Wano country:

The people on this Japanese like streets went to the corner, looking at the men who passed by them. Walking above the dirt road and heading toward the misty mountain covered by snow, was a group that belongs to the beast pirates.

They were lead by one man with a long nose and curly black hair. Behind him were the Beast Pirates, lifting a cage on their shoulders.

"Take them to prison."

The long-nosed man in front waved his hand at his men and gave them the orders.

"Yes, Captain Usopp,"

The men who were holding the cage nodded with a firm voice, as they shook the cage, which held a middle-aged blonde woman and a black-haired man.

If Lucas was here, he would have recognised the caged people. If Calorina was here, she would have gone berserk.

"Awe." the fan three girls blushed and looked at Usopp while holding their cheeks. They felt aroused by the way he was ordering as they were looking at his nose.

Usopp ignored the thots behind him – they want his nose, not him – and gave the last order, "Be careful with these two, you know that they are to go a special place, a hidden one. I don't need to explain myself, do I."

His voice was chilly.

"Yes Captain Usopp, I'll personally watch over them," said one of the Beast Pirates.

After getting a node from Usopp, the Beasts pirates went to a specific location, exclusive to their group. Meanwhile, Usopp cracked his back, had used a towel to clean his nose after he put some oil there, and got up on his ride. He used a dinosaur-like creature, slightly bigger than a horse, which made his travel much easier.

After a short time, more or less than 20 minutes, Usopp was standing in front of a cave. He gulped his saliva and made a furious look on his face.

He made his steps in. Inside the cave was Kaido, sitting and looking at the long-nosed dwarf.

Kaido was drinking slightly, not like the way he used to do. Though Usopp had come back, Kaido's mind seemed to be absent.

���Father, I have come back...."

Usopp, looking at the giant, understood that he has to report. He slowly bowed to Kaido and made his report of how he went to East Blue, destroyed a house, and killed a Dojo master who tried to resist them from burning his place.

Kaido kept sipping his drink, slowly, while hearing the report.

Usopp had shut his mouth and kept looking at Kaido, who seemed to mind absent.

Usopp was confused– was Kaido angry, sad, or drunk – until he heard Kaido's voice.

"Yamato is missing," said Kaido, his tone was vicious, yet calm.


Usopp opened his eyes widely. Yamato, that dragon girl, was his fiancée who knew his deepest secret.

He always saw her as a pretty girl, who always being shackled. The second girl who fixed his broken heart. He was the one who helped her, by telling her 'just pretend that you are okay with me, and things are going to be fine.'

That changed her relationship with her father, letting her getting less beat before she becomes free.

But still, Usopp thought that Kaido was always a better father than Yasopp.

Kaido opened his mouth and explained the situation.

"I should've never given you the keys. I should have kept her shackles. That stupid son."

Kaido pored the rest of the Sake to his mouth, then he swept the remaining drops on his chin.

"Not only so, but there was a fire that day that blew my factory. Something is fishy here, that stupid kid must have gone in danger. I know her... him... whatever. The point is, she may be in danger. I suspect a person from the Whitebeard crew."

Kaido said, not knowing if Yamato escaped or something had happened to her.

No matter how annoying that kid was, it was still his kid, after all. And the only reason he beat her like that was for one simple purpose. Kaido, as a young person, was captured and tortured, not to mention he had many death sentences in his right. All of that torture and beating made him stronger until he reached the degree that nothing in this world can kill him. Since his daughter had half of his blood and was from the same race, Kaido had beat her occasionally, which made her get stronger by time. And seeing that she always took that beating, since she was 8 years old child, she gained his respect and he started calling her son.

Usopp just stood there, clenched his fist, a purple dark aura was getting out of his body.

He couldn't believe that his Yamato in danger after she smiled at him and convinced him to give her keys to her shackles so they have s.e.x. But they didn't have it. Not only so, but she may also be in danger. Could she have escaped? No, Yamato can't do that. Anyone sees her innocent big eyes and long ashes can't think otherwise; unless he was from East Blue where large people are rare.

"I will find her, Mister Kaido."

"Later..." Kaido, with his eyes red, said.

Usually, he would explode in anger, but he just fought with Whitebeard, the strongest man, before coming here.

That old man; pathetic as always. Whitebeard still can't kill him, like everyone else – including Kaido himself.

"Linlin had given me his number." Kaido said, "I'm already angry. That arrogant Lucas, I'll teach him a lesson; after he dared to destroy my dream... hehe... a kid says he ends my Era... hehe."

Kaido laughed.

Usopp snapped out of his deep thoughts about his beloved Yamato, the dragon girl, though she was twice as him. She is still a beloved girl, after all, a beautiful one with big eyes and long eyelashes, she was a pearl in his eyes, but he can't see that pearl anymore.

Though it was sad, it was time to focus on what is important.

"Yes, father."

"Good job by bringing those two."Kaido smiled, "I bet he is confused... after seeing his dojo and master died, he must be sleepless, hehe."

"Now, it's time to pay him a call. Bring me my DenDenMushi. "

Usopp smirked as he followed Kaido, who was smiling viciously. Whatever Lucas did, he surely crossed the line.

He crossed the line more than the time he had to witness Kaya, at her mansion yard, half-n.a.k.e.d, sitting on Lucas's crotch, and kissing him while pressing her body on him – he

It was time for that asshole Blondie to learn his lesson.

He still can remember it to each detail, how he saw his crush dancing on a man's belly; then him getting his ass beaten by his crush when he met her again in East Blue.

But that wasn't the reason he hated Lucas.

'Damn him...' Usopp clenched his fists. It was something else that angered him. After he had lost his consciousness that day, Lucas threw him to the sea with his boat, and Usopp had to face a storm that had changed him and his whole life.

The storm that guided him to meet his previous crew. But, all of them died in front of his eyes, in a horrible way, and because of him.

He then met that blonde man, a tall, with long hair and sky blue eyes. He had mistaken him accidentally for Lucas. But in the end, that Blondie laughed and offered him something not even the Pirate King can offer you, a fruit that was never seen before, a very powerful one.



At the garden of the SMILE Factory, sitting at a table of two persons, one huge woman – slightly two times taller than the average person – with dragon horns, big beautiful eyes, a huge chest and delicate body, was sitting.

Her silver long hair was tied in a lock. Her big eyes, under her long eyelashes, were scanning the handsome man sitting in front of her.

She was wearing a new kimono, sleeveless, and crossing her legs while staring at the person in front of her.

On the white table, there is a plate of food in front of each one of them.

The beautiful dragon woman, Yamato was sitting at this table after she got a visit from Lucas when she was training.

He had given her a big surprise when he cut her training and told her that they should talk before he proceeded to make this beautiful table and this delicious food.

Yamato didn't say no and sat in front of Lucas, the one she is putting her dreams on.

But the thing is, Yamato, who was opposing him, felt that this was like a date.

"Yamato, I have been thinking a lot during this time." Lucas's voice was so sweet and his eyes were showing a full passion as he looked at the huge beauty in front of him. "I have been thinking about The dream of Wano. I have been thinking about us."

"Mr Lucas..." Yamato's long eyelashes shook, trying to understand why Lucas is giving such a warm smile, "It can't be..."

Lucas nodded at her shaking face.

"You had read my sacred book!!!" Yamato was excited, as she asked about the book she gave Lucas as a gift. "Quickly, tell me, how was it."

"It was so good." Lucas smiled, his relatively little hand moved.

Yamato blinked when she saw Lucas putting his palm on the back of her hand.

"So good that it drove me. How should I call you, Oden, or Yamato," said Lucas, with his tone that uses to pick up girls.

He didn't hesitate to rub against her hand as he looked directly at her wide-opened eyes.

To Yamato, Lucas's voice, at this moment, was very sweet in her ears. His small touch gave a feeling that can't be described by words.

Her eyes shone as she said hesitantly and smiled gently, "call me Yamato."

Lucas smiled.

Kaido has his uncle and aunts, fine.

Lucas has his daughter.

Let's see what happens when a pirate play with a previous gangster.

"Yamato...your book, was so moving that my heart shook when I read it," Lucas said –He didn't read the book at all – his words seemed to move this fangirl. "and I kept thinking about you ever since."

His finger started to rub gently against the back of her hand.

Though, Lucas planned to visit Yamato later, because he found her lovely and cute sometimes, not to mention she was very beautiful.

He wanted to have such date in different circ.u.mstances, and have some warm time with her and tease this cute big girl.

But her father had made them getting closer sooner than he thought.

Lucas would need someone who knows Wano well. And this beauty is the key.

He is now trying to convince her by joining to his side and becoming his girl.

Two birds with one rock.

Yamato felt a sparkling feeling running across her whole body when Lucas moved his fingers on her hand – her emotions seemed to rise. She usually would take her hand back as it made her feel like a woman. But, the feeling was too good to be hated, and she felt it was no harm.

She rested her head on her other hand, elbow on the table, and stared at Lucas, letting her face get closer.

"Which part moved you?" Yamato asked, feeling aroused by the second as she kept staring at Lucas. This kind of chats was the type she used to talk about. She had found this chat or date as it looked to be amusing.

Lucas didn't know how to answer this question as he didn't read the book. However, he used his future vision to make up a logical answer, and test it.

After three seconds, Lucas smiled and said, "The part about having a kid and responsibility."

"Waah, you have read that part," still feeling his touch, Yamato's cheeks turned red when an arousing, stronger feeling was hitting her.

"Yes, indeed. And now, I want to help you achieve your dream – Freeing Wano – no, our dream."

Lucas half-closed his eyes as he looked at her hand. It was slender and still as smooth as every woman's hand. It had plenty of skin to kiss though.

"Seriously," Yamato chuckled. These words of Lucas were like music.

"Ah... but I wonder, would you help me, even if it meant to go against your father... I know it may be hard for you, so, I won't –"

All of the sudden, Lucas found Yamato's hand slipping away from his hand. Yamato smiled at his face and put her hand on top of his hand, covering it completely, and rubbing against it. Lucas smiled weirdly when he didn't see his hand, but he quickly made eye contact with her.

She stared at her hand before saying, clicking her tongue, "Tsk, don't mention ugly gorilla. It would ruin this pretty mood. Let's eat, and then, think of a plan to open Wano's borders "

Yamato had a big and gentle smile as she stared at Lucas. He looked to be very cute (shota) in her eyes. She had such thought when Lucas played with her hand, licked her chest when she hugged him, and slowly, her instinct as a grown woman pinched her. it was a matter of strong will that Lucas is still sitting in his place.

Lucas smiled, genuinely. And, Bingo, Kaido's girl is in his side. She would surely come handy.

Lucas was aware that he can go directly to Wano. But his priority isn't to punish Kaido, but to save his uncle and aunt, and he needed Yamato to provide help.

The two of them started to eat, and the mood was getting better.

Lucas looked at Yamato who looked like she could devour everything. She looked to get stronger physically, and her body became more toned. Her way of eating was cute for sure, but slow and gentle.

"Just this."

"Thank you, I had been tired after training so much." Yamato smiled and ate to her heart content.

Lucas envied her for a second, unlike some people who have to work their way, like him, some just are born with superior natural strength, such her and Linlin.

"Mmm... by the way Lucas." Yamato, after finishing, decided to ask Lucas a question.


"Though it sounds dishearten, I want to know, are you aware of that Gorilla's power?"

Yamato said. She didn't want to act recklessly, though she knew that Lucas had defeated Jack easily. Kaido is still a very strong individual, as he is the Strongest Creature despite being a man for a reason.

"I'm sure that we can do it."

"Amazing." Yamato gasped in admiration as she kept staring at Lucas's face, wanting to pinch his cheek.

For the first time, Yamato found someone to share her dream with. She leaned her back forward, letting her face approach Lucas's.

The way he talked to her today had surely left an impact on her, on her heart with such words.

Yamato put both of her elbows on the table, and supported her face with her hands, looking at Lucas from a closer distance.

"I want to see your face up close, my Toki." She said in a sweet voice, and was sure that Lucas would understand the reference when she said, Toki

(Toki: The name of Oden's wife, and the Nuclear Jesus in another anime.)

'Who is Toki, again.'

Lucas lifted his head and saw Yamato's face getting closer, her face full of warmth and smiles.

Now, all he has to do is to stand up and steal the kiss. But her face was quite far.

'It's okay; it's not the first time I did that. At some point, I used to jump... But still, I can't make myself look insecure. I have to do it with my power... okay, slowly and naturally.'

Lucas mind was working to make everything flowing naturally. Just with one look at Yamato, he could tell that she is taken by him.

"Really... Toki."

"Yes... I guess you will be my Toki" Yamato smiled, thinking it's a fun game. Her heart started to beat faster.

Putting his hand on the table and standing up, Lucas seemed all of the sudden to cross a long distance, stand up, and made his way slowly to her lips.

All of the sudden, His inside pocket started to vibrate.

*Bero* *Bero*

"Ha," the sound of the snail made Lucas and Yamato both snapped back. Yamato had a strong blush running across her face. Did she, just now, almost have her first kiss?

Lucas narrowed his eyebrows. He saw the future, and he knew exactly who was calling him. Kaido.

Lucas quickly stood up and picked up the call, his expression changed 180 degrees all of the sudden.

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