The island that Lucas and Aokiji were fighting at had more than its half got frozen. Aokiji was hiding in the corners between the frozen lands, trying to take care of Lucas's advantages. Lucas was trying to defeat Aokiji in the fastest time possible, while the latter wanted to use the time to his advantage.

And even if Domino fought, the ice won't transfer the lightning charge, and thus he has a shield around him. But that doesn't prevent the possibility that lightning may be wrapped by armament Haki.

(Ice from pure water doesn't transfer charge. Well, if it isn't pure, then the charge would take less effect.)

Now, his toughest foe was standing at the middle of the Ice.

Before coming here, he had a conversation with the previous Fleet Admiral.

'Aokiji, we must not let someone who is 16 years old take over the Navy... it would bring a lot of troubles.'

'I understand.'

'No, the kid is too strong, even Garp would need to go all out. That's what I'm worried...'


'No worry, unlike Akainu, he doesn't have advantage on your ice either can melt it... however, he has killer-moves, you have to be careful of King Punch, it can destroy this island... do not let him warm-up, do you hear me, make it so cold. He can't melt the ice anyway, so you should have an advantage as the battle goes. Also, try to make the ground slide, he won't move freely.'

Sengoku acted like a boxing coach before coming here while giving him a strategy to defeat Lucas.

The longer the battle goes, the more advantage Aokiji has.

Lucas stood in the middle of the ice, staring at the frozen grass and trees in front of him.

Unlike Aokiji, who has all the time in the world, Lucas has a very tight time. He must not take long, or, the resurrection operation in Wano would take longer than he may think.

"Tsk," Lucas clicked his tongue

His foe was trying to do the opposite what he wants.

Lucas turned his head and looked at the far Marine battlesh.i.p.s. There are many higher-ups here to witness the results. Some of them have prepared beds and food, as they are expecting this to take a long time.

*Sph* *Sph*

Around Lucas, endless ice spears and bullets were flying toward him, with another cold layer coming from the ground, trying to freeze him again.

Still looking at the higher-ups, Lucas decided that it's time to show his strength.

XP, this time, can go to hell.

That would be left for later, to Wano.

Lucas stood still and looked at the attacks coming from every direction; a smirk was drawn on his face as the time seemed to go slower. His lips started to move.

"Aokiji, if you can't fight like man, don't hide like a bitch."

Lucas extended his hands to two different directions as he squatted. Around him, an almost visible, yet transparent, sphere appeared.

<<Six King Gun: level 18>>


Creating a big booming sound, the sphere around Lucas exploded and went to every direction.

Usually, when using his max physical strength and whole body to use this technique, with this high level, the shockwave would be 90-100 meter in diameter, without mentioning how strong the shockwave already is, and it's the peak of the six powers.

<<More More: Size x180>>

<<More More: strength x180>>

Strong wind surged. The ice around Lucas started to break as a giant shockwave spread from his body and destroyed everything on its way.

Lucas on purpose didn't increase the speed of the shockwave, so Domino would have a chance to get away.

Domino saw this and knew it was wrapped with Haki. Turning into a lightning bolt, she quickly dodged and went up to the sky to find a cloud to hide beneath.

"What the hell," someone from the battlesh.i.p.s commented, seeing the big shockwave destroying everything.

"Such an attack," Sengoku, who was holding a goat, opened his eyes as wide as possible.

It seems like Lucas had another technique.

When the shockwave became near the beach, strong winds hit the beach, making the battlesh.i.p.s move away.

Very soon, Six King Gun wrapped the whole island and destroyed everything in 18-kilometre diameter.


Dust and snow fell on the ground.

Everyone who came here to witness the battle had witnessed what they didn't expect.

'Why didn't he turn into a giant... ?' Zephyr, who taught most of the HQ, questioned as he saw Lucas not using his full potentials.

Gion didn't seem to be surprised as she face-palmed herself, "to act like this, he surely is quite nervous." Since she had spent a long time with him, she knew that Lucas would have to be in not so good mood in order to use his powerful moves.

Back to the island, Lucas looked to the destruction in front of him.

Aokiji was standing; both of his hands were extended forward. It looks like he used his Haki and pushed to create a barrier like an impact. However, it was quite harmful to him as he was bleeding from his head and other parts.

"You are strong for sure... I hadn't put this in the count." Aokiji yelled at Lucas who was 100 meters away and was approaching.

Aokiji cursed his luck. Though his body was very strong compared to the island, his internal organs took damage, even with the barrier he created.

'Such an attack, I can compare it to Whitebeard's attack.'

Aokiji breathed heavily as he looked around. This island, his ice, was destroyed.

Maybe he should freeze it more, or, he should take this battle to the sea, where Aokiji can use his ice powers to his advantage.

"So what if you had that in the count," Lucas said; his gaze was cold.


Before Aokiji could even make a plan in his head, Lucas appeared next to him in an instant.

Aokiji was surprised and was about to react quickly, as he saw Lucas's both hands turning pitch black.

Such speed was too fast even for an Admiral's Haki to detect.

<<More-More: speed x180>>

<<More-More: strength x180>>

<<200 crack fist>>

Aokiji didn't see anything as he was about to raise his hands in defence.

But then, instead of attacking, Aokiji saw Lucas giving him his back instead of attacking.

"It's already over," said Lucas, walking away.

He has no time to waste on an Admiral.

Such move, even Garp had to fall and puke blood despite his Haki and legendary physical strength – so let alone a simple Admiral.

"Wha-" Before Aokiji could even notice it, deep blow marks appeared on his body. He suddenly found himself flying backwards.

Aokiji fell to the ground, a huge amount of blood flew out of his mouth as he started to feel pain, his bones are broken in many spots, even when he used his Haki besides of his physical strength, it wasn't enough to defend.

Only now his Haki told him; Lucas had punched him 200 times.

Aokiji, who fell on the far beach of this destroyed place, lifted his head, trying to say something.

But then, Aokiji felt his vision getting blurry. Soon, he lost his conscious.

[Ding: Defeating an Admiral +13 million XP]

[Boxing +100.000 XP]

'What a waste of a good punching bag.'

Lucas lowered his head and looked at the defeated Admiral and lifted his him, appearing on another ship, and throwing the admiral to a doctor.

'Well, this took less than I expected.'

Lucas didn't hold back here. Aokiji would die if he didn't get treated... Well, it's not like Lucas care.

"I taught him that," Garp, who also came to witness this, said as he was eating potato ch.i.p.s. If anyone looked closely at his eyes, they would see a tear of pride falling on his cheek.

'The brat is growing so fast.'

"Wow, little Vice Admiral is strong for sure." One of the girls in Tsuru ship, who happened to meet with Lucas's once, didn't expect such young man to be this strong.

Looking at Lucas, who appeared amid the battlesh.i.p.s, no one spoke a word. Such strength rendered them speechless.

After their shock had warned off, Lucas was announced as the winner, since Domino withdrew from the completion.

Lucas didn't seem to be happy, neither in the mood to celebrate as he was looking at the Vivre-Card in his storage (Yamato's card).

Now, he has to go.

"Now, would you like to attend your ceremony, Lucas?" Z said as he approached Lucas, who had the right to issue that order.

Lucas suddenly patted his arm and said, "This fight took longer than I had expected, I'm tired, and I think it's my right to rest for few days."


Everyone that heard him looked at Lucas with shocked eyes.

You just finished off an Admiral in less than ten minutes, and now, you are saying that you are tired! At least respect our minds. Okay, maybe this happened to fast and Lucas maybe is nervous, this is understandable.

Even Sengoku, who witnessed Garp and Lucas fighting for days, knew that Lucas is perfectly fine.

'This brat,' Sengoku had tears streaming from his eyes. The marines are done, by a 16 years old youngster, who is 30 years old in soul.

Without waiting, Lucas excused himself and went to his ship, followed by Domino. Then, his ship started to sail toward his base, using the excuse that he needs to rest.

No one had a chance to say something to him.

"Things are happening too fast," Tsuru said, rubbing her head.

"Yes big sis," replied Gion. "He is passing by some sort of problem, his mood isn't good."

Gion looked to be a bit sad.

"A problem." Tsuru looked back at Gion and questioned.

"Don't you know," Gion lowered her head and let a long sigh. She said, "Lucas's home was attacked, his family is missing, and his teacher

"Oh, he will get used to it," replied Tsuru.

And so, each ship moved.

Lucas had made a date, three days later; he would make a ceremony of promotion. Until then, he said he would sleep for a long time to recuperate.


At the same time, Yamato was looking at the endless blue sea, thinking deeply about what had happened yesterday, as she became a real woman.

"Yamato," came a quiet voice behind her.

Yamato's heart almost jumped, but then she calmed down, smiled, and slowly turned to see Lucas behind her.

"Oh, you didn't take a long time... I didn't miss you in this short while."

Yamato said as she showed her excitement.

Lucas smiled, "well, I said I'll be back quickly."

"Sure you did."

Lucas turned his head, and then he took two Eternal Poses.

"I already brought two people," Lucas said, patting Yamato's perky butt.

Inside his storage, some people will come handy in this operation.

He looked at Yamato, who surely has a vast knowledge of Wano.

"two?" Yamato questioned.

"Yes," Lucas then offered her a seat.

"Are they strong?"

"Strong enough to assure things would go smoothly."

As Yamato sat, Lucas placed his hands on her shoulder and started to massage it. Yamato m.o.a.ned in relaxation, and soon, Lucas's hands went to the relaxation spots.

"Now, sleep and take a nap." Lucas was repeating these words.

In five minutes, despite her stamina and will, Yamato decided to give up as Lucas was begging her to sleep.

"It would be weird to lift her while she is awake." Lucas rubbed his head as he murmured.

Yamato's body then vanished to thin air, like it never was in this world.

Lucas's face became colder as he looked at the direction which the compass point at, his face was so cold.

Then, in instant, Lucas vanished in thin air, like he never was there.

It's time to end the Great Pirate Era.

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