They are Captain Milo, 400 million, and the three officers with 100, 120 and 100 million berries as bounty." Someone could recognise them.

"Hoo, you know who will kill you. Pitiful marines, you should stay in the sea, now, taster my 12 tones hammer" said the CaptainCaptain, Known as Milou as his silver hammer turned ink-black. He hit the ground, making it shake.

The seamen lost their balance, while those with higher rank could jump up at the moment. The three officers dashed forward.

Looking at them from far, Nojiko lifted one big rock and threw it at them. The three smirked, as what rocks can, that is 1 meter long, do.

The rock, in its way, glowed red. As soon as it got close, it exploded.

Yep, that was a big bomb, which didn't lack any quality despite the size.

The Pirate officers were caught off the surprise and found themselves wrapped by a big explosion that pointed up to the sky and made a deep hole on the ground.

Nothing happened to that rock. That was cheating; no one told them that can be turned into a bomb.

The marines around were amazed but didn't forget to do their job, as there are still some left.

"Opsi, Did I forget to tell you those are Bombs." Nojiko winked. She held back, as she could turn the whole ground to a bomb. Nami gave her some jealousy look. If she had that fruit, then she wouldn't worry about getting hit.

The battle quickly took another turn.

Lucas coldly stared at Milo, who seemed to go berserk because of what just happened "Well, here we are."

Vanishing from his place, Lucas appeared next to the CaptainCaptain, who quickly reacted thanks to his Haki and lifted his hammer trying to slam Lucas who could dodge it since he predicted it.

"You..." Milo was about to kick him, but he was slow. Lucas jumped slightly and gave him a good punch on his fat belly, making Milo bend down. The punch was heavy and hard as Iron, but Milo could endure it with his physical strength and Haki.

"Not bad." Smirking, Lucas jumped high to match the height of the man and took a Boxing pose lifting his left hand next to his chin.

<<King Jab >> Lucas gave Milo a quick jab without even warming up.

This punch sent the CaptainCaptain flying back some hundreds of meters, before he stops on the sea, dead, and with his head not in its place.

[Ding +101.000 XP]

[Boxing + 10.000]

Lucas smiled, since he didn't use his ability to overpower a weaker opponent, the XP he got was decent.

He now has 600.000 Acc.u.mulated XP. Now, it is safer to level up.

After freeing the people on this island, Lucas took some pirates as prisoners and went to the ship while being hugged by the girls.

Hina didn't look happy, though she had her potentials unlocked, she felt that she made much effort with the other girls around. To let her frustration out, she took Lucas by the hand to the cabin, and they had quick s.e.x.

"Hina now is happy." That was her comment as she was lying on the desk and Lucas D inside her, kissing her w.o.m.b.

"Now, let's go," Lucas took his D back and got his pants back.

After some time, Lucas stood up on the edge of the sh.i.p.s and told his girls to go back to the base first before he catches up to them later. "Hmm, be sure to come back soon, Or little Sadi would punish you," Sadi smiled as she played with his chin before Lucas give her a kiss and go away. "haha, keep dreaming."-"This is the age of dreams."


Lucas got far away from his warsh.i.p.s, changed his clothes, and called Lucci, who could remember the directions here before making her taking him to Punk Hazard.

Before levelling up, Lucas decided to see Caesar, who said he had something interesting to show him.

"Look, master, those are my first samples. They are a result of a lot of researches and my own money."

He was facing Caesar, who was having 5 fruits between his arms. Usually, SMILE is always in an apple shape; however, those were different, three seemed to be on banana shape with different colours, while the other two are green and blue Tomato.

Knowing that the scientist must spend the effort to create those five, yet forget his mission of mass creating, Lucas decided to take deep breaths before asking calmly, since those may come to use.

"What makes them special?"

"As you can see, I used humans' genes, and the three bananas have human-human genes, while the others have artificial dragons DNA."

"So, you basically, wasted time to make human fruit;"

"No, those human ones are different, as each one of them has a random mutated ability; making them like Paramecia owner, I don't know which, but after many tests, the gas used on those ones won't destroy the human form of who eat it."

Caesar quest was simple, creating artificial mystical Zoans, but since he learned how to add DNA to suitable fruit, he can do that.

"How is the process of hastening growth."

"It is still being tested," Caesar said.

"Good Job, find out how to make that happens."

"That... very ha-"


Lucas sighed and then left. He was satisfied with having brilliant that surely surpasses the World Government. Lucas would give him eternal life in the end, as he can always control Caesar as long as he has his heart. Luckily, the World Government or the Navy didn't know his Teacher ability; otherwise, the world would get destroyed, literally. After leaving the factory, Lucas went to the south of this island.

He was thinking about how the fruits that Caesar gave would benefit him. Or should he just store them? The human ones are meant to be like paramecia, which give the power of a human with ability.

The ones with artificial dragon genes are maybe useful since Caesar can make them. But that no different than paramecia other than it transforms animals and objects into humans. He was afraid if he gave it to the swords, he may get some annoying men around him.

And his real purpose is to collect 200 fruit, not 200 men, but that didn't mean he would act cheap, and he wouldn't have patient since Devil Fruits are growing in his backyard now.

Wait, the fruits are still Zoan in essence anyway. Right, he just now thought of it. He can use it to transform big monsters.

He let a long whistle, calling someone, before standing on the beach waiting.

Lucas then opened the panel of his system and made a choice to put acc.u.mulated XP into DFM (Devil Fruit Mastery), which was level 5 (50.000/100.000).

[Using 550.000 XP on DFM]

[Acc.u.mulated XP is 85.000 XP now]

[DFM up to level 8 (0/400.000)]

+ The ability to enhance senses. (More-More: senses) can choose only one sense at the time. The sixth sense is included

+ Multiplayer up to 120.

+ The ability to split the multiplayer equally among two features

(If he has 120 multiplayer, then he can use it to multiply object's speed by 60 and the size by 60)


Reading the notification, Lucas smiled.

The fruit he ate had overpowered ability from the start, which totally depends on the user. Not only so, but it has such potentials to develop with the system.

Lucas looked around and saw the future, where he tested More-More: Senses.

When he used it in his eyesight, he could see well, very well- better than the elves from Lord of the Ring; but when he used it on his ears, he could hear everything loudly, making his ears bleed, which made Lucas stopping seeing the future.

"New lesson, I can't increase the senses too much, or I would feel dizzy," Lucas said as he increased his hearing slightly 5 times, making him hear birds in the other side singing.


Suddenly, a loud voice came from the sea.

"Lucci, why did you scream?" Lucas scolded the Sea Monster and rubbed his ear as he felt some pain.

"Moo" Lucci lowered her head hearing him scold her; she didn't yell at all.

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