Despite starting work for a month in the New World, Lucas was able to get three heads of Underworld big agents and pirates with considerable bounties.

Those people were hiding very well, and had monstrous strength, yet, in the eyes of the world, he was doing his magic.  But that was thanks to Doflamingo, who provided Lucas with the necessary information of the people he can't deal with publically, neither send Vergo nor his minion to deal with them.

As a Warlord and a previous Celestial Dragon, Doflamingo had some pressure on the world rulers, especially the Five Elders, who are running the government. In order to keep good terms with Lucas, he decided to give him a small gift, just to continue doing a good job for him. 


Lucas was currently in Sky Island, not very far from his base. 

After Lucas became a king in this area, it changed. What was a jungle in the upper yard became a city, and there was a big white palace made of solid clouds not so far from it. 

The palace, of course, belonged to Lucas. 

He was in one big room, sitting and surrounded by his three queens, Raki, Lamia, and Conis, who Lucas made her change her hairstyle. 

Facing him, was Lucci, surrounded by Vivi, Robin, Mikita and Zala who were amazed by this transformation, especially her b.r.e.a.s.ts that made theirs look small when they aren't, it was more than annoying for Vivi.

"So Lucci, you became human," Vivi said, trying not to look down. She still owes Lucci for taking her to save her country when she needed 

"I, Lucci, ate a devil fruit."

"Kyahaha, you are cute for sure," Mikita said, pressing her chest against the H cup, trying to compare; however, she didn't look unpleased "poor girl, keep wearing bras, or the gravity would get you."

"Now, after she ate a Devil Fruit, how can we move in the sea?" Zala was thinking about their transportation mean. 

"I don't care about you, Mo. I only work for Lucas" Lucci shot a sharp glare at Zala who asked that. She may be sensitive to what Lucas says, but not for everyone.

"Here some soup," Lamia said, approaching Lucas with a spoon. "Here some meat," Raki said putting something else in Lucas's mouth, which he chewed. "And finally, my dessert," said Conis putting some cake inside. 

Lucas was observing Lucci meeting the other girls, while being fed by Lamia, Raki, and Conis who were wearing white dressed to show their statue as queens. The women here in the sky were happy with Lucas's usual visits, as he was taking his time, buy them stuff and clothes, and spend more time thanks to his Devil Fruit. 

Today, when Lucas came, he threw them some Devil Fruits for them to eat later.

*Bero* *Bero* 

Suddenly, a snail started to ring inside Lucas's pocket. It was his, from the HQ. 

"Vice Admiral Momousagi..."

"Where the hecks are you, why didn't you come back, brat?"

On the phone, Momousagi seemed unpleased, drawing the attention of the other women toward him, thinking that he is calling some hidden lover. 

"I just stopped when I saw a black cat in my way..." Lucas stood up and went to the corner.  

"I don't care about any cat, come back here quickly...seriously, you are giving me a headache," Momousagi said, massaging her head.

"What happened?"

"Just come back," she said before hanging the call. 

"Why does she seems in a bad mood,"  Lucas rubbed his hair, thinking that she needs to relax. Maybe something bad had happened really. "I need to go." 


Paradise; the HQ: 

Sengoku got a weird notification from the five elders, telling him to promote Lucas into Vice Admiral.

They had the ability to promote anyone to that rank. Replying at the Five, Sengoku said that he is too young, despite having some big fishes recently, which proved his strength. The Five Elders said that they need to motivate the young people to work, and he needs to be an example for the other young marines.

"Now, I wonder since ever you cared about something else other than asking my men to protect the World's Nobles," Sengoku said. 

"We don't want to repeat history where someone left the Marine to become a pirate. He has promising potentials of becoming an Admiral in the future, already working hard. Besides, he would still as the second in command of his base under Momousagi, which give him someone to learn from; there would be no reason not to promote him."

It seems they had prepared an answer for that. 

Sengoku then sat down and started to think. He was eventually going to promote the brat into Vice Admiral, but he didn't due to the lack of his achievement. But recently, Lucas could deal with three illegal groups with a total that surpasses 1 billion Berries. 

Thinking that strength matter as well, Sengoku decided to give up, since it is an order from the power that runs the world and pay the salaries of every Marine. 

Seriously, the kid is causing havoc where he is going, despite not having the D as his middle name. 

"Just Quasi one would do it. I'll let him the second in command," that would technically not much different from a Rear Admiral other than more authority on the other officers. 


Lucas was now in his base, facing Momousagi who just handed him a new coat. 

"Vice Admiral, what is this,"

Lucas was shocked after reading the word on the coat. They were the same words on her coat. 

"Brat, just because you promoted into Vice Admiral, it is a quasi one, don't forget your age and that I'm still the first in command." Momousagi seemed unpleased, "and if you think you can defy my orders and do whatever... hey, are you listening to me." 

Lucas measured his coat and thinking if he should put it as a cap or wear it.

What's wrong with Sengoku, not only he sent a teen to such a dangerous place, but he made him Vice Admiral.

As Vice Admiral, Lucas would have to deal with a more dangerous situation and lead more men, who would die as cannon fodders, which would leave an impact on him.

Lucas was happy that even without taking Doflamingo down, he was able to promote. He wasn't stupid and knew that Doflamingo, somehow, used his authority and made Lucas promote. If Lucas promoted, then he can help him more, right.

Now, if he took Doflamingo down, then he would become a national hero and Lucas would have a strong foundation to become an Admiral. Though, becoming Admiral depend on strength more. But which one would give him more benefits. Taking him down or keeping taking care of him.

"BRAT, do you hear me." Seeing that Lucas was ignoring her, and looking at his coat like it was a treasure, Gion had some veins appears on her head.

Just the way he is taking things like game and promotion as levelling up made her worry. What she just visualised was Lucas running into a big group of pirates that belongs to the Emperors with a large smile, and throwing himself to his death. 

She lifted her hand and knocked on his head slightly. 

"ichh, Yes, yes, you are still the boss" still smiling, Lucas rubbed his head. 

Looking at her worried face, made him want to chuckle, but he didn't do it since that will cause Lucas trouble.  He knew that she is just overprotective when it comes to young folks. At this moment, he wanted to give her a hug and tell her everything is okay. 

"Don't forget, you still the second in command, and you would still need my permission," replied Momousagi, feeling that her head going to blow. This kid gave her critical damage. Had he been her son, she would already lock inside a room; maybe she can. "And don't call me, boss."

"Absolutely" Lucas was the type who says something and does something else. "By the way, someone would join my crew."

"You can do that, just be sure he isn't young, and don't have funny ideas." 

"Sure," replied Lucas smirking. 

'Why is he scaring me' Gion massaged her temple and turned to leave. She can no longer tolerate how Lucas is happy that he became Vice-Admiral.  'I'm becoming too old. Though I'm in the mid of my thirties.' 

That kid has a death wish for sure. Since she got used to him during this month, buying him milk here and often so he can grow, she couldn't help but think too much of the sequels of his actions.


That night, when Lucas told his girls, he found them in denial. That was truer for the ones who had been in the navy for a long time such as Hina and Calorina. 

Just in one year, Lucas made it from a bounty hunter to a Vice Admiral.

Hina was so shocked that she said, "Didn't you seduce a Celestial Dragoness or something, tell Hina, or she will put a cage on your d.i.c.k."  

Hina seemed to be jealous, putting her hand on his crotch and threatening to use her power on his member. 

"No." Lucas relaxed his shoulders and jumped back, avoiding Hina's hand. 

"really," Hina followed him to the bed and asked.

"Really Hina, I didn't go to the holy land, how should I sleep with a Celestial Dragon, " Let's change the topic, I'm full of energy, so who will," Lucas said, standing with his boxers.

"Hina first." Hina approached him to see that he took a step back, "I'm not going to cage you, come here."


Later that night, Lucas was holding a DenDenMushi. 

The first one who called him was Sengoku, telling him that he was summoned to the holy land, to meet the five elders personally. 

Lucas pretended to be surprised and asked why he got promoted quickly and why the elders want to see him. Sengoku told him just to keep the good job and hunting fishes. 

At this rate, Lucas may be the future Fleet Admiral, if he lived long enough for that.

After talking with the Fleet Admiral, Lucas got another call, from someone inviting him to drink. 

"Fufufu... what do you think about my gift, Mr Lucas."

"Happy with it, Mr Joker." 

Lucas obviously was aware that this promotion isn't necessary thanks to his hard work, but to the interference of Doflamingo.

"Let us meet sometime and have a drink."


"Oh, by the way, Monet; she was happy for you."

'Trying to remind me which side I should take, huh, just because I look young people take me lightly, fools.'

'I'm not Luffy to be played like that.'

'But that the best way to play someone is to pretend to fall to his game.'

"Really, what did she says," pretending to be the silly teen he isn't, Lucas continued playing the game. "Was she really happy?" 


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