Inside Tsuru's warship, in a cabin below the deck, Lucas found himself surrounded by many female Marines who were curious about him, maybe because he is young, strong, or maybe because they rarely have men here.

Lucas strangely stared at the bunch of the older women in front of him as he was sitting on the wooden surface.

Though he is Vice Admiral, his innocent face made them look at him like he is a younger brother.

"So, what do you want to know."

Lucas didn't know where to start looking at. The average age of these girls is more than 30 years old, but they looked to be at the peak of their youth. And since they are sailors and athletics, they could keep their shapes in an attractive state.

The first one to ask was Mimi, a woman with red glowing eyes and blonde long hair that she tied in a ponytail. She asked, "How long it has been since you joined the Navy..."

But before Lucas could hear the question, another one asked.

"How old are you."

"How do you train."

"Are you from a different sea, you don't look bulky."

"Mmm, though the people from the other seas aren't tall like the people of Grand Line, I heard they have bigger... you know."

"Unfair life isn't it."

Some girl mentioned a thing she couldn't say its name out loud.

"Do you have a girlfriend."

Lucas opened his jaw and stared around to see each one is waiting for him to answer and ready to jump and devour him.

"Hey, isn't that bit private," Lucas robbed his throat and pretended to be shy, which gave the impression that he is cute. Some looked disappointed and sorry that they may have asked something impropriate.

"Play a game," He continued, "At least, earn right for that."

Lucas suggested.

"Yes, Vice Admiral."

"What do you want to play?"

Lucas took a bottle from nowhere and placed it on the ground, and then he took a group of cards. The women who happened to be 20 ones with different ranks, stared curiously at what the young boy has to offer.

"What shall we play first, Spinning Bottle and stripping poker?" Lucas smiled looking at them. If they overreacted in a negative way, he would just say that he is kidding. If they got along with him, then they would play.

Some girls chuckled; some had their faces turn red, and some lifted their eyebrows.

Lucas looked around, and with his experience, he could make conclusions: not everyone is v.i.r.g.i.n and preserved – these are brave women risking their lives against super pirates daily, so a man like him isn't enough to hold the lioness inside them – but everyone is somehow frustrated.

Very soon, Mimi took the initiative and sat in front Lucas, crossing her legs, showing the traces of her v.a.g.i.n.a. She stared at him with bright red eyes and put her hand on the bottle. Had Lucas not know its normal colour, he would think she is a Vampire.

"I'll play as well."

The Seawoman Helen, who had a huge chest and provocative curves, sat next Mimi, and thus, the game started as another two joined. From the corner, one woman left to watch over the ship and if someone is coming, while some tried to ignore and focused on something else. The bored ones stayed and watched the cute Vice Admiral who happened to be the star of the year after the things he did.

The non-v.i.r.g.i.n girls brought some snacks and stayed behind, laughing at the naivety of most of their crew members. Some lesbians started to make out – what, there are no men around and after progressing with age, they needed satisfaction.

And so, the game started as Lisa joined and turned the bottle.

They would ask Lucas some embarrassing questions, and he would do the same to them. If someone doesn't dare to answer, they would have to take one piece of clothes.

"Call me Big Sis, one more time, Vice Admiral."

"It's not a question."

That what Lucas answered to find Lisa embarrassed.

At first, the questions were quite and proper. But the longer the game went, the more embarrassing the questions become.

"So, how did you promote quickly."

"Lucky, I guess the answer."

"Really, the hero of Alabasta and Dressrosa is saying this."

The bottle flipped again.

"How big your member is in such age," asked Helen in a joking tone.

"Hard or soft," But when she saw Lucas using his arm to find the right size, and asking if she wants to know hard or soft, she and the other girls couldn't help but laugh.

"Nice Joke."


The bottle was flipped again, and they asked a question that made Lucas take his shirt off.

Of course, the girls asked each other embarrassing questions, which made them strip a bit in front of Lucas without preserving.

"Hey, that not proper question," said Mimi pointing with her eye to Lucas as she took her shirt off, revealing her bra.

Lucas stared and took some snacks while watching the girls embarrassing themselves while being at the edges of a battle.

Lucas's turn came, and he asked, the one who looks to be the oldest, Lisa.

That's a trap question.

"Ah, though this may seem to be directed to everyone, I want to know," Lucas lowered his head, gaining the curiosity of all them.

"How would you feel when you end up like Tsuru? Chasing pirates for your whole life, and devoting yourself to a job, leaving what you wanted behind... and how would you feel when you find out it's too late that you are too old to get anything you could during your youth."

Lucas tone was calm and direct to the point.

The women, even those who thought it's boring, started to think because of this question.

All of them know that Old woman was someone very beautiful in her youth day. She used to make men chase her, but she wasted her life chasing Doflamingo and pirates, and here she is an old hag that has nothing in her life other than commanding a bunch of women.

Maybe the reason there are no men in Tsuru's crew isn't that she wants to keep her girls pure but to forget her regrets and convince herself that it's okay to be single.

Of course, there are some girls here who had a miserable story about being left and became widows because pirates before they joined the Navy. Some are lesbians and hate men.

But, no one answered Lucas's question.

Some of the widows behind didn't seem to be upset, but the majority kept thinking.

This is the hardest question they tried to avoid for a long time.

"I'll get out."

"Do you know to write a resigning letter. I think I had served for a long."

The people behind started talking.

"No one will marry someone who used to be a captain. Just give up hope, men like weaker girls."

"But we still have people in the HQ."

"Most of them had a family."

"They do have sons."

The girls, in their early ages, look for fairy tales romance. But when they get older and pass their thirties, they just want to have a secure life with no regrets before it's too late.

"I'm glad that I lost my v.i.r.g.i.nity."

"Phew, I feel sorry for you. Luckily for me, I know how it is, it's good but not great"

Some seemed to be sad, while two girls clapped the hand of each other for not being v.i.r.g.i.ns. Their crewmates gave them a cold glare before switching it to another two who kissed shocking everyone by their nature.

"Would I get an answer," Lucas asked seeing them thinking.

Of course, he wasn't waiting for an answer, but a reaction.

Without hesitation, Mimi took off her bra revealing her delicate b.r.e.a.s.ts with soft

Lucas looked at Helen, who had long black hair, fair skin, hourglass body and huge chest.

"And you," he sneered.

Seeing that he is waiting for the answer from her, Helen looked afraid. "I...I..." this needs a lot of courage to answer. What if she talked bad about her leader and ended on her bad page. She is just a Seawoman and only at the beginning of her journey.

But she still has courage like every Marine else. So, she exposed her body. Lucas stared at the b.o.o.b.s that were in the size of a soccer ball and gave her a thumb-up.

Lucas was aware that his journey is approaching its peak, and very soon he would rest for good. That made him thinks very well and gave him the urge to enjoy the little moments such as this one.

'I love the mountains.' Lucas compared the small chest of Mimi with the big one of Mimi, ' and I love flatlands some times.'

As Lucas moved his eyes to Lisa, the latter said, "I thought you can ask one person." She still has her clothes, but her face flushed red looking at Lucas's blue eyes.

Lisa had been in this ship for more than ten years; she is approaching her forties and she had yet to know men better let alone have the rumoured relationship.

Damn those non-v.i.r.g.i.n girls, couldn't they keep their stories for themselves. Why did they have to ruin the other's inner peace?

Though she is loyal to her captain, she thought that one-night stand wouldn't hurt, right.

"WA...I don't want to end like Tsuru."

The Seawoman, Helen let a frustrated cry. She looked at Lucas with her black eyes and with blinding speed, put her hands on his shoulder and grabbed him to her from his collar, allowing his chest to sink in her half-n.a.k.e.d top.

Lucas looked surprised, like a gazel waiting to get devoured by a lioness.

"It's your fault, you are the one who made think about this," said Helen gritting her teeth like it was his fault. "You will take responsibility for that."

"I agree." Someone from the back commented angrily looking at Lucas. "he should pay the price."

Lucas basically gained their wrath by such question that played on their sensitive nerve.

"Big Sis, what do you mean?" Lucas found it fun to play dumb. "I was just asking if you love your job so much."

Helen shook him and said,

"Stop acting cute... you could fight Jack; at least, use your physical strength is good. At least you have very big stamina to fight for a week without stopping."

Use your physical strength is good.

Lucas never thought that he would one day, be on the good side.

To him, in this world, there are four sides, The WG with Navy, the Revolution Army, Pirates, and his side.

"Enough," Yelled Lisa as she freed Lucas, "Can't you see that you are scaring the kid. He is still innocent."

Helen looked at Lucas with her facial expression easing up as she thought she shouldn't take advantage of such a young person, who may not know what relationsh.i.p.s are.

"Innocent my ass."

Everyone turned and looked at who entered through the door. It was a very tall blonde woman with short hair, long legs, and black eyes.

What does she mean that Lucas isn't innocent? He is just cute handsome marine.

Lucas, at that moment, frowned and looked at who ruined his fun.

"Mia," Lisa called, seeing that her teammate is acting normal.

Mia made her way and sat next to Lisa. She didn't acknowledge her friend and looked at Lucas sneering.

"Did I kill a civilian?" Lucas forced a smile and stared at Mia, with his lips twitching.

"Awwe, he didn't even understand what she meant."

Innocent man definition was someone very young, would be affected by a woman's charm but wouldn't know what they can do.

"I was your neighbour at Marineforde for a month when I had a mission at the HQ, and my house wasn't away from yours" Mia's lips curled into a smile. After Lucas let her after he gave her the heavenly massage, Mia was frustrated and wanted to get him back.

Hearing that she was a close neighbour, Lucas's eyes shook for an invisible brief.

Lucas remembered that he got a lot of complaints during the months he lived at Marineforde. All of those complaints were about one thing: loud noises at night.

He was quite famous at his neighbour.

But well, who can blame him. God gave him a gift and it would be negligent not to use it.

"You made me move away. I couldn't sleep because of the loud m.o.a.ns that come from your house."

The girls around looked at Lucas unbelievably. "You are the rumoured, Night-Beast,"

Mia's sneer froze when she Lucas smiling instead of freaking.

Night-Beast. Some marines heard about someone live at the Marineforde. When the night comes, his voice would be full of voices such as Ahhh, MMM, Push it deeper, and so.

The marines who didn't witness this thought it was just rumoured to make people avoid living in that area.

Lucas closed his eyes and scanned with his Haki the surrounding to know if he has time. The girls, Lilia, Calorina, Hina, Alvida, and Kaya went to the hotel room to collect their staff.

'It's not cheating when it's one night stand.'

"Oh, you mean s.e.x," Lucas said, shocking everyone who thought that he is an innocent.

Just after he said those words.

"Come with me right now."

Helen grabbed Lucas from his waist and stood up lifting him from the ground. "You won't one hour."

Some women looked at her like she had won a race, while non-v.i.r.g.i.n and the lesbians thought that she is beyond frustrated and Lucas's earlier words played on her nerves.

Lucas patted Helen's shoulder to put him down. it was hard for him to talk when she is half-n.a.k.e.d, and she let him.

He then decided to use his initial skill: Bullshit-Bullshit.

"Sorry what I had done. I didn't mean to annoy you." Lucas said looking at Mia, "the thing is, I have learned a secret technique

Taken aback by his sudden change, Mia asked, "A secret technique!!!"

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