Wano Country:

Lucas, Yamato, Viola and Sugar were inside a restaurant, talking quietly.

The girls had changed their clothes to a group of kimonos, so they wouldn't draw attention. As for Yamato, she didn't change her wearing and said that nobody knows as her as a woman. Well, it seems that the dragon girl had been convinced that she is a woman and not a man after she had s.e.x with Lucas.

To get to their current place, they had crossed a forest, then an isolated village that was full of hungry people and poisoned wells. After that, there was an isolated land full of beasts, but with Lucas's Haki, those beasts kept their way.

Now, they are in a very poor village before the Flower Capital.

The Flower Capital where the samurais, and the Japanese like people, are living under Kaido and Orochi's rule.

Of course, Yamato was showing them the way.

Before coming to this place, Viola had made a scan to Wano country, using her vision that got its range extended thanks to Lucas's blessing ability.

'Lucas, it seems there are a dragon and someone following him, both are travelling in the opposite direction and they are 300 miles away,' that what Viola said as she was looking at Kaido, who was travelling in his dragon form.

'Let him go, once he is back, I'll show him.' Lucas had replied.

His reply gained the shock of the girls who knew what's going on. Lucas's was angry, yet he was holding himself. It was like a simple smack on the back won't satisfy him. Maybe his priority is to save his relatives and letting the fight with Kaido for later.

'But that Gorilla would come back, and things may–' Yamato was talking angrily, as the memories of Kaido beating her countless times, sometimes near to death, flashed in her head.

She wanted to fight with her father. But at the same time, she wanted to achieve her dream of opening the borders of Wano with her lover.

'All though I want to kill him,' Lucas cut her words and let a smile. 'Unfortunately, I have a conscious. A simple fight won't satisfy me.'


Now, inside that restaurant before the Flower Capital, which had no one to serve since the food was rare.

"Viola, look for them please," Lucas said as he placed two pictures on the table. Those were Calorina

Viola nodded and closed her eyes, scanning Wano country. With her enhanced ability, she can see up to 500 miles; and walls can't do a thing.

However, since this is a country and has many people, it would be hard to scan everyone without a clue to start.

Viola, who tied her hair, wore a red kimono, which was lifted by her huge chest to reach her knees, opened her mouth to talk. "It would be good if I had a direction to look to."

Yamato, who was looking at Lucas all the time, found the eyes on her. She tried to remember and pointed to one direction, "this is usually where that ugly Gorilla keeps his prisoners."

Viola didn't need to look at that direction. She put her focus there trying to look for her fiancée's relatives. With her ability, she could see everyone in this room and this city – poor, people here are starving.

"What a miserable place," Viola commented with a sad expression, her vision caught everything.

Yamato flinched a bit while Sugar didn't seem to care with their sad story as she was playing with her hair.

"I think I like this dress," Sugar broke the silence as she looked at her Kimono.

Lucas could feel a deep gaze on him from big eyes and turned his head to make eye contact with Yamato.

"Is there something in your mind?" Lucas could tell that she wasn't feeling ease.

"I want to know." Yamato, who has been staring at Lucas all along, said, "how are you planning to open the borders... the legend has yet to be fulfilled and that clan has yet to come back. Alone, I can't see a path that we are going to do that without gathering power or anything. I can't see how you are going to free Wano and your relatives at the same time."

Yamato said what in her mind.

She was eager to free this country, but she wasn't stupid to think wishfully.

"Silly girl, though you are this big, you can't see it straight." Lucas let a smile.

In his hand, there was a mirror, which, instead of reflecting the light, reflected Lucas's step daughter's face.

Before coming here, there was one big mirror left in a hidden place.

Yamato frowned. "Little Lucas, what do you mean."

"Don't you just have to get rid of governs and everything would be fine," Lucas said.

What was taken with force can only be taken back with force?

World War 2 from Earth had proved it.

"Oh..." Sugar was looking between them while eating a gr.a.p.e. "Like you did in Dressrosa."

After getting her abilities improved, Sugar remembered Doflamingo.

After thinking about him, she realised that she is happier with Lucas. Well, although Doflamingo's fate was sad, her conscious seemed to be fine.

Suddenly, Viola flinched, as she was looking carefully at Kaido's prison.

The people who were inside the prison, other than the bulky ones, had something covering their faces.

Viola focused her vision on the 500 miles radius, almost covering the whole Wano, and looked to the people in this country; she even looked behind the walls and violated some people's privacy, which made her cringe.

'Ugh, is that even foreplay... ugh... cringe,' her vision passed by a 6 meters tall man and a 2 meters woman, and, you can't just think of how much Viola had to pay to find Lucas's objects.

Even in brothels...

"Viola, what is it," Lucas asked. He saw her expression and knew that something was off.

Viola opened her eyes and said, "I didn't find them there"

Lucas flinched. If Viola didn't' find them, then this only means that they aren't here.

Yamato screamed, "Impossible, there is no way that Ugly Sadistic Gorilla do those... at best, he would leave them as Hostages so he would use them in order to switch you to his side."

Yamato had suffered from her father and knew his mind. He is someone who likes strong individuals, even if they were his enemies. He doesn't kill them, instead, he breaks their fighting spirit in order to make them unstoppable slaves. That would be the case, especially for Lucas, who actually beat an Admiral and soon would pass by his promotion ceremonies to become the Fleet Admiral.

Or not, since Lucas threatened to bang Kaido's daughter and wife. Things are more intense here. Though, that promise was 50% fulfilled.

"Now," Lucas said, as he saw the near future and knew what Viola is going to say next.

"... It's like; some prisoners had their faces covered by the same mask."

Viola said. In her vision, in that prison, the small people – hers and Lucas's category – were wearing masks over their faces.

Viola tried to look past them, but because of the tight masks, she could see skulls and behind the clothes. But she couldn't see the face. She would need to get closer.

Viola's visions went to other regions; some people were wearing this mask.

"Inserting," said Sugar, looking at Lucas's calm expression. Someone is going to pay a heavy price. "I'll turn your enemies into toys, Daddy." She smiled and put a gr.a.p.e into her mouth. With her here – the one-touch woman– Kaido's army would become a bunch of toys if this was done correctly. Heck, even Kaido would lose. And that what you call, a cheat among cheats.

Viola opened her eyes all of the sudden, shaking her head.

"Well, he isn't dumb as I thought," Lucas said.

He lowered his head and thought about some casual information from the Manga.

The World Government wants to open Wano's borders. But because of Orochi, who rules here in Kaido's name, they couldn't. Of course, the World Government's presenters here are CP0, their special unite.

Apparently, since Kaido realised that Lucas, who is a high ranked Marine, knows about his relatives, there was a chance that the Blondie may ask for the help of the World Government,

"There is no way that old Geezer thinks about this, let's go and find them with force," Yamato said, as she took her macer and stood up, hitting the roof with her horns.

With her strength, which she inherited from Kaido, the strongest creature, boosted more than hundred times, she knew that it would be an easy task to wipe them. Not to mention having magma Logia power is a very huge boost in offence side.

"Well, and then, someone can appear from nowhere

Lucas said. He doesn't have the power of flashback plus friendship power to save his ass in such a situation.

So it wasn't wise to act recklessly.

"That's... we need to think." Yamato sat down and blushed, as she was about to charge and fight. But Lucas's word

She looked at him and felt amazed.

Lucas was the calmest one here and the most rational, even though he is supposed to be driven by his emotions. After all, his relatives are here, and the one who killed his teacher is soon here.

Maybe she should go and asks her mom... the owner of a brothel next Kaido's mansion.

But, would she really help them, especially if she knew her objective.

Suddenly, Lucas broke the silence and looked at Viola.

He took a map and placed it at the table.

"In your guess, with your vision, tell me, how long it would take for Kaido to go to this point, and come back to this point," Lucas asked since he knew that with Viola's vision, she would have already calculated all of Kaido's moves, speed.

Viola smiled, teasing, at Lucas who was n.a.k.e.d in her eyes.

"Mmm... around a day and a half to go, and a day to come back angry... my guess would be two days and a half, or three days."

Lucas shook his head.

"Lucas, I forgot to ask," Yamato said, "How fast are you... how much did it take you to get here."

Hearing that Kaido, in his dragon form, would take more than a day to arrive at their spot, made Yamato thinks about it now. How much Lucas is fast to arrive at Wano in a very short time while Kaido had barely left his seat.

Lucas stood up and patted her cheek, "I don't know. Maybe one minute, or ten minutes. Adrenaline makes you experience time differently."

"Wow," Yamato said, "then by that time–"

Before Yamato could complete her words, Lucas said something shocking.

"The Pirate Era would end," Lucas had absolute confidence, as he already made a long plan.

Linlin, budged increased, and Lucas's stepsons are in their way here.

The mirror, which his step daughter made, is placed somewhere safe.

Everyone at the table flinched.

"And Wano would be opened to the world. Isn't that right, Oden?" Lucas looked at Yamato who had her jaw opened.

Yamato reached her hand to Lucas and caressed his hair, "I prefer if you call me Yamato..." she said, as Oden won't have a chance with Lucas's D. So, she favoured to abandon that identity and accept being a woman.

"Now, Viola, tell me if that ass with a long nose is here," Lucas asked. His tone showed a killing intent as he still remembers the pictures that Smoothie showed him

Viola shook her head no.

Lucas let a heavy breath out of his mouth. He took a cigarette and lit it up, "how about we start plan B."

"Plan B?"

"Yeah, I just came up with it."

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