Both of Lucas and Yamato were sitting inside a big vast room, facing a giant beauty with blue eyes and golden hair and Dragon horns as well, her face was pretty and her skin was like the snow, flawless. But what was most attractive about her, was her fat ass – it was big, perky, and had the shape of the heart. The chest was just perfect as well.

Lucas, because of his personal matter, decided that she would become his by the time Kaido and that long nose bastards come back to Wano.

"So Yamato, and Lucas, I suppose that you had a good time while making me wait here. Ara~ luckily, I am patient."

Supporting her thin chin with her hand, her elbow on her big thigh, Maria let her face gets closer to Kaido's daughter and her boyfriend's face. Smoking from her pipe, she tried her best not to chuckle when she saw Yamato turn her red face to the other side and Lucas pretended as nothing did happen. You can't trick the owner of a brothel.

"Nothing really."

Yamato said, turning her eyes.

Lucas nodded. He had done nothing, except taking the hostages back under their noses. And now, he won't do anything, but to fulfil his promise, before claiming the country of Wano.

"Yamato, it's okay to be a woman. There is nothing to be ashamed of. " Maria teased Yamato a bit and let a smoke cloud out of her mouth. She couldn't help but feel what the kind of look that Lucas is giving her, and she ignored it.

Seeing that Lucas is calm, she decided to ask, "If you came to a brothel to look for your objective, then it's useless. The fact that you came here alone, with Kaido's daughter, means that you had added fuel to fire. Wouldn't be better to do things calmly and rationally."

"Whatever." Lucas relaxed his shoulders and took a cigarette from thin air, no one wondered from where it came. "You started this, and I shall end it.

"No, you did," Black Maria said, half closing her blue eyes, "you were the one who called Kaido first and made that declaration. Did you think that nothing would come after that? Now you have his daughter, what do you think Kaido would do?"

Of course, Lucas didn't make that declaration to Kaido; neither would he remember it if not for Doflamingo telling him.

It was just a coincidence, a conflict that happened due to Sugar's ability.

"If it's a war, so be it," said Lucas calmly, exhaling some smoke.

Both of Yamato and Maria flinched for different reasons after they heard Lucas.

Calming herself, Maria asked, "Ha~ you are poor and young," the fact that Lucas was 16 wasn't hidden, "but, you would have to give up on Yamato if you want things to become peacefully... I would suggest that you would complete the exchanging with Kaido peacefully somewhere else. Otherwise, a war between Pirates and Marines would happen.

"Ha, though it's not my business, I enjoy a peaceful life and don't like wars."

"I don't think so, Blondie," Lucas said; smoking and talking without making the cigarette losing its balance in his mouth. "Yamato is my family as well. It's all or all."

Yamato made an emotional expression and stared at Lucas. Would he really go this far, to tell Maria that he won't give her up? She even forgot that Lucas had confirmed that he had already saved the hostages.

Maria took a long time, not moving her pipe from her hand. "You are both are unlucky children," she said and smoke again.

"Excuse me." Lucas flinched as he stared at Black Maria who gave him a pitying look.

"Hey, I told you not to call me that," Yamato yelled.

Since she was young, whenever Kaido beat her, Maria was the one to treat her and call her poor child. But she knew that Maria is more loyal to Kaido side. Probably, the only reason she is acting peacefully is that she doesn't know what Lucas may do.

"Well Yamato, I'm happy that you found a man that loves you and you love him back; not that Usopp."

Lucas, hearing Maria's words, almost got chocked by his smoke. Kaido wanted to marry Yamato to Usopp. 'What the fu**'

To know the truth, Lucas asked the right questions through the future vision. Then, when he came back to the present, he didn't even care.

Lucas covered his face with his palm. 'One Piece World's Bizarreness, level up.'

"Don't mention him," Yamato said.

"Haha..." Maria chuckled and said, "True, so, if you hide, I may be able to calm Kaido..."

Lucas suddenly decided to break the silence. He pretended to be ignorant, hurt, and sad, but still acting like a behaved boy.

"Aunt Maria, can you tell me where my siblings are."

"Aun..." Maria opened her jaw widely before staring at a near mirror. She had the skin of a woman in peak of her 20, a charm of a woman in her thirty with curves and pretty face, yet, this kid, had called her aunty. But looking at how cute he looks, "...Awe." She said, finding it cute. But her face turned cold. "But no, if I did, either one of us would have to die."

"No way,�� Yamato grabbed Lucas's thigh and clenched her hand on it. The reason that she didn't want to come here was that she didn't want to clash with this woman.

"I understand; I'm not that emotionless and won't force you. Not you, of course." Lucas said, patting Yamato's hand, who quickly understood that Lucas is just bluffing to make things sound natural.

It's all a part of a plan.

Feeling a bit jealous after how she saw Lucas treating Yamato, Black Maria said, "I envy you... at least you have a man close to you." Taking a pipe, she said, "Your father barely cares about me. He is always in that cave drinking. And, if he ever came here, he won't stop mentioning that Linlin."

Upon mentioning Linlin, she turned her face and exhaled smoke.

"Oh... I understand now" Yamato said, looking at Black Maria's facial expression.

This woman, whenever Kaido visits this place, would always wear a happy face and do Kaido's orders perfectly while offering him drinks in happy times.

Only know, after she became a woman in heart, Yamato understood how Maria felt. She must be so frustrated from being ignored by, what she thought, a man from the same race.

Thinking about that, Yamato felt a bit horny. Maybe, after this is over, she would take Lucas to someplace and have s.e.x again, as that was one of the best – if not the best – feeling she had.

"He is stupid, gay maybe" Lucas stood up, looking at his stepmother in law, and said, "You are so beautiful. If Yamato was like the bright moon in the night, you are like the sun in the morning. Come with me, and you won't have to be that frustrated anymore."

Lucas opened his arms widely and gave a priest's, saint's smile.



After a moment of silent, both Yamato and Black Maria stared at Lucas.

Yamato's jaw dropped while Black Maria's pipe fell from her hand and hit the ground.

"Pff, hahaha..." Yamato forced a laugh but stopped when she saw Lucas is totally serious.

'Bingo, she is the abandoned type. I have the most experience with this type of women.' Lucas stared at Maria. The warm smile is still on his face.

Unlike the laughing Yamato, Maria kept staring at Lucas silently. She closed her mouth and kept staring at him. Did this man, who is now paired with Yamato flittered with her, asked her out?

The two kept making eye contact.

Yamato suddenly approached Lucas and whispered, "Lucas, I know you are on the big side, and even can hit my spot. But even so, you can't have this one. Can't you know that things are impossible?"

However, Lucas ignored Yamato, as he knew how girls, no, women like Maria, feel. They won't care more about emotional satisfaction rather than a physical one.

They want to be appreciated, they want to feel like they are women and not some baggage that you threw your ex's story on her like Kaido's doing.

Black Maria sighed and picked up her pipe. "Thanks, but I rather not making things more complicated."

Well, at least, a man should have a finger that is long enough. Lucas is still far from her standards, and she won't bring it... though, the idea of cheating on Kaido seemed to be tempting and dirty.

She stared at Lucas with a half-closed eye, her cheek didn't blush, 'but he isn't that bulky, just perfect. If he used his arm whole body, it would be sure one... no, what am I thinking of.'

"You are still a small kid, for me, Lucas... I believe you should focus on Yamato and what is going next to happen in your life." Though Lucas's offer seemed to be nice, people must be realistic.

"That what I told him," Yamato said as she placed her hand on Lucas's shoulder.

'They are looking down at me.' Lucas smiled as he lifted his head, "It's okay since Yamato told me that you are a mother-like figure, I wanted to be nice."

"Really, did she?" Maria looked at Yamato and felt bad for Lucas now. "Thanks, but no thanks."

"I never did," Yamato opened her eyes as she pinched Lucas's thigh. Did he really have to expose her? "I told him I hate everyone in this crew."

"Too bad then," Maria said teasingly, unknown to her that a beast had captured her heart.

Lucas knew, just the moment she would have think of having s.e.x, just when she has the small idea of cheating, he would succeed. He knew that the moment Maria shook her head. That was an experience Lucas learned from the gym and deliveries and not the system.

"Would you like to have a massage at least? I just want to be nice with you before leaving." Lucas said stretching his arms. "Probably, the next day, we would-be enemies. Let's enjoy a piece of peace."

Hearing him, Maria stretched her legs and placed her hands on the ground beside her h.i.p.s. She lifted her head and started thinking. He is just trying to be nice since Yamato talked nice about her.

"But, it would be quite troublesome," Maria said, "Your hands are quite small, and you may have to spend effort."

"Ha~ Lucas, let's just give up." Yamato sighed as she turned her head to pick up Lucas. But she was shocked when she saw that his head wasn't there. Instead, she had to lift her head when she heard him talking.

"No problem at all," Lucas said cracking his neck.

When Black Maria lowered her head, she made a shocked expression.

Yamato's lips started shaking as well.

Lucas's head was on the same level as hers. Did he grow in instant?

Lucas lifted both of his hands and said," here, my hands aren't that small."

"Lucas!!!" Yamato sounded somehow shocked, as she had to stand up. The man who was half of her height, suddenly become double. She needed to rub her eyes..."You... you liar!" she sounded somehow angry. "You never told me that your fruit can increase your own size."

Yamato couldn't help but stare at him furiously with her big eyes. How dared he to hide something like this?

"Oh, I wanted to leave it a surprise to the next week."

Lucas turned at Yamato. From this angle she looked really cute; he reached her head and messed with her hair. "Just, you know, after a wedding between me and my dragon girl."

"Humph," Yamato stoop up and punched his thigh gently, but well, there is something to look for. "Though, I prefer the small you."

"I'm not that small." Lucas frowned and flicked her forehead. He always felt proud that he could bed Yamato without the help of his fruit.

Yamato humped her cheek, not angry, since the situation is under control, "saying that is what makes you cute..."

"I, Am, Not, Cute," Lucas said. He doesn't like two words, adorable and cute.

"Hey," Maria opened her eyes widely. Unknown to Lucas, she was staring at his abs and crotch for the whole time he talked with Yamato. It was a very fast glance. When Lucas turned his head, he heard Maria, faking a cough, saying, "You are a cute couple... "

"Hey, aunty, as I just said, a massage." Lucas smiled.

According to his knowledge and experience: from 99.99% in the situation of a frustrated female, this move works, and when the massage end, in 99% of cases, with the beginning of the spring.


Some masked green-haired woman playing Japanese guitar at the background.


Meanwhile, Kaido, the blue western dragon, was flying above the Grand Line water. The sea kings and the sea monsters didn't dare to come above the water when they felt the presence of a dragon.

"Here it is," murmured Kaido as he saw the shadow of a ship.

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