It was the middle of the day, and the weather started to turn cold.

In the colosseum of Dressrosa, where the final round of the battle royal is played, Lucas, from the seats, looked at Zorro and gave him the signal to start the plan.

Law, after knocking two giants, the king bower, and someone known for his kicks, faced a dwarf who aimed at him with his weak fist. As soon as the dwarf hit Law, the latter stopped for a second before jumping back and pretending to get knocked out.


The competitors, the spectators, and the commenter were all in a state of shock, silent for a brief. Zorro could knock out the strongest opponents, yet he lost to a dwarf.

Lucas slapped his face. What horrible acting. Did he really teach this person? If he did, then he should at least make a more believable performance. The commenter, with a confused tone, slowly, said, "Oh, as it seems, Zorro may get exhausted or is hungry so he had to retreat."

Zorro didn't even have the chance to fight one of Doflamingo's army Commander; the audience was disappointed with that. Whatever, very soon the fight continued, and the gladiators attracted the attention again.

Law, though he fell to the water, was picked up and got taken to the waiting room, where he is supposed to get healed.

'I fool all of them, ya," Law was thinking of how good his acting was. Now, it's time to take things from Doflamingo. It's time for revenge.

"Boss, be ready at any moment."

Gion heard him and turned to see Lucas, standing up and making a very cold smirk. Seeing how cold that smile was, she felt that he is a totally different person from the one who works in that base.

"Don't call me boss, besides, I'm ready," she said, frowning. She always feels old when someone calls her boss.

"I'll come back."

Lucas vanished to thin air, making her think that he was too fast. She turned and looked to the other officers here while glaring back and forth. Should she follow Lucas, or stay here. Maybe something can block his way and he may get in danger. Finally, Gion decided to wait for him for some minutes before she sees him.


In a near building to the Colosseum, Lucas appeared. He could tell that no one lives in this house, so he could proceed with his plans here.

Lucas put a table and five snails, each had a very specific function. He then placed a chair, sat down and placed his legs on the table.

After taking a couple of deep breaths, Lucas picked up one snail and made a call the HQ.

"Hello, this is Vice Admiral Lucas, can you send my urgent request."


*Bero* *Bero*

Paradise, the Navy's main HQ, in the office of the Fleet Admiral, Sengoku got an urgent call, as he was discussing important matters with a couple of Admirals while Garp was making funny comments.

As the snail rang, Garp picked up the call. After a few words, he knew who.

"Oy Brat, long time no see, are you still alive."

"No, I'm dead and I'm calling from the depth of the hell."

That was Lucas's reply at Garp's question.

"Don't forget to bring souvenirs."

Everyone in the office paid attention to Garp, as he turned to them and made a wild grin. Here, there are three more people, the Fleet Admiral, Akainu, and the man who is known to be fast as light: Admiral Kizaru.

"Sengoku, that brat is reporting an emergency."

Garp turned to the Fleet Admiral.

"Which brat," asked Sengoku.


Sengoku, hearing Lucas's name, left his chair and flew taking the Den-Den-Mushi from Garp's hand. This is was Lucas, the one who took Crocodile. If this boy made such a call, then it would mean that something big, very big, has happened.

"Oooh, that booy again, the last time I saw him was...when he became Rear Admiral," said Kizaru. As he was the one who promoted Lucas, he could remember him.

"That kid, I heard that he has been doing well with killing those filthy pirates; honestly I didn't like when he took a vacation, but it seems that he found something. " Akainu said, lowering his head and frowning and made a deep facial expression like James Brown. He remembered that directly, after his promotion to Vice Admiral Rank, Lucas took a vacation with Z blessing. 'That brat. He better has a good excuse.'

"You are in Dressrosa, quickly tell me what happened."

Sengoku yelled, attracting everyone's attention.

Lucas relaxingly said, "The thing is, some Warlord actually is enslaving a whole country, using some Devil Fruit that turns them into toys, and erase them from the memory of everyone."

Enslaving and mass massacre citizens were against the law of Warlords- stealing them and selling weapons is still fine- and would cause anyone to lose his title. Though, the other actions of Doflamingo are legal, such as piracy, selling weapons and illegal commerce...

"Ohh...this is bad," said Kizaru, sounding calm.

"Oy, if you can, just kill him."

Akainu yelled as his arm turned into Lava. There is no good come from dealing with those dirty pirates, not even a simple deal would stop them from crossing the lines.

"Do you have proof?"

Sengoku relaxed his hand and asked, scratching his Afro hair.

"Live Stream.".

Hearing Lucas, everyone made a blank expression. A live stream, what is that supposes to mean.

"Bwahaha... he did it again."

Garp laughed, while Sengoku sighed. The two Admirals looked at each other confused.

"Okay, stream it."

Sengoku then stood and went to a white room; the rest of the people followed him and placed their shares, while Garp was adjusting the snail that would stream the video.

Very soon, a light came from the snail's eyes and hit the white wall, streaming a group of videos. Not one but many. Under the ground, in the city and in the Colosseum.

They could see many toys, being whipped and working.

"Now, please wait and watch." Lucas's voice resounded in the room from a snail next to Garp.

*eating potato ch.i.p.s*

Lucas seemed to eat something as that snail was chewing to copy his voice.


"We need some popcorn," Kizaru said.

Everyone observed the screen silently.


Law, as Zorro, after he lost, was taken to the waiting room, to get medical checking after all.

Law noticed something weird; most of the opponents he fought are forgotten from his memory.

Suddenly, a half-n.a.k.e.d tall slender well-developed woman came to Law with a checking list in her hand. "Zorro, your turn, please go to this room and lie down until the doctor sees you."

Law then was taken to a room. His part is to get rid of one person and knock out the other.

Law lied down, but then suddenly, some blue thick liquid descended on him and took him up, to one room, tying him up. "Room."

The room he was dragged at had a bed. Law found himself being tied by stick from every direction while looking at a familiar person he knew. 'Terbol'

Terbol was a huge man with stick dripping from his nose. Next to him, there was a small woman with green hair, milky skin, and blue eyes.

This was Sugar, Monet's little sister who had been cursed to look like a child because of her Devil Fruit.

"Kehehe, Zorro, Doflamingo is excited to talk with you,"

"What do you want ya.."

Law suddenly felt weakness. He had been given one mission, yet, apparently, there is a Sea Stone beneath him.

Seems they had prepared this bed specifically for him.

Seeing his reaction, Terbol laughed so hard "Kehehe, I had to put Sea Stone beneath your ass. I had to be careful while facing a Warlord like you."

Law, struggling, covered his hand with Haki and reached the rapier bellow him. Even with Sea Stone; he can fight and use Swordsmanship to hit back. "Come on."

The green-haired little girl, Sugar, approached Law while extending her hand. Just one touch and he would become a slave toy.

"Ya... long time I didn't hear that..." Terbol noticed something weird and said confused, "why are you talking like Law'ne."

'Come on.'

Law struggled with the stick to find the rapier and free himself; he needed to hurry before he gets touched by that little girl.

His job is simple, knock out Sugar and defeat Terbol. Yet, a simple miscalculation changed everything. Now, he may turn into a puppet and would fail.


Suddenly, the room had a cold wind inside. Snow started to drop inside in a thick rate. That was impossible since they are in a closed room.

The snowflakes around joined together and formed a green-haired woman.

"Monet, what are you doing here, ne"

"Big Sister." Sugar lifted her head to look at Monet and harrumphed after her eyes fell on her chest.

"Little Sugar, how are you." Monet walked to Sugar and patted her head. Her little sister never grew up despite being 20 years old.

"Not fine." Sugar said, looking at her sis with disdain.

"You should knock the door if you want to come, ne."

Terbol turned his head to Monet and looked confusingly, giving the chance of someone behind him to fight back.

Meanwhile, Law found the rapier as the hat fell from his head. He quickly cute the stink, and let the contact with the Sea Stone, regaining his ability back again.

"Sugar," Monet turned her head, giving her back to Sugar.

"What do you want?"

Sugar looked to Monet, confused, as she didn't understand why Monet is turning her back at her.

Monet turned and her face turned white snow and fell.

Sugar, instinctively, held the head of Monet, to see it pale white, full of sharp fangs, shiny yellow eyes, basically, the head of the demon.


Monet said, extending her tongue.

As Logia Devil-Fruit eater, she can separate her body and control it in her elemental form.


Sugar, after catching the head of her sister, saw this demon head making a Boo sound. Sugar was caught with surprise, screamed from fear, and fell down.

Just now, Monet gave her a surprising prank, knocking her out from fear.

"Monet, what have you done?"

Terbol said, not knowing how to react.


Law behind him extended his domain covering Terbol, before waving the sword cutting him into multi pieces.

Terbol tried to fight back, but he was silenced by Law quickly with Monet's help.

Law then took off his mask and looked at Monet, who picked up Sugar gently and lifted her between her arms, looking with a sorry expression at her little sister.

"What you will do about her."

"Of course, I have to protect my little sister," said Monet. "Lucas was worry about you to fail, so he sent me. It seems that he made the right decision."

Monet officially decided to betray Doflamingo who she had been with for 10 years. It was all in name of love and having a good happy life.

"He didn't trust me enough," Law clenched his fist, not expecting miscalculation could doom them all. Luckily, Lucas was someone who had a plan B inside his plan B.

"He was right," Monet said, turning and walking away with one tear. Of course, a part of her is sad to turn on the group she had been with for a long.

"You did a horrible job." Monet walked away and said a few words. "Daddy told you to take over the SMILE factory."

Law opened his eyes widely. Did she just say, Daddy?


"Daddy... Lucas."

Law felt shocked; is Monet Lucas's daughter. This is impossible, as that man look young. But look here can't give you the real age of a man.

If Monet is his daughter, then that means, Sugar is his daughter.

Did they fool him all the time with that acting?

Wait, Law always wondered why Lucas wanted to chase Doflamingo... it must be for this reason; Doflamingo kidnapped his daughters or did something to them.

No wonder he didn't ask to kill Sugar and Monet was treating him friendly from the first step he made in Hazard Punk. But they kept acting like it was nothing.

'That must be it... Lucas is the father... now I can see why he is after Doflamingo.'

"Why are you pale," Monet frowned as she looked at Law who seemed to be in a state of shock.

"Grand Line is where the place where you find the weirdest things," Law said.

Out of this room, a big change happened in Dressrosa, which was live-streamed.


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