Lucas had been relieved when his cousin and Hina said that the Navy found Jack had been swallowed by a Sea King. And that Sea King had died from poison.

A week had passed.

Lucas had finished his affairs at the HQ after getting a symbolic higher position at the Navy.

Today he was at his original base at the Suitrossa Kingdom in the New World.

After promotion, some formalities, Lucas went back here, taking over the base that used to be under his lead and Gion's. But now, this base is completely under Lucas's lead. Gion was now Admiral, with many responsibilities. She said she would make him some visit when she has time.

Other than that, Lucas was having an easy life, as he would barely annoy himself with any work – benefits of a symbolic rank.

When a big threat comes to this kingdom, Lucas would send a signal to Domino, the lightning woman, and she would just use the clouds above to burn the pirates' sh.i.p.s with lightning. It was so good life when he doesn't have to move a muscle, except his h.i.p.s (sometimes his fingers and his jaw).

Just seeing how easy the week he is having, made Lucas desire to go at Mary Geoise and live there. But he has patience. He can't change the title if he used it now. It's only less than 2 months of waiting before the world nobles are under him.

But now, he is having a good time, life had been never easier.

[Chemistry up to level 7 (0/5000)]

Lucas looked to this occupation, as he levelled it up slightly.

At this level, Lucas can make medicines and some components. He can also create some common reactions.

Unlike fantasy Alchemy, chemistry was a very big science. It doesn't involve food and medicine, but every freaking thing in the universe.

But as well, it needs him to figure out the recipes, which meant, researches, and many tests.

Lucas put some coal in his storage and opened a new option: Chemistry Crafting.

[Do you want to craft compressed Carbon (Carbon source (coal or graphite)+ heat source would be used) ].

He basically can turn coal or any other carbon's source into a diamond.

Lucas smiled. He can make money now from nothing. But thanks to Arlong, who made each villager from 20 villages pay him 100.000 berries each month for more than 10 years, Lucas has more than 18 billion berries.

Had Lucas had this speciality from the begging, where he can make money from nothing, he would have opened a company and bought the world instead of joining the navy.

Well, that's the limit of the things he had.

Lucas's main focus was strength. After grinding with Lilia lot this day, Lucas finally broke through.

[Swordsmanship up to level 16 (0/20.000.000)

Great Swords Grandmaster

+Sup Skills]

That didn't leave him much XP, as Lilia was helping him to grind and he had to pour some couple of millions XP there. Though it was painful to see his XP go away, at least it strengthened his foundation.

Lucas now was in the backyard of his base, taking a sunbath, watching the empty training yard.

He was surrounded by Nami, Sadi, Domino, and Calorina. The others were helping to manage things inside the base.

"Lucas...isn't this too much."

Nami asked Lucas as she was seeing the Diamonds in her hand. Though she liked money, since ever she took Enel's gold, she had been satisfied with the money she had.

Basically, Nami reached the point to believe that money is more common than water, so, she couldn't help but find it bit strange.

"Just a gift."

Lucas said. Though he knew she doesn't need it, it always brings him a good feeling when he sees his girls happy.

Nami felt heart warmed and kissed him. "I'll buy you a present as well."

As he was lying on between three girls, Lucas looked at Domino who was standing and said, "Domino, can you check out the health of Sengoku, I heard he caught a cold."

Lucas's lips twitched for a second.

Domino nodded, made a cold face and said, "he is taking his medicine, though, I wonder what made him sick. After all, he was a legendary marine who fought Shiki and Pirate King himself. I heard that he is even coughing blood."

Lucas looked at the sky and nodded before saying, "Well, who knows, maybe he needs to retire."

"I wonder if I need to as well."

Domino looked concerned.

As a professional woman – previously – she loved to work. Though she knew that Lucas gave her eternal life a few days ago when she was sleeping, it made her think if she would like to work a hundred year later.

Life of nothing but relaxing, and no worry.

A slacker's life:

(basically, Lucas's real goal: guarantying a life where he has everything so he wouldn't have to do anything other than relaxing.)

But suddenly, Lucas's voice snapped her out of her seriousness.

"Come here," Lucas extended his hand to Domino, who couldn't resist when seeing him n.a.k.e.d. She took her coat off and suit and made her way between Sadi and Lucas and lied down, enjoying his embrace. Well, she decided that she would enjoy now and leave the concerns of the future for the future.

Lucas closed his eyes and enjoyed the sun. Everything is progressing as planned, except for Jack's death.

Everything is perfect. In a couple of weeks, Lucas would get his first dozen of Devil Fruits from Caesar –Budget Increase – and in another couple of months, he would recharge his title.

And very soon, the Fleet Admiral.

Had only Sengoku know that Lucas messed with his food, based on medicine made by Caesar Clown, he would stop taking his medicines. With this, once Sengoku retires, or enter a coma if he insists on working, his seat would be empty for Lucas to take care of.

Domino suddenly brought a topic, seeing that Nami and Sadi are trying to sleep. With a low whisper in his ear, she said, "Vice Admiral, a girl from Z's crew wants to move here... not only so, but some of Tsuru's members wants to come and join under your command."

Though it was a calm voice, Calorina could hear them and opened her blue eyes widely.

"Ahh, the huge ones... Maybe they were affected by how I defeated Jack and Weevil." Lucas said, blaming his strength for attracting them. Well, don't women chose their partners based on security more than love.

Before Domino could explain, she heard another voice interfere.

"Ha~ can you explain, how exactly they were affected," Calorina asked as she flipped and sat on Lucas's stomach.

"Calorina, you are so hot." Lucas placed his hands on her waist quickly and started massaging them. "I can't wait."

"You are clearly changing the topic." Calorina let a soft m.o.a.n trying not to lose her focus. But eventually, Lucas's play made her lose it.

"How did I attract you, my big cousin." Lucas said with a teasing smile at her face, "I want to know why I was so lucky to have you. If not for you helping me at first, I don't know what my life would be like."

Lucas was honest here. Calorina gave him a lot of help at the beginning of his journey which made it easier, starting from the gym, to the recommendation letter, to snusnu.

"That's, just my duty as your family." Calorina's cheeks turned red as she started to move her h.i.p.s against his crotch. Lucas successfully changed the topic.


At the HQ, Sengoku was sitting in his office and coughing. The late events made a great burden on him.

First, they were planning for a war, then someone sneaked to his crew, went to Impel Down, freed Jack, who died in the process by sinking to the sea, and now, he is having a cold. The people are losing their faith in the Navy and the justice, they needed a war to calm people that they would stand against the pirates.


Sengoku sneezed.

Next to his office, there was a simple meal, water, and medicine described by the doctor.

"I'm getting old..."

Sengoku murmured. He was old and was getting sick. Maybe it's time for him to retire and buy a goat, and troll people like Garp is doing. People may think him harsh and don't like to have fun, but no one wanted to have fun more than him as he already spent enough time serving justice. But, Sengoku is a work-addicted and this wasn't just a good time.

*Cough* *Cough*

Sengoku coughed and covered his mouth with his hand; He ate his meal and medicine.

'my situation is getting worse and worse... since the war had been cancelled, I may need to rest.'

Thought Sengoku as he saw blood on his hand.


Late this day, Lucas left his base and went to Dressrosa.

Apparently, he would have a date with some princess a week later. He went to the Factory of Smile, to see Dr. Caesar.

He was now accompanied by Robin, Mikita who lived here to protect the factory.

Sugar and Monet are in their house, at the same time, Lucas sent Lucci to Sky Island, so she can put her egg there.

"Good morning, Boss,"

"It's evening, Good morning Lucas."

"You said morning."

Lucas found two small people with the size of palm approaching him. Those people originally were here to hasten the growth of the artificial fruits, which happened to grow faster thanks to a new solution discovered by Dr. Caesar.

One of them was a very small pretty woman with blonde hair and rosy cheeks. She was originally the princess of her small people and signed a deal with her and Lucas for the price of working here.

She approached Lucas and the bunch of women and said, "How are you."

Lucas extended his hand and picked the small woman before asking, "Fine, how do you find working here."

Lucas was resisting saying awe – She was too cute for her current size that he wanted to play with her. But she isn't a doll and a living creature.

"It's good." She nodded with a small smile.

"Did you get your salary?" asked Lucas.

"Hmm, thank you, the previous owners didn't pay us like you."

She jumped and bounced on his palm. The other small creature nodded, it was a woman with short brown hair and hamster tail.

'So cute.' Lucas thought.

"If you work harder to increase the production by 20%, I'll make you like normal people, and no one would bully you outside," Said Lucas, offering the small people chance.

"Excuse me, but how can you do that."

The other little woman jumped and landed next to her princess. She was just curious. Robin on the side chuckled and wanted to know how Lucas is going to pass this situation.

"Like this," Lucas smiled and the princess suddenly got bigger to arms size.

"What happened to me."

"Amazing, I believe you,"

After shocking them, the small people around had their eyes shining. If they worked harder, they wouldn't have to live in fear from humans.

And officially, Lucas removed the word 'vacation' from their dictionary.

Lucas then made his way to Caesar who said they harvested 20 fruits already and they are expecting more.

After confirming things, Lucas went out of the factory, with two girls following him down the hill.

As they were in their way walking down the hill, someone suddenly appeared. It was wearing a mask, a kimono, and was holding a big macer. Lucas stopped and stared at the person, who was blonde, almost twice as tall as him, and was wearing a classical kimono.

'He is strong,' The girls who had Haki had one idea as they saw the person approaching Lucas

"Are you Lucas," said the big person.

Lucas lifted his head, looking to the mask and filling similarity. He extended his hand to Robin and Mikita, who were in fighting mode, to stop.

"Somehow, you look familiar," as someone who is caught to the last chapters in the manga, Lucas had better memories about the last events.

The light blonde, almost silver, hair in the lock that was getting black by the end.

"We never met before," a deep voice came behind the mask.

Lucas felt that it was smiling. 'I swear, I feel it's familiar."

The masked person lifted its macer and said, "but answer me, are you Lucas, or Zorro whatever your name."

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