After turning Doflamingo into a toy, so Kaido may stop annoying his ass with the SMILE factory, Lucas spent this night in Dressrosa.

Though, Lucas didn't know that his action of protecting the factory succussed, but it only made Kaido has a stronger grudge on him.

The feeling that Lucas stole an important treasure that could still change his fate is still remaining in Kaido's heart. But if he doesn't get that thing he desires well, Kaido has only Lucas to blame, and Doflamingo to consider.

"Eat gr.a.p.e Daddy."

At the house of the green-haired sisters, Lucas sat on the couch while Monet and Sugar sat next to him, wearing light exposing clothes. After the morning workout, Sugar was feeding the gr.a.p.e to Lucas, while Monet was cooling it and making Ice Cream for him. Monet and Sugar's eyes met for a brief and they stared at each other.

Their relationship wouldn't be the same, as they are calling the same man, Daddy.

Anyone who doesn't know them would think they are sisters, and they are indeed sisters.

Monet sighed and let a smile, "Now, would you not annoy me about the Devil Fruit matter."

"What Devil Fruit," Sugar smiled. She forgets the time when she picked up the cursed fruit that made her a child for a long, because that was a long time ago and appeared to be a blessing in disguise. She loved her sister for this one reason.

At least, the two sisters now have a Daddy, and their family is more complete now.

"Sugar," Lucas called as he opened his mouth.

Sugar threw more gr.a.p.e there before she let her mouth closer to his and kiss his bottom lip.

Monet was taken by the moment as well. She bent her head closer and put her soft lip on the neck before kissing it passionately.

"MMmm." Lucas chewed and enjoyed the time he is spending here.

As the sister duo was dotting him, Lucas wan enjoying another type of massage. Next to his feet, was Baby 5, the maid, holding Lucas's legs and giving it a massage in the morning.

Probably he should have gone back to the HQ, but 5 more minutes wouldn't hurt. After all, he is technical, the fastest man alive.

In the corner, the toy butler, Doflamingo was watching all of this while he held a broom taller than him. Doflamingo was cursing his luck and looking at the scene in front of him in awe.

Monet and Sugar were playing with Lucas's neck with their mouths while their little slender hands are running across his body. Baby Five was facing the toy with her big ass while taking care of Lucas's legs that were on her smooth full thighs.

No one was bothered with Doflamingo's existence at all; he now started to feel what the toys used to feel.

Doflamingo wanted to die, but life taught him, that if he was patient enough, his sunny day maybe come. Well, that was bullshit, but it still better to have hope than nothing.

10 minutes later, Doflamingo went to clean the kitchen as he couldn't stay to watch when both Monet and Sugar begged Lucas's D, and Lucas only asked them to kiss. Baby Five went to prepare breakfast and told them, "Enjoy your time."

"How dare they, they didn't even acknowledge me." Doflamingo touched his toy crotch, to find it there, a barely noticeable speck of dust. For the first time, the toy wanted to cry.

A half-hour later:

*Knock* *Knock*

A gentle knocking voice came from the door.

"Toy, go and open the door." Baby Five said to Doflamingo.

"No, I need y-"

Doflamingo was about to say something but he stopped as soon as he saw Baby Five glare at him, ready to blow up his head.

"What did you say?" Baby 5 pointed her arm that turned to Bazooka and asked Doflamingo to repeat what he said, her eyes full of murderous intent.

'Lucas, Monet and Sugar need me. I can't come to use if I got sick,' thought Baby Five, ready to kill the toy.

She seriously took Lucas's words to the heart: If the toy said she needs her, then kill it.


Doflamingo lowered his head and decided to play along. He went forward and opened the door to see a woman with a red dress standing.

She had olive skin, golden brown eyes, big ass, and a very huge chest with long jet black hair that had flower above it.


Doflamingo felt heartache when he saw the woman he threatened to follow his orders or he would kill her father and niece.

'That monster, does he want to f.u.c.k my whole family,' the toy clenched its teeth, wanting to kill Lucas, 'he didn't even spar Sugar... how the heck he even made her grow.'

'I have been betrayed. I want to kill everyone.' Doflamingo debated in his head.

"Oh, toy, who you are." Violet bent down and looked at the cute toy, which was clenching its teeth.

"Doffy... Doflamingo." Doflamingo desperately said in the hope she would recognise him, but there was only questioning expression on her face.

"Nice to meet you," Viola smiled at Doffy's face. "I'm Viola, can you tell Lucas that Violet is here."

After Lucas's action of turning someone into a toy, Violet forgot about Doflamingo and what relationship she had with him. That horrible memory of sleeping with the man she hates was erased, and Viola felt the changes, as she yesterday, felt like a new happy woman.

Doflamingo couldn't handle to see another girl going to suck Lucas and have foreplay with him on the couch.

The toy yelled, "Run, run with your life before it's too late."

"Fufufu, I know there is a beast inside."

Violet actually saw Lucas when he banged 5 girls and additional two as well. So, Sugar and Monet don't make a difference.

To her, Lucas was a hero that saved her and her country from a group of pirates that invaded her palace.

"Oh, Viola, come in," Lucas yelled from inside.

Viola pushed the sad small toy to the side and made her way in as Doflamingo saw her walking toward Lucas.

Viola stared at the girls behind him and said smiling, "You still committed to your dream of a big family."


"Well, I guess it's a big responsibility. May I sit?" Violet forced smile that held her anger that Lucas didn't come to visit her last night when he came. But again, she was the one who kissed him, exposed her chest to him, and ran away.

"Sure princess, please sit. Baby5, make us some tea."

Baby Five bowed slightly and called Lucas, Daddy, like the other girls.

"Did you adopt her as well?" Viola joked as she knew that Lucas had yet to bang Baby Five. But with her curves and a big chest and fat ass, Baby 5 seemed to be a good candidate to have a lot of children for Lucas, and she was super obedient.

"Well, do you think so," Lucas smiled.

"Don't they need a mommy... hahaha."

Both of Sugar and Monet, who sat next to Lucas, at that moment felt provoked and stared at Viola.

Viola felt some momentum coming from Sugar and the glass started to shake.

"Bad joke," Sugar said. Unknown to her, she had Conqueror Haki, which unleashed at the moment Violet made a lame joke.

"This is very lame," Monet said, a strong momentum coming out of her body as well.

There is Daddy, but if someone wants to be a Mommy, then the two sisters who can kill anyone coldly wouldn't stay idle.

'This, Conqueror Haki,' Lucas opened his eyes widely, not expecting a small joke would let these girl unleash such momentum

"I'm not serious." Violet took a deep breath and jiggled her chest. It's not her first time against Conqueror Haki or something. But getting pressed by two, her heart almost exploded from fear.

"Good," Sugar said, still clenching her teeth.

"There is only daddy," Monet narrowed her golden eye, showing a killing intent.

"Enough girls," Lucas called to calm the scene.

Lucas had a chat with Violet who asked him if he forgets the date. Lucas said no, as he was just too busy with the HQ. Marine life is tough.

Viola laughed at Lucas's statement and decided to make a nice declaration to invite him to live at the palace if he wants to. But Lucas refused to say that he prefers privacy.

Viola then continued mentioning things about the last night they met together, how she said she isn't innocent

"Now I remember, you said if see me n.a.k.e.d, you would let me get to your head, and I believe you saw my chest."

"Haha. You said an innocent man had nothing to hide and you aren't innocent, so what's the big deal."

Viola humped her cheek as she blushed, "Not fair Hero. Is this your justice?"

"Well, you can negotiate."

Doflamingo wanted to vomit blood while the girls could say nothing to anger their Daddy, but they gave Viola scare by staring at her viciously with their very pretty faces.

"How about someday I'm free at."


Lucas and Viola smiled at each other. Viola gave a glance at the girls around and crossed her arm on her chest in pride.

Only Monet can rival her here. But their faces and skins are way prettier than hers; let's not forget their long legs. Sugar mocked Viola back by a provoking move while Monet raised her middle finger.

An hour already passed at chatting.

Lucas wanted to chat more, but suddenly, his DenDenMushi rang. It was the one that was given by the Navy. "Now, if you excuse me."

Lucas stood up and went to the top of the house before picking up the call.

Suddenly, voices of war started to resonate from the snail. A weak voice repeated,

"Help... Lucas is that you."

Lucas heard a familiar voice that he hadn't heard for a long time.

But since it belonged to one woman, the only woman that Lucas once to spank her butt so much that she became wet, he could tell who she is.

"What's going on, Naughty cat."

Lucas narrowed his eyebrows. He could hear many voices in the background, shooting, exploding and painful screams. One of the yells seems to belong to Z sensei.

"It's, cough..." Ain coughed and stopped saying anything, "Z- *Cough*- found him."

Suddenly, another voice answered.

It belonged to Shuzo, the other man who was with Ain.

"We tried to connect the nearest base, but it was destroyed. We are currently at..."

The call was hanged, and Lucas couldn't hear more.

Lucas made a confused face, after thinking, he let a sigh, "from all the people you could call, why me."

What he understood that is, Z somehow found the supposed Whitebeard's son, who Lucas is supposed to look for, and now they are fighting. The division of Z is losing measurably, and Lucas has nothing but a location.

Lucas was debating with himself whether he should go or not, after all, he isn't a good person, but a selfish and a vicious one. And he wasn't at the mood.

But then, Lucas remembered one thing about Z.

Z trained two of his girls, Hina and his cousin as well.

If Z died, then there would be a funeral. Hina and Calorina would look sad, crying, and would even pick up some picture album and tell him about their memories, since the man of the house is the one they share their burden with. Lucas would also accompany on all of that and may even have to hear that shitty requiem again.

Lucas hates funerals and seeing his girls sad.

"F.u.c.k, that old man is lucky for sure." Lucas took a deep breath. He needs to prevent a sad event from annoying his peaceful life.

"The naughty cat, from all the people, she had my Snail Private number." Lucas doesn't remember that he gave her his DenDenMushi's line. How did Ain call him from all the people?


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