New World, surrounded by the flames of the burned buildings, at the middle of the smell of the fresh blood that comes from the other marines laying on the ground, 

Lucas stood up facing the two persons in front of him. On was a fat man bigger than 6 meters, while the other was a very short woman, shorter than 1 meter and claims to be his mother. She was 63 centimetre. 

As Weevil was about to clash with the Blondie, who appeared from nowhere, his mother Bakkin stopped him and talked toward Lucas. 

"You are pretty fast; I couldn't see you with my Observation Haki as you caught that girl."

She said in a meaningful tone. Lucas wasn't wearing a cape or a coat, neither he was here when the battle had begun. But he was so damn fast that he could appear without them noticing. Also, her Observation Haki could tell her that he is very strong. Such aura, she felt it from very few people – her previous crewmates who became Pirate Emperors 

"So what," Lucas replied, with a cigarette in his mouth.  

Lucas wasn't wearing his Marine cape. Anyone who sees him would think that he is just a handsome citizen appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

"My name is Bakkin, Brat."

"Nice to meet you, Bakkin" Lucas replied, with a mocking smile. 

Weevil was staring like a blockhead as he was hearing the conversation between the two. 

Bakkin smiled as she lifted her head and looked at the handsome boy. 

Though it may seem shallow, Lucas could make her old face draw a meaningful smile.  

Lucas stared at her, a blonde midget with a short fake hear, sunglasses, and very old skin. He won't believe that she may have some secondary type of thoughts about him. 

"You really are fast, the fact you could come here and save that girl from my son's attack is impressive fate on its own." Bakkin said, "instead of just interfering, come and join the strongest side. You can make a lot of money." 

"Is this an offer?" Lucas exhaled some smoke and kept staring without many expressions. 

"Yes it is," she smiled and said, "You can gain a lot with a speed such of yours."

Such a fast person would absolutely make a wonderful thief. 

"I don't know, it sounds pretty lame." 

Lucas said, narrowing his eyes. 

Ain could hear well and thought that this old cunning woman must be out of her mind. 

"Fufufu..." though some veins appeared on her forehead, "I know I know. Young folk always consider themselves experienced in life and on the top of the world."

Bakkin pointed her finger to Weevil and said, "Do you know who my son is."

Lucas didn't reply and stared blandly on Weevil, for enough time that his cigarette to turn off.

Bakkin, seeing Lucas waiting with an expression that says 'And?' she decided to talk 

"He is the Strongest Man's son, and he inherited his strength."

Ain and Z whose eyes just now, as well everyone conscious and pretending to be unconscious, made shocked expressions.

Whitebeard's son, that... not very impossible considering what he had done to them so far. 

"And you are the mother," Said Lucas, after only the cigarette butt was remaining in his hand.  

Lucas could remember who whitebeard is from the Manga. Just some old man who thought he is doing a great good by helping some children - since his goal is to make them happy - yet at his death, he confirmed the existence of the treasure of One Piece, which drove Pirates from the entire world to move to the sea and kill unlimited amount children and mothers and families in every known sea just to support their lives as pirates. 

And what fantastic about this: Whitebeard had thought that with his actions, he is putting pressure on the evil World Government by making the pirates seems to get out because of the evil ideology of the Navy. 

But well, At least, his children are happily hidden somewhere in a cave. As for the rest of every child in the world, they got screwed by the pirate that invades their islands and countries.

Lucas sighed. 

Being stupid and having a big mouth is a great crime itself, no matter how good your intentions are. 

'His son is retard; I can see that Weevil got that from his father.'

'But I'm not to judge about right and wrong... This world is mine, and only rightfully mine.'

Well, Lucas isn't the one to talk, he only uses his brain to benefit himself. 

"Yes, can you understand now?" 

Hearing Lucas's sigh, Bakkin smiled and thought that the fast Blondie would join their side. After he confirms her thoughts, she would ask him to kill Z, just to show which side he is at. 

But Lucas's answer was totally unexpected. 

"Whitebeard must have small pepe for sure, to pick up on woman like you." 

Lucas bent down on his knee and he was still taller than her. 

Ain opened her eye widely and blushed. Everyone who knew Whitebeard thought about his now. 

They didn't think it's something bizarre like Lucas made it sound. 

The microp.e.n.i.s is very common between the giants and the people in the Grand Line - otherwise, how they pick up on women shorter than their legs - that was the reason for most of the women looking for bigger guys.

"Mom, what does he mean that my Daddy has small pepe."

Bakkin looked at Lucas, puzzled and stunned, not knowing how to reply.

"How dare you, when I was younger, you wouldn't come to my ass. You are saying he isn't my son, or what." Bakkin yelled as she didn't like to be called shortie. 

"And when I was younger, I could lift a mountain," Lucas mocked back, as he would believe that. 

Lucas's words seemed to play on her nerves. 

Ain and the conscious ones looked at Lucas with their lips twitching... this guy, does he have a fetish of angering people or what. 

With a lot of anger, Bakkin turned to the confused Weevil who just asked, "Mom, do I have a small pepe." 

"He is just jealous because he is short – those are smaller than giants like you, I'm talking from experience – just kill him." 

"Yes, Mom." 

Lucas let a sigh, thinking it is a hard life. Why he, from all the people, had to listen to this stupid conversation.

Weevil dashed and run toward Lucas with his Naginata lifted as high as possible before he closed the distance and slam down. 

Lucas took a step to the side, avoiding the blade that was as tall as him. When the blade hit the ground, the impact made a large cut that continued moving until the edge of this island.  

Weevil didn't stop his attacks as he changed the direction of the spear and tried to slam toward Lucas's head, But Lucas's speed allowed him to dodge the silver streak of the light.  

This speed of waving and strength, made Lucas think that Weevil is the strongest person he fought so far.

Weevil continued slamming and Lucas continued dodging.

Ain was shocked as even Z had troubles dodging Weevil's attack. But she remembered what Z told her about Lucas– he was someone with the ability to see the future. That meant Lucas can see each attack in advance.

That eased her heart a bit and gave her optimism, as she could see Lucas easily dodging every attack, and he has yet to draw his swords. 

"Ya, take this, shortie."

Weevil yelled as he slammed down. 

Lucas, at that moment, took his scimitars from his back and crossed them above his head.  As soon the scimitar and the spear blade made a contact, a shockwave was spread across all of the islands. 

The ground beneath Lucas, of course, cracked and shook, but Lucas looked fine to handle the impact, Weevil pressing from above and giving him a smug smile that says that he got him. 

<<More-More: Size x 0.001>>

Lucas's ability is simple. When he touches an object, it would take effect in instant. But to affect a living being, he needs 0.9-1 second to take effect.

Lucas, just now, used his awakening ability on his swords. The scimitars became increasing scimitars. 

"Give him another one," Bakkin yelled and cheered up for her son. 

Weevil had a Devil Fruit that allows him to strengthen himself in battle and make his enemy weaker, with each clash. 

But even now, he wasn't using his ability, no; he wasn't even using his full physical strength yet. 

"Take this." 

Weevil yelled as he lifted his Naginata as high as possible.  

But then, he noticed something weird as he slammed down. There was no blade heading toward Lucas's head. 

"Useless," With a smirk, Lucas pointed to Weevil and said, "Maybe you want to check out your palm." 

Weevil looked at his hand to see the spear, that was as tall as him just a moment ago, smaller than his finger. Did it just shrink? 

"What happened?" Ain murmured, not knowing what's going on as Weevil's weapon vanished. 

Of course, the second Weevil used to check his palm was a mistake, as Lucas used this time to touch the ground beneath him, "Just try 100 times gravity."

Suddenly Weevil felt the ground pulling him down. His body became heavier and he fell to his knee. Weevil felt so heavy, but his body weight wasn't out of his strength range. 

Lucas smiled as he took a step forward and was about to touch Weevil. 

He had many ideas, should he increase his temperature 180 times. After all, human average heat is 36°, but with the increase, it can surpass the magma. 

Or should he shrink him down, after all, the bastard called him Shorty?

Lucas hated, as people started to call him this when he arrived at Grand Line.  

Lucas only needed a second to take effect, however, out of expectation, Weevil screamed and managed, with great strength, to jump back from the gravitation field. 

"Ha- Ha-." 

Weevil was breathing heavily. Lucas didn't look shocked, as Weevil at least can lift some thousands of tons, so let alone his body weight. 

The marines around were shocked to see Lucas's strength, that pushed someone who they couldn't defeat combined. 

That made them giving him a hope glances, he is their saviour. 

"Weevil," Bakkin extended her finger and aimed at Lucas, sending some compressed air bullets, which Lucas dodged. As a previous pirate at the same ship that had three of the four pirate emperors, she was strong herself. 

Lucas looked at the old woman coldly, extended his finger and repeated the same move.

"Well, I can say that you lived long enough," then, a red air bullet flew toward her. 

"Mommy," Weevil jumped toward his mom and extended his arm, calved by Haki, taking the bullet instead of her. 

Lucas smirked and shot faster air bullet that cut Weevil's arm and continued flying, almost cutting Bakkin's cheek. 

"AAAaa, Blood."

Weevil looked angry, pain that his arm got cut despite having Haki. He stood up, covered his whole body with Haki, making him look like a statue made of black metal. 

"Shortie like you would die," Weevil said and cracked his fists. He looked down at Lucas. "Shorties like you mock us for picking on their women. Only we have better pepe." 

"Who taught you how to talk." Sometimes, retards can pick up senesces that play on morals.


"Well, I can say that you are looking down on me," Lucas cracked his back and touched his chest. 

"Little shortie~" Weevil singed and mocked Lucas, like a little child."I can't look up to a shortie like you... I bet your pepe is small as well." 

"Let me do it in a cartoonish style." Lucas mocked himself and said, like everyone in the manga, and this world would do. 

He opened his mouth and declare the name of his attack, for the first time.  "More-More: let me give you a surprise." 

Something then changed. 

"What the heck," Ain's jaw dropped as she was watching from behind. "Lucas..." 

She rubbed her eyes and stared again. 

Weevil also opened his jaw and asked the person in front of him. "Excuse me, didn't you see a Blondie, he is short and look like you" 

Weevil asked the 19 meters giant who appeared from nowhere. 

Bakkin also looked shocked and held her heart.

Lucas, of course, used his fruit to shut the annoying guy. 

Lucas stood up and looked down at Weevil, "I'm him." Lucas said as he took up his two scimitars that were 10 meters long now.  He looked down to Weevil who wasn't bigger than his leg and mocked him. It surely feels good sometimes to face slap someone. 

"Now tell me, am I a weakling or slow. Chose one, quickly," Lucas asked. 

After DFM reached a high level, Lucas can increase two features to the max limits.

He played and flipped his 10 meters long swords while waiting for an answer. Other than size, Lucas can increase one of those. Though, increasing his size to this degree alone would mean that he would be at least 1000 times stronger. (A giant by logic should weight a thousand time more than an average human. So it should the muscle mass)

"Ah..." Weevil didn't know what say, but he knew he f.u.c.k.i.e.d up.

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