Lucas who was falling high from the sky along with James found his eyesight full of white light, for a second he thought it was the famous thing that people see in the movies before their dramatic death which was light.

But no, the light suddenly vanished and Lucas found himself standing in a vast dark space.

'What the heck, Did I even hit the ground' he looked in front of him then he looked down to his feet, there was no ground to stand on, but only the endless void. And actually, he wasn't standing but floating.

"Would you like to stop acting like you are a member of a tourism group"

he heard a voice coming from the side, so he turned to the source to see a man standing.

That man was wearing a long black coat, he had long smooth golden hair that reaches his back and two blue eyes.

'wait, paradise has beautiful women, and if I died, this must be the hell, otherwise why I'm seeing a beautiful man in front of me and smiling at me' Lucas sweat up seeing this scene, for a second he thought this was an afterlife and his punishment would be something he won't dare to think of.

"Hell no, and this isn't the hell" the other blond man could hear his thought and replied with a cringed expression.

"Then may I ask, who you are and why I'm here " Lucas said curiously, this doesn't seem like a dream, and the last thing he remembers was him falling from a high building, so this can be something that happened after the fall, maybe he went to hospital and now he is in front of this blonde man, and this is only a dark room.

The blond guy flicked his fingers and a chair appeared from nowhere, then he sat down and started talking "I'm what you call, a supreme being"

"Sorry, I'm not that religious," Lucas said with his usual relaxed tone and looked around for the hidden cameras, maybe this is a joke and this guy is playing some trick on him, supreme being, he saw weirder tricks on TV magic shows, and he never called someone a supreme being.

"Sigh, you had lost your v.i.r.g.i.nity with your middle school teacher who was forty-five years old cougar in the cleaner's office" The Supreme being seemed to understand how to convince this type of person.

"What, but no one knows that " Lucas opened his eyes wide as he puzzled,  no one knows about that relationship as it was only a one-night thing, and there is no way that cougar told anyone since she lost her memories the next month.

"I know more things, like when a whore put some chai...."The supreme continued.

"Fine, I believe you," Lucas said stopping him from saying things.

"I'm a supreme being, but to the main point"  the supreme being relaxed his shoulders as he took a cigarette and put it in his mouth.

"I would like to offer you a chance to reincarnate and live a fantasy life where you have powers and live in worlds you never heard of, " Said the supreme being as a chair appeared behind Lucas along with a cigarette.

Lucas found himself very calm, he used to some kind of adventure with angry mafia bosses, so he has a very calm heart.

He sat down and lit up the cigarette:" mister supreme, I would believe you, but there a Chinese say, there is no free dinner in this world ".

The Supreme being looked at this mortal with a complexed expression not knowing to laugh or not on this realistic joke.

"Well, actually it is a free lunch and there is a one, like the one those from charity gives to the homeless guys, but yes, you aren't getting a free lunch"

Lucas thought a bit about it, a fantasy life may not be bad, but it may not be good, it goes along with the price he has to pay "Hmm, so what is the price ".

"It is your karma points " The Supreme being said as he flicked his fingers and a huge number appeared in the void showing how much karma this guy has.

Lucas seemed to lost in his thought, sometimes and only sometimes, he would give some homeless guys and orphan kids some money and help, but he wasn't a good person to a degree that allows him to have so many points.

"what gave you the karma Point, was actually because you saved the world " Siad the supreme being as Lucas did something he is unaware of.

"Saved the world?" Lucas puzzled, since when he did that.

"Do you remember, James and his wife "

"Yes," Lucas replied by yes as he still remembers that wild night, he still can feel her sweet p.u.s.s.y juice and b.r.e.a.s.t milk taste in his mouth.

"actually James was going to sign a contract that would eventually lead to a third world war, but because you took him down with you, the contract was stopped temporarily by his wife and his company was inherited by your son, and eventually your son aborted it, "Said that supreme being.

" Wait? " Lucas stopped him as he realized something, he didn't use a condom that night, after few minutes of thinking he asked, "how many kids did I have"

"Just let's not go off the topic, your kids are living under a safe roof, now back to the topic, I'll send you to those fantasy world that you read about for fun," Said the supreme being.

"So, is this some kind of reward, but, if I'm not wrong, to gain a good Karma, you need to do something with good intent, I didn't intend to stop any war or to save the world, so I can't help but have some doubts. " Said Lucas, he still not trusting this supreme being, if he only said that he just wanted to do this for fun, he may believe him, but saying that I'm a good person who saved the world, my ass, I know myself better than anyone.

" you are right, I'm doing this to entertain myself, but let me correct you, your intent wasn't to save the world, but you took James down with the intent to set his wife free, which was a good did with a good intent that saved billions of lives, and eventually, you gained a lot of Karma points " Said the supreme being, some people would do a great things out of luck .

Someone like Lucas shouldn't be reincarnated even when he has so many Karma points, l but this supreme being here was feeling interested in this guy as he was observing the mortal world.

What really attracted his attention was the five volumes of the nude magazines, and seeing that he have many karmas, he decided to break the rules for once teleported him here and have some chat before reincarnating him since he can't revive the souls.

"Hmm, is there any restrictions," Lucas asked.

"Not really, some times you would teleport between the worlds, but don't worry, in some stage you would be able to go back, also, when you go to another world, some seal would appear so I don't get bored, sometimes you would find yourself having identities in those worlds but you would awake your memories late, other than that, you are free to do whatever you want"

"Hey, why would I go to other worlds, and why nerfing me " Lucas declared, the whole world owes him for giving his genes, so he should get better treatment.

"Don't worry, it will happen only a few times since I don't want to get bored, besides that, you have a chance to become a supreme being and no one would control you after that, but be aware, the risks are great like the chances you have" Said that being with a smirk as he continued "in order to guide you, I have recreated some system that was known by the name of the strongest system, I don't know if you heard about it, but you will get it" .

"Sigh, I know about it, so where will I go " Lucas once tried to read these Chinese novels for changing, but he dropped them in the middle of the way when the number Chinese names would increase to the degree that he couldn't handle them.

"Let's say to the world of pirates and marines, now here are two portals, take this one and you would go to another supreme being where he would take you to the hell or the heaven, just little spoilers. your karma is useless with that guy, or you can take this one, where you can entertain me. " The supreme being flicked his finger and two vortexes appeared in the air.

'I still want to live, after all, there are things I have to do,' Lucas sighed and stood and walked to the second vortex, there are just too many things happening today and he just became old to handle all of this.

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