On one road, toward the hill of Dressrosa where SMILE Factory is located: Jack, one of the most fearsome, cruel, and well-known pirates was in his way toward the factory with his elite pirates.

As they were in their way, Jack stopped upon sensing someone standing on the top of a near small peak. He looked there as well the rest of his crew to see a Blondie standing there with Navy's coat.

"Jack. 1 billion berries."

Lucas, who was standing there, looked down, to read the information of Jack with [his Bounty Eye]. With his eyes, he can find any pirate, as long as they have a record, even if they disguised themselves.

Seeing that he is one of the Marines, Jack looked at him with his scary eyes and said, "Oy you, since you are from the navy, tell me where is Lucas, and I may give you a quick death."

Since Jack was very tall – eight meters tall – the small peak Lucas stood on didn't seem to be far from Jack's hand. He could snatch him easily by stretching his hand.

From Lucas's perspective, Jack seemed like a big shark. He noticed one thing during his journey: the more his proceed with his journey; everyone gets bigger no matter what race or gender.

'Maybe this because the low budget of Manga or Oda's vision is getting bad so people had to become bigger...' Lucas was trying to solve the mystery.

"Answer me."

Jack asked and clenched his teeth seeing that Lucas is thinking of something else.

The rest of the men of Jack, who are next to him and wearing black, looked at Lucas as well with funny smiles. They knew their reputation among the Navy and the world, as one of the pirates of one of the strongest crews. They bet that Blondie must be shivering from fear.

"Stop fearing and answer Jack."

"Oy, there is no shame of shivering from fear. Stop pretending. It's natural for you to fear us."

The pirates started mocking Lucas, thinking they would play on his morals. Though Lucas looked calm, they thought he is pretending.

��Well, Lucas...Lucas, I wonder who he is," said Lucas, squatting and letting himself closer to Jack. Realising that Jack has a short temper, Lucas wanted to tease him a bit.

Jack's eyes turned red and exhaled through the iron mask that covers his mouth, which produced a scary voice.

"Why do you look always angry? Do you need some water, small fish?"

If Lucas remembers correctly, (since Jack appeared in the last arcs of the Manga he read a year ago), Jack is hybrid between a some from Giant race and a Fishman. But because he ate a Devil Fruit, he lost his ability to swim.

Hearing Lucas's words, everyone down opened their Jaw in shock and stared at Lucas. What do you mean by small fish?

Jack lowered his head and clenched his fists tight, feeling that he got a direct strike to his morals.

"Useless," said Lucas after he saw the near future. Lucas, of course, knew that Doflamingo is far weaker than Jack, which meant that the promising XP that would come from him is very high as well.

Jack, in one quick step, appeared in front of the peak that Lucas is standing on, and jumped punching with his fist slightly to the level where Lucas is standing, trying to hold him.

<<Ghost Footwork>>

Lucas, before getting hit, vanished, or rather, faded to thin air as the fist passed by his body.

Between Jack's men, Lucas appeared. Most of them opened their eyes widely, especially those who had Haki since they couldn't tell when Lucas was between them.

Unconsciously, the pirates took a step back and looked at Lucas. One of them had big courage and took the initiative to attack first, as he was holding a big hammer, he swang his weapon toward Lucas.

Lucas extended his hand and caught it, crushing the metal with his bare fingers.

Then, everyone saw how that man flew when Lucas gave him a slight slap. The pirates took another step back. Lucas stared at them one by one; they didn't dare to attack him directly.

'What the heck, for a second, my Haki lost track of him. Was he just this fast?' Jack turned and looked at Lucas, as soon as his Haki told him about his location.

He looked at his men to see them cowardly acting.

Clenching his teeth, Jack reached his sickles on his waist and started walking with steps that made the ground.

Each pirate Lucas looks at would take a step back, until his eyes stopped one woman as he winked. She was quite tall, half-n.a.k.e.d and had a very s.e.xy body with a huge chest and full h.i.p.s. She had short rose hair with an elegant nose and blue eyes and gorgeous face that seemed angry.

At that moment, that angry face changed to embarrassment, and she unconsciously tried to cover her chest- only covered by bras- which made thing even worse as her b.r.e.a.s.ts made a stronger appearance when she squeezed them with her arm.

"Stop staring at me, PERVERT," she said.

Replying, Lucas decided to say something that would make him win without ruining the lady.

"Sorry, I couldn't hold myself when I noticed that you have extra weight" Lucas winked again as he looked at her h.i.p.s. 'I don't mean it in a bad way though.'

The men around opened their jaws in shock. The pretty pirate woman froze as her jade-like face became paler. To a woman like her, who keeps her shape perfectly, this was a severe insult.

"Shameless. Mister Jack, please help me."

Tears started to drop from her eyes. Those words would cause her sleepless nights of diet. She looked to the shadow of Jack behind Lucas.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way."

Lucas shook his head, feeling Jack behind him shaking the ground as he walking.

Jack, behind Lucas, lifted one sickle as high as possible and looked at Lucas down. "One last chance, where is Lucas."

Without turning, Lucas smiled and asked. "What do you want from a fellow Marine?"

"Taking him so Kaido would torture him," Jack said.

"That's too bad."

As soon the words left Lucas's mouth, Jack slammed down. The blade approached Lucas's neck with a speed that wouldn't give him a time to think.

But again, without a visible foot movement, Lucas faded to thin air, letting giant sickle pass by him. In a second, Lucas appeared behind Jack, who was focusing his senses and turned to see that Lucas isn't there. Jack couldn't help but wonder what kind of footwork is this.

"Over here."

A voice came as Lucas appeared again. But this time, he had two swords in his hand.

'Ghost Footwork is very good for assassination and running away. But it seems that if I someone locked his senses on me, I get noticeable.'

Lucas was testing his skills here.

"Just stop running like a chicken and fight like a man."

Jack slashed with his blades again, sending a strong compressed wind at Lucas, who waved his sword making the compressed wind fly to Jack's pirates and hit them to fly away. But some got badly injured.

[+30.000 XP...+20.000XP]

"Well Jack, aren't a huge bitch."

Lucas smiled and replied at Jack's provocation.

Very soon, in the sky, Alvida appeared floating while looking down to see Lucas with his sword facing the Beast Pirate and one of the famous Three Disasters.

Not so long after, Calorina appeared behind the pirate group, at a considerable distance.

"That Lucas is a fast runner."

Calorina was trying to breathe, feeling frustrated that she didn't catch up. She looked to see pirates standing up and Lucas is facing a famous pirate with a Billion Berries worth head. Seeing her little cousin facing such known beast, her heart skipped a beat.

"I have to help him."

But then, the pirates turned and noticed her as one from the Navy. They raised their weapons at her face while Jack would deal with the Blondie.

"The Navy seemed to notice our group."

"It's just this girl, let's kill her."

They then surrounded her and were about to attack.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY." Calorina stared at them and yelled very loudly, making them take steps back. This woman has a bad temper and a furious gaze. Using her ability, she started increasing her size to fight. The people below didn't seem to be amazed or anything and were ready to fight. Calorina kicked someone quickly flying away.

"Do you need help?" Alvida, from above, descended and waved her macer at someone's face, making him fly away as well.

Jack and Lucas were clashing. Each time Jack waves his sword, Lucas would dodge easily while blocking his sickle and giving Jack a slight cut on his arm with the scimitar.

Jack found it annoying as Lucas's future observation ability gave him a very hard time.

He turned around and saw who came "Now those annoying girls are here." Jack clicked his tongue and continued battling.

Noticing that the girls arrived, Lucas said: "Calorina, Alvida, do me a favour and let this one to me."

Lucas jumped between two blades, one was aimed at his head and the other to his waist. Lucas didn't need to rely on his fruit as his Observation Haki was enough.

Seeing that Lucas is ignoring him, Jack lifted his foot and stomped down.

Lucas used Shave and went one meter back, avoiding Jack's foot that made the ground shake.

"Now, that is a mistake," said Lucas.

In RPG games, the easiest way to beat a giant is by attacking his foot- which happened here that Jack gave his foot to Lucas without defence. Using the silver scimitar, Lucas put his sword on Jack's foot and activated the sword's ability, and above that, his Devil Fruit ability <<More-More: speed x120>>

In instant, Jack's leg froze without giving him time to react.

Freezing usually takes time, starting from the skin and reaching to the bones.

Lucas's increasing ability made that time shorter, which made the cooling and freezing looking instant.

Jack felt the coldness reaching his bones. Since the nerves are frozen, he won't be able to move them until they get heated a bit by his muscles.

"YOU DAMN BRAT," Jack yelled and lifted both of his sickles up, ready to strike.

But before he could do anything, Jack got a big fist on his fist which sent him flying away. Jack continued flying until he hit some mountain. When he stopped, he touched his face to see that his mask was broken, and his mouth that is full of fangs revealed itself.

"Hey, I told you to leave him to me."

Lucas lifted his head to see Calorina so angry while attacking Jack. She didn't seem to be satisfied as she bent down and sank her hand on the ground. Clenching her teeth, she picked up a big rock which up, which made a big whole. In this giant form, thousands of tons aren't a problem to lift. So, one can say how much this rock would do damage.

"That's what he gets for trying to stomp on you," She said angrily trying to hold tears ready to throw that rock. But Lucas stopped her as Jack was slowly standing up," wait."

"What! Can't you see that I'm busy?" Calorina said, while lifting the rock and looked at Lucas.

"Just this." Lucas appeared above that rock and touched it <<More More: Speed x120>> at least this would get him the XP in case Jack got defeated from this.

"Fine. Do I need to increase its size."

"You can."

Her awakening ability is similar to Lucas's, but with slight differences. Lucas can extend the size of the objects more than she can along with their speed; but unlike her, he can't make them smaller.

She threw the rock forward and Lucas jumped back as the rock got bigger

Calorina noticed something, which is that the rock is flying faster than usual. It latterly moved at a speed that surpasses the bullets folds.

Jack slowly stood up, to see something heading toward him very fast and covering him with shadow. Before he could make a proper reaction, the rock hit him and sent him flying along with it, crushing on his body.

On the other side, Alvida had an easier time with the other pirates.

She only used her fruit to make the ground slide. Now, the pirated can't even stand on their feet on putting their hand on the ground without sliding and falling. Alvida, of course, didn't just stand watching. She was mercilessly using her macer to hit everything moving on the head.

Jack, one the other hand, had injuries over all of his body. Even with his strong physic, he still took damage and spat blood. He was buried under the rock which broke on his body.

Jack started to stand up slowly and rocks were pushed. His size started to get bigger and bigger while his shape started to shift to one of elephant covered with fur, and extra-large muscles with a height of 30 meters.

Calorina, Alvida, and Lucas could notice a hundred meters away, a very big mammoth, glaring at them, and having a blonde hair like Jack.

"That bastard is alive," said Calorina, looking at Jack, and using her ability to match with him.

Jack, in his Monmouth form, started to run forward, making a small earthquake with each step.

"He can't fly, can he?" Lucas looked at Alvida and patted her arm.

"What do you mean," Calorina murmured as she looked at Jack running her destroying everything in his way.

Alvida smiled as she understood Lucas's meaning. "Well, he can't." Alvida bent down and touched the ground again.

Brute force can make you a very famous pirate with a big reward. But the strategy can determine the battle.

"Damn You."

Jack approached them with high speed, ready to knock them out. But he noticed something weird on his foes' facial expression – all of them are giving him smug face.

At that moment, Jack felt something weird on his four legs. They started to slide on the ground and he started to lose his balance. He moved his legs quickly to regain his balance, but that made things worse.

"Hahaha..." Lucas covered his face with his hand and started to laugh. "which I had a camera to film that."

"AAhh," Jack let a scream as he fell to the ground. He tried to use his fangs, but it slides as well. Even if he tried hitting the ground with the only available limb, it would slide to the side.

Before he could hit the ground, Lucas appeared above Jack and gave him a punch that sent him flying down. But when Jack's body hit the ground, slide and bounced again.

"Hahaha..." Alvida swept a tear, "A funny Elephant."

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