In the East blue and on the surface of the blue water, there was a commercial ship that was heading in the direction of the west. Lucas had rent a room for himself to take a ride to the next island, on his way, he hoped to find some pirates with a huge bounty including the major criminals in the east blue.

Lucas had some changes on his look, his outfit was about an opened shirt that showed his explosive chest, the same color for his pants, there was a white belt tied around his waist, there was where he put his rapier. As for his hairstyle, it is a bit spiky and falling down to back with some spiky strands covering a bit of his forehead.

While spending time on that ship, Lucas didn't care where it was heading to since he doesn't remember most of the names of the famous locations from one piece, especially those in the starter of the show, however, this era is called the pirates era, so no matter where he heads to, he would cross with some strong pirates. Besides, there are posters that show some information about the criminals including a hint to their location.

Lucas was feeling some emptiness, he had spent almost four months between two beautiful women, so in order not to let the emptiness take over him, he headed to the surface of the ship and started doing some exercises with his sword.

Looking to the sea, Lucas was waving his sword in the air, whenever he waves, a compressed air blade would fly out his blade and cut the water in the sea. It was remarkable that the rang of the air blades and destructive power had increased dramatically after increasing his physical strength.

' It's hard to spend the time like this, no delivery, no adventure, no beauty..oh thinking about beauty, Nami remind me of some shark dude, he should have a huge bounty on his head, but I don't know where he lives, doesn't matter, I will get it from the posters as soon as I reach the first island' Lucas body was working out on it own while his mind kept thinking.


As Lucas was in his thoughts, he heard an explosion coming from the other direction. The sound seemed close to come from a ship's cannon.

*Scream *

"PIRATES" a voice of a scared lady could be heard, everyone saw ship getting close, it had a black flag with a skull drawing.

*Boom* a cannonball flew out the pirates' ship and hit the commercial ship.


a small explosion appeared on the edge of the commercial ship, the surface tilted making everyone lose their balance but Lucas was able to keep his balance by focusing his strength on his feet.

"They asked for it" Lucas's eyes made a chilling ray, as his ship regained its balance, he held his rapier and put on his shoulder, then he walked to the direction of the pirates' ship. Soon he reached the edge that had destruction that was about a big hole, yet not one that causes sinking.

the people and merchants looked with a scared expression to the ship that was 500 meters away, it was getting close to them with each second.

450 meters away.

400 meters away.

Lucas could notice on that pirate ship, some pirates looking at his direction while liking their weapons, the bloodthirst on their eyes was strong that they would kill their way in and take over everything when they reach his ship.

"Charge another ball"

A pirate yelled and another one lifted a huge cannon explosive ball and put it inside their cannon.

"Shoot," the pirate aimed at the commercial ship then a cannonball flew out of it. All of the innocent people who saw this held their breath and unconsciously run to every direction trying to get out of the cannon range.

"Move out"

The only one that refused to move was one blond teen who stood in the deck. Lucas waved his sword and an invisible air blade flew toward the cannonball, the explosive ball got cut to half in the middle of the way and fell to the sea.


"Did I see right" the people behind Lucas rubbed their eyes as they couldn't believe what they saw. On the other hand, the Pirates didn't believe their eyes either, the cannonball was cut in the middle of the air and fell down.

"what did happens" the Pirates were talking between themselves.

"that handsome kid should be the cause, he waved his sword and the ball was cut to the half"

"sword, can he be the strongest pirate hunter in the east blue, Roronoa Zoro"

"We f.u.c.k.i.e.d up," They thought of him as the pirate hunter who made every pirate in east blue fear his name.

"no, Roronoa Zoro is three swords style user and his hair is green"

The pirates were shocked, but they can't give up like that, otherwise, their captain would kill them.

A pirate started shouting: " Again, charge another o... "

However, before he continues his words, the cannon was cut to half as by Lucas.

"200 meters" Lucas was looking to the distance between him and the pirate ship. He felt a bit weirdness, usually, as a human, he should be scared in the face of a cannon, but, his instinct didn't move him at all, maybe because he knows that he is too strong for those, or it's something would happen when his body got used to the huge amounts the adrenaline.

"Men, what are you waiting for..." On the other side, yelled a huge and very woman that was holding a huge iron stick with spikes. she was about 2 meters tall, as for her wight, it can be said to exceed the 250 kilograms, she was wearing a white hat that covered her black hair, there was some faint makeup that didn't make her face better, even though very fat, anyone can see that she was strong from the iron rod she held.

"Yes, Captain Alvida" the Pirates were preparing themselves mentally as there were only 60 meters or less between them and their prey, some of them held their sabers and others held guns, they didn't fear the blond who still opposing them with a fearless eyes, after all, they believed that numbers would win and he is one man.

"Now take this ship in the name of the most beautiful woman in the east blue" Alvida pointed with her arm and yelled.

"Time to get serious" Lucas, a swordsman in the master realm, lifted his black blade as he was about to use one of the sub-skills that he got when he reached the 8th level of swordsmanship. Level 8 was the second level of the swordmaster realm.

«Itoryu: dragon cannon» Lucas swung his sword and a huge blue sharp energy flew out his sword and made a huge dragon's shape, the dragon hit Alvida's ship in the center.

*Boom* a huge hole appeared in the front of the ship, some of the weak pirates flew back as they couldn't handle the Shockwave and some of them died.



[Ding. killing a common pirate +50 acc.u.mulated Xp]

'seems the XP got less ' Lucas frowned seeing the notifications, those pirates used to give him 100-200 XP, but now this, seems that when his strength increased, the weak opponents won't give him the same experience.

"However, money still money" Lucas decided to capture as much as he can from the pirates before their ship sank, some of them already jumped to the sea.

He took a phew steps back between the people who had their jaws dropped from the shock, then he runs as fast as possible and jumped about 50 meters in the air landing on the ship successfully.


"Kill him" about 20 remaining pirates dashed toward him, Lucas was using his eye of bounty and could see that they have a quite good price. He walked slowly toward the Twenty pirates, whenever one of them get close, Lucas would wave his sword and they would fall down.

Soon as Lucas got out between them, the 20 pirates fell on the ground, they had missing limbs and deep wounds which made them between life and death. The only reaming two on this ship were a pink-haired short kid and the captain of those pirates.

[counting all the XP,

+2500 acc.u.mulated XP)]

[Swordmanship +2000 XP (5000/12000)

"Go out," Lucas said looking to the pink-haired kid, he didn't see that he has a bounty on his head, besides he looked familiar, so Lucas didn't feel like to cut him.

"Thank you sir" the kid bowed as he turned to leave, but he still didn't get far as he wanted to see how this fat bitch would die.

Lucas continued his steps until he reached the huge woman. She was looking at him with shaking eyes as she clenched her fist around her weapon. He lifted his head to see her face, she had 5.000.000 million berries as a bounty on her head, however, she looked very familiar.

'wait, isn't this... Alvida ' Lucas remembered her, she was the first antagonist in the show and even though she doesn't look pretty now, later, she would turn into one of the most beautiful women in the east blue after eating a devil fruit and lose weight. and in fact, Lucas liked her character design when he was on the earth.

'I can leave five million for investment' Lucas smirked as he had an evil idea, let's see if he can manipulate her heart here before she would turn to the smoothest woman in the seas.

"How dare you to cut my crew" Alvida was very angry, out of her rage, she lifted her huge rod and slammed toward Lucas's head. In response, Lucas lifted his sword with one hand to block her attack.

*Metal Clash* the sword and the spiky still rod clashed and made a spark.

"bastard" Alvida said as she used both of her hands to press on this teen, but even though she looked very huge compared to him, she wasn't able to make him move inch despite him using one hand and not taking her seriously.

Lucas used his mastery of the sword and cut Alvida's weapon to half. However, Alvida even though she felt powerless, didn't want to give up and charged another strike with a half weapon.

"Stop, I don't want to hurt a beautiful lady" Lucas suddenly said, she stopped as she felt a shock.

"huh, can you repeat that" Alvida stopped hearing his words, usually she force her crew to praise her as a beauty to satisfy her ego, however, deep inside, she knew that they are lying to her and say that because they are forced, but as a human, she didn't want to accept the truth. However, hearing this handsome boy calling her a beauty without being forced made her feel different.

The pink-haired kid who was trying to leave this ship silently heard Lucas words and almost vomited blood, a beautiful lady. Are you in your right mind? Alvida is the most awful woman anyone can imagine, she had kidnapped him and forced him to be her slave and worship her as a beauty which made him dream of being a marine so he can capture all the pirates.

Lucas looked to Alvida's eyes directly and smiled warmly, he put his sword back to his belt, then he stretched his hands and held Alvida's hands, he rubbed it for a brief which made the girl feel heavens run through her body:" you are surely one of the most beautiful women I would date"

Seeing that smile on his handsome face, feeling that touch, Alvida felt something like electricity running through her heart, her eyes even turned red as she was about to cry. She wondered if this was love.

"you want to date me," Alvida said with a large smile as tears dropped from her eyes.

"Unfortunately, I can't, we are walking in a different path," Lucas said with a sad face: "I'm a person who is going to be a marine, while you are pirate if you only looked different than I wouldn't hesitate to be with you"

Alvida was suddenly heartbroken, why the fate became cruel when she finds her dream's prince, but unfortunately, marines can't have relations with pirates, no she can't give up:" no, wait, we can do it in secret"

The pink-haired kid lost his consciousness after hearing this, there is no way someone like him who fall for Alvida become a marine, he must be jailed for the taste alone.

" I can leave you this time, please don't tell anyone " Lucas with a sad tone, put his hand around her waist, then he activated his boost making him have 300% of his strength, He lifted Alvida easily.

"wait, Don't leave me," Alvida said as she opened her eyes widely.

"Goodbye Alvida " Lucas threw Alvida high to the Sky making her fly like a cannonball.

'she doesn't look that bad, I don't have a thing against chubby women, but she way bigger than I can handle, beside that was the easiest pick up I had'

Lucas sighed After this, as the ship sank completely, Lucas went under the sea and stored the Pirates, then he went back to the commercial ship. The people here were thanking him without stopping. Later he went to his private room and asked the people not to annoy him.

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