(AN: Appearently, there was a mistake. What was released early as chapter 220 is 221 actually, now, everything is fixed.)

Lucas was facing Yamato, Kaido's daughter, who crossed a long distance from Wano to meet him.

As a Manga reader, some things made Lucas puzzled, such as why is she not having her explosive-shackles that should be attached to her so she wouldn't leave the city she lives at.

Though she had a pitiful story about her relationship with her father, who jailed her, beat her down, and at some point tried to kill her, things are supposed to still the same until she meets with Luffy, but that doesn't seem to be the case now.

Something big changed at the timeline. As someone who watched the flash, Lucas knew that taking off a flower can change the whole timeline events. Upon mentioning Kaido, Yamato called him Gorilla and said he isn't a parent anymore since he beat her to the point she may have ended up dying.

"It's okay, we all have families problem." Seeing her angry, Lucas calmed her down and said it's okay. "You can always ignore them and look toward a better future."

'Hah, now I am saying such bullshit...' Lucas mocked himself when he heard himself out loud.

"Thanks for understanding." Yamato suddenly made an innocent smile at Lucas's face.

She was the type who trust people based on the first impression they make, and Lucas made a good impression.

Lucas thought that she looked cute and innocent.

Looking at the pretty dragon girl, Lucas's lips twitched and stole a glance from toe to head.

But she is here because they have common enemy, weird, Lucas thought that Kaido was just a bother that is disturbing Caesar Clown.

He forgot the words he said to Doflamingo, which was about him threatening the Pirate Emperors. Those words were heard by Kaido, who thought that Lucas called him after taking his treasure. But Lucas never remembered saying such words. This was unexpected conflict happened because Doflamingo hid a communication snail beneath his coat.

"Little Lucas (Lucas-Chan)." She said gently (a way to address someone younger.)

"Mister Lucas (Lucas-Sama). " Lucas cut her and corrected how she should spell his name.

Lucas hates when people of this world call him little. Just because she is huge, like everyone is supposed to antagonist at some point, doesn't mean he is little. Okay, maybe relatively he is little.

"Hehe, I'm older though, so I can call you that, you know." Yamato forced a smile as that was her way to call the younger young man. But well, he is good for an average human but may be sensitive. "However, through our clash from earlier, I can tell that you are very strong and even held back against me."

Her eyes lit up brightly, "You can call me big brother if you want."

Mikita from the side fell to the ground while Robin could stand with hard.

"Did she say a big brother?" asked Mikita.

Answering her, Yamato said, "Oden was a man, wasn't he. So it���s okay for me to be called Big Brother."

"I would avoid such a weird conversation. Just call my name and I'll use yours."

Who would call a pretty light-haired woman as big brother, even if she is slightly twice tall as him? Definitely not Lucas – he won't address a beauty by Big Brother.

Yamato's eyes scanned Lucas and she smiled.

"About mentioning weird stuff, now I think of it," Yamato smirked, "seeing my mask, you could tell I'm a woman, and you knew my name. Though I'm sure that we never met before and my identity wasn't well known as Yamato. But now, after I introduced why I consider myself as a man because of Oden, you didn't question it."

"And..." Lucas tilted his head and made eye contact with her.

Sure, he wants to hear her brilliant conclusion that says he was catch up to the chapter where she was introduced.

"You knew all along. You did research about Wano, haven't you? You must be a fan of Oden as well."

Yamato bent her back and let her face get closer to Lucas until it was few centimetres away.

Looking at her big eyes, Lucas chuckled and almost held his laugh.

"Actually, some of your dad's pirates came here and they answered some questions. The information about you and Wano is in the Navy's hand."

That was a lie. But Lucas doesn't care. As long as it sounds logical, who cares? This is the art of bullshitting and bluffing.

"Oh, that ugly gorilla's men," Yamato flinched but her face before going normal. She stood up and bit her nail, looking around," I guess it's logical. Not a fan, I see..."

"Now, shall we go inside and talk."

Lucas wanted to know exactly how he had a common enemy with her. Yamato clearly could ask him if he is Zorro or Lucas, meaning his identity is exposed to the pirates. But Lucas doesn't care, he very strong.

How did the beast pirates know that he is Zorro in disguise – it's not like he is worried, because no one would believe them, especially when Lucas and Zorro appeared at the same place (Law was wearing like Zorro)

After talking with the Yamato, Lucas would go to Doflamingo so he may remind him of what had gone on.

(Remember, he forgot his conversation with Doflamingo, who could conclude that he is Zorro. But Lucas didn't care as he put him in the storage anyway, but now, Doflamingo is his servant in Lucas's little daughter's house– Sugar, Monet and Baby 5)

Not wanting anyone to see him with Kaido's daughter, Lucas went to the backyard of the factory and invited her.

He sent Robin and Mikita to rest.

Yamato entered the SMILE Factory and looked around with amazement as she saw the little guys working hard to produce fruits from different kinds. "Oh, those guys are too cute." She asked, seeing them around the small fruit trees, working. But then, she noticed the fruits' shape.

"So, this is the source of the Fruits that Gorilla wanted to get," Yamato said, not knowing that Doflamingo had a factory of these because she didn't know Doflamingo.

Since no one remembers the deal with Doflamingo neither what he told them, all they could remember that some gang was giving them the fruits until Lucas took them down. Though, Kaido is still remembering Yamato telling him about a factory.

"Ah." Lucas nodded.


"Are you hungry?"

Lucas heard a voice and turned to see Yamato holding her stomach while producing a sound.

When their eyes met, she laughed and said, "Well, it had been a few days since I ate. The sea was cruel, and no one wanted to feed someone with dragon horns. It would be nice if you had some big cooked sheep."

Yamato said, smiling, and somehow embarrassed as she rubbed the back of her head and looked at Lucas with begging eyes.

"You have the big stomach for sure," Lucas let a sigh and lowered his head.

"I'm a big person."

Lucas shook his head.

Girls usually would blush when they notice a guy staring at them after hearing noises coming from their stomach, but not Yamato. A few moments later, Lucas prepared a quick meal. They were inside the backyard of the factory. It was a vast yard with green grace and some flowers planted in the corners. It was a very nice place to sit and relax.

Lucas watched her finishing the second steak that was big as him. It was an amazing speed that she can put his appétit, Calorina's and Alvida's to shame... maybe not Alvida since she doesn't gain weight.

But somehow, Lucas felt warmth and hid his proud smile. As a cooker, he had that feeling when a girl finishes his meals no matter how much they are.

"Lucas, this is delicious. I think I made the right decision. You are trustworthy marine and Warlord for sure." Yamato patted her stomach and m.o.a.ned. This is the most delicious food she had, it melted in her mouth and made her regain her energy.

Seeing that she trusted him quickly, Lucas asked. "Now, would you tell me, how the hell did you know I'm Zorro, and who else knows that," Lucas said.

Yamato untied her silver blond hair, letting it fell on her back, and shook her head.

She gave Lucas a weird gaze like he had missed something. "Did you forget what you have done?"

"Would you remind me?", Lucas smiled. Yamato thought that he may be testing her.

'Well, Sugar made me forget... my old self made a short summary of what I had done. Nothing includes the beast pirates other than that I made a note about Jack.'

'The only reason I promoted was that the Five Elders asked me to deal with Doflamingo. Jack came here for the factory after I kicked Doflamingo, but in fact, he came here for my head. But in my memory, he only came for my head...I'll ask that toy (Doflamingo) later to confirm those doubts.'

Lucas thought as Yamato's appearance made him pay attention to some strings. Lucas felt funny when thinking about Doflamingo, who he can't remember. But he knew he made the right decision. Lucas can always protect himself but not the factory.

'It's the only couple of months. The Navy and the World would be under me... why can't people let me relax.'

"Okay, so let me tell you. You had called the gorilla when you killed his gang suppliers of the SMILE and took over the sh.i.p.s. After some conversation, you left that old Gorilla speechless as you told him that if he dared to mess with you, then you would end the whole pirate Era."

Lucas scanned his memory and tried to recall that event.

All he could remember was Gion's huge chest burying his face, as she was whispering in his ear and telling him that everything is going to be fine. That was a hot memory that recalling it made Lucas feels weird, warmth, hot, and motherly love.

'Don't tell me I am in love with Gion,' Lucas questioned as his heart started to beat faster. But thinking about her and how she is caring, Lucas let a small smile, his little brother was feeling the warmth, and getting hard.

But he quickly shifted his attention to something else.

Okay, here what happened: He never called Kaido? The only reason he may forgot was because it is related to Doflamingo. But Lucas never wrote that down. So, it must be that is related to the person he forgot. Doflamingo must have called Kaido, or, made a stealth call when Lucas had beat his ass.

Seeing that Lucas is thinking deeply, Yamato sighed and continued eating what was left on her plate before licking her lips. This Lucas for sure knows how to make food, the most delicious one in the world. Just tasting this made the trip from Wano, to Whitebeard crew, then to Dressrosa, worthy.

"And your father knows my other identity."

"Ah, don't worry about him; he only drinks until he passes out. He would only clash with you when you clash with him."

"I'm not worried," Lucas said, confidently.

"I knew you were strong, to challenge that geezer like that." Yamato was affected by Lucas calmness after provoking a Pirate Emperor.

"Thanks for praising, I guess. Well, can you tell me what you want," he said.

"I need you to help me achieve my dream and free Wano country. You are strong enough. Let's join hands together and open the borders of Wano country and take that Kaido down."

Yamato put her plate down and stared at Lucas, satisfied with the food. Since he gave her food, she decided that he is a trustworthy person.

Lucas opened his jaw, his lips were twitching.

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